MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, NO. 57 THE AMNICOLIDAE OF MICHIGAN: DISTRIBUTION, ECOLOGY, AND TAXONOMY BY ELMER G. BERRY ANN ARBOR UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESS MAY28,1943 PRICE LIST OF TRE MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS OF THE MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Address inquiries to the Director of the Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Bound in Paper No. 1. Directions for Collecting and Preserving Specimens of Dragonllies for Museum Purposes. By E. IJ. WILLIAMSON.(1916) Pp. 15, 3 figures $0.25 No. 2. An Annotated List of the Odonata of Indiana. By E. B. WILLIAMSON. (1917) Pp. 12, 1 map ...................... ..................................................................................... $0.26 No. 3. A Collecting Trip to Colombia, South America. By E. B. WILLIAMSON. (1918) Pp. 24. (Out of print) No. 4. Contri The Phylogeny tlnd the Distribution of the Genus By CLARENCEH. KENNEDY.(1923) Pp. 21, 1 No. 12. The Genus Gyrotoma. By CALVINGOODRICH. (19 NO. 13. Studies of the Fishes of the Order Oyprinodontes. By C&L L. .HUBBS. (1924) Pp. 23, 4 plates $0.76 No. 14. The Genus Perilestes ( LIAMSON. (1924) 80.60 No. 16. A Check-list of the Fishes of the Great Lakes and Tributary Waters, with Nomenclatorial Notes and Analytical Eeys. By Cam, L. HUBBS. (1926) Pp. 77,4 plates #.SO No. 16. Studies of the Fishes of the Order Cyprinodontes. VI. By CmL. HUBBS. (1926) Pp. '79, 4 plates .......................................................................................... $1.00 No. 17. The Structure and Growth of the Scales of Fishes in Relation to the Interpretation of their Life-History, with Special Reference to the Sunfish Eupomotis gibbosus. By CHARLESW. CREASER.(1926) Pp. 80, 1 plate, 12 figures ...................... ..........................................................................................................$1.60 No.18. The Terrestrial Shell-bearing Mollusca of Alabama. By BRYAAT WALKER. (1928) Pp. 180, 277 figures $1.60 No. 19. The Life History of the Toucan Ramphastos brevicarinatus. By Jos- SELYN VAN TYNE. (1929) Pp. 43, 8 plates, 1 map 80.76 No. 20. Materials for a Revision of the Catostomid Fishes of Eastern North America. By CARLL. Hmss. (1930) Pp. 47, 1 plate .................................. $0.76 No. 21. A Revision of the LibelluIine Genus Perithemia (Odonata). By F. RIS. (1930) Pp. 50, 9 plates ....................... ...................................................................................... $0.76 No. 22. The Genus Oli 42, 7 plates $0.60 No. 23. A Revision of the Puer Group of the North American Genus, Melanoplus, with Remarks on the Taxonomic Value of the Uoncealed Male Geni- talia in the Cyrtacanthacrinae (Orthoptera, Acrididae). By THEO- DORE H. HUBBELL. (1932) Pp. 64, 3 plates, 1figure, 1 map ....................... $0.75 (Continued on last pages) ADVERTISEMENT The publications of the Museum of Zoology, University of Mich- igaii, consist of two series-the Occasional Papers and the Miscel- laiieous Publications. Both series were fouiicled by Dr. Bryant Walker, Mr. Bradshaw 13. Swales, aiid Dr. W. W. Newcomb. Tlie Occasional