EDIATOR vot.x"m OMAHA, N'EBRASKA,FRIDAY, JUNE 8,1923 NO. 32 -----~--------:------~~=============================-:-:-:.~ '-k PRESIDENT FLAYS K'U KLUX KLAN IN SPEECH In Discourse to Shriners He Delivers If the Track Is Heavy Some Favorites Strong Denunciation of Klan Will Be Scratched DOESN'T MEITION INVISIBLE EMPIRE ABADANE PICKED AS SURE WINNER Tells 20,000 High Masons That Fraternities Must Be Just If They Delante Is Another Favorite That Will Be Backed To The Limit. Are To Survive. Intimates Organization of Hooded Men Granny Lee Has Been The Big Surprise Of The Meet. A Menace To Government And Society in Long Shot Boys Have Cleaned Up. A Record General-A} Wonderful Speech Crowd Expected Saturday' A severe blow was dealt the hooded Ithe. parade was the greatest he had _ The fir.st week of the Spring race was.. enough dough down on her to un-American Ku Klux Klan organiza-j ever seen. • meet is now history and marks an bring the price down to $16.60. If tion this week by President Harding "Fraternities must be just if they OBERL•• IS fOUR- DOC CONNELL' GETS SOAKED epoch in the City's history of sport. the Briggs entry keeps up such a pace when he openly denounced this out- are to. survive," he told the Shrine PLE]'>,'"TY IN HARD FOUGHT SUIT With the weather just about as bad it will-not be surprising to see her go fit in a public speech to the Shriners Council. "And they must be just tq FLUSHIIG AT ALLIlICE· . Attorn~y Connell worked like a tro- as it possibly could be, so far as the to the barrier a near favorite. gathered at Washington for their an- appeal to men in their fellow relation- .. -' . ! Jan for his son, Karl, but he was un- general' public is concerned, it re- Lots of the "'ise gazabos are wait- :rlUal meeting. ships, .. Secret fraternity is oiIe thing, . Iable to keep the jury from giving the mains a fact that several attendance ing for Brazos to enter again the As--~T:ng the menac'I'ng and "secret secret conspiracy is quite another. ·girl 50,000 smackers. The old inan records have been shattered. The rtf th k Sh 'd 11 d biUU A man giving the name of L. 1:.. and other attorneys are raisin"" Heav- Irs 0 e wee. e pal we an conspiracy" as contrasted with the "I like the highly purposed frater- Oberlin, who says he has been work- en and earth and a little hell in their dope has been all upset as but run a great race in her first race. fraternal organi~tion of high pUT- nity," he &aid again, "because it is ing three and one-half years for Mr. attempt to obtain a new trial. Like few favorites have gone over accord- Several colored boys cleaned up nicely pose, President Harding jp his ad- our assurance against menacing or- Rohrer and on the Omaha police force Heinz and Company they had 57 rea- ing to Hoyle: That, of course, is on Bronston who from his perform­ on~ ~ ~e.ars, dress to the Imperiol Council of theIganization. In the very naturalness of and half has. been aP- SOIlS to present the judge why a new what makes the game so interesting ances last year did not appear to have Ancient Arabic Order oJ Nobles of association men band together for pomted mght chleI of pollce of AI- trial should be allowed. and sends some of the boys home sat- a look in. It was a "stable" hunch the Mystic Shrine delivered what isImischief, to exert misguided zeal, to lia.'1ce Neb., according to newspaper!1 Violet appears to be well satisfied urated with filthy lucre while others that went over, with the Negroes tak- accepted as the strongest denuncia- vent unreasoning malice, to under- h' h 1 h h "l.. ! are glad to hav€ on€ of :Mr. Wattles' ing most of the money. ~epor:s_, .w IC a so say. e ,as "een Iwith the award, even though she had tion yet hurled by the government at mine our institutions. TIDa,_isn't fra- ,;0 bu",) III federal cases In Omaha and to go through a seven daY vaudeville little chips to ride back to the village. Down at the cigar stores and other the Ku Klux Klan. \ ternity;- this is conspiracy. This isn't Kansas Citv for the last mon;-h that:. "ho'" '. The best and most interesting racel, little "shops" where the betting fra- '. "">"" n, as the attorney s termed the . Without ~ention of the Invisible jassociated uplift, it is organized de- he could not report sooner at Alliance., trial. of the meet ar: Yet. to come and as ternity gather to dope out the gallop- Empire, but with a series of refer-.j struction, This is not brotherhood, it As a matter of truth OberlL71 was the meet goes In to-the second week ers a great deal of conversation is ences to "misguided zeal" eonspirac- is the discord of disloyalty and-a dau- never heard of in Rohrer's depart-' it,is expected that still greater crowd:; spilled concerning G. W. Crippen's ies, "unr~asoning malice" and by em-I ger to the Republic. ment, according to United States Dep- fiGHT FAlliS SI~1 UP Will ~e on hand to, witn~ss the races "Phrone Ward."