Natrinema Pellirubrum Norn. Nov. and Natrinerna Pallidum Norn. Nov

Natrinema Pellirubrum Norn. Nov. and Natrinerna Pallidum Norn. Nov

International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology (1 48, 1 187-1 196 Printed in Great Britain ~~ 998), Proposal of a new halobacterial genus Natrinema gen. nov., with two species Natrinema pellirubrum norn. nov. and Natrinerna pallidum norn. nov. Terry J. McGenity,’e2 Renia T. Gemmel12tand William D. Grant2 Author for correspondence : Terry J. McGenity. Tel : + 44 1 18 93 1 67 13. Fax : + 44 1 18 93 1 0279. e-mail: t.j.mcgenity(u Postgraduate Research A phylogenetic analysis of 69 halobacterial 16s rRNA gene sequences has been Institute for carried out, integrating data from new isolates, previously described Sedimentology, University of Reading, Whiteknights, halobacteria and cloned sequences from uncultivated halobacteria. PO Box 227, Reading RG6 Halobacterium halobdum NCIMB 777, Halobacterium trapanicum NCIMB 784 and 6AB, UK Halobacterium salinarium NCIMB 786, together with several other strains Department of (strains T5.7, L11 and Halobacterium trapanicum NCIMB 767) constitute a Microbiology and distinct lineage with at least 98.2 O/O sequence similarity. These strains have Immunology, University of Leicester, University Road, been incorrectly assigned to the genus Halobacterium. Therefore, based on a Leicester LE1 9HN, UK variety of taxonomic criteria, it is proposed that Halobacterium salinarium NCIMB 786 is renamed as Natrinema pellirubrum nom. nov., the type species of the new genus Natrinema gen. nov., and that Halobacterium halobium NCIMB 777 and Halobacterium trapanicum NCIMB 784 are renamed as a single species, Natrinema pallidum nom. nov. It was notable that halobacteria closely related to the proposed new genus have been isolated from relatively low-salt environments. Keywords: Natrinema gen. nov., halobacteria, hypersaline, halophile, phylogeny INTRODUCTION mediated ion pumps (Ventosa & Nieto, 1995); (3) they have been isolated from ancient salt deposits on Earth, The term ‘ halobacteria’ refers to the red-pigmented, promoting suggestions of great longevity, thus extremely halophilic archaea, members of the family influencing the choice of sites for life-detection experi- Halobacterinceae (Grant & Larsen, 19894. Halo- ments on other planets such as Mars (Grant, 1995). bacteria arc the most halophilic organisms known, and dominate in hypersaline environments in which the The taxonomy of the halobacteria was last compre- salt concentration exceeds 250 g (Rodriguez-Valera hensively revised in 1989 (Grant & Larsen, 1989a) 1-1 when six genera were validly described. Many halo- et al., 198 1 1. Often, they appear at such high levels that they impart a red colour to hypersaline brines. bacteria that do not precisely match existing taxa have been described recently; this, together with re- Earlier this century, most studies on halobacteria assessment of existing taxa using phylogenetic concentrated on those proteolytic strains that spoiled methods, has led to the taxonomy of the group being in salted fish. meat and hides (Harrison & Kennedy, a state of flux. For example, Kamekura et al. (1997), 1922). However, there is now growing interest in the on the basis of 16s rRNA gene sequence comparisons, halobacteria for several reasons, for example : (1) they showed that the haloalkaliphiles are much more are easy to cultivate and so make ideal systems for diverse than had