2530S. 71 The London Gazette FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1884. T tnc CouM at Oslorne ffoute, Isle df And the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury find A the 31st day of December, 1883. the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are to PRESENT, give the" necessary directions herein as to them The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty. may respectively appertain. G. L. PeeL His Royal Highness Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany. Lord President. T the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, Sir Henry Ponsonby. A the 31st day of December, 1883. HEREAS by Treaty, Capitulation, grant, PRESENT, W usage, sufferance, and other lawful means The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. Her Majesty the Queen has power and jurisdiction T HEREAS the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in the Regency of Tunis ; and whereas the exercise W for England have, in pursuance of the of the power and jurisdiction aforesaid is now Act of the fifty-ninth year of His Majesty King regulated by an Order of Her Majesty in Council George the Third, chapter one hundred and made the 12th day of December 1873 and several thirty-four ; of the Act of the second and third amending Orders in Council, and by the Ottoman years of Her Majesty, chapter forty-nine ; and (Tunis) Order in Council of 1881, establishing of the Act of the nineteenth and twentieth years Her Britannic Majesty's Court for Tunis. of Her Majesty, chapter fifty-five, duly prepared And whereas by virtue of certain laws of the and laid before Her Majesty in CouncU a re- French Republic "and of certain Decrees of His presentation, bearing date the sixth day of De- Highness the Bey of Tunis, French tribunals have cember, in the year one thousand eight hundred been established in the Regency. and eighty-three in the words following ; that id And whereas by a Decree of His Highness the to say:— Bey of Tunis dated the 5th of March 1883, it is " We the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for declared that the subjects of Foreign Powers England, in pursuance of the Act of the fifty- whose Consular Courts in the Regency shall he ninth year of His Majesty King George the abolished, shall be justiciable by the said French Third, chapter one hundred and thirty-four ; of tribunals under the same conditions as French the Act of the second and third years of Your subjects. Majesty chapter forty-nine j and of the Act of the And whereas Her Majesty the Queen has con- nineteenth and twentieth years of Your Majesty sented to abandon Her Consular Jurisdiction with chapter fifty-five, have prepared, and now humbly a view to British subjects in the Regency becoming lay before Your Majesty in Council, the following justiciable by the said French tribunals, under the representation as to the assignment of a district same conditions as French subjects, and to the chapelry to the consecrated church of Saint extent of the jurisdiction vested by law in the James situate at Tebay in the parish of Orton in said tribunals. the county of Westmorland and in the diocese of Now therefore, Her Majesty by virtue and in Carlisle. exercise of tie powers in this behalf by the " Whereas it appears to us to be expedient that Foreign Jurisdiction Acts 18J3 to J878, or other- a district chapelry should be assigned to the said wise in Her Majesty vested, is pleased by and church of Saint James situate at Tebay aforesaid. with the advice of Her Privy Council, to order, " Now.therefore, with the consent of the Right and it is hereby ordered as follows: Reverend Harvey Bishop of the said diocese of As regards all such matters and cases as come Carlisle ("testified by his having signed and sealed within the jurisdiction of the said French tribunals, this representation), we the said Ecclesiastical the operation of the Orders in Council regulating Commissioners humbly represent that it would Her Majesty's Consular Jurisdiction in Tunis in our opinion, be expedient that all that part of shall cease to be in force and operation within the the said parish of Orton which is comprised within Regency on and after the ist day of January, and is co-extensive with the limits of the township 1884, except as regards any judicial matters pend- of Tebay, all which part, together with the boun- ing in Her Britannic Majesty's Court for Tunis on daries thereof, is delineated and set forth on the the day above mentioned. map or plan hereunto annexed, should be assigned And the Right Honourable the Earl Granville, as a district chapelry to the said church of Saint one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, James situate at Tebay as aforesaid, and that the.
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