*YǤ8*Ǥ>'Q*YǤ#Ǥ>\8Y\Q=B>Y'Ƈ=T88Ǥ\8Y\QǤ*YǤ8*Ǥ>Ǥ ŗŔÜâǤ>>*gQTǤQnŔŜŚřƠŕœŔŚ ItalianCinema Heritage & Culture Month s Mese della Cultura & Italiana F. Murray Abraham Maria Carta Dom DeLuise Vincent Gardenia Lindsay Lohan Joe Penny Robert Schwartzman Danny Aiello David Caruso Drea de Matteo Janeane Garofalo Justin Long Joe Pesci Annabella Sciorra Alan Alda D. J. Caruso Will de Meo Ben Gazzara Susan Lucci Bernadette Peters Martin Scorsese Emelise Aleandri M Casella William DeMeo Michael V. Gazzo Ida Lupino Angela Pietropinto Brooke Shields Don Ameche Clem Caserta Robert De Niro Peter Gennaro Patti Lupone Ezio Pinza Talia Shire Eva Amurri Kristen Cavallari Brian De Palma Paul Giamatti Ralph Macchio John Polce Tom Signorelli Michael Angarano John Cazale Donna D’Errico Tony Giglio Madonna Ellen Pompeo Frank Sinatra Tina Majorino Jennifer Aniston Mimi Cecchini Danny DeVito Selena Gomez Robert Pulcini Nancy Sinatra John Cena Leonardo DiCaprio Jose Greco Joe Manganiello Armand Assante Zachary Quinto Gary Sinise Frankie Avalon David Chase Joseph D’Onofrio Francesca Gregorini Joe Mantegna Angela Rago Joe Mantello Tony Sirico Michael Bacarella Domenic Chianese Vincent D’Onofrio Lucia Grillo John Rando Hayden Christensen Jimmy Durante Sonny Grosso Rooney Mara Frank Sivero Michael Badalucco Aldo Ray Scott Baio Matt Cimber Vince Edwards Saverio Guerra Gary Marshall Mira Sorvino Nikki Reed Kaye Ballard Michael Cimino Giancarlo Esposito William Hanna Penny Marshall Paul Sorvino Leah Remini Eduardo Ballerini James Coco Jennifer Esposito Paris Hilton Dean Martin Joe Spano Anne Bancroft Diablo Cody Chris Evans Hulk Hogan Al Martino Giovanni Ribisi Vincent Spano Joe Barbera Iron Eyes Cody Fabian Kate Hudson Gina Mastrogiacomo Christina Ricci Sylvester Stallone Joy Behar (Espera Oscar DeCorti) Peter Facinelli Oliver Hudson Victor Mature Kelly Ripa Connie Stevens Mario Bello Chris Columbus Edie Falco Anjelica Huston Tim McGraw Michael Rispoli Steven Strait Alessandra Belloni Richard Conte Ben Falcone Michael Imperioli Theodore Melfi Simona Rodano Quentin Tarantino Michael Bennett Bradley Cooper Dennis Farina Mark Indelicato Christopher Meloni Joe Rogan Tony Tarantino Valerie Bertinelli Pat Cooper Joey Fatone Alicia Keyes Chris Messina Ray Romano Marisa Tomei Jason Biggs Christopher Coppola Jon Favreau Jimmy Kimmel Alyssa Milano Cesar Romero Daniel Travanti Rachel Bilson Francis Ford Coppola Abel Ferrara Bruno Kirby Sal Mineo Isabella Rossellini John Travolta Joseph Bologna Marc Coppola Lou Ferrigno Wayne Knight Liza Minnelli Mark Ruffalo Stanley Tucci Jon Bon Jovi Roman Coppola Linda Fiorentino Andrew Koslosky Vincente Minnelli David O. Russell Aida Turturro Brando Boniver Sofia Coppola Leonard Foglia Gregory La Cava Al Molinaro Anthony Russo John Turturro and Directors Richard LaGravenese Gastone Moschin Sonny Bono David Costabile Bridget Fonda Gianni Russo Nicholas Turturro Ernest Borgnine Lou Costello Henry Fonda Lisa Lampanelli Frankie Muniz James Russo Liv Tyler Frank Borzage Richard Crenna Jane Fonda Frank Langella Tony Musante James Vincent Russo Katherine Narducci Steven Tyler Philip Bosco Robert Cuccioli Peter Fonda