NEWS OF THE GOLF WORLD IN BRIEF Joe Sanders, widely known She is a granddaughter of the ^ veteran supt. now construction noted naval architect and yacht head of Tubac Valley CC, Tu- racer, John Alden. macacori, Ariz. John S. Big celebration — golf and Knight, co-chm., PGA 1960 gala dinner — at Prince championship, Joseph Magnus, Georges CC, Landover, Md., prominent insurance executive with members and prominent and former Western Golf Assn. pro and amateur guests honor- official, and other golfers ing the club's pro, A1 Hough- prominent in business world, ton for his 20 years of expert are conducting a campaign to and cheerful help . Jim get Jock Hutchison long over- MacDonald, Toledo Blade due recognition through elec- HERB GRAFFIS golf writer, asks golf writers tion to PGA Hall of Fame . Jock won of other states to note Ohio's standing with PGA in 1920, British Open in Ï921 and three national champions: Jackie Nicklaus many other tournaments . He was big of Columbus, men's amateur titleist; Bar- money-raiser with Evans, Jones and others bara Mclntire, Toledo, women's amateur; in World War I Red Cross exhibitions. and Judy Rand of Aurora, USGA Girls' Junior champion . Miss Mclntyre is a Mighty pleasant to see prominent fami- protege of Heather Downs CC pro, Harry lies continuing in golf business . For in- Moffitt, former pres., PGA . W. J. stance, Charley Sawtelle, head of the Saw- Sime, Hopkins, Minn., building 18-hole telle Equipment Co. in Mamaroneck, now course. has Edward Worthington, Jr., in his organ- ization . His father, Ned, now retired The late Vinnie Richards will have a • and living at Shawnee-on-Delaware, Pa., monument in merry memories wherever survivors of sports in the Era of Wonder- was an official of the Worthington Mower ful Nonsense gather . He had a rain- Co., Buckwood Inn, Shawnee CC and bow of color every waking moment in ten- other of the extensive Worthington inter- nis competition and in frolic .. He was ests . Frank Marean, son-in-law of as exceptionally sound and successful in Chet Sawtelle, who with his brother, Ross, sports business as he was in amateur and owns Sawtelle Bros., Danvers, Mass., professional play and raised Dunlop to a equipment and supply house, now is on major position in U. S. golf ball sales. the Sawtelle sales staff . Frank married Lou de Garmo was another one of the Judy Sawtelle . Judy was captain of colorful veterans in sports who recently the Connecticut College sailing team and lost the Big Decision . Lou died at the won the Women's Intercollegiate sailing age of 70 of a heart attack at his home championship two consecutive years . in Riverside, Conn. He was active as FRONT COVER — Judging by those figures up front, you might conclude that golf course architects are the hardest working group of men in the country. Practically all of G01FD0M them have put in the fullest kind of a year. Bob Baldock (left), shown with Walter Buckingham, green chmn. at 33rd Year Corral de Terra CC, Salinas, Calif., is no exception. He has built his share of the 202 new courses, has several October, 1959 others in the blueprint stage. rnlfriam il published monthly except Nov. and Dec al Rochelle, III. Acceptance under Section 34-64, P.L.&R. AuthoriAuthorized: . Pleas« address all advertising, circulation & editorial correspondence to GOLFDOM, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 5. an advertising agent in the early days of the Wilson sports business, especially golf, and when the Acushnet ball was intro- Aüoi Lawn Mower duced. LAPPING MACHINE Tony Martin's Hole-in-One contest at Now In Use In Over Desert Inn CC, Las Vegas, Nev., raised 400 Golf Courses/ $4,150 in cash on the line for the People- to-People sports program . No aces were made although 2,000 balls were hit at the selected short hole . The contest . winner was Jim Hill of Las Vegas who hit one inches from the cup. Ralph R. Thomas, 72, who died recent- ly at Waltham, Mass., 5 years after a stroke had made him helpless, served as pro at Sandy Burr, Framingham and compact, light-weight machine tor lap- pinng ail models of Hand, Power and Gang Pine Meadow clubs in New England and Moowersw l May be easily used on work bench had been active in course maintenance or floor, eliminating the lifting of heavy mowers. The simple baight adjustment for . He was considered one of the best the reel shaft may be used from A'/j" to teaching pros in New England . Pros 10%". Equipped with several attachments to fit different reel shafts. Metal blocks for rated Ralph a pro's pro and went to him rollers. Steel stands to support the mower. for help with their