"The South's Livest College Weekly" NAVY ISSUE Georgia School of Technology NAVY ISSUE No. 6 THE TECHNIQUE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, OCTOBER 29, 1937 Vol. XVII ODK BANQUET HALL PREPARE FOR INSPECTION I. LEAHY RECEIVES FACULTY, COMPLIMENTS TECH STUDENT APPROVAL NROTC AT REVIEW Armory Doors Dedicated Need For Room Stressed "U. S. Naval Air Force 2nd Student Council Unani­ to None," Declares Ad­ mously Passes Resolution miral Leahy In Address. Supporting Project. Admiral W. D. Leahy, chief of naval Students and faculty members have operations and the highest ranking been quick to second the proposals officer in the Navy, paid Tech an of­ made by the Georgia Tech Circle of ficial visit last Tuesday when he in­ Omicron Delta Kappa last week con­ spected the Tech Naval Unit and also cerning the building of a new banquet hall over the kitchens of the present dedicated the bronze doors at the en­ dining hall. trance to the Tech Naval Armory. Following a hearty endorsement of Admiral Leahy was very compli­ the ODK plan given before its Tues­ mentary in his brief talk to the Naval day night meeting, the Student Council students. He said that the Tech N. passed a resolution supporting the pro­ gram. Also the Debating Society R. O. T. C. unit was not only the only passed resolutions indicating its ap­ unit of its kind in the South but that proval at a Monday night meeting. it had one of the best records of all Officers of other groups indicated that the units in the country. He also said their organizations plan to consider that after seeing the equipment and similar resolutions at coming meet­ personnel of the Tech unit he could ings. In The Technique of October 22 the see no reason for any fears concerning ODK announced plans to launch a Courtesy Atlanta Georgian lack of officer material in the event it $5,000 campaign to raise funds for the ADMIRAL LEAHY INSPECTING THE TECH NAVAL R.O.T.C. UNIT was necessary to man the sea defenses completion of a room to be used for against invasion. student organizations for banquets and UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Before the review of the Tech unit, luncheons. ODK proposes to raise the ARMY UNITS START ODK POINTS OFFERS SCHOLARSHIPAdmira l Leahy, with Dr. Brittain, ded­ funds in a variety of ways, including PRACTICE FOR BAT. In last week's issue of the Tech­ icated the cast bronze doors to the the revenue from three football games nique the quality points were listed TOHONOR GRADUATES and from a popular subscription drive. RIFLE COMPETITIONfo r O.D.K. The following additional Armory. These doors were cast in the In commenting on the plan to build points have been added to the list: For the first time in the history of Tech foundry and were designed by Practice has been begun by the Sig­ the new banquet hall, Professor Glenn President of Newman Club 1 the school, Tech is offering an under­ Julian Harris of the Tech faculty. W. Rainey, member of the "Y" Board, nal Corps, Infantry, and Coast Artil­ President of Debating Club 1 graduate scholarship to all accredited In enumerating the naval strength declared: "There just isn't any place lery for the inter-battalion rifle com­ President of Co-Op Club 1 high schools in Georgia. The scholar­ of the United States, Admiral Leahy on the Georgia Tech campus for a petition. The fifteen best men will be Member of Co-Op Club 1 ship is offered to the first honor grad­ medium-sized banquet at the present said, "The United States has a naval picked from each unit to form a team. Military Department: uate of any accredited high school by time. Such a place, however, has be­ Colonel 6 the University System of Georgia, and air force second to none in the world, come almost a necessity here at Tech The teams from each battalion will Lt. Colonel . 5 can be taken at any college under the has a Navy about equal to that of because of our many organizations, practice for one month. After one Major 4 University System. This year Tech Great Britain, and is building more both student and faculty. month the contest will be held to de­ Captain 2 has eleven freshmen here on scholar­ ships." "Under the present circumstances a Band Drum Major 2 termine the winner. In the past, top ships. They are: William B. Bennett, club or society must leave the campus Navy Department: Explaining that the purpose of the honors have gone to the Infantry for Cordele High School; Fred Camp, Aus­ for any kind of banquet or dinner. Lt. Commander 5 Navy in peace times is to be ready, he five years until last year, when the tell High School; Otis Garrard, Boys* This