Walter Lantz Joe Russo Kaley Cuoco Robert Foster, Jr. Mario Lanza Arthur Nascarella Brenda Vaccaro Lorraine Bracco Rene Russo Victor Buono Vincent Curatola Rick Fox Cyndi Lauper Alessandro Nivola Rudolph Valentino Bobby Rydell Steve Buscemi Franc D’Ambrosio Sergio Franchi Antoinette La Vecchia Cheri Oteri Vince Vaughn Al Sapienza Nicolas Cage Beverly D’Angelo Anthony Franciosa Joey Lawrence Rafaela Ottiano Milo Ventimiglia A Salute to Actors Bobby Cannavale Michael Dante Connie Francis Matt LeBlanc Al Pacino Susan Sarandon Robert Vignola Mario Cantone Tony Danza Mario Fratti Jay Leno Tony Palmer Randy Savage Frank Vincent Laura Caparrotti Bobby Darin Valentina Fratti Tea Leoni Chazz Palminteri John Saxon Joe Viterelli Vittorio Capotorto James Darren Annette Funicello Richard Libertini Joe Pantoliano Jack Scalia Ken Wahl Frank Capra Tony Darrow Lady Gaga Ray Liotta Vincent Pastore Vincent Schiavelli Burt Young Steve Carell Robert Davi George Gallo, Jr. Tony Lo Bianco Christopher Penn Steve Schirripa Pia Zadora Ron Carey Yvonne De Carlo James Gandolfini Robert Loggia Sean Penn Jason Schwartzman Robert Zemeckis Italian Americans 2017 Celebrating WWW.ITALYCULTUREMONTH.ORG ITALIAN HERITAGE AND CULTURE MONTH COMMITTEE OF NEW YORK, INC. 686 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 212.642.2027 Theater [email protected] Poster Design: John Battista De Santis Design: Poster Please note: The IHCC-NY, Inc. has compiled this list of prominent Italian American actors and directors from publicly available sources. Since this does not purport to be a comprehensive or professionally compiled listing, some names of accomplished individuals inevitably will or may have been overlooked or not gathered for inclusion. The intent is to honor the hundreds, if not thousands, of Italian American actors and directors who have enriched our cultural and artistic heritage, whether they appear on this list or not, for we salute them all. IHCC-NY, INC. 201Ś CALENDAR OF EVENTS hhhƎ*YǤ8n\8Y\Q=B>Y'ƎBQ#Ƈlj*YǤ8*Ǥ>'Q*YǤ#DŽ\8Y\Q=B>Y'B==*YYB">hnBQ7Ɖ*>ƎƇřśřNǤQ7Ǥg>\Ɖ>hnBQ7Ɖ>nŕŔŕƎřŗŕƎŕœŕŚƇ*>"Bdž*YǤ8n\8Y\Q=B>Y'ƎBQ# 6FLDPHLVSOHDVHGWRMRLQWKH ,WDOLDQ+HULWDJH &XOWXUH &RPPLWWHHRI1<LQFHOHEUDWLQJ <HDUVRI,WDOLDQ&XOWXUHLQ $PHULFD WK$QQLYHUVDU\RIWKH ,WDOLDQ5HSXEOLF 14 Wall Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10005 212.232.2200 | www.sciame.com EVENTS CALENDAR A Message Table of Contents from the President/ A Message from the President/Chairperson 1 Chairperson Italian Heritage and Culture Month History 3 Mission Statement 4 Dear Friends: Members of the Board 7 Welcome to the 41st annual celebration of Italian Heritage 2IÀFLDO(YHQWVDQG3URFODPDWLRQ&HUHPRQLHV 8 and Culture Month! This year During these challenging /HRQDUGRGD9LQFL$ZDUG5HFLSLHQWV 9 the Board of Directors of the economic times, we are most Italian Heritage and Culture appreciative of the response %RURXJK&RQWDFW3HUVRQV 10 Committee, New York, Inc., by those individuals who have has selected as its theme: &DOHQGDURI (YHQWV 12-49 contributed to the development Celebrating Italian Americans of our materials and, as well, Letter from the Ambassador of Italy in Cinema and Theater. 