Page 3 RECORD-EAGLE, TRAVERSE CITY, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1965 Folk Singers Kalkaska County HASTINGS SANTO INSURANCE AGENCY Now Is The to Appear Here Resident Dies Best Time To NEWS BRIEFS GENERAL INSURANCE SERVICE Hospital Notes Chuck aud Joni Mitchell, a MAXCELONA Jacob A. • BOB FAWCETT • BOB DOPKE Osborn. '77. of Cold Springs husband and wife folk singing 210-11 State Bank Bldg. Dial Wl 6-7045 team, will bo performing to- WEEKEND GUEST— Bailey township in Kalkaska county SEED near Maneelona died Thursday MUNSOH i Miss Jane C. MeLaehlan, Ke- night. Saturday and Sunday eve- Carroll of Livonia arrived Thurs- AND morning at Traverse City Osteo- ADMISS1ONS iwadin; nings at the Bucktooth Clam, a day for a weekend visit at the pathic hospital. Harold Titus, Peninsula Dr; j David Kornoely. Ho ugh ton new coffee-house located at the lioiue of His father. BriRSS Car- Mr. Osborn was born January William R. Stachnik, Gales j Lake: Holiday Ski Lodge oft U. S.-31 roll, und Mrs. Carroll of Board- FEED on Holiday road. man avenue. 31. 1SSS in Gladwin county, was Ferry, Conn: Frederick S. Curtiss, Arrow- Family Life The couple met while working AT LINCOLN COLLEGE — a retired truck driver, and had YOUR LAWN Mrs. Eugene Lewis, Williams-, head Dr: been a resident of the ilaiicel- burg; i Patrick D. Weese, Lake Ann; at the famous "Penny Farthing" Miss Sherry Lynn Abbey, daugh- in Toronto. Joni, a Canadian, ter of -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ab- ona area for the past 20 years. Samuel F. driver, Glendale,! Mark C. Lampkin, Florida; Surviving are: the widow, Develops a Richer ON SALE NOW ^ j . Natalie K. Lloyd, Peninsula plays a 10:string guitar and al- bey of Elk Rapids, has entered r z; so writes nnd sings her own Lincoln Christian College at Ruby; two daughters, Mrs. Clara A $2.95 BOX OF Mrs. Thomas TJ. Kirkby, Kal-^ Dr; rs songs. Chuck specializes in the Lincoln. Illinois. -Miss Abbey is Callard of Harrison and Mrs. kaska; • ^' - Alex Kasper and infant. Meaning with Music songs of Bertolt Brecht and a. lOGf, sraducite of Traverse City Betty McPield of Ml. Morris; Mrs. Martin Drzewiecki. Jla-'. R- 2: SCOTTS SEED Kurt Weil. I-IiKh School. three sons. Clarence of Pontiac, pie City: ' j Mrs. Daniel Bonuer and in- James of Flint, and Albert of FOR The Mitchells have just re- ATTENDS MEETING— "Rob- Mrs. Wilfred Barry, Detroit; I fant, 1429 S. Union. Clio; 14 grandchildren and IS uirned from the Mariposa Folk ert Giiyot of Traverse City at- Miss Sharon K. Alexander, great-grandchildren; a sister, C Festival, Canada's famous festi- tended a kick-off meeting and j Kingsley; OSTEOPATHIC Mrs. Ruth Clark of Kalamazoo; Only 95 val which compares to America's luncheon of tlio newly formed Oswald Wreggelswoi'th, Kal- ADMISSIONS and a brother. Roley of Toledo. Newport festival. Between them, CeliiKi National Life Insurance kaska; Ralph Wcstra, Tustin: 0. When Purchased With they offer a mixture of ballads, company huld this week in Catherine I. Bennett, K. 4; Scott Kanouse. Cadillac: Funeral services will be held ragtime and bines. Grand Kapids. The company Soren H. Munkhof, W. Bay Mrs. Arden Gregory. Bel- at 2 p..ni, Saturday at United SCOTTS They have appeared exten- ni.