Index Aberdeen Proving Grounds, 553 American Ornithological Union, 44-47, 418 Acceler8, 638 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Across the Everglades: A Canoe Journey of of 2009, 639-40 Exploration (Willoughby, 1898), 42 Anderson, Richard “Rick,” 410, 486, 488 Across Trophic Landscape System Anderson, Robert, 547 Simulation (ATLSS), 628 Andrews, Lisa, 513 Adaptive Monitoring and Assessment for the “An Early Pocahontas” (Douglas short Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan story), 140 (2003), 634 Anglo-American settlement of South Aerojet-General Corporation, 226-27 Florida, 27-28 African Americans, 3, 25, 27, 35-37, 115 Anhinga, The (newsletter), 579-81 African jewelfish, 387 anhingas, 41 Airboat Association of Florida, 487 Anhinga Trail, 16, 184, 231-32, 311, 391-92, airboats, 131-32, 171, 261, 531, 574-75 424, 494, 497, 500 Air Force Avionics Laboratory, 554 Annat, Elizabeth, 150, 152 AIRIE. See Artists in Residence in the Anthropology of Florida, The (Hrdlička 1922), Everglades 63 Ais people, 19, 23 Antillean Marine Shipping Corporation, 583 Albert, Eddie, 504 Apalachee people, 23 Albright, Horace M., 67, 72, 74-76, 81, 84, Apalachicola River, 25 85, 88, 89, 91, 96, 148 Appelbaum, Stuart, 626-28 Albury, William, 100 apple snail, 322-23 Alexander, J. S., 95, 96 aquifer storage and recovery, 633, 642 Allen, Hervey, 139 Aquifer Storage and Recovery in the Comprehensive Allen, Robert Porter, 318-19 Everglades Restoration Plan (CROGEE, Allen, Thomas, 115, 117, 123-25, 127, 134, 2001), 634 136, 138, 146, 177, 178, 208, 228, 229, Archaic period, 13 484 archeology, 430-440 Alligator Alley. See Interstate 75 conducted in park after establishment, Alligator Lake, 87 431-38 Alligator: Monarch of the Everglades, The Glades tradition, 14, 46, 432, 435 (Toops, 1979), 513 historic period sites, 438-40 alligators, 9, 111, 232, 256, 330-33, 391, 421 National Register listings, 440 decline and rebound of Florida site types within the park, 435 population, 330, 332, work in South Florida prior to park hunting of, 44, 132, 153, 528, 530-31 establishment, 430-31 trade in hides of, 332, 531 armadillo, nine-banded, 389 Allin, Roger, 202, 284, 357, 605 Armentano, Tom, 315 Alternative Wilderness Waterway, 287-88 Army Signal Research and Development American Association for the Advancement Laboratory, 553 of Science, 82, 83 Arnberger, Robert, 517 American crocodile, 3, 12, 111, 333-35, 367 Arnett, G. Ray, 593 American Crocodile Recovery Plan (1979), 335 Aronovitz, Sidney M., 365 American Forestry Association, 80, 83, 85, Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National 89, 90 Wildlife Refuge, 267, 306, 639 682 WILDERNESS ON THE EDGE: A HISTORY OF EVERGLADES NATIONAL PARK Artists in Residence in the Everglades as Everglades National Park (AIRIE), 502, 518-19 superintendent, 134, 138, 146, 148-49, Ashe, B. F., 67 153-56, 159-60, 177-79, 185, 189, 230, Asian swamp eel, 387 291, 294, 316, 355-56, 375-76, 399-400, Askew, Reuben, 250 403, 431-32, 450, 470-73, 485-86, Assessment of Fishery Management Options in 493-94, 496, 526-28, 530-31 Everglades National Park (1979), 297, 299, as Everglades National Wildlife Refuge 361 manager, 118-19, 123-26, 131-34 Assessment of Research Program Needs