****J»Hf****‘tt*tHIHt**^^^-*l~if*^-*-*^********-.*it^‘***t^*Mt INDEX TO THE TEST BOOK OP THE COURT OF APPEALS of Maryland. PROM DECEMBER 1st,1851 to July 3st,lSC8. »»**♦*■»it*»»»»»»«»»»»****** «»»»»w ******»«*■»»»».»♦ Dm»<>».»»»■»»♦♦-»»»*♦*-* »*«»■*«««***4Hk A. ABERCORMBIE, HARRY N, Attorney 146 ABERT,CHARLES, Attorney 132 .-A"'" ABKAN,JR, CHAS.A. Attorney ... .220 ADKINS,HENRY,Attorney .... 226. XT ADDISON,W.M. Attorney .... ,57. ^ ADDISON,WK.HEADEj Attorney 86,^^ ADLER,SAMUEL, At to rney ... 99 .N ADKINS,WM.H. Attorney .... ..142. \K AISQUITH,HENRY, Attorney . .. 91^X^ ALBERT,RICKARD S. Attorney ..123.iX^ ALBERT,TALBOT J, Attorney .. 97. ALLEN,CHARLES C. Attorney . .134.,X^ ALLEN,EDWARD.M. Attorney . .isi.iX^ ALEXANDER,J.J . Attorney . .. 89. ALEXANDER,THOS.R. Attorney . 57^60 ALEXANDER, ■’fM, Attorney ... .. 60 ALLEN,NEWTON,D.R. Attorney • . .209. s K ALLSTON,JOS. BLYTH.Attorney . .gi.v^C^ ALVEY,CHARLES Attorney ..160. V" s' ALVEY,R.H. Attorney .. 68.ez.sK ALVEY,RICHARD H. Chief Judge of the Court s of Appeals 9.^ ALVEY,R.H. test as Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals .201,205,207^. 211.fc<S?r AHBLER,GEORGE W. Attorney 129. 2 AMBLER,JAMES, Attorney AMMETT,DANL.0,U. Attorney .138.^ AM0SS,W.D. Attorney .129.X ANDERS,AARON R. Attorney • 198.X ANDERSON,BRUNER,R. Attorney . 124 .X ANDERSON,GEO. K. Attorney .191.: X ANDERSON,THOMAS. Attorney . .95., \ ANDERSON,THOS. K. Attorney .148. ANDERSON,'TiLLIAM h. Attorney ... , 256 %rX ANDERSON,W.N. Attorney ANDREWS, WILLI All NOBLE. Attorney . 194 . A ANOELMIER,MATTHIAS C. Attorney . .200. ANNAN,WM H. Attorney .112.A .x ANTHONY,HENRY D Attorney 56. APPLEBY,GEO. P. Attorney APFLEGARTH,ALBERT 0. Attorney .. APPLEGARTH,RUFUS D. Attorney ... APFLEGARTHjJ^W.FRANK Attorney . ARMSTRONG,JR^ALEXANDER Attorney ATHEY,W.B. Attorney ARCHER,HENRY W. Attorney ARCHER,HENRY W. At torney ARCHER,JAMES J*. Attorney .124.A ARCHER,ROBERT* Attorney ARCHER,JR,,ROBERT HARRIS, Attorney ARCHER,STEVENSON, Attorney 5. ARMSTRONG,ALEX. Attorney ' 111.^ ARKSTRCNG,CHARLES M. Attorney 113. ARNOLD, JOHN 1ILLIA1L Attorney 145. ash,DAVID#'Attorney . 154 .Aah*an J«88«} Attorney 2^4 ASH,ISIDORE,Attorney - 165. ASHMAN LOUIS S. ATTORNEY.. 264 iX ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OP THE COURT 0? APPEALS ' oatn of Glenn H.Worthington,(1907 ) as 266,iX ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OP THE COURT OF APPEALS John B.Eccleston 2,6 V ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OP THE COURT OP APPEALS oath of John P.Briscoe as (1906) 253 .v^ ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OP THE COURT OP APPEALS oath of John P.Briscoe as,(1908) 263. 