Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The George-Anne Student Media 11-10-1951 The George-Anne Georgia Southern University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (1951). The George-Anne. 258. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne/258 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ., „■ . , .- :, ■-. - ■,. c ■., ■:. .. : -'. BBSs v.v MMMMBHBMMI ■MMMWHi ■■■■■i Onward Religious Christian Emphasis Soldiers THE GEORGE-ANNE Week PUBLISHED BY STUDENTS OF GEORGIA TEACHERS COLLEGE Nov. 11-17 VOLUME 24 Collegeboro, Georgia, Suburb of Statesboro, Georgia, November 10, 1951 * NUMBER 7 Freshmen Elect Class Officers Phil Norton, of Griffin, Ga., was elected president of the TC Fresh- man class of 1951-52 in the pri- Cheerleaders mary held last Monday, November 5. Run-overs were necessary for Named for '51-'52 the other offices, and the final Ann Nevil, Betye Hendrix, election was held Wednesday. Mynette May, Joan Bennett, Mary Jo Jackson, Attapulgus, is Betty Ann Bedingfield, and Pat Wilson will comprise the GTC vice president of the class, winning cheerleading team for the the office over Ferrell Sparks, of 1951-53 basketball season; Canton. Rose Mary Ammons, of These six were elected in Brunswick, won the office of sec- tryouts which were held last retary over Marzee Richards, of Wednesday night in the gym. Augusta. The treasurer is Carl Voting were members of the Tyson, from Lennox, who won Blue Tide basketball team, T- over Betty Myers, of Dublin. Ann- Club, Student Council, and the gene Culbreth, of Edison, will Physical Education members. serve as Student Council represen- tative for the freshmen women. Ann Nevil and Betty Hen- Christy Trowell, of Oliver, and THE BIG PARADE through the business section of Statesboro as the Freshmen observed drix will be co-captains due to Lester Davis, of Tifton, have tied annual Rat Day. the fact that they tied in re- for the office of men's Student ceiving the highest number of Council representative. The run- votes. over will be held later. Betty Ruth Folsom and Lo- retta Green will be alternates. Student From Nazareth, Betty Ann Bedingfield and Joan Bennett are beginning Rec. Hour Begin; their fourth year on the team. Israel To Enroll At T. C. Ann Nevil and Mynette May will be cheering for their third From 6:15 to 7:00 Louis T. Zeitoun, from the city season. Betty Hendrix joined of Nazareth, Israel, will arrive the lineup last year, and Pat The Student Council and W.A.A. next week to enroll in G.T.C. as Wilson is the newest addition together are sponsoring a recrea- an exchange student, sponsored by to the team. tion hour in the gym every even- the Atlanta Rotary Educational ing from 6:15 til 7:00, Monday Foundation. His ship from Israel, through Friday. the S.S. La Guardia, docked in This year they intend to offer New York on the ninth. many entertainment features rath- Chosen on the basis of high GEORGIA (Sun. & Mon.)—"THE Musical Boners er than only dancing and table scholarship, outstanding personal- STRIP." In Music Journal tennis, as in the past. A sugges- ity, and seriousness of purpose, M-G-M presents an exciting tour tion box will be available to all the Zeitoun is the fifth student to behind the scenes of the world's Musical "boners" culled from students this week in order to de- come from Israel to Georgia. most glamourous avenue of night- student examination papers at termine exactly what type enter- Zeitoun has received extensive clubs—"The Strip" of Hollywood's Georgia Teachers College are the tainment is desired by the student traning in his home country. His Sunset Boulevard. This movie was basis of an article by Dr. Ronald body. field of study is social science. He actually filmed in the famous night J. Neil, chairman of the Division The Student Council and W.A.A. graduated from Terra Sancta Col- spots—Ciro's, The Mocambo, etc. of Music at the college. This ar- are going all out to make the even- lege, Jerusalem, and Rashidiya REV. SHANNON HOLLOWAY— The story is a tragic one, a ticle is entitled "Have You Heard ing recreation hour an outstanding College, Jerusalem (Old City), These?" It appears in the Novem- feature of G.T.C, and ask the at- Religious Emphasis Week speaker. drama of a drummer boy, played Jordan. ber Issue of Music Journal. tendance and support of everyone. Zeitoun taught English and his- by Mickey Rooney, who falls in tory at the Franciscan Secondary love with a cigarette girl-dancer, Religious Week Girls School, Nazareth. He has Sally Forrest, who has ruthless studied and worked with law