and background, 131 Priorities for Everglades National Park park building named for him, 302 (Gardner and Lugo, 1976), 297, 299 Wildlife Reconnaissance of Everglades (1938), Atkinson, Mr. & Mrs. E. E., 55 109-12 Atlantic Coastal Ridge, 5, 10, 11, 13, 213 Beard, Daniel C. (son of Daniel B. Beard), Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, 35 494 Atlantic Ridley turtle, 337 Beard, Daniel Carter (father of Daniel B. Atwood, Wallace W., 89 Beard), 134 Audubon, John James, 41, 499 Bedell, Harriet M., 143, 469 Audubon print in park collection, 499 Behler, John L., 334 Australian pine, 376, 379-81, 405, 418 Belcher, S. A., 51 Avery, George, 351 Belle Glade, Florida, 36 Axleroad, Benjamin, 98, 105, 107 Belli, Lawrence, 421, 482, 629 Belson, Jerry, 200 Babbitt, Bruce, 304, 562-63, 591, 621, 622, Benjamin, John, 391 624 Berg, Eric, 594 Backcountry Management Plan, 279-80 Bertha Lee (steamboat), 29 Bahamas National Trust, 611-`13 Bickel, Karl, 124, 136, 588 Bailey, Ben, 543 Biderman, Benjamin, 204 Bailey, Harold H., 63, 66, 67, 76 Big Bend National Park, 92 Baker, Bob, 593 Big Cypress jetport. See jetport Baker, Gerald F., 134 Big Cypress National Preserve, 169, 249, Baker, John H., 113, 114, 117-19, 121-22, 303, 348, 434, 581 156, 220, 229 Big Cypress [Indian] Reservation, 466 bald eagle, 291, 311, 323-25, 417 Big Cypress Swamp, 11, 24, 25, 27, 33, 34, Bald Eagle Protection Act of 1940, 325 63, 66, 237, 244-49, 469-70 Barbour, Thomas, 76 Billie, Charlie, 470 Barnes, Paul, 149, 526 Billie, Chestnut, 470 Barnes Sound, 227 Billie, Ingraham, 143, 474 Bartram, William, 330 Billie, Jimmie, 474 Base Realignment and Closure Commission, Billie, Josie, 470 560 Biodiversity Legal Foundation, 320 Bass, Oron “Sonny,” 304, 311, 315 Biological Resources Division of U.S. Batista, Fulgencio, 554-55 Geological Survey, 304 Bayless, Jonathan, 452-54 bird population estimates, 318-19 Bay of Pigs invasion, 555 Birds of Florida, The (Bailey, 1925), 63 Bear Lake Mounds, 434, 440 Biscayne Bay, 12-14, 18, 26, 28, 37, 42, Beard, Daniel B., 60-61, 109-12, 115, 289, 238-41 310, 333, 340, 344, 351, 355, 358 Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands Project, 638 Biscayne-Everglades Greenway, 604-5 INDEX 683 Biscayne National Monument, 241, 298, 303, Bureau of Irrigation and Drainage 603 Investigations, 30 Biscayne National Park, 238, 241, 343, 419, Burghard, August, 123-25, 136, 143, 583 561-62, 581, 603, 638 Burlew, Elbert E., 75, 76 black bear, 344-45 Burmese python. See pythons Blake, Bill, 420 Burns, Ken, 537 Blanchard, William G., 112 Bush, George H. W., 260, 261, 266, 525 Blanding, Albert H., 124 Bush, George W., 562-63, 609, 635, 638 Bloxham, William, 29 Bush, John Ellis “Jeb,” 616, 631, 635, 638 Boat-a-Cades, 499-500 Bush, Kent, 452 boater education, 371-72 Buswell, Walter M., 376 Boater’s Guide to the Upper Florida Keys Butcher, Devereux, 179, 181, 220 (O’Reilly, 1970), 513 Butler, Ovid, 89 Bohnert, Allen, 455 buttterflies, 341-44 Bolles, Richard J., 30, Buttonwood Canal, 39, 192, 193, 444 Bowlegs, Billy, 27, 327 Boy Scouts of America South Florida C-111 basin, 56, 261 Council camp in park, 162-63, 411-12, C-111 Project, 226-27, 618-21 523 cabbage palm, 9, 11 Braddock, Ed, 442 Cain, Stanley, 588 Braddock house, 