-irkats .1 complete line of fire Shore Rd; aii-1 c-ismlry insurance for farm, f Christian church. Maneelona, TURF BUILDER David A. Eriekson, Flint: Kimberiy Olson. 512 W. 13th. I sively in tho dowr.state area, especially in and around Detroit. noi'ne'and business. Mr. Guyot Kev. J. E. Kidney officiating. Milo B. Duell, Duell Rd: DISMISSALS i with burial in Maneelona Fair- After their appearance in Trav- represents the company in this You 'Do Your Lawn More Kathy J. Buchner, Fife Lake; Mrs. Gary Menzey, Mancu- view cemetery. Miller funeral erse City. t,lH> couple will leave iirea. Joseph S. Mattingly, 240 lona : j liome in .Maneelona is in charge Good by Seeding and for Jacksonville. Florida for a COMPLETES BASIC — Air Washington: Mrs. Laura Mills. Benzonia: 1 of funeral arrangements. Fertilizing Now Than booking nt the "Jongleur". man 3/C Michael .!. F. Konetzka, At Any Other Time! Steven P. Kresnak. Mance- Mrs. James Green, 022 Pen- 1 son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. insulu Dr; ! lona; Kor.eixka of R. 1. Maneelona, Taken by Death Nancy A. White. 52l> Wash- M rs. Paul Ecku, Central; Leon Dewey has completed U.S. Air Force ington: Lake: i b:iM<- military training <U Lack- Miss Leila E. Stites. •!<;. ot Patrick J. Deerin;;. 2dS K. .Mrs. An«da Correll. 1112 Ran-: Taken by Dealli land Am. Tex. Airman Konet- SOI Randolph, Traverse City, i- TRUDE 12th: zk:i is lieing assigned to Van- died this morning at Munson Mrs. James Caldwttll and in- KINCSr.EY — Leon Dewey, V&S HARDWARE Mrs. Elizabeth B. Moffat. Lar- denhers AFE. Calif., for train-Medical Center after several go. Fla; fant, Buckley. fi'i. of Grand Rapids, husband of ing and duty as a construction ii former Kinssley area resi- months illness. YOUH DOWNTOWN HARDWARE 'Robert I<. Spencer, Jr., specialisl. He is a graduate of dent, died Thursday at Butter- The body was taken to Hib- FREE DELIVERY Birmingham: Manenloiia High School. worth hospital in Grand Rapids i bard funeral chapel in Traverse free Cuitomer p«rklnc Behind Store Ann Marie Stiffens, North- RECENT GRADUATE— Air- City, with complete funeral ar- Let Minnema's and a port: afler an illness of six weeks. Mr. Dewey was born April i>. ir.iin iiDproiitice James W. Robin- rangements to be announced Brian D. Bieber, 319 W. 12th; son. I.:SN. son of Mr. nnd Mrs. later. Herman F. Keller. Empire: Cradle $&\ 1000 and was married to Leimnh i Box. who survives. .lames \\'. Robinson of R. 3. DeVito's Rebecca L. Boltz. 1220 Ran- 1 Wurlitzer Piano Also surviving are: four] Traverse City, .sradtiat.ed recent- . i ci • GUARANTEED dolph; Roll daughters. Mr;-. Hubert (Sally) ly from the Aviation Mechanical i Skipped Skipper Leon J. Harris. Baldwin: Fnndiiiiii'r.tals School at the Make it Possible GrecTiiiutn, Mrs. Gerald (Xan- CALAIS, France tUPI) •- WATCH REPAIR Edward E. Schultz, 202S E. Naval Air Technical Training nuite) Ran. and Mrs. Dillie Joe The Dover-Calais ferry Free En- 418 S. Union Front St; 'DELL — Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Center. .Memphis. Tenn. During Tyrell of Gi'iuid llapids, and terprise II moved smoothly out Dial Wl 7-7545 Alfred Gerbstadt, Peninsula Bell i Sally Richardson) of the four-week course he was 1 Mrs. ,l;u:k (Leatricei Tyrell of of the harbor yesterday with Dr; 2,';i ,.