· Some seem to think f,~;~~.~~ i~t.: ==::'~~;'.i,.,~:~~~:~e=n. ~~~y'~::tu:;~~~:'~u';:;~:, ~~: :~ :;:,:~ ~~,~h:e ~~'::, ~ w;:::,;;: aM FOR TRIP WITH HOLMESI ';;: ions -l!IDel'tY, justice "and equality-·are- so long as· one eanWftness spectacles Thitr S~eids':'~'lio h3:; en secreta· ,a track 10 theIr lIkmg most or the "'in horse to the limit. taugllt in lecture and obligation," the like that we saw in the nation's cap':' to the police commissioner and chief Iweek but fe",: of them have run to. Charley Trimble, who does about a President brought cheers from his ita! today, the cherishment of our in- of police of Omaha for the last fif-. ,' form. If Jupiter pluv,keeps on act- regiment of men's work~ before and hearers ~nd t:--equently he had to stop herit:d i~stitutions ~d due ~gard to t('en years has never heard of Ober- As :he tm~e .for the .Demp.seY-GI~= ing up the way he has been doing the after the meet, says that everybody and aWaIt qUIet. constitutional authonty, and the love lin. Certainly he was never connected I ?ons fIght dlaws,near, I.nte~st grow" paSt few days it is very likely that connected "ith the game seems well The tone of his address is viewed of liberty under the law, we may be "ith the Omaha police force, accord- I~ Ou,laha a~cordmg to ErnIe Holmes several world renowned ponies are satisfied with the first week's results th '~;.r t b I assured the future is secure ing to Shields who IS making up a party to attend likely to be schatched for the $2,OtJ(J and attendance and e..'.-pects to see as . e m.ore SI5u.u.IClUl ecause m- .. , '. ,. ...." the scrap. The cost of the trip \\ill Db' b S t d If ' penal WIzard W. H. Evans of the "There IS no lUlsconstrumg the aImS Umted States Attorney Kinsler t b t 'd' 11 I er Y to e run a ur ay. such IS hundreds of out-state racing fans out .. '.. ., h rd f . no e grea conSI enng a t le fun the case thore "·ill be a world of mon . th .e' ld d' th ' d f Klan IS m Washington, haVIng just and purposes of our loftIer Amencan never ea 0 him. He sald there I th' h f 1 f I 1 ht - n - at e .J.Ie urmg e remam er 0 concluded .a. secret conference with .fraternalism. For the great brother- had been no booze cases before the )1 e, oun:: fO it gOOf e 0 ws oug to ey bet and distributed in a way alto- the race meet. th .t-:' • I rt· th d th t 1la,e ou~ 0 _. gether different from whl!-t would be All the old time" may be seen I'n or Ku Klux leaders from various states. hooe:I there IS e pa"notlc apprmsa cou ror a mon· , an a no man t- Mr. Harding spoke after reviewing of the heritage of the Republic. Here b~' the name·of Oberlin had ever been; expected if such favorite~ as Delante, about tp.e stands eyery day but sev- the Shriners' parade, which he wit- is representative democracy, wrought {'!Ie of his witnesses. Apparently; . .,~ Abadane, Judge Pryer and one or two eral are complaining about their in- nessed with Mrs. Harding, Gen. Per- in sacrifice and toil, amid liberty's Cit:.· Mana~er Kimmish of AllianceILA1ISON LOSE:::; ~O , other bang-tains that are eligible for ability to pick them as they have had shiug and members of the Cabinet higest aspirations, and not forCe or ~a..<; ?een, gIven the \-\'rong. hunch, orI .;' l' TO '~lLLIE ~EEH:~N the race. the habit of doing in former years. from the grand stand in front of ~e violence, no alien purpo~e, no social IS bemg :mposed upon,. T~e Mediator! n \\I1.Ie T~Iee.:an sLa~ed, a ."ucceS"ful Granny Lee has been the surprise Most of the big money changers have 'White House. Some 20,000 Shriners madness shall be permitte'd to destroy has receIved several mqUlries about ,-ome-bacr, V\ ednesda~ mght at Oak- and sensation of the meet so far.
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