of- ambition of becoming a movie star. fices of Jerusalem. A Christian But the drummer has double- Begins Monday Arab and 23 years of age, he will crossed a dangerous racketeer, James Craig—and thereby hangs T.C. students will march through study here at T.C. for the remain- der of this school year, after which a tale of suspense. next week singing "Onward Chris- he will return to Israel. The torchy romance is played tian Soldiers." The song will re- out against a throbbing back- ground of Dixieland Blues. Play- sound throughout the campus as ing their real-life roles in "The students celebrate the annual Re- Organ Guild Holds Strip" are Vic Damone, Monica ligious Emphasis Week, sponsored Lewis, Louis Armstrong, Jack by the S.C.A. Teagarden, Kay Brown and Earl Monthly Meeting "Fatha" Hines, who bring you 18 The week will officially begin numbers, including four hot-drum Sunday night, when the dormito- The regular monthly meeting solos by Rooney. This is one of ries will hold all night prayer ser- of the Organ Guild was held in the those all-round entertainment pic- vices. Reverend Shannon Holloway audio-visual room with refresh- tures that any fan of drama or will be the main speaker for the ments served in the parlor of East Dixieland will get a charge from. week. on November 8. Organists from Statesboro were guests. "LORNA DOONE (Tues. & Wed.) Morning Watch will be observed Mr. David H. Woodal, Atlanta, every morning at 6:30. The sched- The immortal classic by Richard ule for these programs, in which southeastern representative of the Moller Pipe Organ Co., Hagers- D. Blackmore comes to the screen all the students will meet together, town, Md., gave an illustrated lec- in a blaze of Technicolor and the is: Monday, Dan Biggers leading a ture with colored slides on the clashing of swords. As anyone who faggot service to be held at the building of Moller organs. has read it in high-school English lake; Tuesday, Ann Trice in Lewis After the program there was a knows, "Lorna Doone" is a story Hall; Wednesday, Barbara Fossett question and answer forum. of a feud. The Exmoor Country in West Hall; Thursday, Anne of 17th Century England was rul- Higginbotham in East Hall; and ed and terrorized by the Doone Friday, Clarence Taylor in San- clan from their mountain fortress ford Hall. —until a handsome young peasant named John Ridd met Lorna There wil be a special service in Notice Doone, adopted ward of the outlaw the auditorium every evening at family. John Ridd grew up and 6:30. Leadings these will be Rev- According to the constitu- went to the wars, and when he re- erend Holloway, Dr. Russell and tion of the "T" Club, all high turned he rallied farmers in guer- members of the S.C.A. council. school letters on sweaters and illa .action, determined to rid the Evening watch will be conducted jackets must be taken off by country of the Doone scourge, and at its usual time, separately in Thanksgiving. These sweaters mary Lorna. each dormitory, Monday through and jackets may be worn with- Richard Greene is John Ridd, Thursday nights. On Friday night out letters. a singspiration and social for the and beautiful Barbara Hale, who Letters earned from other played Al Jolson's second wife, is entire student body will be held in colleges may be worn. Sanford Hall lounge at 10 o'clock. Continued on Back Page. g^x^mxxijj^^m^aaaaaBijmjxBi « e * o » ■ • t* » .« « * ( ■■HH MMaam - —-—"^--"=^— Heartbreak... Do girls suffer more than men from broken engagements? How Passing the Book THE GEORGE-ANNE long does it take to recover from (Established 1927) a broken engagement? Is there a EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Charles Stewart painless way to end an engage- •Our apologies to that earger and Great Salt Lake under the leader- ASSOCIATE EDITOR Frankie Quick ment? lovelorn host who gathered in the ship of Brigham Young, and the BUSINESS MANAGER Jim Hodges There is no painless way to end audio-visual room last Tuesday subsequent struggle for survival. NEWS EDITOR Mary Helen Altman an engagement, but the majority evening seeking the answer as to "Driven Westward" is. an inspiring FEATURE EDITOR Edith Carpenter of individuals recover in less than how they might become either a and thrilling story. MAKE-UP EDITOR Joe Neverla six months, Clifford R. Adams re- dashing swain or an alluring siren, We promise not to disappoint and found their dreams shattered. ART EDITOR "- George Parrish ports in the November Ladies you again. Honest Injun! "The Home Journal.
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