5 ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE COURT OP APPEALS John Thomson Mason . .8. | ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE COURT OF APPEALS Wm H.^UCk ATKINSON,JOS. T. Attorney 71.X j ATKINSON,WALTER E. Attorney 185.uY ! ATTORNEY,OATH OP 75. XX ATTORNEY OATH OP, under Constitution of 1864 79.j ATTORNEY,OATH OP under Constitution of 1867 89 I ATTORNEY OF THE COURT OF APPEALS,oath Of .67, AOpoun ■AUSW1HH0RACE F.Attorney 231. AUDOUN,MILTON W. Attorney 122. iX yfi AUSHERMAN,CLEMENT C. Attorney 246. x;, AUSLAND,C.FRED.Attorney 161.X / AVIRETT,PHILIP WILLIAMS, Attorney 152,,AV AYATT,CHAS,YANPIELD.Attorney 83 4 AYjRRS,EDWARD F.Attorney 139./ B. BACKMAN,CHARGES B. Attorney .190. 'S BACON,JOHN D. Attorney .159. ^ BAERjRCBER' NEWTON, Attorney 189. v/ BAER,THOMAS. A.Attorney . .97. BAETZER,EDVIN S. Attorney .143.^ BAETJER,HAPPY N. Attorney O'.c, \/ FACBY,JR ALFRED Attorney . 153 . i/ . BAOBV,CHARLES T. Attorney .159. BAGBY,GEORGE P. Attorney .1652. l/’ . 256. BACON,ROBERT BERRY,Attorney / BAILEY,AMBROSE H. Attorney ,256. ^ BAILEY,JOS. L. Attorney .123. ^ BAILEY,LORENZO A. Attorney , . 161. BAKER,J.HENRY. Attorney .161. ^ BAKER,D.WilLIAM Attorney .134. BAKER,FREDERICK T. Attorney . 98. t/' BAKER,P.PARKER. Attorney .147. BALDWIN,CHARLES GAMERILL, Attorney .147. BALDWIN,JR. O.P. Attorney .101. BALDWIN,RIGNAL, w. Attorney .143. ^ BALDWIN,ROBERT, Attorney .101. ^ BALDWIN,R.W. Attorney 96. y 5. BALDWIN,WILLIAM WOODWARD ^Attorney .125.25. r BAIfl',PHILIP SEUART, Attomey 244. BALLARDAttorney .7?. BALLOU,WM. MELLIN. Attorney .. 164 BALTZELL ,H .E. Attorney 132 BA'HNON, JA11ES P. Attorney .. .. 163 y BANN0N,WM, Attorney 81 i/ .153. 254- BARNES,JOHN H. Attorney 122. BARNES,WILLIAM R. Attorney . .158. tS BARRETT,HARRISON J. Attorney 166. iS* BARRETT,C IVER D. Attorney 1^2. / BAF.ROLL, 3ENJ C. Attorney , 81. L*// BARROLL,HOPE H. Attorney 122. ^ BARR CL L, J. Leeds, Attorney aiai! p BARRY,HARRY STANDISH, Attorney . - .233. / BARRY,R03T.0. Attorney 67. BARRY,ROBT C. Attorney 83. BARTLETT,!. KEMP, Attorney 198, BARTLETT,T.NORVIN. Attorney 260. ^ BARTLEY,T.W. Attorney 107.1— BARTOL,JAS.L. as Chief Judge of the Court BARCLAY FRED. *.:: *. *. *. *. * *. *. BART ON, RANDOLPH. Attorney 92. BARTON, JR,RANDOLPH. Attorney . 139. BATEMAN,CHAS* Attorney 101. BATEMAN,I.P. Attorney 107. 