30 PRESTWICH, 'V HITEFIELD, [sLATER'S ROLYROOD WARD. The Workhou.~e-Cleveland, Crumpsall, is a structure of tWilliam Francis Brooks, 1 Gloster villas, Guest road brick & stone, built in I86g, to hold 320 poor, & enlarged tJames Kendall, 32 Bury Old road in r887 ; and is now available for about 750 inmates; Hugh *William Davenport, Hawthorn villas, Bury New road W. Boddy, M.D., B.sc., medical officer; Rev. Charle& ROODEY LANE WARD. Ernest Gaul, M. A., chaplain; Harry R. Chambers, master; tRichard Hoyle, High bank Mrs. Margaret Chambers, matron tHugh Moscrop Robinson, Beech house, Bent lane *John Beswick, 32 Whittaker lane School Attendance Committee. MarkPcl thu~ • retire in 1903. (For Prestwich district.) Mar ked thus 1 retire in 1904. Clerk-James Hilton, Simist.er lane Marked thus t retire in 1905. Attendance Otficer-}1rs. Clara Hulme, 8; Clifton road, Officers. Prestwich Clerk-Lewis A. Orford, Bent house, Prestwich The County Lunatic Asylum, erected in I851, has since been Medi~al Officer of Health-Fredk. St.ephenson L.R.C.P.Edin. enlarged, & consists of two ranges of brick bUildings, Springfield, Bury New road three-quarters of a mile apart «, connected by a road Trea.;urer-W. Tipping, District Bank, Manchester running through the grounds. The main building is avail­ IS'urveyor o/ Engineer-Williarn Nuttall, C. E. Ambleside villas, able for 1,5oo patients & the new building for I, 150. Guest road, Prestwich Attached is a chapel. The administrative block is in each Con.mlting ln~pector-James :Melior, District Council offices building in the centre, with ready means of access to & Assistant Surveyor-Joseph Smethurst, District Council from the different wards & dining halls ; there are exten­ offices sive grounds, partly leased, 92 acres of which are devoted Sanitary Inspe~tor-Wm. Windsor, District Council offices to the farm buildings, farm & garden ; adjoining the farm Collector-J ames Hilum, District Council offices buildings are gas works, dynamo house & electric plant; Assistant Clerk-William D. Astley, District Council offices there are also extensive workshops. Frank Perceral 8choolAttendance Officer-Mrs. Clara Hulme,89Clifton road, 1\LR.c.s.Eng. & L.R.C.P.Lond. superintendent; Thomas Prestwich Robert Hood Clunn M.R.c.s.Eng. Henry George Murray 0 tfice A s.-1istant-Charles Ash ton. 12 Bedford street L.R.O.P.lrel. John Palphreyman Clowes L.R.C.P.Lond. Thomas Farrar Smith M.B., M.D. Wm. C. Bowers M.R.c.s. Prestwich Union. Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. William Starkey M.B., ch.H. Charles Offices, Cheetham Hill road. M.B., cb..B. & l\1ackey• assist. medical officers David Orr Board day, alternate thursdays. M.B., M. s. pathologist ; Rev. William Goss, chaplain & The Union comprises the following townships :-Prestwich, the Rev. Joseph Hayes R.c.; H. 'f. Crofton, clerk. to the Failsworth & North Manchester; this last, formed in 1896, visitors; Robert Coates, treasurer & clerk; Richard T. comprises the former townships of Beswick, Blackley, Redman, steward ; Mrs. A. E. Norbury & Mrs. Elizabeth Bradford, Cheetham, Clayton, Crumpsall, Harpurhey, Goading, chief female officers; ~liss Collet & Miss Dan­ Moston and Newton. The area of the Union is IO, 546 ning, housekeepers acres; rateable value in 1901, £721,166; the population Wesleyan General Cemetery, Joseph Cooke, re6istrar, Bury in 1901 was 196,831 Old road, Cheetham hill Overseus-John Cottrill, Thomas Parkinson J.P. & Henry Jews' Cemetery, Bury New road Ormerod Hutchinson Assistant Overseer-George 1\:Iiddleton, Poppvthorn, Prest­ Public Offi.cen. wich Collectm· of Poor Rates-George .Middleton Clerk to the Guardians o/ Assessment Committee-Edward A.