often means that the dinner is Lieutenant 2 said too many people think large na­ High School; Ross Hanahan, Peacock not held because of the inconvenience Coast Artillery won with a close mar­ The maximum number of points vies are the cause of war. School; Walter E. Lumsden, Nacoochee and expense of arranging for it else­ gin. in any one field is 15, while the "In reality a large navy is 'the Valley High School; Henry Marchman, where. I believe such a room as pro­ After the Christmas holidays appli­ scholastic average must be 2.25 or surest means of preserving peace; Jr., Camilla High School; Ashley D. reading of history will assure us that posed will almost pay for itself in time cants for the varsity rifle teams will better. and money saved." Pace, Jr., Riverside Military Acad­ any people possessing a strong navy begin practice whether they are mili­ emy; Robert A. Schulze, Druid Hills need never fear that the will of an­ Jack Nixon, outstanding senior, tary students or not. Captain E. C. TECH'S'WRECKS' HOLDHig h School; P. G. S. Singer, Colum­ other nation will be imposed on them. stated: "I am in whole-hearted sup­ The need of a strong navy is force­ port of such a banquet hall as ODK Franklin and Sergeant Parchman will ANNUAL SHOW TONITbuEs Hig h School; George Stewart, Ce- fully brought to us at this time when is endeavoring to build. This project coach the varsity. Tech has received dartown High School; and Hardeman The Georgia Tech annual "Ramblin' there is armed conflict throughout the (Continued on page 6) Wright, Covington High School. about 20 challenges for matches to Wreck" contest will be held, on Grant world, when the lives of our American The granting of scholarships for date. Field Friday night, October 29. The nationals are in danger both in Eu­ outstanding work has hitherto been DR.RUMBLE ADDRESESCoache s for the military teams are: spectators will see one of the strangest rope and the Far East, and when ships sadly neglected at Tech, and perhaps For the Coast Artillery, Captain Wa­ sights at Tech. All the wrecks in and men of the Navy are actively and the awarding of this one will be only PHILOSOPHYCLUBMON.ters , Captain Newman, and Sergeant Atlanta that can be rounded up will successfully employed in saving the_ the beginning of a more extensive pro­ Patrick; Signal Corps, Major Cameran participate in this contest. lives and property of Americans in Monday night the Basic Philosophy gram along these lines. For a school and Sergeant Weir; Infantry, Major Several fraternities as well as other various parts of the world." Club had the privilege of having Rabbi of Tech's reputation and standing, it clubs will enter their favorite wreck Admiral Leahy in conclusion said, Samuel Sandnel speak to them. He Lilly and Sergeant Parchman. in hope of winning some of the prizes seems rather strange that it should be spoke upon the teachings of the He­ "We do not know when or from what so generously offered by some of At­ so far behind most of the other schools brew prophets. After his lecture the direction the enemy may appear, but lanta's leading stores. The stores that in this field and that the only scholar­ meeting was given over to an open JOHN HOPKINS HAS you can be assured the Navy will be are giving the prizes are: Muse's, ship offered is for one hundred dollars discussion of the Hebrew prophets. ready." FREEFOOTBALLGAMESZachry's , camp & Eason, Tech Shop, and only for a one-year period. The next meeting of this group will Tech College Inn. be next Monday night at 7 o'clock in Baltimore, Md.-(ACP)--"De-em­ The contest will be judged by some the upper room of the "Y." The speak­ Librarians Figlit For Silence phasized" football is a reality at the of Atlanta's fair debutantes. The pub­ er for this meeting will be Dr. Lester Johns Hopkins University. The foot­ lic is invited and you are cordially number adequate to provide a police Rumble, who will speak on "The World During her forty-nine years, Georgia ball financing problem has been solved urged to be there to cheer your favor­ force for the reading rooms or to pro-, in Which Jesus Lived." Mack Gibbs, Tech has witnessed many and varied the chairman of the basic philosophy to the joy of fans by allowing every­ ite wreck on to victory. vide a sufficiency of Neon signs pro­ conflicts, but the most paradoxical of group, wishes all the members to be body to go to the games on passes. claiming in blue-white letters, "silence sure and attend this meeting next Ticket takers, hereafter, will only TECH RAMBLERS PLAtheYm all is now going on.
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