6 BATEMAN,WILFRED, ,Attorney 114. S BATES,EDWARD B. Attorney 1°5« ^ BATES,CrEO.H.Attorney 141 • ^ BATTEE,RICHARD R. Attorney 62. y BAUGHMAN,CHARLES H. oath of ,as Deputy Clerk / of the Court of Appeals, 1B6,179. ^ $4rm'd»t Attorney 61. t/ ° A / BAYLESS, WM*H. Attorney .... • ....15Eu BAYLESS,WILLIAM SILVER. Attorney 2S5. v/ * BEACH,ROBERT W. Attorney 141. ^ BEACHMAN,ROBERT J. Attorney 194./ BEACHLEY,HARRY EDGAR, Attorney 255. BECK, SOLOMON SCOTT. Attorney 249. v/ BEALE,C.?.T. Attorney 145 y BEALL,ALPHEUS. Attorney 165 y BEALL,FILLMORE.Attorney 129 / BEAII,JR,jGEO T. Attorney 97>.'S BEALL, HI CHARD R. Attorney 121. v/. BEASTEN,CHARLES^/JR# Attorney 97. ^ BECK,WILLIAM W. Attorney , 209. y BECKHAM,CHARLES WICKLIFFE, Attorney 125 y 0eeuuuKes DBENWKES", CHRISTIAN JOHN. Attorney 1H9 BEHN,CHAS H. Attorney 240. BET,IEF,DECLARATION OF.IN ^HE CHRISTIAN BEL I CION. 57. BELIEF IN A GOD,declaration of John Walter finith of his 227. 7 BELIEF IN THE EXISTENCE OF GOD,declaration 'of A.Hunter Boyd,of his,(1907) 257. 'S BELIEF IN THE EXISTENCE OF GOD,declaration of,by Edwin Warfield - .229. J BELIEF OF AUSTIN L.CR0THERS,IN THE EXISTENCE OF GOD,declaration of his 561. / BELIEF OF CALEB CLARKE kAGRUDEE,in the existence of God,declaration of the,(1908) . .268. S BELIEF OF GLENN H.WORTHINGTON,declaration of, of his,in the existence of God,1907 .266. v/ BELIEF IN THE EXISTENCE OF GOD,declaration of John .Briscoe,of his,1906 .254. 'S BELIEF IN THE EXISTENCE OF GOD,declaration of John .Briscoe ,of his,1908 BELL,RICHARD S. Attorney RELT,ED.#C Attorney BENNETT,Jr,*J0HN E. Attorney BENSON,CARVILLS D. Attorney BENSON,CLIFTON DOLL, Attorney BENSON,ORIGON R. Attorney >. BENJAMIN,FREDERICK.Attorney 5. BENZINGER,HARRY M. Attorney BERNHARD,ALFRED D. Attorney BERNARD,RICH. Attorney 116. BERNEI,LOUIS B. Attorney 157. BERRIBGE,M. ®LST0N Attorney 102. BERRY,A.BENTON, Attorney \?o. BERRY,THOS.W. Attorney 87. BEVANjTHO&c. Attorney 97. v/ . BIAYS,JAKES P. Oath of,as Beputy Clerk of the Court of Appeals .170. V BIDDLE,NOBLE T. Attorney 115 • BIDDISON,JOHN S.Attorney 144. BIGGS,ROBERT, / ttorney ♦. 117. v/ BINSWANGER, AJ3USTUS C. Attdrney BIRCKHEAD,JOSEPH T, oath of-as Deputy Clerk of the Court of Appeals, 1907 258. SAKE ••/oath of as Deputy Clerk oi the court of Appeals Ded 1907,. 259. SAME •.