13 to the overwhelming largesse in Washington, DC of our sponsors whose ads are The IHCC-NY, Inc. recognizes Letter from the Consul General of included within. Without their 14 the tremendous contributions of ,WDO\LQ1HZ<RUN ÀQDQFLDOVXSSRUWZHPLJKW Italians with a special tribute not have been able to produce 2IÀFLDO3URFODPDWLRQIURPWKH*RYHUQRURI to actors and directors. The 15 such a comprehensive view WKH6WDWHRI 1HZ<RUN many men and women whom of all the many activities for we salute are those who have 2IÀFLDO3URFODPDWLRQIURPWKH*RYHUQRURI Italian Heritage and Culture 16 exhibited talent beyond our Month, 2017. WKH6WDWHRI 1HZ-HUVH\ expectations. They have risen 2IÀFLDO3URFODPDWLRQIURPWKH&RPSWUROOHURI to great heights and we applaud You are enthusiastically and 17 them. WKH6WDWHRI 1HZ<RUN wholeheartedly invited to join us in this celebration to 2IÀFLDO3URFODPDWLRQIURP1HZ<RUN6WDWH We continue our tradition of 18-19 partake of, and participate 6HQDWRURI WKHUG6HQDWH'LVWULFW VKDULQJYDOXDEOHDQGVLJQLÀFDQW in, as many activities listed cultural information with the 2IÀFLDO3URFODPDWLRQIURPWKH0D\RURI in the calendar of events 20 publication of this magazine 1HZ<RUN&LW\ as you are able. With all booklet for the 41st year. Our of us, the members of the 2IÀFLDO&RPPHQGDWLRQIURP many programs and cultural 21 Italian Heritage and Culture WKH&RPSWUROOHURI WKH&LW\RI 1HZ<RUN collaborations celebrate our Committee, NY, Inc., a 2IÀFLDO3URFODPDWLRQIURPWKH&RXQFLO “Italianità.” 22 Board second to none in its RI WKH&LW\RI 1HZ<RUN enthusiasm and grace of life At this time, I thank all who as “Italophiles,” I encourage 2IÀFLDO3URFODPDWLRQVIURPWKH have suggested and prepared the 23-27 you to celebrate our rich %RURXJK3UHVLGHQWVRI WKH&LW\RI 1HZ<RUN ÀQDOZRUNWRZDUGVWKHYDULRXV heritage! Indeed, we shall posters, bookmarks, pamphlets, enjoy a Happy Anniversary &RXQW\([HFXWLYHRI 1DVVDX&RXQW\ 28 and solicitation of programs for - # 41! the booklet/insert of activities &RXQW\([HFXWLYHRI :HVWFKHVWHU 29 Grazie a tutti e buon for the year 2017, all of which proseguimento! 3DUWLFLSDWLQJ6FKRROV 51 can be found as well on our web site. Our publications are (OHPHQWDU\WKURXJK6HFRQGDU\ 51 provided through the generosity of benefactors, among whom 3DUWLFLSDWLQJ&ROOHJHVDQG8QLYHUVLWLHV 51 8II-RVHSK6FLDPH are: the Columbus Citizens ,WDOLDQDQG,WDOLDQ$PHULFDQ,QVWLWXWLRQV President/Chairperson 52 Foundation, the John D. LQ1HZ<RUN Calandra Italian American Mese della Cultura ,QVWLWXWHWKH2IÀFHRI WKH Italiana ,WDOLDQ/DQJXDJH5HVRXUFHV 53 Consulate General of Italy in Italian Heritage and New York, and many other Culture Committee of $FNQRZOHGJPHQWV )LQDQFLDO6XSSRUWHUV 54-55 individuals and contributors. 1HZ<RUN,QF September-December 2017 | IHCC-NY | 1 % %&"''!%'!('(%" ''" *"%. (%%!.'%#%!'&.''%&.!"(% &'%&&%" % "!'&&"%% %, ""! %''!,"("%,"(%!%"&',0 *%#, ")*!**%'"''&"%1"#"#*!''"#(&.!!"** !"*''*%!"'"!.(&!#"#'"(%('&'('"!#%&"!,0 &,"(!"*."(%&"".**&!&'"%(!!'!'%" %'.*&)(' &'((&'(&"!%'$('')&''&)%'"*!&!!'%',.!*%&' +#%!!&" %''% "%&0 !#' %* ")%" "(%&""'"!"'%"!.('&!'%'$(*&&'"! "!.&" &&%"" &!'(! 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