APR 18 E COVERS FINAL.qxp_Layout 1 3/15/18 2:16 PM Page 1 APRIL 2018 KNIGHTSOFCOLUMBUS April Columbia Ad ENGLISH.qxp_Layout 1 3/14/18 3:02 PM Page 1 Keeping Our Promise Find an agent at kofc.org or 1-800-345-5632 LIFE INSURANCE • DISABILITY INCOME INSURANCE • LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE • RETIREMENT ANNUITIES World’s Most Ethical Companies® and Ethisphere® names and marks are registered trademarks of Ethisphere LLC. APRIL 18 E 3_15 FINAL 2.qxp_Mar E 12 3/15/18 12:02 PM Page 1 KNIGHTSOFCOLUMBUS a P r i l 2 0 1 8 ♦ V o l u m E 9 8 ♦ N u m b E r 4 COLUMBIA FEATURES 8 Secretariat and the Knight Who Raced Him to Victory An interview with Ron Turcotte, the Hall of Fame jockey who rode the fastest steed of all time. BY ALTON J. PELOWSKI 14 Game On! The father of gold medal winner Amanda Pelkey reflects on watching his daughter’s dream come true. BY JOHN PELKEY, WITH COLUMBIA STAFF 16 The Last Martyr of Mexico The heroic witness of St. Pedro Maldonado, a member of the Knights, inspired the restoration of religious freedom to his state. BY JUAN GUAJARDO 20 ‘Love Is the Only Way’ An interview with actor Jim Caviezel about his role in the new film Paul, Apostle of Christ. BY COLUMBIA STAFF 22 Knighthood and the ‘New Man’ A rosary that belonged to St. Pedro de Jesús Maldonado Lucero, a Catholic men are called to be faithful servants, priest and Knight of Columbus who was martyred in 1937, is pic- protecting their families and building up the Church. tured during the centennial celebration of his ordination in El Paso, BY ARCHBISHOP CHARLES J. CHAPUT Texas. (See story on page 16.) DEPARTMENTS 36Building a better world Knights of Columbus News 7 Fathers for Good Reversing negative demographic New K of C Video Series High- The season when we celebrate the trends will depend on embracing lights “Everyday Heroes” • Knights Resurrection is a privileged time the Church’s wisdom about mar- of Columbus Sets Insurance of sacramental grace. riage and family. Record for 17th Consecutive Year BY JASON GODIN BY SUPREME KNIGHT CARL A. ANDERSON • Order Mourns Death of Supreme Director 26 Knights in Action 4 Learning the faith, living the faith God’s mercy sets us free from slavery to sin and the prison of our pretensions. BY SUPREME CHAPLAIN ARCHBISHOP WILLIAM E. LORI PLUS: Catholic Man of the Month Photo by Joe Najera Photography/Diocese of El Paso A P R I L 2 0 1 8 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦ 1 APRIL 18 E 3_15 FINAL 2.qxp_Mar E 12 3/15/18 12:02 PM Page 2 EDITORIAL COLUMBIA PUBLISHER Knights of Columbus The Paradox of the Cross ________ Mozart, Michael Jordan, Mother Teresa. Jesus says to his disciples, “Whoever SUPREME OFFICERS Carl A. Anderson There is a temptation to think of those wishes to come after me must deny SUPREME KNIGHT who possess extraordinary abilities, tal- himself, take up his cross, and follow Most Rev. William E. Lori, S.T.D. ents or holiness as otherworldly — as if me. For whoever wishes to save his life SUPREME CHAPLAIN Patrick E. Kelly their capacity for greatness was not re- will lose it, but whoever loses his life for DEPUTY SUPREME KNIGHT alized in the same valley of tears in my sake will find it” (Mt 16:24-25). Michael J. O’Connor which the rest of us live. Certainly, such The Christian call to self-denial and SUPREME SECRETARY Ronald F. Schwarz figures have been blessed with remark- self-sacrificial love, though challenging, SUPREME TREASURER able gifts, but so too have we. The dif- is not a path to misery but to everlasting John A. Marrella SUPREME ADVOCATE ference often lies in how a person has, joy and fulfillment. At the center of ________ or has not, made use of those gifts. Christianity stands the paradox of the EDITORIAL In his book Peak: Secrets from the cross: St. Paul writes, “The message of Alton J. Pelowski New Science of Expertise (2016), psy- the cross is foolishness to those who are EDITOR Andrew J. Matt chologist K. Anders Ericsson states perishing, but to us who are being saved MANAGING EDITOR that in his 30 years of studying so- it is the power of God” (1 Cor 1:18). Anna M. Bninski called prodigies, he has “never found In this issue of Columbia, we begin ASSOCIATE EDITOR a convincing case for anyone develop- by highlighting the achievements of ing extraordinary abilities without in- Hall of Fame jockey Ron Turcotte and tense, extended practice.” He argues Olympic gold medal-winning hockey that what sets apart the world’s most player Amanda Pelkey, whose dedica- skilled athletes, artists