PolisReflects #1 #1 – – Unheard Unheard Crises Crises 01 Crisis and Sexual Exploitation: The Case of Refugee Pornography Written by Alexander Gertz Universität Kassel 4 Crisis and Sexual Exploitation Abstract sies, and the fetish. 01 When the two photographers Nelles and Al-Badri In recent years, refugee pornography experienced an up- first introduced the term “refugee porn” while presen- surge in popularity. Thereby, it uses the mode of crisis as a ting their project “We refugees”, they meant a different narrative tool to justify sexual exploitation. The goal of this dimension than the one I will be presenting throug- paper is to untangle the construction of such pornography hout my essay, namely the high-polish recordings by as a racial fetishization of the veil serving as an extension of professional producers showing fleeing people and the sexualization of the “Oriental” body during the colonial overcrowded lifeboats (Wiedemann 2015). In this case, era. To open entry points for an academic debate, I will put however, I want to refer to refugee pornography quite it into relation to concepts such as exoticization, othering, literally, meaning a pornographic movie depicting a and sexuality. First, I want to explore current academic female refugee, both real or acted, performing sexual debates on pornography, specifically on the interrela­­tions intercourse with a usually white man in exchange for between politics and porn. Next, I want to analyze the food, housing, or money. Therefore, the mode of cri- pop u larity of refugee pornography in the case of Germany sis, expressed in the role of the refugee, becomes a and find possible correlations between trends in popularity vital part of a plot, underlying the exploitation of her and political events. To find an explanation for the latter, I position of vulnerability through the implied act of want to turn to postcolonial studies, more specifically, to a rape. This pornographic content can be found on web- feminist approach towards Orientalism. Further research is sites like xhamster, Pornhub, and Redtube and can of importance, given the popularity of this peculiar combi- be manually searched through these websites´ search nation of crisis and sexual exploitation. functions. Within the past few years, there has been a gradual increase in similar movies being uploaded on Keywords: Pornography; Refugee; Racial Fetishization; these websites. Additionally, following this trend, older Postcolonial Feminism; Oriental Body videos have been re-uploaded and rebranded to contain the word “refugee” within the title. The following is a selection of titles which can be found on these websites: Introduction • This teen Arab refugee is looking for someone who Picture the following scenario: A young woman will help her and give her a room to stay. She was wearing a hijab applies for work. While she is sitting in offered by a horny boss some money and a room if she an office, the white, middle-aged man she is supposed can fuck with him. (20.348.037 views1) to have the interview with enters the room. As she • Watch this hungry Arab refugee asked for some food explains her desperate need for this job due to her be­­ and money and leads to a hot hardcore sex. ing a refugee, he suddenly starts to approach her and (5.509.616 views) forcibly puts her hand on his crotch area. As she reacts • Refugee applies For Job Ends Up Fucking For Cash. visibly repellent and takes her hand away, he begins (8.956.007 views) to voice his desires verbally and offers her money in • Junger arabischer Flüchtling braucht eine Bleibe und exchange for sexual intercourse. Intimidated by his ich leihe einen helfenden Schwanz (“Young Arab refu- actions, she reluctantly agrees to his demands. This gee needs a place to stay and I lend a helping dick“; leads to brutal sex in which the man subjugates her 3.304.958 views) and, afterward, leaves the money on the table and lea- ves the room without a word. Throughout this paper, I want to explore possi- What may seem like a tragic fragment of a single ble explanations of how one person’s grim reality can life deeply affected by war and conflict and forced to transform into another person’s pleasure. Therefore, I seek refuge in another country only to be commodified will relate this phenomenon to concepts such as exotici- by foreign patriarchal structures, is, in fact, the nar- zation, othering, and sexuality. First, I want to explore rative of a pornographic movie. According to the data current academic debates on pornography, specifically by UNHCR (2018), 68,5 million people worldwide are on the interrelations between politics and porn. Next, I forcibly displaced. Many take dangerous routes to other want to analyse the popularity of refugee pornography countries in search of a better life free of suffering. In referring to Germany within my examples and find pos- the course of this dynamic, a heated political, cultu- sible correlations between trends in media popularity ral, and social discourse erupted worldwide. Germany and political