Papers, publicatioii of which was begun in 1913, serve as a medium for original papers based principally upon the collections of the Museum. The papers are issued separately to libraries and specialists, aiid, when a sufficient number of pages have been printed to make a volume, a title page, table of contents, and index are supplied to libraries and individuals on the niailing list for the entire series. The Miscellaneous Publications, which include papers on field and museuni techniques, monographic studies, aiid other contribu- tions not within the scope of the Occasional Papers, are published separately, and as it is not intended they will be grouped illto volumes, each nuniber has a title page and, when necessary, a table of contents. FREDERICKM. GAIGE Director of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, NO. 57 THE AMNICOLIDAE OF MICHIGAN: DISTRIBUTION, ECOLOGY, AND TAXONOMY BY ELMER G. BERRY ANN ARBOR UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESS MAY28, 1943 CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 9 DISTRIBUTIONOF TIIE FAMILYAMNI 9 CHRONOLOGYOF THE TLXONOMYOF T 10 SIGNIFICANTCEARACTERS OF MICHIGA 14 KEY TO TEE SHELLCLIARACTERS 19 FIELDAND LABORATORYPROCEDUR 19 SYSTEMATICDISCUSSION OF MICHIGANAMNICOLIDAE 21 Family Amnicolidac (Tryon, 1862) Gill, 1863 21 Subfamily Arnllieoll~laeGill, 1871 22 Genus Amn?cola Gould and Haldeman, 1841 22 Subgei~~isArnnicola s. s. 23 23 Amnicola (Amnicola) walkcri Pilsbr 26 Subgenus Marstonin Balrer, 1926 29 Amnicola (Marston,ia) I?~.str 29 Siibgciius Cineinnatia Pilsbry, 18 3 2 Amnicola (Probythinella) binneyana Hannibal Genus Sonaatogyrus Gill, 18 Somatogyrt~sszcbglobosus (Sa 49 Subfamily Biilirninae (EIannibal) 1912 52 Genus Rt~lirnusScopoli, 1777 52 Bulimus tentaculatus 53 Subfamily Lyogyrinnc Pilsbry, 1 57 Genus L?jog?j~t~sGill, 1863 ...... ..... ... ... ..... .... .... ..... ..... ... ... ... ... .. 57 Lyogyrus brownii (Carpenter) 57 THE GENUSPomaliopsis TRYON 58 ILLUSTRATIONS PLATES (Plates I-IX follow page 68.) PLATE I. FIG. 1. Amnicola (Amnicola) lintosa (Say). FIGS.2 and 3. Amnicola (Amnicola) walkeri Pilsbry. FIGS.4-6. Amnicola (Marstonia) lzastr%caPilsbry. FIG. 7. Amnicola (Cincinnatia) integra (Say). FIGS.8-12. Amnicola (Probythinella) binneyana IIannibal. FIG.13. Pyrgnlopsis lelsoni (Walker). FIG.14. fiyog?lrua ptrpoicle1~.~(Gould) . FIG.15. Lyogyrus brown%i (Carpenter). FIG.16. Hydrobia nickliniana (Lea). Somatogyrus sz~bglobosus(Say). Bul~mustentaculatus (Linnaeus). Paucispiral opereulum. Somatoyyrus subylobosns (Say). Spiral opereuluin. Lyogyrzcs pupoadeus (Gould). Concentric opcreulnm. Bt~lamustentan~latus (Linnaeus) . Pomataopsas lapidaria (Say). Operculum of Pyrgulopsis lelsoni (Wallccr). Po~natiopsiscincinnal iensis (Lca). FIG. 1. Raclula of Amnicola (Amnicola) limosa (Say). FIG. 2. Radula of A~nnicola(Amnicola) walkcri Pilsbry. FIG. 3. Radula of Amnicola (Marstonia) lustrica Pilsbry. FIG. 4. Radula of Amnicola (Cincinnatia) integra (Say). FIG. 5. Radula of Amnicola (Probylhinella) binneyana IIannibal. IV. FIG. 1. Radula of Pyrgnlopsis letsoni (Walker). FIG. 2. Radula of Llydrobia nickliniana (Lea). FIG. 3. Radula of Somalogyrus subglobosus (Say). FIG. 4. Radula of Buliqnus tentaculalus (Linnaeus). FIG. 