Wednesday, March 3, 1943 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHOSE CHERRY 8800) PAGE 17 Service Note*: Two U. of D. Alumni Promoted To Ist Lieutenants at Truax Field strong, 30 E. Forest; Theodore H Four Detroiters Hackney, 2377 W. Fort; Willie B. Holloway, 328 Owen, Ivory Hum Enter Fort Knox phrey, 403 K. Adams; Curtis But- ler, 9155 Russell; Warren Fields Armored School Jr., 1652 Woodward; Robert Phil- Williams; Montgomery William J. Ward’s Statement lips, 5414 Promotions announced at Truax Thomas and George Johnson, Field, Wis., in- Detroit. * Barracks, Pa., Capt. two De- Carlisle clude Theodore M. Barr, 9275 Riviera. TO THE troiters, both Barkeley, Sgt. Harold v of Camp Tex.. Uni e rsity Chicago army Detroit alumni. Foster, New berry. radio schcwl. T«h. Kgt. Michael »• (I Lln. S con R. Binder, 6<>ls Dxli. Strother ( G. Move, <*| AAF, Kan, John .McKee, 827 Longfellow, +* Pvt. E. William B. m I 5215 Commonwealth. and I “They've already begun Br>an of May- to wood. 111., for- fight the Avis," arc the word* nt Warren, merly a Detroit Col. Robert W. Perrin Field, Tex., concerning aviation WAR LABOR BOARD a NATIONAL attorney, h v c cadets now training therp. advanced LT. MOIL in been Among are John E. Gold, to first lieutenants. them 2331 Springwells, and John E. Entering Fort Knox. Ky., Stewart, 8233 Grinnell. rcucc Combs, armored school are Pvti. John \. Pic. Law 14123 February 27, 1943 Congress and applied uniformly against all retail okl, .’1390 East Ferry; Monte Vista, who i& stationed at Chrrannvt Fort Rragg, N. C,, and recently establishments. Pica. Joseph A. Midway, 7430 Nett; War Board Pateloayk, 8102 Curt, was made a private first class, is National Labor Kavmond borne on furlough. Harry M. Gorman, 15741 Burt. D. C. and Pvts. Wilbur H. Early, 17436 Washington, 6. The proposed order would require Wards to sur- Lt. Robert 11. Hawkins. 5013 Allen, Roseville: William H- HlWu- render to outside arbitrators the final decision on Gray, Detroit, and Lt. Robert M. nen, 16153 Lilac; .lames F. Hurley, Ilansen, 202 Schoolcraft, Manis- 2950 East Jefferson, and Ray L. Gentlemen: all matters which the union may wish to treat as tiquc, are stationed at Riook* Goudy, 9756 Grinnell, Detroit, are studying airplane mechanics grievances. Thus Ward’s sixty thousand share- Field Tex., where they are train- to A National War Labor Board panel has recom- ing to become "eyes for the army.' keep the giant Liberators in the holders would be deprived of the right to direct, air. at the AAF school, Keesler mended that the Board issue another order against A former Detroit educ ator M‘m- Field; Miat; through the management they select, the affairs ard R. Chapel. Montgomery Ward and Co. imposing upon Ward’s 894 M e a d o vv- Seven aviation cadets, from of the corporation they own. hrook. is chief Michigan are taking advanced six large stores in Denver, Detroit and New York City: specialist in the tw n-engme bomber training at the naval reserves. £ubi>oek Army Hying Field, Tex. of 7. Under this "maintenance of membership” form of He is a Western They arc Barnard G. W'elton. 2550 1. A form of closed shop, called "maintenance 1,. ( closed shop, employees are not free to resign from Michigan Nor- Calvert Donald SUeels, harles membership,” together with a check-off of m« 1 graduate T. Walt man and Edwin G. Rater- the union without losing their jobs. Wards is He is studying ing. Grand Rapidl Keith L. War- union dues from wages. to becomt a ren. Lalnsburjj; Charles E Bmallng compelled to discharge every union member who jkjcompany com- Jr., Ann Arbor, and J. P. Tooms mander at a Jr., Ferndale. 2. Compulsory arbitration of any question the unioa fails to maintain his union membership in good recruit training to raise. standing dues, etc.). Flsman riNSKii station. wishes (non-payment of "Main- Reported Missing, tenance of membership” is the starting phase James E. Plnell, 2910 Benitcau. Wards objects to the proposed order for thes# who was trained at the Great which inevitably leads to the full closed shop and now is somewhere in the reasons: battle area wuh the Pacific fleet, Is Nazi Prisoner a labor monopoly. according to word received by his JACKSON, March 3 Capt. 1. The War Labor Board is without authority. Con- mother His brother. Charles, also Charles J. Steenbarger of the is serving with the Pacific 8. The proposed order violates the fundamental Fleet. Air gress, the only law-making authority under the i United States Army Force. Is liberty. Liberty requires an Reporting at army training a prisoner of the German*, rather Constitution, has not empowered the Board to principles of that school* and camps are than "missing in action." his par- employee be free to join, to refuse to join, or to Carlsbad. N M„ air field. Pvt». order any employer to adopt these requirements. Elmer H. Adcock, 7987 Russell. ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T resign from a union without losing his job* Phillips, 7555 Melrose: Steenbarger, jubilantly learned 2. The War Labor Board, by ordering a closed shop Soloniftfl Brown, 20443 Ilene; Ed- from the war department today. Liberty requires that an employer be free to ward Hnmhle, be disrespect for con- A. 281 K. Vernor; It was al*o revealed that he re- in this case, will furthering person best •lames W. Nunley, 2253 Hendricks, cently was decorated for outstand- employ the suited for the work* Coleman, authority. The Board is attempting to J. 4652 Woodward; Rich- ing achievements in the air while stitutional ard K. Allen, 3116 Holcomb; John hh 1 England. a to make rules and laws by execu- 9. Wards has consistently defended these principles O. Crew, 626 assume power Tennessee: Wil- tive fiat alone. The public is being deceived into of liberty. In times of peace, Wards successfully liam T. Cnate. 230 W. Warren; DR. f BOTWIN believing that the Board’s orders have the force denied all demands for the closed shop in any Howard Corrln- . DENTIST of law, when in fact they have no such effect. form. Two years ago the Teamsters’ Union, in t hla n. 6-13 < <U2S GRAND RIVER Montcalm; Al- into of Joy Employees are being confused and deceived an effort to force a closed shop, maintained a fred Johnson, Block* North Rd «p. I 276 Krim un d HO. 4«! J Ho. ?A.M.to M believing that their government desires them to vicious seven months’ strike against Wards retail . •- place Curtli .. J i join labor unions when in fact the national policy stores on the Coast. Evan *, 20491 advfrtiskmknt and mail order houses Pacific ___ I Birwood Henry as declared by Congress is that employees are fre# Two mail order houses and six retail stores were f. Quarles, 255 Pull the Trigger on T h e odore; I.T. MU S V to join or not, as they wish. Thus the Board if forced to close, forty-three other stores were Riifn* Harrison, 2607 Hastings; King: destroying the very essence of democracy, tht Randolph Spears. 322 C»ail Constipation, with picketed, and Wards suffered damages exceeding I). Hanry, 647 .Josephine Wilson right of people to make laws through those Now ton, 2115 F.ighteenth; 4e**e « the two million dollars. Employees were slugged, Neely, 7f»B K Congress: Cwll Rob- Ease for Stomach, too whom the people elect for that purpose. customers inson. 437 Watson: Thomas R. abused, and property destroyed. The Jones. IV) Hague; Fddie 1.. Sub- When constipation bring* on divom- by granting railroads, the companies, and let. 9.36 Tennessee; William Ran- fort after meal*. *tomai h upset, bloating, 3. The War Labor Board, promiscously express the truckers tiy *pe!i*. gat, dolph. 2829 Brush; Allen F.dwarda, di coated tonrue. end bad breath, your stomach i*probably "erving some form of the closed shop, is destroying the finally the United States Post Office obeyed th# 111 Josephine; Andrew J. M«Tiln- the blua*" because your bo*»et* don't nev, 281 Frukme John C . Million, move. It call* for I.axative-Sennr to pull laws constitutionally enacted by Congress. The demands of the union and, with total disregard >62 Koaofialr: Allen F'any 20411 the trigger on thr.**’ lazy bowel*, com- their ¦ rrenlawn; F,. A. Cooper, 430 bined with Svrup Pepsin for perfect ease National Labor Relations Act endorses, guaran- for obligations to the public and in viola- your year*, P-apokfin; ( larence llall, 417 F to *?omach in taking. For many given pepsin prepa- tees and encourages the process of collective bar- tion of law, refused service to Wards and its Wallaro Polley, 1203 Doctor* have Fll/aheth: rations in their pr«wnotion* to make <»ri«wo|d. Matthew Andor*on, 576 med.unc more agreeable to a touchy gaining. The orders of this Board however, have customers. Nevertheless, Wards, while announc- <\ < 66.3 Holbrook: Robert ampholl, ¦tomach So tie *ure vour laxative con- to contract Tonnes son; John R. Rlrhard- tain* Sv rup Pepwin. In*i*t on Dr Cald- led the unions to abandon collective bargaining. ing its willingness to bargain and •i>n, 8537 Oakland 01110 <«ooditll. well* laxative Senna combined with The has to the War with the union, refused to compromise the prin- ttregory, Svrup Pepsin. See how wonderfully the union in this case rushed 12.36 Abbott; Harold L. up lazy F. Philadelphia; Fel- Laxative Senna wake* nerve* and was 905 Abraham muscle* in your intestines to bring wel- Labor Board in the conviction that the Board ciples it defending.
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