~sistant-Arthur Thorp, Chest.er street W. Ogden, 1 St. Mary's road, Crumpsall Assistant Clerks-H.. J. Broughton,Hull street, Crumpsall & Schools. Frank Perkins, Union office, Cheetham Hill road TY"easurer-Robert Montgomery, Williams Deacon Bank British (mixed), Rooden lane, built in 18 53, for 366 children ; Limited, Manchester a\·erage attendance, 148 ; infants, 44; John H. Percy, Relieviny O.fficers-Cheetham district, Samuel T. Brown, 5 In aster Randolph street, Higher Crumpsall; Arthur Day, 309 National (infants), Whittaker lane, built in r879, for 300 Ashton New road, Clayton; Newton district, William cl:lildren ; average attendane!e, 52 ; Miss Sarah Jane Yates, 4S8 Oldham road, Newton Heath vr a rdle, mistress Collector to Guardians-Frank Perkins National (mixed & infants), Bury New road, built. in 1816, Assistant Relieviny () tficer-William Jones, 299 Ashton for 550 children ; average attendance, boys, 156; girls, New road, Beswick 130 ; infants, 93 ; Renjarnin T. Teare, master; Miss Vaccination Offi.cers-Xewton district, Daniel Ogden; Sarah Johnson, girls' mistress; Miss Jane Kermode, Williams roaif, Moston; Cheetham district, R. J. Brough­ infants' mistress ton, Prestwich Union offices National (mixed), Ogden street, Whittaker lane, built in In.~peetor under the Infant Life P1·otection Act-Miss A. Pol­ I 891, for 200 children ; average attendance, I 20 ; Reginald litt, 104 Sherwood street. Harpurhey ll. Newton, master Office Caretaker-Elizabeth Riley, Union offices, Cheetham St. Margaret's (infants & mixed), Bury Old road, built in ~fedical Officers ~ Public Vaccinators-Bradford district, I859, for 370 children; average attendance, mixed, 168; John Hudson, Ebor house, Bradford, Manchester; Cheet­ infants, 55 ; Thomas R. Benson, master ; Mrs. Florence ham district, Charles F. H. Kitchen L.R.C.P.Lond. 112 :Martin, infants' mistress Cheetham Hill rodd, :Manchester; Clayton district, St. Paul's (infants), Rainsough Brow, built in 1868, for 100 Edmund Johnstone, IOI North road, Clayton, Man­ children; average attendance, 45; Miss Joyce Inglis, chester ; Crumpsall district, Hugh W. Boddy, Cheet­ mistress ham hill, Manchester; Failsworth district, George W. St. Peter's, :Moston lane ; average attendance, 567; Joseph Beattie M. D. 229 Old ham road, Fails worth, Manchester ; Mayall, master; Elizabeth Owen, mistress Harpurhey district, Charles G. L. Skinner M.D. 1 Church Catholic (mixed & infants), Fairfax road, built in 1891 by lane, Harpurhey; Miles Platting district, James W. public subscription, for I 50 children; average attendance, Moore L. R.C.P.Edin. Albert house, Miles Platting; Newton 54; Miss L. Foster & Miss M. Foster, mistresses IIeath district, A. B. Steward L.R.C.P.Edin. Oldham Wesleyan, built in I882, for 500 children; average atten· road, Newton Heath ; Newton detached, Basil W. dance, II7; Am::Js Clegg, master; Miss J. Tattersall, Conway L.R.C.P.Lond. Overton house, Stockport road, mistress Longsight, Manchester ; Prestwich district, Thomas Railways. Whittington L.R.C.P.Edin. Woodleigh house, Bury .Sew Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, Wilham T. Winstanley, road, Prestwich station master Superintendent Regil!trar-Edward W. Ogden, Cheetham Heaton Park, Samuel Hilton, station master Hill road ; deputy, Edward L. Wyatt, Heywood street, Cheetham Registrars of Mar'ria,qes-W. R. Whittaker, Town hall, BLACKLEY (commonly pronounced Blakeley) is 4 miles Cheetham Hill road; Joseph Jones, 28 Fairfax road, north-east from the city of Manchester and watered by t.he Prestwich & George Ward, Moston lane, IIarpurhey river Irk. In Nm·ember, I8go, together with :Moston, i~ Registrars of Births ~ Deaths - Blackley sub-district, was united to the city for municipal purposes only, the two Frederick Whittaker, 24 Exchang-e street, Blackley; forming one division and sending three representatives to Cheetham sub-district, A. B. Holbrook, Town hall, Cheat­ the council, and in 1896 it was constituted part of the new ham; l<'ailsworth sub-district, George Ward, 294 Oldham township of North Manchester. It is in the Prestwich divi­ road, Failsworth; Newton sub-district, Jeremiah R. Ken­ sion of the countv,• hundred of Salford, union of Prestwich, worthy, 228 Oldham road, Newton Heath; Prestwich sub­ petty sessional division and county court district of Manches· district, Joseph Jones, 28 Fairfax road, Prestwich ter. This district was once a forest, for in the reign of .
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