5. Radula of Pomatiopsis cincinnatiensis (Lea) V. FIGS.1-3. Animal of Amnicola (Amnicola) limosa (Say). FIGS.4 and 5. Animal of Amnicola (Amnicola) walkeri Pilsbry. FIG. 6. Animal of Antnicola (Marstonia) lustrica Pilsbry. VI. FIG. 1. Animal of Amnicola (Cincinnatia) integra (Say). ~PIGS. 2 and 3. Animal of Amnicola (Probylhinella) binneyana nannibal. ]PIG. 4. Animal of P?jrgulopsis lrtsoni (Wallrcr). FIG. 5. Animal of Bydrobta nickliniana (Lea). I 6. Animal of Pomaliop.sis cincinnatiensis (Lea). VII. FIG. 1. Eggs of Amnicola (A~nnicola)limosa (Say). FIG. 2. Eggs of Pyrgulopsis letsoni (Walker). FIG. 3. Eggs of Bulimus tentaculalus (Linnaeus). ELMER G. BERRY FIG. 4. Eggs of Amnicola (Marstonia) lustrica Pilsbry. FIG. 5. Amnicola (Probythinella) binneyana Hannibal serving as intermediate host for trematodes. FIG. 6. Cavities in lime encrusted stones in which Pyrgulopsis letsoni (Walker) was found living. VIII. FIG. 1. Argo Pond, Huron River at Ann Arbor, Michigan. FIG. 2. Pond below Highland Lake, Livingston Co., Michigan. IX. FIG. 1. Spring near Button Lake, Kent Co., Michigan. FIG. 2. Experimental trap for Pomatiopsis lapidaria (Say). FIGURES IR THE TEXT FIGURE PAGE 1. Verge of Amnicola (Amnicola) linzosa (Say) 25 2. Verge of Amnicola (Amnicola) walkeri Pilsbry .................................................................................. 28 3. Verge of Amnicola (Marstonia) lustrica Pilsbry 3 1 4. Verge of Amnicola (Cincinnatia) integra (Say) 35 5. Verge of Amnicola (Probytlzinella) binneyana H 38 6. Verge of Pyrgulopsis letsoni (Walker) 43 7. Verge of Hydrobia nickliniana (Lea) 47 8. Verge of Somatoggrus subglobosus (Say) 51 9. Verge of Bulimus tentaculatus (Linnaeus) 55 10. Verge of Pomatiopsis cincinnatiensis (Lea) .................................................. ....................................59 MAPS NAP 1. Records of Amnicola (Amnicola) limosa (Say) in Michigan 2. Records of Amnicola (Amnicola) walkeri Pilsbry in Michigan ............................................. 27 3. Records of Amnicola (Marstonia) lustrica Pilsbry in Michigan 4. Records of Amnicola (Cincinnatia) integra (Say) in Michig 5. Records of Amnicola (Probytlzinella) binneyana Hannibal in Michigan ........................37 6. Records of Pyrgulopsis letsoni (Walker) in Michigan 42 7. Records of Hydrobia nickliniana (Lea) in Michigan 46 8. Records of Somatog?lrtis subglobosz~s(Say) in Mich 50 9. Records of Bz~linaustentacz~latus (Lilmaeus) in Michigan 54 10. Records of Lyogyrus brownii (Carpenter) in Michigan ...................... ........................................ 58 THE AMNICOLIDAE OF MICHIGAN: DISTRIBUTION, ECOLOGY, AND TAXONOMY * INTRODUCTION IN1933 a series of investigations was begun on snails belonging to the family Amnicolidae. Particular attention was given to the species in Michigan. The work was carried on for four years, and during this tiine inforniation dealing with the character aiicl comparative structure of the shells aiid com- parative inorphology of the animals, as well as data on distribution and ecology, was gathered. A complete synonymy has been listed for each spe- cies, aiid in ccrtaiii instances the taxonomy
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