y r . Ths Westher Foreeuat of D. 8. Wet h e r Bunua FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1960 Atstbc* Dslly Net Press Rwi I aswsammxm For the Week Ended Oeuttmied (air tfaU aftMuosu, dime 4th. 1960 tonight and' Sunday. Lowest ta- PAGE e ig h t e e n jEanrb( t^r l|frali> 0 rilght 46 to 60. Rlgheat Sunday some electrical work which were 13,125 70 to 76. i DeMolay Hears also in the Hunter bid for the Memher a< tha Audit ‘Templis ChMJter, OBS, will apon project May 10, but these items Manchester-^A City o f VUlage Charm sor a bake sale at the J. W. Hale TOILETRIES, Ete. GANNON Bureau o f OUwnlatiou will- be Included in a Ikter pef- A b o u t T o w n Department store, tomorrow at 10 Greer Tonight TOILETBIES—Main Floor a.m. For pick up of donations, mit. - (daasUled Adverttsing on Page 0) PRICE FIVE CENTS The toUl of . 8417,000 will be BATH TOWEL MANCHESTER, CONN., SATUl^tilAY, JUNE 11, 1960 KlHitcmoaioh Tribe, No- call Mrs. Richard Rhodea 49 Cool- Hugh Greer, varsity coach at *Manicure Sets. 11 piece* in (TWELVE PAGES^'^TV SECTION— SUBURBIA TODAY) lOBM. wUl hold lU regular m a t­ Idge S t, or Mrs. Claude Porter, reduced by ■ about $10,000 some­ the University o f Connecticut, will time In the near future. Hunter is leather ca s e ............. • • • $” •”” RIOT! ing In Tinker Hall 29 Hyde 8t. be guest speaker at the annudl ^ There will be nomthaUon of working out the reduction now Others at $1.00. Father and Son banquet for the with-achool authorities and with offioers. ^ The Rev. John R. Neubert, pas­ SLIGHT IRREGULAA5 John Mather CSiapter, Order of architect Arnold Lawrence and *01d Spice product* for men. tor of Comirtunlty- Baptist Church, DeMolay, tonight at 6:30-at the pre-electric shave, talc or de. StateNews engineer Jerome Mueller. Of $1.00>o$1J9 tltiiait W. Baraw, son of Mr. will have charge of the radio Masonic'Temple. odorant stick ...............$1,00 *nd Mr*. Stuart W. James Perry, building inspec­ broadcasts, sponsored by the Man­ • Merit bar awards for participa­ Cour^Crets U A C Plea Parklna S t. today received hla di­ chester Ministerial Assn., over tor who is also a coordinator for Brewer Aspirin, ■ Aide Hints Revisions tion on drill team and sport teams, 22”x44" ploma at graduation «**” |5^^**^ WINF Sunday at 6:30 p.m. and the project, said the reduction 100 ta b lets................... Routt for perfect attendance, proficien­ Cudibig* Academy, Aehburnhara, dally next week at 7:13 p.m; may be made in the electrical dis­ t«25”x50" -X Maaa. cy in ritual, obtaining new mem­ tribution setup which had been •New Pushbutton Lilt Cream s ----- ; bers. and for outstanding per­ Whip. Permanent for any New Milford, June 11 (/P)— The Manchester' Garden Club planned. ‘ n ie Ladlea Aid Society of Buck formance on other DeMolay ac­ The reduction was suggested by type of hair. Newest, fastest A supermarket was robbed will have a smorgasbord at the tivities will be announced at a way to wave . .$*.30 To Bar Mass Ingham CongregaUonal Church In home of Mrs. Douglas Roberta. General Manager Richard Mar­ last night of about $2,000 by special court, of honor.. , tin, because of a $500,000 ceiling Olaatonbury win aponaor a atraw- Bolton Rd., Vernon, on Monday at Iodine Ration Improved Tab­ thrOe armqd men who, State Kgrrv featival and dinner Satur­ t — - on the project, including furnish­ Management suffered a setback 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Arthur Schulthels let*. The dleUry supplement, The Irregularitie* are ao slight ♦automatic pay bicre^a ratterf Police said, fled in an auto­ Ike’s Japan day, June 18. There will ^ aerv- is in charge of reservations. ings, architects fees, Insurance By THU ASSOeXATBD » yeateiriay when a Stratford town in ^ at S, 6 and 7 p.m ^For res- 600 tablets .................... $$-*® than merit raisea and the right to mobile they took from a wom­ Permit for Work and contingency. you’ll have trouble ftmllag them! Interest in the investigate grievances in company court Judge found a jion-etrlking er^Uona, calls Mra. Alvah Russell •Little Miss Cosmetic SeU of employe at the Sikorsky plant guil­ an in Jthe store parking lot. Mountain Rd., Glastonbury. Members of the Eighth District Solid color* with Dobby borders; •trike against seven united grounds d..ring working hours. Between 160 and 200 customers Fire Department, who wish,to par- toilet water, bubble The company, in a etateraent le- ty of breach of peace end fined him At Schools Asked stripes, Jacquards and platda | Aircraft Corp. plants centered were in the AUantic and Pacific Ucipate in the North Thompson- Earn B.S. Education Degrees bath, etc. ........................ $*■*" sued after the etrlke eUrted. said 850 for making motion pictures^ James Knight was elected presi­ today on a courtroom battle pickets, apparently at the com­ store when the three men entered vllle parade tomorrow evening, are Miss f^ancv King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey King, A building permit for $440,000 The newest colors In extra large | It could not meet the demands for H a g e r ty ’ s dent of the Men's Club of Center CEMENT Reg. 60c Lustre Cream Lotion over a request for a tempor­ a union shop or for automatic pay pany’s request. at the height of the Friday eve­ CongregaUonal Church recently. to meet at fire headquarters at 218 H ^ ry St.,\nd ^ a s Elizabeth Elder, daughter of h^s. Ger­ Of renovation to Barnard Junior Shampoo, Special at . -49c ning ' business nish. Police quoted 6:15 p.m. in uniform. W. H. England Lumber Co. sizes. 1. ary restraining-Aorder against Increases. Attorneys Immediately said they OUier new officers are Alfred trude Elder,-81 Tanner St„ received B-S. ***®.^** High School was applied for The two-unions have been pull­ would press an appeal for the de­ store manager Charles Davis of Sunday at Lesley College In Cambridge. Mass. Miss King 540 Middle Turnpike, East ' epius Tax d o m e s t ic s —Main Floor, Rear mass picketing. Galeuda, vice president; William yesterday "by the Jack R. Hunter ing together in bargaining with fendant, Theodore P. Guild. The Kent as saying the men appeared Zinsser, treasurer; and Robert Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Segal, 54 was treasurer of the Glee Club, and manager of the Madrigal Ml 9-5201 The hearing began Co. Inc. Open All Day Saturday UAC for new contracts to replace cases of two othef Sikorsky em­ at his booth where he was cash­ e c i s i o n Blake, secretary. Cobum Rd., left today to spend Choral Group. Miss Elder was manager and v lc ^ r e s ld w t of The application does not Include terday in Superior Court. Shortly ing a check for a customer. w e e d e r M Ptoce Your Ordtr* before 9:36 p.m.. It wa* receaaed those that have expired at the dif­ ployes who were arrested at the the weekend in Burlington, Vt., the Glee Club and was a member of the Madrigal Choral Group. $37,000 of paving, landscaping and ferent plants. Their "unity” pact same Ume for taking pietpres were The men demanded money and imtll this morning. where they will attend the gradu­ Now For ,„■« also put to the test when the continued. Davis gave them two money bags. ation Sunday of their son. Robert wear- The company la aeek^g the or­ I The Polish Women’s Alliance Mr. and Mrs. 'l^llliain J. strike began Tuesday at the Sikor­ The men fled after ripping a tele­ Segal. He will receive a B.A. de­ der to prevent mae* picketing as The basis of Guild’s arrest, the A w a i t e d Group 246 will hold a belated Stephens, 45 Green Manor Rd., togethen sky Division plants in Bridgeport court stated, waa that his activities phone from a wall. gree in the pre-medlcal course at will leave tomorrow for Pough­ ita Pratt A Whitney divlaion plant and Stratford: Within 24 hours, all Mra. Janet Warner, a clerk in DONT "-Xar” the University of Vermont Mother’s Day party tomorrow at . seemed likely to touch off a riot 7 p.m. at the Polish American keepsie,' N. Y., to attend the grad­ from Cash's In North Haven. five of the other UAC plant* had among the men on the picket line. the store went to an outside tele­ By THE ASSOCIATED StOl plenty of wear ledt In uation on Monday of their daugh­ One of the witneaaea who ^ r i ­ phone booth where ahe waa calling sjioes when brought here for Club on Clinton SL been hit. Judge Isaac Murov cited the tes­ The White House said to­ Victor Lombardo was elected ter, Miss Emma IS. Stephens, from BARBECUE fled waa North Haven Police C hl« TTiere ha# been some rough busi­ timony of Stratford Police officers the state police as the three men expert repairing. Vasaar College. NAME TAPES Leno Bemlere. He told the court day that the schedule for Open Mondays AU Day president of Local 1592. National Miss Patricia Hibbard, daughter SPONSORED BY WSCS OF THE ness on the picket lines, especially about the ugly mood of the strik­ ran into the parking lot. 'They FederaUon of PosUl Clerks, re- of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Hibbard, UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF BOLTON he had received full cooperation when the ahlfU changed and non- ers as Guild was making his pic­ yanked Mr*.
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