442 Calahane, Victor, 179 Bradley, Alcyone, 450 Caldwell, Millard, 113, 117-23, 126-28, 132, Bradley, Guy M., 45-46, 318, 450, 594 138, 143, 156 Brazilian pepper, 377-79, 381-85 Caloosahatchee Canal, 30, 32, 37, 214 Brewer, Ed, 47 Caloosahatchee River, 8, 14, 17, 18, 19, 26, British colonization of Southeast, 22 27, 29, 33, 41 Brookfield, Charles M., 134, 493, 588 Calos, 21 Brooks, Karl Boyd, 144 Calusa people, 14, 18-19, 21-22, 23, 24 Broome, Harvey, 73-74 Cammerer, Arno B., 67, 74, 75, 76, 83, 88, Broward, Napoleon Bonaparte, 30 89, 90, 91, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, Browder, Joe, 241, 244, 247, 562, 588, 593, 108, 113, 354 629-30 Camp Fire Club, 76, 102 Brown, Hank, 359 campgrounds in park, 537-38, 566, 571-72 Brown, Joe, 590 backcountry, 282-84 Brown, Kenny, 486 Flamingo, 185, 191, 194 Brown, Loren “Totch,” 543-44 Long Pine Key, 202-3 brown anole, 389 temporary, 185 brown pelican, 325-27 Camp Moulder, 27 Browner, Carol, 562, 591, 621, 629 Camping and Cruising in Florida (Henshaw, brown-headed nuthatch, 328 1884), 41 Bryant, E. L., 51 Cane Patch (archeological site), 16 Bryant, Farris, 199 Canzanelli, Linda, 582 Bryant, Harold C., 99, 102 Cape Canaveral, 19 Buckley, Donna, 585-86 Cape Coral, 17 Buckley, John, 585-86 Cape Sable, 11, 21, 26, 27, 28, 37, 38, 39, 41, Budgets, Appendix C-1 45, 68, 80, 81, 84, 87, 111, 116, 148, 156, Bumpus, Hermon C., 75, 76 176, 178, 179, 182, 544, 619 Burdine, R. B., 67 Cape Sable canals, 227-28 684 WILDERNESS ON THE EDGE: A HISTORY OF EVERGLADES NATIONAL PARK Cape sable seaside sparrow, 3, 259, 319-22, Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 55-60, 411, 480 107, 212, 270 Carnegie Institution, 72, 74 Clark, W. A., 75 Carr, Archie, 238, 294, 338 Clean Water Act of 1972, 600 Carr, Marjorie, 238 Clewiston, Florida, 36, 267 Carson, Rachel, 237, 309, 323, 395 Clinton, William Jefferson “Bill,” 269, 304, Cartegena Convention, 611 560, 563, 621, 627-28 Carter, Luther, 242 Coastal Prairie Trail, 92 Castillo de San Marcos National Monument, Coe, Ernest F., 56, 58, 64-68, 71, 74-75, 113 77, 80-81, 83-84, 88, 90-93, 95-104, Castro, Fidel, 474, 554-55 107, 111-12, 114, 116-17, 120-22, 130, catfish, 6, 35 143, 146-48, 176, 200, 213-15, 222-23, Central and Southern Florida Flood Control 263-66, 292, 354, 377, 467-68, 508, 594 Project character and contributions, 96, 146-48 effects on park, 217-19,227-36, 249-62 Connecticut background, 54 impetus for, 213-14 Everglades National Park Visitor Center implementation, 222-27 named for, 200 legislation, 217-21 honors received, 147 restudy of, 262, 269, 305, 622-24, 627, 632 move to Miami, 64 Central Everglades Planning Project (CEPP), organizes Tropic Everglades National Park 308, 640-41 Association, 66-68 Central Intelligence Agency, 555 Coffman, John, 113 Century Magazine, 62 Cohen, Edward, 481-82 CEPP. See Central Everglades Planning Collee, Harold, 115, 122-24 Project Collier, Barron, Jr., 206, 588 CERP. See Comprehensive Everglades Collier, Barron, Sr., 63, 101, 102, 158 Restoration Plan Collier, John C., 469-70 Chaffee, John, 631 Collier, Miles, 136, 158, 206 Chandler, Robert S., 590 Collier, Sam, 158 Chapman, Frank Michler, 43 Collier, William G.,
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