[. Ea.sl Eighth street, are introduced in mathematics. Daniel Spencer, 951 Tain- the parents of :> son horn ! Monroi-: 111 Kftiiidchildren and I the first officer navigating as one Kreal-Ki'iindcliiiijjhter; u sis- I physics, and the principles of arack; : U:is morning in Mmison i\ledi- usual. Then came the radio lor. .Mrs, Lillian Kaui'l'iiian of electricity, Minnema Mtisic House Carla Mansfield, Grawn: : c-al Center, j message— "Come back." fjellaire; and iwo brothers., TO RECEIVE AWARD— At Playing the Piano Builds Personality Leonard Chrestensen. K. 5. | The skipper. Capt. H. I. Per- Clyde of Bellaire and George of Teacher's Day at the State Fair riam, had missed the boat. DEAN A. FIEDLER TELEVISION DISMISSALS i . Corvallis. Ore. in lletroii, which will be ob- Drlve r Robert D. Hansen. Maniste,: i Injured l''nne!';i! servi('es will be held served on Sept.. !!. awards will Broadtail fur is obtained from 114 South Union Wl 7-S400 jl 10 a.m. Monday at Sullivan be given In a number of teach- Norman E. Stephan. Cadillac: j ,_,.,,.,.,. cIKiiii:i;,'H>i' J:i of :;:,!)5 j the Karakul sheep. lunural home in Grand Rapids, | ers for llii.'ir dedication to edu- Tonight Mrs. Theron Bailey, Center! s. oarCield. Trnve.su Ciiy. was : Rd; ! injured curly this morning when with burial at - p.m. Monday in | cation. From this area Alvin TRAVERSE CITY—CHANNEL 7 F. Sidney Johnson, U.S. ',' the car ho wus clrivhij; siruck a Kingsley lOvergreen cemetery.! Peterson, president of the Mich- 4:30 General Hospital igan Driver Education Associa- 5:00 Trallmaster North; lix.-e on H. O'arfiold near Kusch Sniilh funeral home in Kingsley i 0:0(1 News—Sports—Weather Dwight J. Oeitei'ing, Gay- is in charge of local funeral tion, who lives at ^OS South Wal- G:30 Huntley-Brinkley Report ro;id south of the riiy. 7:00 LimeliRht lord: (!uddinj,aon was treated at. an'iingements. nut street, Kalkaska, will re- 7:30 International Showtime Mrs. Abbie Powers, East Jor-1 Munson .Medical Center for hi- ceive at! award. Teachers' Day 8:30 Bob Hope Theatre ceremonies will be held for the 9:30 Jack Benny ''""• I tfi'iiiions and later dismissed. TAKES STATE POST 10:00 Jack P.iar Show Myrl \V. Lamb. Interlochen: tltand Traverse sheriffs de- first time this yea:' in the new 11:00 News—Weather—Sports Community Arts auditorium on 11:30 TontRht Show—Slcn Off Clarence L. Szejbach, Elk i ]);II.(.IH.IH said the northbound' GRAND 11AVKX (UP1) — Henrik K. Stafseth. engineer-! the Fairgrounds. CADILLAC—CHANNEL 9 Rapids; ] 1:;,r traveled soiiie !i(i feet along I 4:30 Price Is Right Chris L. Kary, Cleveland. 0: the right side of the road he-! niiinager of the Ottawa County ;i:00 Mickey Mouse -Mrs. Charles Taylor, 4 Mile. fore striking the tree-. The ve-1 Road Commission, has resigned Rubber, which does not re- 5:30 Whirlyblrds 6:00 Regional News—Weather Rd: j hide reiiuired wrecker service, j effective Oct.
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