•oath of as Deputy Clerk of the Court of Appeals 1902 245. t- BIRD,CLIFFORD D. Attorney 188. BISPHAM,EDWARD K. Attorney 189. ^ BLACKISTON,A.HORTON. Attorney ^>8. IS' 3\a^id~on, ft.HooTbr),. .o. -MfiK ■ torney 184. ^ BLACKISTON,D.c. Attorney I24* ^ BLACKISTONE,GEORGE. Attorney 119* ^ BLAKE,GEORGE A. Attorney ^LACKSTC^^.WALLI S, Attorney -92- BLAIR,GIST, Attorney 200• BLANCHARD,E.WYATT, Attorney 65» ^ BLANCHARD,E.WYATT-Attorney fl0« BLAND,RI CHARD HOWARD. Attorney 238 BLINK, THORBERT, At torney I49* ^ BLOCKSOM,DAVID.Attroney ™. ^ BLOOJIBERG, SOL, L. Attorney II4* BONAPARTE,CHARLES J. Attorney 102, BOND,CARROLL T. Attorney iS BOND/DUKE*ATTorney 140. B0ND,O.MORRIS, Attorney . .108 . ^ BOND,HUGH L. Attorney ..65 BOND,JR„HUGH L. Attorney .116 BOND,JAS. A. 0. Attorney .104 BOLD,JR-fJOHN, Attorney BOND,-NICHOLAS P. Attorney BOND,PHILIP RANDALL, Attorney .. B0ND,WM,B. Attorney 7?. SAME »At to rney BONSAL,LEIGH. Attorney 181. BCARMAN,R.R. Attorney 76. BOEHME,JRyA.C.F. Attorney .140, BOGGS,SAMUEL S. Attorney 128 BOGGS,WALTER J. Attorney 3.88 BOUCHET,CHARLES J Attorney .... 144. B0WD0IN,JR„W.G. Attorney 250. BOWDOIN,HENRY J. Attorney ..... 138. BOTEN,FRANCIS C. Attorney .... 94. 5rd. BOWEN, ^SOE N. ^Attorney 254. BOWES* JESSE S«Attorney . .105. \/ BOWEN,ja,PHILANDER A Attorney ..151. BOWERS,JR^JAMES W. Attorney .. ..128. s/' AlQ.n BOWIEAttorney ..165. BOWIE,ALLEN STRAFFORD, Attorney 256 10. BOWIE,CLARENCE K. Attorney 220. B OWI!, Oden, oath of,as Gov.of Maryland 192. B0l"IE,RICHARD J. Attorney nr70.' BOWIE,RICHARD J. Test of,as Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals 178. 1/ BOWIE,THOMAS P. Attorney 58. BOWIE,JRvWASHINGTON, Attorney ..186. BCYLSTON,W.C. Attorney i°7• BOWLING,A.W. Attorney , 245. BOSLEY,EDGAR-W. Attorney ,252. BOSLEY,S.PARKER.Attorney 116* BOSLEY,JRyWILLIAM H. Attorney 162. BOSTON ,JOHN GUYTON.Attorney 126. BOSTON .CHARLES A. Attorney 122. BOYCE,KEYJARD A. Attorney 239. BOYCE,WILLIAM GRAHAM, Attorney 255 BOYD,A. HUNTER.Attorney 1° a. / BOYD,A. HUNTER^as Witness 254,265. v/ BOYD,A.HUNTER,oath of ,as Chief Judge, of the Court of Appeals 257 BOYD,A.HUNTER,declaration of,his belief of the ✓ existence of God 1907, 257. BDYD,A.HUNTER,test as Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals .261. i/ BOYD,JR^A.HUNTER,Attorney ..189. y/'' BOYD, J .COOXMAN. Attorney • *155* BOYD,JOSEPH C. Attorney 1°5* BOYD,JOSEPH C.N. Attorney . .71 * BOUIC ,HbABEWT MANOWRY r- Atttorney .246. Iff BCUIC,DHARLES NORMAN. Attorney 249 BOUIC,W.VIERS,Attorney . 70. l/ BOUIO,JIt,W.VIERS. At+orney .117.^ BOULDIN,R.J. Attorney ,.72. SAMSf. ••• .Attorney ..82.
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