events. To find an explanation for the lat- is no different in this regard, where the term “refugee ter, I will revert to postcolonial studies and the feminist crisis” (“Flüchtlingskrise”) gained immense popularity approach towards Orientalism which will highlight the in recent years. In the course of this, Rodríguez (2018) symbolic significance of the veil in these movies. assessed that “the refugee has been reduced to a poten- tial worker” and that “asylum policies seem to be turn- ing into a new way of regulating and controlling raciali- zed labour migration” (Rodríguez 2018: 25). This labour relation, however, does not apply to female refugees, nor does it apply to the sphere of the sexual, the fanta- 5 PolisReflects #1 – Unheard Crises 01 Pornography and Politics for erotic content; Ruvolo 2011). Over the years, a wide range of new possibilities emerged for the industry, lea- Current Debates ding to the creation of new categories of pornography, even introducing Virtual Reality devices. Although the In the following section, I will consider the current implementation of a (usually makeshift) story is quite discussions surrounding pornography, especially when common in pornography, designed to provoke a stron- it comes to the intersection between pornography and ger identification and engagement between the viewer politics. I will do so by analyzing the popularity of refu- and the actors and, therefore, a more intense sexual gee pornography in the case of Germany. As archaeo- experience, the case of refugee porn is particularly logical discoveries from all over the world suggest, interesting, combining a range of political, cultural and pornography has accompanied humankind throughout social statements within the story. almost all of its existence and geographical locations. The sexually explicit frescoes in the city of Pompeii, the sculptures on the temples of Madhya Pradesh and Refugee Pornography in Germany Eugéne Pirou‘s 1899´s Coucher de la Mariée, the world’s first known softcore erotic movie (Head 2018), all show Before engaging with this matter academically, one us humanity’s universal fascination with sexuality and must ask oneself if this phenomenon is socially rele- its urge to manifest this fascination in a wide range of vant enough. Especially in the realm of pornography, historically changing depictions. Nevertheless, the his- customer demands are often very diverse, yet not all of tory of pornography never followed a stringent line of them make research a gainful endeavour. To answer evolution but instead always proved to be a discursive this question regarding the consumption of refugee battlefield in which societies bitterly fought over the pornography in Germany, statistics can provide a gene- question of how to socially define this phenomenon. ral insight. The data for the following figure has been The most recent example in the Western hemis- provided by xhamster, the second biggest online provi- phere of wide debates concerning the social status of der of pornographic material in the world (siteworth- pornography is the so-called “porn wars” (also ­­known traffic 2019), with an estimated traffic of 1.03 Billion as “sex wars”, “lesbian sex wars” or “feminist sex sessions (a coherent time period a user spends on the wars”). Their roots can be traced back to the 1970s website) per month (rank2traffic 2019). when activists MacKinnon and Dworkin advocated for Figure 1 (as seen right) shows the monthly share the prohibition of the production of pornography in of search requests for the term “refugee“ relative to the US based on their understanding of it as a conse- the total number of clicks on the website in Austria, quential subordination of women. However, they were France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, the United King- debunked with the liberal response that pornography is dom, and the United States. Usually, users search for an act protected by the right of free speech guaranteed pornographic content in English. However, even if a by the First Amendment. Hence, an intense philoso- German user types in the keyword “Flüchtling” (“refu- phical debate spurred, where issues of subordination, gee”), it will automatically be translated within the empowerment, liberation, and the dignified depiction system. Clearly recognizable in this figure is the over- of human sexual experience were explored (Dworkin proportional presence of search requests from Ger- 1989; Novaes 2017; Tong 1982). Although losing its initial many. This can partly be explained by the fact that the intensity, the debate continues to this day as resear- second most visitors to this website come from this chers explore the impact of new technological innova- country (11,8 percent; rank2traffic 2019). However, the tions on our understanding and consumption of por- United States ranks first with 20,6% of the total visits nography and its effects on our physical and mental while having far fewer search requests for “refugee”.
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