iv CONTENTS. PAGE Notes from the College Records (collli'llued) 257 The Quatercentenary Dinners 275 The Commemoration Sermon 277 The Lady Margaret in Shakespeare 284 Gott unci Welt-Procemion 290 Reculver 291 The Viking's Wraith 292 A Serpentine Bowl 297 THE EAGLE. Marionettes 298 Ode on the Immediate Prospect of the Easter Vacation 302 October Term, I9IO. Music and the Lay Mind 303 Meleager 307 The Lights of Home 309 NOTE S FR OM THE COLLEGE REC ORDS. Obituary: Christopher John Clark 310 (Continued from Vol. XXXI., p. 316.) Philip Pennant 310 HE first gr ou p of documen ts which fo llow Sir Thomas Anclros De La Rue, Bart. 312 relate to Mr Alan Percy , second Mast er of The Rev. J. Foxley 312 the Colle ge. He is fir st met with as Pre­ The late Dr Foxwell-Memorial Tablet unveiled 313 bendary of Du nnin gton in York Cath edral, Completed �ist of Professor J. E. B. Mayor's Vegetarian Publications 316 to wh ich he was admitted 1 May 1513. He was Our Chronicle 318 admitted Master of St John's July 15 r6, at the fo rma 29 The Library 334 l openin g of the Colle ge, thou gh he seems to have been pe rformin g the duties fo r abo ut a month befo re that date. He vacated his Prebend at Yo rk in and Robert Shorton, his pr edecessor as Master 1.517 of St John's, succe eded him there , 1 November 15 Mr Percy had been appo inted Rector of St 17·Anne with St Agnes in the City of London by the Abbo t and Convent ofWestm inster, and was in stituted 6 May I 5 5.I He resi gned both his Rectory and his Master­ shi p in I,•p8 ; up to the pr esent no reason for these res ignations ha s come to li ght. The pe ns ion assi gned to him by the Colle ge (£ 10 a year ; was a liberal one at the time, for the sti pend of the Ma ster was only £ Mr 12. Percy , however, did not claim the pe nsion lon g as B VOL. XXXII. 2 N oles from !he College Records. Notes fr om the College Rec01·ds. 3 Ki ng Henry VIII. in gave him an es ta te in and the two ynner chambers there togeder with his comons Middl es ex , wh ereupon, 1520as the documents shew, he as a felow of the same place duryng his life without any surr end ered h is claim u pon the College rev enues. thyng payng therefor at all such tyme when and as �ft tyme as it shal please the said Mr Alan to resorte and ab1de ther In Dei nomine Amen. Coram vobis testibus fidedignis and more ouer the said Maister and the felows of the said hie praesentibus Ego Alanus Percy magister siue praepositus College and thayre successors giffes grauntesand confermeth Collegij Sancti Johannis Evangeliste in Cantabrigia Eliensis vnto the said Maister Alan for terme of his life an yerely diocesis volens et affectans ex certis causis iustis veris et annuite or pension of ten pound sterlinge for and of a legittimis me et animum meum in hac parte mouentibus ab pension goyng owt of the said College and to be paid by onere cura regimine et solicitudine dicti Collegij penitus the Maister of the same College for the tyme beyng or his exui et exonerari. Id Collegium meum in sacras et venera­ assignes vnto the said Maister Alan or his assignes in the biles manus Reuerendi in Christo patris et domini domini said College all two termys of the yere that is to wete at J ohannis permissione cliuina Roffensis episcopi executoris Thannunciacion of our Lady and Saint Michell tharchangle egregie principis et clomine domine Margarete fundatricis by evyn porcyons vnto such tyme as the said Alan shalbe huius loci seu alterius cuiuscunque banc meam resignationem advaunsed or promoted to a benefice or other rent of the admittendam potestatem habentis ; non vi metu dolo seu yerely valour of fiftene pounds sterlinges above all charges fraude ad hoc inductus seu coactus pure sponte simpliciter and reprises then the said Maister Alan shall incontinently be et absolute resigno. Eamque re et verbo dimitto ac jure content to dispose within the said College to some that titulo et possesssioni meis pro habitis in eadem renuncio shalbe felowes or disciples of the said College of what Eisque cedo et ab eodem recedo totaliter in hijs scriptis. cuntre or cuntreys it shall please the said Mr Alan not Praesentibus in huiusmodi resignatione; Magistrum Robertum repugning the statutes the moyte or on half of the forsaid Newton, Jhoannem Orell, J ohannem ffarffax, Robertum yerly annuite or pension of ten poundes and so shall