^HIGH RISK RESTRICTED AREA 1 Acae.aRtd^ ■f Glen Cairn Peak Crossing WatwfordWest RED IMPORTED FIRE ANT RESTRICTED AREA Goodna Westlake 1 /fester Phnpema Afflberiey Goolman Priestdaie Vinrhe Rock Areherfield Green tmnk Purga Waawong DECLARATION NOTICE Ashwey Harrtsvitte Racevtew wmowbank Augustine Heathwood RecHianfc Wfsbart Declaration Notice Burellan Puinf HerltegePark Redbank Plains Woodrtdge (declared under section 49 of the Plant Protection Regulation 2002) BcHbkdPark Hillcrest Itodtend Bay Wutt;urala Beteiont Hohnview Regents Park Thmanto Berrbtba Inata Richlands Yarrabdba The Director-General of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries declares Bethania Ipswich Ripley Yatoia that the listed suburbs and localities are in either a high risk restricted area Blackstone J^bfopifly Rrverhttte or a low risk restricted area. BoKM^ Heights ttmboc^ha Rrwerview Brookwater Karaiee Rochedale The declaration comes into effect on 31 August 2015 and revokes and replaces all Browns Pfatns Rarawatha Rochedaie South previous restricted area declaration notices for fire ants in South East Queensland. Buccan Kh^ston ftocklea Regional Council BundsFsba Kurafay Rosevais The movement restrictions mentioned in sections 51-^B of the Plant Protection Burbank LautteY Rosewood Regulation 2002 apply to high risk and low risk restricted areas. Calamvale tarapinta Runcorn Caroira Leichhardt Seventeen Mlle Rocks Carmdaie Logan Central Shader Pa tk Carole Park Logan Reserve SveWon Cedar Creek Logan Village Slacks Creek Cedar Grove Loganbotme South Macfean Chambers Flat Logantea South Ripley I Churchtfi Lower Mount Wattcer Spring Mountam I' ColeyvUte Lyons ^snr^field F- ( ~RegibnalCouncii ^isbene •—"-"i CoUfngwood Park Mackenzie Sprhigfield Cemral afyiCounpil Coopers Plains Mansfleld Sprii^field Lakes Voiwr Cornu bia Marsden Springwood Crestmead Meadowbrook Stapylton Daisy Kitt Stockta^h Da era Mount Cotton Stretton Deefaing He'ghts Mount Forbes Sunwmr Dmirwre Mount WaMar ftinnybank iftf Gouni'it Dot^andstta Muftruben Sunnybank Hitts Drewvate Mutdapttly Swanbank Durack New Beith TallegaBa EbbwVate Mew Chum 1hnah Merah Ebeneter North Boovai Ibnnyson Edens Lancttftg North Maclean Tbagoena E^ht Mile Pfams North Tivoli Tbornlands Effen Grove One Mite ThfOtt FHnders View Ormeau Underwood Forest Hitt Oxtey Undultah Forest Lake PaSara Vktofia Point Forestdale hirk Ridge Wacol Gattes Park Ri^e South Warrttl View Gilberton Parkinson Waterford Ipiwfjsh LOW RISK RESTRICTED AREA Alberton Grandchester Muirlea Yeerongpilly ! Alexandra Hills Gumdale Mundoolun Yeronga Anstead Jacobs Well Nathan Ip Bahrs Scrub Jamboree Heights Newtown Bannockburn Jindalee North Ipswich ■( Basin Pocket Kagaru Norwell Beenteigh Kairabah Ormeau Hills Vailpy Belivah Karana Downs Pinjarra Hills RcgiOrial Bellbowrie Karra bin Plainland Blacksoil Kents Lagoon Radford Blenheim Kfngsholme Robertson Booval Laidley Heights Sadilers Crossing Brassall Laidley North Salisbury Calvert Laidley South Sherwood Capalaba Lanefield Silkstone Carbrook Lawes Silverdale Carina Limestone Ridges Slnnamon Park Carina Heights Luscombe Stelglitz Cedar Vale Macgregor Summerholm Chandler Marburg Tam borine I . I Chelmer Merryvale The Bluff .1 [Sceri/c Rim Chuwar Middle Park Hngalpa Regional Coiinc^.^ Coast'C/fy Cleveland Milora Upper MountGravaU S I BtfHUden Council Coalfeils Minden Walloon College View Moores Pocket Washpool —■’ ' I / ’ \ • 4-s Qrawwo Corinda Mooroota West Ipswich ftuiWuki I Crowley Vale Mount Crosby Wilsons Plains -J Eagleby Mount Gravatt East Windaroo East Ipswich Mount Marrow Woiffdene -V1 Eastern Heights Mount Mort Woodend i Oovtofl Fig Tree Pocket Mount Ommaney Woodlands J Glenore Grove Mount Walker West Woolshed J Graceville Mount Warren Park Woongoolba ;_____________ "i ■ s" 1 J Restricted Items Requirements for High Risk Restricted Area (red zone) Low Risk Restricted Area (orange zone) National Red Imported Contact the Department of Fire Ant Eradication Program 5Qj|TeterWc», Mulch Agriculture and Fisheries Commercial operators In this area movement of restricted items requires an Approved Within this area movement of restricted items is allowed. Restricted Area Version 53 Manure - Bark for further information Risk Management Plan or an Inspector's Approval to move Movement into the unrestricted area requires an Approved Effective Date: 31 August 2015 Hay Pot plants these items off a property. Risk Management Plan or an Inspector’s Approval. Potting media Turf Log on to Log on to vwvw.daf.qld.gov.au/fireants for details. Log on to www.daf.qld.gov.au/fireants for details. j High Risk L J Suburb Boundaries www.daf.qid.gov.auZfireants Sieepers/iogs Gravels I—=J Restricted Area Poultry litter _ Local Government