and other top tion to their respective sports has been performers is not innate talent but complemented by their dedication to rather a passionate determination to serving others. We also feature articles Venerable Michael McGivney (1852-90) Apostle to the Young, overcome their weaknesses. Whatever on St. Pedro Maldonado, a Knight of Protector of Christian Family Life and the task or achievement, overempha- Columbus priest martyred in Mexico, Founder of the Knights of Columbus, Intercede for Us. sizing the natural talents of others can and a new film about St. Paul, who ________ be a way of excusing ourselves from wrote these words when faced with his HOW TO REACH US the hard work required to excel. own martyrdom: “I have competed MAIL Similarly, we have a tendency to ide- well; I have finished the race; I have COLUMBIA 1 Columbus Plaza alize the lives of the saints and martyrs kept the faith” (2 Tim 4:7). Finally, the New Haven, CT 06510-3326 and conclude that such sanctity is un- issue includes a thought-provoking re- ADDRESS CHANGES 203-752-4210, option #3 attainable, or at least too costly. As G.K. flection on the meaning of knighthood [email protected] Chesterton once wrote, “The Christian today. We are charged to become no PRAYER CARDS & SUPPLIES ideal has not been tried and found less than saints so that, as the closing 203-752-4214 COLUMBIA INQUIRIES wanting. It has been found difficult; prayer of the Angelus states, we “may 203-752-4398 and left untried.” Nonetheless, the call by his Passion and Cross be brought to FAX to holiness remains universal — no one the glory of his Resurrection.”♦ 203-752-4109 K OF C CUSTOMER SERVICE is exempt — and a principal reason the 1-800-380-9995 Church canonizes saints is to propose ALTON J. PELOWSKI E-MAIL them as models for believers today. EDITOR [email protected] INTERNET kofc.org/columbia ________ Catholic Information Service Resource: Into the Breach Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Into the Breach: An Apostolic Exhortation to Catholic Men (#340) Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the by Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of Phoenix provides concrete an- Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to swers to key questions: What does it mean to be a Catholic man? live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church. How does a Catholic man love? Why is fatherhood so crucial ________ for every man? Published as part of the Veritas Series of the Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved Order’s Catholic Information Service, this booklet includes a ________ study guide and discussion questions. To download or order ON THE COVER copies, visit kofc.org/cis. Ron Turcotte, a member of the Knights of Columbus, rides Secretariat to victory in the COVER: Photo by Tony Leonard/©Tony Leonard Foundation Kentucky Derby on May 5, 1973. ♦ COLUMBIA ♦ A P R I L 2 0 1 8 2 APRIL 18 E 3_14 FINAL.qxp_Mar E 12 3/14/18 1:52 PM Page 3 BUILDINGABETTERWORLD ‘To Receive and Give Life’ Reversing negative demographic trends will depend on embracing the Church’s wisdom about marriage and family by Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson IN 1980, I had the opportunity to real human interaction but created a speak in Rome at a conference on the new hesitation to commit to long- future of the family in Europe and term relationships such as marriage Africa, which was sponsored by the and especially to the responsibility of Catholic University of the Sacred raising children. what it means to be “fully human.” Heart’s medical school. In an earlier column this year, I We need more Catholic couples to During the meeting, a young wrote about the coming of a new cri- adopt the attitude described by Pope African mother introduced herself sis as developments in science in Francis: a life of such generosity and and her new baby. She told us that her areas such as artificial intelligence, sacrifice that they are willing “to re- child’s name was “Gift Francis” and robotics and genetics increasingly ceive and give life.” that she chose that name because blur our understanding of what it This will require all of us to make when she was pregnant her parish means to be human and even to act greater efforts to transmit the central priest, who was a Franciscan mission- in a human way. teaching of Humanae Vitae regarding ary, told her that her child the dignity and mission of was a gift from God.
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