previously been imagined. In all, investigating the molecular genetics of archaea (Robb there are presently 10 formally described genera of et al., 1995) ; (2) they have biotechnological potential, halobacteria (Oren et a/., 1997; Kamekura et al., particularly with respect to polymers and light- 1997), and it is clear that halobacterial diversity extends beyond these 10, particularly when uncul- . .. .. .. , . .. ., . , . ., .. ., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. t Present address: Oxford Centre for Environmental Biotechnology, tivated halobacteria are considered. For example, Institute of Virology and Environmental Microbiology, Mansfield Road, Benlloch et al. (1 995) described two 16s rRNA clones Oxford OX1 3SR. UK. from a crystallizer pond which formed a distinct ~ 00761 0 1998lUMS 1187 T. J. McGenity, R. T.Gemmel1 and W. D. Grant Table 1. Sources of halobacteria and their 165 rRNA sequences Strains sequenced as part of this study are in bold. Type species are indicated by [TI. T, Type strain. Culture collections: ACAM, Australian Collection of Antarctic Microorganisms, Tasmania, Australia ; ATCC, American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, MD, USA ; DSM, DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen, Braunschweig, Germany; JCM, Japanese Collection of Microorganisms, RIKEN, Japan; NCIMB, National Collection of Industrial and Marine Bacteria, Aberdeen, UK; N RC, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada ; VKM, All-Union Collection of Microorganisms, Puschino, Russia. Accession numbers are for the 16s rRNA sequences in databases; references describe the 16s rRNA sequences; numbering of region sequenced is according to E. coli (Brosius er nl., 1978). Specieslstrain Strain Isolated from : Accession Sequenced Reference no. region ATCC 29605'" Dcad Sea KO042 1 18-1534 Gupta rt uI (1 983) ATCC 33500" Saltein (Alicmte, Spain) Dl 1107 18 1534 Kamekura & Seno (1992) ATCC 33959' Saltern (Alicmte, Spain) DI 3378 18-1 534 Kamekura & Seno ( 1993) ATCC 35960" Saltern ( BJJ?I.~.California) D14128 18-1534 Kamekura & Sen0 (1993) (Ad? 2) Saltern (Alic'inte. Spain) M33803 107-536 Holmes & Dyall-Smith ( 1990) (Aa2.2) Saltern (Alicante. Spain) M33804 675-924 Holmes & Dyall-Smith ( 1990) ( Aa2. 2) Saltern (Alicante. Spain) M33805 965- 1 5 1 6 Holmes & Dyall-Smith ( 1990) Strain EX Dcad Sea, 57-year-old sample U68540 1 8- I 534 Arahal Pt trl. (1996) Clone 2MT310 Salt marsh (Colne Point, UK) AF015988 18-1114 Munsoii rt a/. ( 1997) Clone 2MT103 Salt marsh (Colne Point. UK) AFO 15982 18-1114 Munson et nl. (1997) Clone 1MT315 Salt marsh (C'olne Point, UK) AFOl5964 18-1 I14 Munson t't (11. ( 1997) Holntrrculm I~dourcLrluiuNi.sniortis I [TI ATCC 29715' Salt flat (Death Valley. USA) UI 7593 18-1 534 Kamekura & Dyall-Smith ( 1995) Hrrlourcdu i~dlisninrtis2 (TI ATCC 29715' Salt flat (Death Valley. USA) D5085 1 18-1 534 Ihara rt ul. (1997) Hirlourcirlu niurisniortiri rrnA genc ( Ginzburg) Dead Sea X61688 18-1534 Mylvaganam & Dennis (1992) Haloarcula niurisniortui rrnB gene (Ginhurg) Dead Sea X6 1689 18-1534 Mylvaganam & Dennis (1992) ' H(rlotrrcdci siriuiicrisis ' major gene ATCC 33800' Red Sea sabkha Dl4129 18-1 534 Kamekura & Seno (1993) ' H~lo~ir~~uInsinaiicwsis ' minor gene ATCC 33800' Red Sea sabkha D14130 18-1534 Kamekura & Seno (1993) Huloarculu ,jupotiicu JCM 7785' Saltern soil (Noto Peninsula. Japan) D28872 18-1492 Takashina et ul. (1 994) Hulourcxlu Iiisjiuiii(z ATCC 33960' Saltern (Alicante, Spain) U68541 18-1534 Arahal cf a/. (1996) ' Hrrlomrciilcr uidinotisis' (B-2) Salt lake (Xinjiang. China) AB000563 18-1534 Unpublished Hdotrrcirln nrgui t incwsis JCM 9737' Salt flat (Saliiias Chicas, Argentina) D50849 18-1 534 lhara c't NI. (1997) Holourc~irluniirkolirrtci JCM 9738' Salt flat (Salinas Grandes. D50850 18-1 534 lhara ct 01. (1997) Argent i na ) Strain E? Dcad Sea. 57-year-old sample U68539 18-1 534 Arahal er d. (1996) Strain E I I Dead Sea. 57-year-old sample U68537 18-1534 Arahal r,t d. (1996) NATRO GROUP NNt1.0110(.0(.(.1iS N(itr[)iioi,o(,c,ri.soc,cirltu.c. [TI NClMB 2192'' Lake Magndi (Kenya) 228378 18-1 534 McGenity & Grant (1993) N(rtrorioc,oc,eLis rrt?iylo!l.ticrr.c.jlj~tii,ii,~ JCM 9655" Lake Magadi (Kenya) D43628 18-1 534 Kanai rt NI. (1 995) Strain 89M4 Lake Magadi (Kenya) x92172 36-1515 Duckworth rt ul. (1996) Strain 931LM4 Little Lake Magadi (Kenya) X92173 31-1515 Duckworth rt (11. (1996) Strain 86M4 Lake Magadi (Kenya) X92 175 32- 1 5 1 5 Duckworth cJt al. (1996) Nutrono hrr c. t i'r iun I Natroiiohartcriuni gregorj'i[T NClMB 2189'' Lake Magadi saltern (Kenya) DX7970 1 8-1 534 Kamekura <It 01. (1997) NNt ritrlh(i Nrr triullm usirr t ictr [TI JCM 9576'r Beach sands (Japan) Dl4123 18-1534 Kamekura & Dyall-Smith ( 1995) Natriulha usiuticu JCM 9577 Saltern (Taiwan) D14124 18-1534 Kamekura & Dyall-Smith (1995) Nutriulh(i (Nutroriohactcri~it~i)niugnrlii NCIMB 2190" Lake Magadi (Kenya) X72495 18-1 534 Lodwick ct al. (1991) Strain SSLl ATCC 43988 Sambhar Salt Lakc (India) D88256 18-1 534 Kamekura et a/. (1997) Strain 98 NT4 Lake Natron (Kenya) X92 174 26-1 534 Duckworth et d. (1996) Nutritrcniu (proposed new genus)* Hulobactevium salinarium NClMB 786 Salted hide AJ002947 20- 1 5 34 This study (Nutrinema prlliruhrum) IT] Halobacterium halohiirm NClMB 777 Salted cod AJ002949 18-1 534 This study (Natrincmu pullirlum) Halobacterium tvapanicum NClMB 784 Salted hide A5002948 18-1534 This study (Natrinema pallidurn) Hrrlohuctoriimi trupanicxni NClMB 767 t NRC 34021i- Dl4125 18-1534 Kamekura & Seiio (1993) Strain L-ll (GSL-I I) Great Salt Lake (UT, USA) D14126 18-1 534 Kamekura & Dyall-Smith (1995) Strain T5.7 Former saltcrn (NE Thailand) A5002946 18-1 534 This study Strain 524 Saline lagoon (Crimea) AJ002952 278-500 This study 1188 International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 48 New halobacterial genus Natrinema gen. nov. _____ ~~ Table I (cont.) Specieslstrain Strain Isolated from : Accession Sequenced Reference no. region NATRO 01JTLIERS Strain SKIS Former saltern (Roquetas de Mar. AJ002945 18-1 534 This study Spain) Little Lake Magadi (Kenya) X92 170 25-1515 Duckworth c't a/. (1996) Lake Magadi (Kenya) x92171 23-1 5 16 Duckworth et ul. (1996) Salt marsh (Colne Point, UK) AFO 15989 24-1 114 Munson st a/. (1997) NCIMB 2081' Saltern (San Francisco, USA) X82 167 18-1 534 McGenity & Grant (1995) ACAM 34' Deep Lake (Antarctica) X82170 18-1 534 McGenity & Grant (1 995) ATCC 33755' Dead Sea X82169 18-1 534 McGenity & Grant (1995) NRC 34021 Trapani salt X82 168 18-1 534 McGenity & Grant (1995) JCM 9275T Saltern (Geelong. Australia) LO0922 18-1 534 Nuttall & Dyall-Smith (1993) VKM B-1733'" Sulphate saline soil (Turkmenia) D63572 18-1 534 Kamekura & Dyall-Smith (1995) - Great Salt Lake (UT, USA) A5002944 18-1 534 This study Saltern (Cabo de Gata, Spain) A5002943 18-1534 This study JCM 9060' Lake Magadi (Kenya) D87972 18-1534 Kamekura et a/.

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