games . He was FULLY GUARANTEED intensely interested in turf culture and passed up some excellent offers of pro jobs List Price, Without Motor $39.00 for work which involved course mainten- List Price, With Motor $61.50 ance . Ralph was a member of the Write for Bulletin. GCSA, PGA and American Legion . Atlas Lawn Equipment Co. Orville Clapper told us that one of the 9829 Olive Street Road, St. Louis 24. Missouri veteran New England supts., just prior to Thomas' funeral servce, took a New TURF tfatSfteafoiox'iUejty! Everitt "Sarg" Shields Now at Capital City Everitt's success at Druid Hills in Atlanta made him a logical choice for Capital City when "Pop" Beckett retired. Known as "Sarg" to his many friends, Everitt exper- iences as little grief from the spring transition of rye grass to Bermuda as any superintendent in the South. For this reason he has long been an advocate of the "One Green" system of management. The Druid Hills green shown here is an excellent ex- ample of "Sarg" Shield's ability to maintain fine play- ing surfaces. MILORGANITE helped him achieve this goal, and continues to play a big part in his manage- ment program at Capital City Club. If you have a turf problem, consult 'Turf Service Bureau THE SEWERAGE COMMISSION, Milwaukee 1, Wis. England GCSA button out of his own lapel and placed it in Ralph's lapel. Rumor that Louisville's Derby Open AQUA-GRO® tournament would not be on the 1960 tournament calendar is unfounded, accord- A Blend of Non-Ionic Organic ing to Louisville sources . Tournament Soil Wetting Agents lost money its first two years but cleared Excellent results with AQUA-GRO are approximately $7,500 in 1959 . Southern possible providing you are willing to Pines (N. C.) Junior Chamber of Com- maintain low soil moisture tensions in merce again putting on the attractive 4 Southern Pines Golf Carousel, Nov. 19-22, your soil at all times. The use of with play at Pine Needles, Mid Pines ancl AQUA-GRO is fundamental. Either you Southern Pines courses . Two men ama- grow turf under low soil moisture ten- teur teams and amateur mixed teams will sions to produce a given result or you compete . Details regarding invitations don't. Soil moisture tensions are one of and entry fees can be had from Chmn. the determining factors in water trans- Norris L. Hodgkins, jr., Southern Pines. port, nutrient uptake by the plant. In Lloyd Mangrum was a welcome and the nursery field it has been demon- useful visitor at the National Amateur . strated that you can take a good He flew his plane from Apple Valley, potting mix and maintain cuttings Calif., to Colorado Springs wth Mark Cox as a passenger . Mangrum had planned and seedlings under low tension soil to relax as a spectator but was called into moisture conditions over a period of service by amateurs who asked him to two to three years and the ef- watch them on the practice tee and give fects on uniformity, denseness, rooting, them help . Grip faults are unnecessar- and health are striking. Superintend- ily frequent among the good amateurs, ents who have been consistently us- notes Mangrum . He adds that most of ing Aqua-Gro notice a similar improve- the grip troubles that he observed could have been corrected by the amateur's home ment in turf quality. These results can be duplicated on your course provid- ing you are willing to stick to a pro- gram. Aqua-Gro will produce better LO-BLO, the AIR-BROOM turf on your best green as well as your worst, however, you must limit the treat- keeps courses tidy year around, ed areas to the amount of Aqua-Gro handles the leaf problem, per- you intend to purchase on a yearly mits play all thru the basis. Plan to take a portion of your Fall Season . course and work with Aqua-Gro next You just walk this ter- year. We suggest the following pro- rific blast of air "wind- gram on your greens, collars, and tees: row" fashion to dean 1. This fall apply 8 ounces of an area faster, better than 6 men. Quickly Aqua-Gro per 1000 sq. ft. grooms greens, aprons, 2. Next year apply a total of traps . leaves and 24 to 32 ounces Aqua-Gro litter around the Club- (8 ounces per 1000 sq. ft. house and Parking areas. Especially valu- per treatment) able for Fall play. 100's 3. Under severe conditions ap- now in use. 4 sizes ply 8 ounces Aqua-Gro per made, starting (" 1000 sq. ft. at monthly in- $146.50. Write or call for a demonstration. tervals during the season. ATWATER-STRONG CO. Fall and early Spring applications promote «, Atwater, Ohio deeper rooting. For maximum performance with Aquo-Gro keep your program on schedule.
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