R-R-TIME-TABLES The Critical Periods - -? - - - ... THE L.VKGKXTIN THE COUNTY. I*. It X 1* It IS Unhappy Women! | 27, 1904. " Tinit table iu effect Nov. can b" in a Woman's Life THE arrive No woman happy when h«r Kelsey, Crown, Boomer \u25a0 Passenger trains leave and lit health Is und< rmined. N'» woman <*an Butler as follows: have KIMNI h"alth while lif uffers from | ' Are When the Change Comes From LEAVE fou NORTH. female weakness, inflammation, ulcera- tion or any disease of thti clHlcato wom- Illfiiia!Childhood to Womanhood anil Later FURINACES. I 1 7:30 a. m., mixed for Punxsutawney, anly organs. Nervous, sic. Pl« -s. fretful. ! | Butler County When Organs the Pelvic National the of Bank. Dn i'.ois and intermediate stations. suffering in body and mind, she does not EARLY CELERY. 10 !1 a. in. daily, vestihuled day ex- live but only exists. Region Cease Their Work. press Bnffalo, Ashfonl, More than a half a such women lVrtllitlnsFi>rre« llie Flr»« rropnnu -1 for connects at million cure A good. STRONG HOME days, Rochester. have fuuiul a perfect and permanent Allow* n Scoonit. I BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of j i week for for th.-lr in use of ' DR. A W. CHASE'S MERYL PILLS. r.::;7 p. in. Punx'y. Bois Ulseasid condition the are representa- Buler Couny local for Dn Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription, j The stalks shown hero to do business wih. and intermediate stations. Women cured by tliis reundy say it is . tive individuals from two plots in a When the child changes from girlhood U::;i p. in. night express for Buffalo a "wonderful medicine,'" so perfectly comparative experiment. The again come- manorial to womanhood and later in life and Rochester. does it re-tore them to health and | one on the left Is from a plot ferti- when the organs of the pelvic region j ft 300,000.00 j| loess. (Capital ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 1 work, There is no alcohol in "Favorite Pre- j lized in the usual way with eommer cease their there is a strain 6:10 h. in. daily, night express from scription," neither does it contain opium, j eiai manure, containing plant food : thrown npon the nervous system, that j surplus 300,000.00 ;; . Buffalo and Rochester. cocaine, nor any other harmful drug. It constituents in the ordinary proportion: j requires outside aid that there may be ! i Strength is in the strictest sense, an honest, tem- additional 9:30 a.m. week days, accomodation per cent; phosphoric acid. supplied a proper amount of from Dußois. perance medicine. Its ingredients are Nitrogen, 5 strength and resistive power. This j (Assets will agree with cent; per cent. Tho 2,706,342.30 || BR, ' 5:34 p.m. daily, vestibuled day express purely vegetable, and it 7 per potash, 12 Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills do to a DR. E GREW the most delicate constitution. on the right is from a plot that certainty by snpply from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash- Don't tie hypnotized, or over per- stalk their abilityto to the I J 1 No. 229 12 SOUTH MAIN ST ford week days from Rochester, suaded, Into accepting a -übstitute. received in addition to application of nervous system and the organs affected, We invite YOUR business?assuring you PROMPT, j 8:07 p.m. week days, mixed train This medicine has a record that's worth J fertilizer al>ove three applications of an amount of nerve strength and energy COURTEOUS and j fro'a Du Bois and Punxsutawney. far more than any difference in price. that enables them to accommodate them- LIBERAL service. fcSiek and ailing women are invited to i changes NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY Trains leave the B. & O. Station, selves rapidly and easily to the consult l)r. Pierce, either personally or taking ittsbnrg for and Rochester charge or place. "The big CO., | ! Buffalo by letter, absolutely without Bank on the corner by the Court House" I SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST , at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.. and for local fee. thus avoiding the unpleasant ques- Mrs. Julia Rowland, of No. 264 Pearl I jxrints as far as Dußois at 4:05 p.m. On tionings, offensive examinations and ob- St., Bnffalo. writes: I nec- Sunday the 9:00 a.m. train runs to Buf- noxious local treatments considered "Both 17, BUTLER, PA. ROOMS 1, 2, essary by many All myself and daughter, aged falo alone. local practitioners. are correspondence treated as strictlyprivate deeply indebted to Dr