Gossege. discharge the same by his sufficientacquittans in that behalff Per me ALAN PERCY. � to be advisyd made and ensealled. And in case be that the same Alan happen to be promoted or awaunsed vnto a benefice or other rentes to the yerely valour of threty N ouerint vniuersi per praesentes nos Magistrum socios poundes sterlinges aboue all charges and reprises that then et scolares Collegij Sancti J ohannis in Cantabrigia teneri et the said Mr Alan shall incontinently after his such promocyon firmiterobli gari Alano Percy clerico in centum libris sterling­ or awaunsment dispose the other moyte that is to say the orum soluendis eidem Alano aut suo certo attornato vel other five pounndes in like manner duryng his naturall life executoribus suis in festo omnium Sanctorum proximo futuro to some that shalbe felows or disciples of the same College post datum praesentium ad quam quidem solucionem bene et and so shall discharge the same from tyme to tyme by a fideliterfaciendam obligamus nos et successores nostros per lyke sufficient acquietannce or some other lawful discharge praesentes. Datas vicesimo primo die mensis N ouem bris vnto the said Maister of the said College for the tyme beyng Anno regni Regis Henrici Octaui decimo [1518]. and to the felows of the same to be made ensealled and delyuerecl And the premisses truly obseruecl and kept then The condicyon of this obligacyon is such that if the this obligacyon to be of no strength or vertue. within bound Maister and felows giffes and grauntes rowme Endorsed : Concernyng Mr Percy's pencion sum tyme in ease and pleasur of the low parlour of the said College the Colage. belonging to the chamber of the Maister of the said College 5 4 N aLes fr om the College Records. Notes fr om the College Records. Be yt lmowen to all menn by these presentes that I Master so, as a statement of the College re venues, it is in ­ Alane Percy clerk haue Relessed discharged and acquite and comp lete , for the re ve nues deri ved fr om the diss olved by these presents discharge release and acquite Nycolas monasteries of Br oomhall, Higham , and Osp ringe are Metcalff Master of the College of Seynt Johannis in Cam­ not inc luded. On th e ot her hand it is of interest to , bridge and all the Fellowes and scalers of the sayd Colege note that alth ou gh nomenti on is made in Kin g Henr y's that now be or that herafter shall be all the Rowm ease Statutes of the foundati on of Bish op Fisher, yet this pleasure commodite and profett that I the said Mr Alane "invent ory," dr a wn up in ob edience to th e Statutes, have or shuld or ought to haue of and in the said Colege begins wi th a statement of Fisher 's gift s tothe College, or any place or pat·cell thereof And all myne Annuyte or an ear ly examp le of the loya lt y of the College toth e annuall pencion of x/i by yere goyng owt of the said Colege Bish op's mem ory. or to be paid by the Master therof And also the somme of cli whereyn the Master ffelowes and scalers of the said Colege The giftes of all the benefactors to stoncl bound to me by their obligacion beryng date the xxjth the College of Saynt John's in the clayof November in the xth yere of the reign of our soueraign vniuersitie of Cambridge. lord Kyng Henry the viijlh ffor the gyft and graunt of the First John Hissher Busshop of Rochester gave vcli ffor said Rowm ease and pleasure and annuyte or annuall rent the founclaliou of iiij felowcs and ij disciples for euer to As in the said obligacion apperith In witnes whereof I the contynue within the said College whiche five hundrethe said Master Alane Percy to this my wrytyng of acquitance pounde bought lancles and tenementes to the yerely value of and relese my seale haue sett vnto yeven the iiijth clay of xxvli. ffebruary the xijth yere of the Reign of our said soueraign The same Busshop gave Ml cjli for the foundacion of lord Kyng Henry the viijth. diuerse and sonndry thinges as aperithe in the ordynances Per me ALAN PERCY. and statutes of the said Busshop ouer and besides diuerse Endorsed : Acquitance of Mr Percy and also a relesse for and many ] ewelles and Ornamentes by hym geven l.o this the vli clew to hym at our Lady claynext ensuyng as apperith College as it is apparent in the boke of Ornamentes belonging also by other acquitancys to lhis College.
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