RLP Runnymede Local Plan Annual Monitoring Report Veridis - Franklands Drive, Addlestone 2012/2013 Italiano Qualora non siate in grado di leggere o di parlare l’inglese, e necessitiate assistenza che vi permetta di capire il presente documento, siete pregati di contattare la WITS Linkline allo 01483 750548 e lasciare un messaggio nella vostra lingua. Polski Jeżeli nie potrafisz czytać lub mówić po angielsku i potrzebujesz pomocy w zrozumieniu tego dokumentu, proszę skontaktować się z Linią Telefoniczną WITS pod numerem 01483 750548, zostawiając wiadomość w języku ojczystym. Español Si no puede leer o hablar ingles, y necesita ayuda para enteder este documento, por favor contacte a WITS Linkline al 01483 750548 y deje un recado en su idioma. Portrait of Runnymede 5 Introduction 10 Core Output indicators (COIs) 10 New Local Plan Progress 11 SECTION 1 Infrastructure Delivery plan (IDP) & Community Infrastructure Levy 12 Business Development and Town Centres 14 BD1 Total amount of additional floorspace 15 Housing Development 16 H1 Plan Period and Housing targets 17 H2 (a) Net dwellings in previous years 17 H2(b1) Net dwellings for the reporting year 18 H2 (b2) Bedroom information on additional dwellings 18 H2(c) Net additional dwellings in future years 18 H2(d) Managed delivery target 19 H3: New and converted dwellings – on previously developed land 19 H4: Net additional pitches (Gypsy and Traveller) 19 H5: Gross affordable housing completions 20 H6: Building for Life Assessments 21 Environmental Quality 22 E1: Number of planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency advice 22 on flooding and water quality grounds E2: Change in areas of biodiversity importance 23 E3: Renewable energy generation 23 SECTION 2 Sustainability Appraisal Baseline Data Report 24 Objective 1 ‘To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to live in a decent , 24 sustainably constructed and affordable home suitable to their need’ A. Net additional dwellings for the current year 24 B. Affordable housing completions 24 C. Ration of lower quartile house price to lower quartile income by district 24 D. Households on the housing register 25 E. Number of non‐decent homes per 1,000 dwellings 25 F. Percentage of new build and retrofit homes meeting EcoHomes Very Good 25 Standard or equivalent Code for Sustainable Homes Objective 2 ‘To improve the health and well‐being at the population and 26 reduce inequalities in health’ A.Early death rates for circulatory disease, cancer, accidents and suicide 26 B. Infant mortality rates 26 C. Under 18 conception rates 27 D. Life expectancy 27 E. Alcohol related hospital stays 28 F. Progress in reducing health inequalities 28 G. The extent to which older people receive the support they need to live 28 independently at home H. Obesity among primary school age children in Year 6 28 Objective 3 ‘To reduce poverty and social exclusion and by improving their 29 performance, close the gap between the most deprived areas in Runnymede and the rest of the region’ RBC Annual Monitoring Report ‐ 2012/13 1 A. Proportion of children in poverty 29 B. Percentage of the population of working age who are claiming key benefits 30 C. Percentage of households in fuel poverty 30 D. Proportion of the population who live in areas that rank within the most deprived 30 20% of areas in Runnymede (indices of multiple deprivation) E. Number of households experiencing financial exclusion 31 i. Number of households without a current account 31 ii. Number of households not able to access affordable personal credit 32 Objective 4 ‘To raise educational achievement levels across the borough and develop 32 opportunities for everyone to acquire the skills needed to find and remain in work’ A. Achievement of a Level 2 qualification by the age of 19 32 B. Proportion of adults with poor literacy and numeracy skills 32 C. 16‐18 year olds who are not in education , training or employment 33 Objective 5 ‘To reduce crime and perceptions of disorder’ 33 A. Level of serious violence and serious acquisitive crime 33 B. Perceptions of anti‐social behaviour 34 C.Fear of crime 34 Objective 6 ‘To create and sustain vibrant communities which recognise which 34 recognise the needs and contributions of all individuals’ A. Percentage of people who feel that their local area is a place where people 34 from different backgrounds and communities can live together harmoniously B. Percentage of people who say they are satisfied with their local area as a place 35 to live C. Participation in regular volunteering 36 Objective 7 ‘To improve accessibility to all services and facilities including the 36 countryside and the historic environment’ A. Access to key services and facilities by public transport , walking and cycling 36 B. Percentage of rural households at set distances from key services 37 C. Access to natural greenspace 37 Objective 8 ‘To encourage increased engagement in cultural activity across all 37 sections of the community in Runnymede