Residents Residents living in this area have several options when moving Residents living in this area have no formal requirements. I—-I Boundaries or call 13 25 23 ___... Low Risk restricted items off their property. Log on to Please check your yard for fire ants and call 13 25 23 if you I------1 Restricted Area *Soil will require an Inspector’s Approval .; Water Bodies before being moved into an unrestricted www.daf.qld.gov.au/flreants for details. think you have found suspect ants. area. Log on to 0 2 6 10 A www.daf.qld.gov.au/fireants for details. Disclaimer: While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of these data sets, all data custodians and/or the State of Queensland makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaims ail responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs to which you might incur as a result of the data being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason. Replications of maps and/or data contained within are subject to authorisation by the Mapping Coordinator, Biosecurity Queensland Control Centre. Queensland Government Acknowledgements © The State of Queensland • Department of Natural Resources & Mines 2015. © The State of Queensland - Department of Agriculture & Fisheries 2015. Produced by; fewkesm - Produced on: 04/08/2015- Project: NRIFAEP RIFA_Resfricted_Area_Version_53_Suburbs_A3_decIaration_notice,mxd eDocs#4109876 FIRE ANT BIOSECURITY ZONES: EFFECTIVE DATE 1 JULY 2016 Fire ant biosecurity zone 1 Forestdale Raceview Mount Byron Acacia lUdge CiDssdale Redbank Kumongbah Algester Gailes Ciftssbiook Ambertey Goodna Redbank Plains Archerfield &eenbank Regents Park Augustine Heights Heathwood Rtchlamds Samsonvale Basin Pocket Heritage Park Ripley Laceys Creek BelibirdPark Hillcrest Riverview Glen Esk Rochedale Berrinba Holmview KobMe Creek Bethania Inala Rocklea Blackstone Ipswich Runcorn Boov^ Karawatha Sadliers Crossing Dundas Cashmere Boronia Heights Kingston Silkstone Red bank Creek Brookwater Kuraby Slacks Creek 'Mount Samson Browns Plains Larapinta South Ripl^ Buecan Leichhardt Spring Mountain Sundam ba Logan Central Springfield Caiamvale Logan Reserve Springfield Central Camiia Lcganlea Springfield Lakes Carole Park Mackenzie Stretton Churchill Mansfield Sumner J Sanford Valley '* Coalfalls Marsden Sunnybank Buaraba Regional Council Highvale Collingwood Park Meadowbrook Sunnybank Hills Coominya Coopers PUuns Moggill Swanbank Ferny Hits Crestmead Moores Pocket Tivoli Darra Munruben Undemood amp Mountain New Chum Wacol Deebing Heights Buaraba South Patrick Dinmore Newtown Waterford Estate I ~ Wvenhoe Doolandella North Booval Waterford West Churchabe Clarendon Enoggeia West Ipswich Drewvale North Maclean Reservoii Durack North Tivoli White Rock East Ipswch One Mile Wiilavreng ~ Brisbane Eastern Heights Oxley Willowbank Mount Tarampa Femvale City Council Wishart Lowood Ebbw ^ie Pallara Vinegar Hil BrookfleW VstookRold Eight Mite Plains Park Ridge Woodend Ellen Grove Park Ridge South Woodridge Bnghtvieiv FaimwView Parkinson Wulkuraka Flinders View Loekrose Forest Lake Purga Yamanto Glamorgan CLatendon Coolana Fire ant biosecurity zone 2 f Ringwood Kensingnr Regency ’rten Holland Park Ormeau Hills .-xandra Hills Indooroopilly Peak Crossing Allen view Jacobs Well Pimpama Anstead Jhmboree Heights Pinjarra Kills FboM HDb Jeebropilly Plainland Ashwell North Bahrs Scrub Jmboomba Priestdaie Stradbroke ifindalee Radford TaKegafla Bannockburn Island Barellan Point Kagaru RedtendBay Redland Beenieigh Kalrabah Riverhilis Lower Gfy Council Belivah Karaiee Robertson Tenihill BeDbowrie Karana Downs Rochedale South Mcuinf Canon Belmont Karrabin Rosevale Blacksoil Kenmore Rosewood Blenheim Kents Lagoon Salisbury Brassall Kingsholme Seventeen Mile Rocks Burbank Laidley Shailer Park Calvert Uidley Heights Sheldon Sherwood Camp Hill Laidley North Councfl Capalaba Laidley South Silverdale Carbrook Lanefield Sinnamon Park Carina Lawes South Maclean Carina Heights Limestone Ridges Springwood Carindale Logan Village Stapylton South RMey Cedar Creek Loganhobne Steiglitz Cedar Grove Lower Mount Walker Stockleigh Cedar Vale Luscombe Summerholm Chambers Rat Lyons TaDegalla k^regor Chandler Tamborine Chapel Hill Marburg TanahMerah Chelmer Merryvale Tennyson Woodbine l^anwlnse Chuwar Middle Park Thagoona Cleveland Milbong The Bluff Coley Ville Milora Thornlands Branch College View Mindm Hngalpa Coomera Moorooka Undullah nmtwna Council Kngsbohne '“oerparoo Mount Cotton Upper Coomera Jimboomba nda Mount Crosby Upper Mount Gravatt .nubia Mount Forbes VMorla Point Crowley Vale Mount Gravatt East Walloon Daisy Hili Mount Marrow WarrinView Eagleby Mount Mort
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