Za Boha a Národ For God and Nation Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL – MEMBERSHIP 28,000 – HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 – www.slovakcatholicsokol.org Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offi ces VOLUME CII PASSAIC, N.J., NOVEMBER 27, 2013 NUMBER 5004 Lodges from across Connecticut celebrate traditional Sokol fellowship and fraternalism Group 2, “Rev. Stephen Panik” Hosts 31st Annual St. Martin’s Day Celebration With a Salute to Sokol Veterans at Mass and Dinner held in Derby, Connecticut Tribute paid to the Rev. A. Leo Spodnik on the occasion of his 65th anniversary of Priestly ordination Sokolka of Assembly 33, Attorney among Sokols and Sokolky began Martha Dulla. An array of traditional when Assembly 9 presented him Slovak appetizers were enjoyed dur- with his chalice at his ordination in ing the reception which preceded 1948. He has used that chalice for the dinner. Group 2 President Eileen the celebration of Mass throughout Salamon Wilson asked the assem- his priesthood. In gratitude, he as- blage to take their seats and bid a sured all of a remembrance in his warm fraternal welcome to the more prayers and masses. than 125 assembled Sokols, So- Originally this year’s celebration kolky and guests. In the absence of was also to honor Anne D. Knapik, the chaplain, the opening invocation long-time secretary of Group 2 and was led by Editor Daniel F. Tanzone. former president of Wreath 39 on Eileen then asked the guests to raise the occasion of her 90th birthday. their glasses as she offered a toast to God’s will for Anne called for her to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of pass from this life to her eternal re- the founding of Group 2 and to its ward on October 16. The memorial 31st celebration honoring St. Mar- tribute recalled Anne’s enthusiastic tin, the patron of the Slovak Catholic and vibrant promotion of our orga- Sokol. The guests then enjoyed a nization throughout her lifetime. She bountiful dinner. was accorded the title of Honorary After enjoying the meal, Sister Group 2 offi cer. Members of her Wilson reminded the guests that this family were present and a special year’s celebration paid tribute to two cake was presented to be enjoyed at well-known Group 2 personalities. the celebration by Anne’s daughter Father Andrew G. Marus, pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Stratford, Conn. is shown with altar She noted that the Group 2 Chap- and her successor as Group 2 Sec- servers as well as Sokols and Sokolky from lodges across Connecticut on the church steps following the lain, Rev. A. Leo Spodnik celebrated retary, Darlene Knapik Musial. To liturgy celebrating the 31st annual St. Martin Day Celebration hosted by Group 2, “Rev. Stephen Panik” his 65th anniversary of priestly ordi- honor Anne, Wreath 39 President, on Sunday, November 10th. nation. While Father Leo, a regular Robert Sheehy announced that a do- at previous St. Martin’s Day feasts, nation of $250 would be given in her Tradition has it that if there is fair Mass was celebrated for the living he was unable to be present at this memory to SS. Cyril and Methodius weather near the feast of St. Martin and deceased members of Group 2 year’s celebration. In speaking with Church in Bridgeport where she was of Tours the winter ahead is apt to by the pastor of Holy Name, the Rev. him, Eileen noted that he sent his active for many years. be mild. Well this year’s traditional Andrew G. Marus. Father Marus warmest regards to all assembled. The principal address was given St. Martin’s Day Celebration on welcomed the Sokols and Sokolky He recalled that his priestly ministry (Continued on page 10) Sunday, November 10th hosted and commended them for continu- by Group 2, “Rev. Stephen Panik” ing their outstanding tradition of was blessed with mild reaching out to the com- and sunny weather. As munity in the best tradi- a matter of fact, every tions of fraternalism. one of the 31 St. Mar- Serving as the lector tin’s Day gatherings at the Mass was Sister of Group 2 have been Gloria Marie Kascak, blessed with excellent SS.C.M. Lawrence and weather which allowed Mary Ann Wells, well- outdoor photos to be known Group 2 activ- taken of the fraternal ists, served as Eucha- gathering. Continuing ristic Ministers. Again, in its longstanding tradition, the cel- continuing with tradition and balmy ebration began with Mass celebrated weather conditions, at the conclu- at Holy Name of Jesus in Stratford, sion of the liturgy, a group photo of Conn. The Group 2 offi cers, mem- the participants took place outside bers and guests marched in a body on the church steps. to the 11 a.m. liturgy led by the Following the impressive liturgy, Shown with the delicious cakes which would be enjoyed at this year’s Group 2 banner carried by Member the