A. W. Chase AND 3. li & O ii It and sacredly confidential. Write without and his Nerve Pills. They certainly are \u25a0HIMIWII IIP I 111 I laaMMM? I??? Time table in effect. May 1905. fear and without fee to I)r. I{. V. Pierce, a grand tonic to the nerves I used 6(53 Street, Buffalo, a year me Dr. E. Grewer is graduate of the West,leave Main N. Y. them about ago. to give the ! a Trains for South and Butler strength and go TONSERVATIVE BANKING . These tinv. vitality to through the °Qr depositors are University of Pennsylvania, is now per- ?town time: WEEK DAYS. sugar-coati'-d the substantial, far seeing ordeal that usually comes to woman at B citizens. Many a fortune Coal and Slacl< Heaters, Gas and Coal® located at aboveaddress, 6:20 am, Allegheny Accommodation. anti-mhous life, i I has been accumulated manently the change ot and found all the nerv- under onr careful The safe o'. 8:00 a m, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex. &\Vvgranules reg- ousness, Iri i keeping conservative Ranges and Gas Stoves. 1904 Washers,® where he treats all chronic diseases crying spells rnd weakness dis- polity of this institution is known throughout 9:10 a.m. Allegheny Express. appear in a hurry. This led me to give i this men, women and children. " " OoVeWeVs H section, and the wise young man appoints us as the /Machines, for all mal<es ofH 11:40 am, , them to my daughter about the time she Sowing Needles Diseases of the Nervons System, the and Bowels, cure Constipation and Had jj' Psji i custodian of his capital. 1:25 pin, Ell wood Ac Stomach, attended by began to have the endless trouble some cent, repaired.* foul t We pay 3 per interest on saving accounts, dizziness, lack 3:35 Allegheny Ex. - Sewing Machines. Sewing symptoms of which are p.m, breath. One or two for girls do in early life, and the medicine 1bis highest p.m, Chicago, Ellwood, i JK 4 7 1 is the rate consistent with absolute of confidence, sexnal weakness in meu 5:00 N Castle. laxative, three or four for acted equally as well with her. She / safety. Roofing and Spouting, and House Furnishing Goods. B 5:20 p.m, Allegheny Ex. cathartic. I strong I women, ball risiue in the throat,spote grew and steady?the color be- y°n are u ot on c of our and 5:50 p.m, Allegheny Ac.?New Cattle. great family | J? depositors-?if you are This Doctor I" came good?the languor and lassitude gradually floating eyes, loss of memory on receipt of not accumulating a reserve fund?yon before the SUNDAYS. Book FREE disappeared and she was able to go turn over a new i!l one-cent postage stamps u l should leaf and join the ranks of nnable to concentrate the mind on one & about her school duties usual. I Henry Bfehl, 8:00 a.m, Allegheny Cleveland Ex. to cover cost of mailing: I as con- the far sighted I startled when suddenly binding I sider the Dr. A W. Chase Nerve Pills I subject easily a.in, Pittsburg or. in line cloth Si We 11:10 Ex. accept deposits as low as one dollar and will 'Phone 4<»4. '& uneqaaled as a nerve and general tonic S 122 N. Main St. l*co. Eg spoken to, and dull distressed mind 3:35 p.m, Allegheny Ac stamps. Address Dr. U. V. v's. L i*glad to include you among those who have placed 663 Main Street, - in such Pierce. I, "' cases and gladly recommend the 5:50 p.m, Allegheny Ac. -New Castle. ?' their foot on the ladder of which uDfits them for performing Buffalo, N. Y. them to others who suffer in a similar I prosperity. life, making happin&u impos- GOING NORTH?WEEK DAYS. I Your pass book is ready. It takes but a few duties of h* manner." 7 in 9:42 a.m, Kane & Bradford Mail. inntes to name. ..... W ... E enter vour heart, . sible,distressing the action of the 4:55 Clarion Accomo. L Tfcf 50 cents a box at dealers or Dr. A. W. depression of the spirits, evil forebod- Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Por- SUNDAY. HUMPHREYS' NITRATE OF SODA OS CELEBY. trait and signature Chase, BUTLER ings, cowardice, rear, cireams, melan- Specifics cure by acting directly on the of A. W. j SAVINGS& TRUST CO. 9:42 a.m, Foxburg Accom. without disturbing tho rest of 200 pounds each nitrate of soda at M. D. on every package. For sale by choly, tire easy of company, feeling as p.m, sick parts AT LAST. 8:00 Foxbu»g Accom. the system. equally divided intervals during the Redick and Grobman, druggists, 109 N. as retiring, Main tired in the morning when Trains leave the Allegheny station for No. 1 for Fevers. growing season. This was distributed St. Butler, Pa.
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