and promote sustainable tourism’ A. Participation in cultural activity 37 Objective 9 ‘To ensure high and stable levels of employment so everyone can benefit 38 from the economic growth of Runnymede’ A. Overall employment rate 38 B. Change in the economic activity rate 39 C. The business stock per 1,000 inhabitants businesses in the area 39 D. Change in the number of businesses run by women 40 Objective 10 ‘To sustain economic growth and competitiveness across the borough by 40 focusing on the principles of smart growth: raising levels of enterprise, productivity and economic activity’ A. Real GVA per capita growth 40 B. Real productivity per employee (total) growth rate 41 Objective 11 ‘To stimulate economic revival in deprived areas’ 41 A. Number of income support claimants in the 20% most deprived areas 41 Objective 12 ‘To develop a dynamic diverse and knowledge based economy that 42 excels in innovation with high value lower impact activities’ A. The percentage of total Runnymede business attributable to new (new to 42 market) and significantly improved products B. Value of manufacturing exports per head 42 C. The expenditure on R&D as the proportion of GVA 43 Objective 13 ‘To develop and maintain a skilled workforce to support long term 43 competitiveness of the borough’ RBC Annual Monitoring Report ‐ 2012/13 2 A. Working age population qualified to Level 3 or higher 43 B. Working age population qualified to Level 4 or higher 44 C. The proportions of employers reporting skills gaps and shortages. 44 D. Proportion of the labour force receiving training 44 Objective 14 ‘To improve efficiency in land use through the appropriate re‐use of 45 previously developed land and existing buildings‐ including re‐use of materials from buildings – and encourage urban renaissance’ A. Development on previously developed land 45 B. Previously developed land that has been vacant or derelict for more than five 45 years Objective 15 ‘To reduce the risk of flooding and resulting detriment to public well‐ 45 being, the economy and the environment’ A.Properties at risk of flooding 45 B. Number of planning permissions granted contrary to the advice of the 46 Environment Agency on flood defence grounds C. New development with sustainable drainage installed 46 D. Number of additional houses where flood risk has been reduced 46 Objective 16 ‘To reduce air pollution and ensure air quality continues to improve’ 46 A. Days when air pollution is moderate or high 46 Objective 17 ‘To addresses the causes of climate change through reducing emissions 47 of greenhouse gases’ A. Emissions of greenhouse gases by source 47 B. Per capita CO2 emissions 47 Objective 18 ‘Ensure that Runnymede is prepared for the impacts of climate change’ 48 A. Population that are within water resource zones that are in deficit 48 Objective 19 ‘To conserve and enhance the boroughs biodiversity’ 48 A. Population of wild birds 48 B. Condition of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) 48 C. Extent and condition of key habitats for which Biodiversity Action Plan (BAPs) 49 have been established Objective 20 ‘To protect and enhance the boroughs countryside and historic 49 environment’ A. Number and area of sites damaged/destroyed by development 49 B. Area of land covered by HLS and ELS environmental stewardship schemes 50 C. Change in the character of the landscape 50 D. Designated heritage assets 50 Objective 21 ‘To improve the efficiency of transport networks by enhancing the 50 proportion of travel by sustainable modes and by promoting policies that reduce the need to travel’ A. Growth in road traffic volume 50 B. Time taken to travel to work (average time per journey) 51 C. Trips per person per mode 51 D. Freight transported by mode (tonnes lifted) 51 Objective 22 ‘To reduce the global social and environmental impact of consumption 52 of resources by using sustainably and ethically produced local or low impacts’ A. Regional ecological footprint 52 B. Percentage of commercial buildings meeting BREEAM Very Good Standard or 52 above or equivalent Objective 23 ‘To reduce waste generation and disposal, and achieve sustainable 52 management of waste’ A. Total types of all waste arising’s, and method used for its management 52 B. Inter‐regional movement of waste 53 Objective 24 ‘To maintain and improve the water quality of the Boroughs rivers, 53 ground waters and coasts and to achieve sustainable water resources management’ RBC Annual Monitoring Report ‐ 2012/13 3 A. Rivers of good or fair chemical and biological water quality 53 B. Compliance with EC Bathing Waters Directive 54 C. Nitrate status of groundwater/ % of sites not meeting standard 54 D. GQA nutrient status of freshwaters for Phosphate and Nitrate 54 E. Per capita consumption of water 54 Objective 25 ‘To increase energy efficiency, security and diversity of supply and the 55 proportion of energy generated from renewable sources in the borough’ A.
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