participants traveled to the scenic St. Martin’s Day Celebration are from the left, Group 2 President Ei- of the Physical Fitness Board Kevin community of Derby, Conn. to en- leen S. Wilson, Judy Nist, member of the Group 2 Physical Fitness Sabovik and fourth degree Knights joy the dinner and fraternal program Board; Sister M. Joseph Therese Pohorenec, SS.C.M., Sister Gloria of Columbus Color Guard from the at the picturesque Grassy Hill Lodge Maria Kaschak, SS.C.M., both from Holy Name of Jesus Parish and St. James Council in Stratford. The whose owner and proprietor is our Member of the Group 2 Physical Fitness Board Bonnie Rossi. PAGE 2 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, NOVEMBER 27, 2013 Slovak and fraternal activist Sharing our Slovak Heritage in Richmond, Virginia George Carny Honored by the American Slovak Zemplin Club in Cleveland by Milan Kobulsky The American Slovak Zemplin rent director of the Slovak Folk En- Club of Cleveland celebrated its semble “Lucina” dance group, in- 72nd anniversary with a festive troduced the dancers attired in their program on Sunday, October 20. colorful costumes and explained the The program began with a Mass dance numbers which the ensemble celebrated in SS. Cyril and Metho- would perform from eastern Slo- dius Church in Lakewood, Oh. at 1 vakia. Dances performed included p.m. The historic Slovak church is the time-honored Karicka by the now a worship site of The Parish women and Capas by the men. of the Transfi guration. Celebrant Their spirited performance was re- of the Slovak Mass was the Rev. warded with thunderous applause Joachim Pastirik, O.S.B. of St. An- from the audience. Then Professor drew Svorad Abbey who serves as Rudy Bachna, active in the Kent - the chaplain of the club. Assisting Dudince Sister City Association, at the liturgy were Brother Gabriel recited several Slovak poems. The Balazovic, O.S.B. and three nov- headtable guests were then intro- ices of the Benedictine abbey. duced by the Vice President, Mary Following the liturgy, a festive Chura. The club’s treasurer, Milan reception and dinner was enjoyed Kobulsky then introduced and wel- in the parish auditorium. The din- comed the leaders from the various ner opened with a warm welcome Slovak organizations and clubs in by Zemplin Club President George the Cleveland area. In his remarks, Carny. Brother Carny is our Sokol Father Joachim, whose parents of Wreath 153 in Parma, Oh. Ken were natives of Zemplin, offered a Randy Sharrer, a transplanted South Side Pittsburgh proud Slovak American, is shown in the above photo Javor and George Carny then led description of the Zemplin area of fl anked by his children, son, Christian and daughter, Annabel at their Slovak display at the International the assemblage in the singing of the Slovakia for those in attendance Night celebration of Greenwood Elementary School in Richmond, Virginia. anthems of the United States and not familiar with this scenic re- Greenwood Elementary School mother, Helen Sharrer and great- Side and were active in the former St. Slovakia. The invocation was then gion. The territory includes eleven in Richmond, Virginia hosted an In- aunt, Albina Senko shared several Matthew’s Slovak Parish. The family offered by Father Joachim Pastirik, Slovak cities and villages, namely: ternational Night on November 15 items for display, including home- has enjoyed membership in our Slo- O.S.B. Humenne, Medzilaorce, Micha- to share the rich fabric of the heritage made Christmas ornaments and a vak Catholic Sokol Assembly 16 and After enjoying a delicious dinner, lovce, Secovce, Snina, Sobrance, of its students. Christian Sharrer, a Disney word book in Slovak. Pirohy Wreath 22 for generations. Christian Thomas Ivanec, founder and cur- Stropkov,Trebisov, Velke Kapusa- second grader, shared his Slovak and bobalky were prepared by his and his sister, Annabel continue the heritage with his fellow classmates. father, Randy Sharrer and were en- tradition and are members of Assem- Christian’s table featured beautiful joyed by all for tasting. bly 16 and Wreath 22, respectively. Modra pottery that was purchased Christian’s great-grandparents, Sharing our Slovak heritage is on a recent family trip to Slovakia. Margaret(Strisovsky) Kolodzej and certainly something to be com- Additionally, family photos were William Kolodzej hailed from the mended. Our congratulations to shared along with other family heir- small village of Slovenska Ves lo- Christian and the Sharrer family for looms including a Valaska(walking cated at the foothills of the Tatra their efforts in promoting an appre- stick) that was a gift to his great- mountains in the heart of the Spis re- ciation of our Slovak heritage as part grandparents from their relatives in gion of northeastern Slovakia.
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