TOWN OF GOLDEN BEACH One Golden Beach Drive Golden Beach, FL 33160 ______________________________________________________________________ Official Agenda for the May 26, 2020 Special Town Council Zoom Virtual Meeting called for 5:00 P.M. Zoom Room Meeting ID: 810 8785 1091 Password: 322771 For Dial In Only: Call 929.205.6099 Meeting ID: 810 8785 1091 THE PUBLIC MAY PARTICIPATE AT GOOD AND WELFARE; PLEASE HOLD ALL QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS UNTIL THEN! THE PUBLIC IS ENCOURAGED TO SUBMIT ALL COMMENTS VIA EMAIL TO [email protected] BY 2:00 P.M. TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2020. A. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER B. ROLL CALL C. PRESENTATIONS / TOWN PROCLAMATIONS D. MOTION TO SET THE AGENDA ADDITIONS/ DELETIONS/ REMOVAL OF ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA/ AND CHANGES TO AGENDA E. GOOD AND WELFARE F. MAYOR’S REPORT G. CORONAVIRUS UPDATE See attached Memorandum from the Town Manager H. COUNCIL COMMENTS I. TOWN MANAGER REPORT J. TOWN ATTORNEY REPORT K. ORDINANCES – SECOND READING None L. ORDINANCES - FIRST READING None M. QUASI JUDICIAL RESOLUTIONS Page 1 of 4 (Special Town Council Meeting Agenda – 5/26/20) None N. CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX MASTERPLAN UPDATE O. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Official Minutes of the April 28, 2020 Special Town Council Zoom Virtual Meeting 2. A Resolution of the Town Council Approving A Mutual Aid Agreement between the Town and the City of Hallandale Beach. A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF GOLDEN BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING A MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH AND THE TOWN OF GOLDEN BEACH; PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Exhibit: Agenda Report No. 2 Resolution No. 2673.20 Sponsor: Town Administration Recommendation: Motion to Approve Resolution No. 2673.20 3. A Resolution of the Town Council Authorizing the Use of Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) Monies To Make A $2,500 Contribution to Teach for America. A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF GOLDEN BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE USE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND (LETF) MONIES TO MAKE A $2,500 CONTRIBUTION TO TEACH FOR AMERICA (TFA); PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Exhibit: Agenda Report No. 3 Resolution No. 2676.20 Sponsor: Town Administration Recommendation: Motion to Approve Resolution No. 2676.20 4. A Resolution of the Town Council Authorizing the Use of Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LEFT) Monies to Make a $500 Contribution to the American Heart Association. A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF GOLDEN BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE USE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND (LETF) MONIES Page 2 of 4 (Special Town Council Meeting Agenda – 5/26/20) TO MAKE A $500.00 CONTRIBUTION TO THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION; PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Exhibit: Agenda Report No. 4 Resolution No. 2677.20 Sponsor: Town Administration Recommendation: Motion to Approve Resolution No. 2677.20 P. TOWN RESOLUTIONS 5. A Resolution of the Town Council Accepting the Financial Statements and Single Audit for Fiscal Year 2018/2019. A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF GOLDEN BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND THE SINGLE AUDIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018/2019 ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2019, PREPARED BY KEEFE, MCCULLOUGH & CO., LLP; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Exhibit: Agenda Report No. 5 Resolution No. 2678.20 Sponsor: Town Administration Recommendation: Motion to Approve Resolution No. 2678.20 Q. DISCUSSION & DIRECTION TO TOWN MANAGER Mayor Glenn Singer: • Construction Sites Vice Mayor Bernard Einstein: None Requested Councilmember Judy Lusskin: • Pedestrian Gates Councilmember Jaime Mendal: None Requested Councilmember Kenneth Bernstein: None Requested Town Manager Alexander Diaz • Recycling Program Page 3 of 4 (Special Town Council Meeting Agenda – 5/26/20) • Boat Dock Veterans Memorial Park R. ADJOURNMENT: DECORUM: ANY PERSON MAKING IMPERTINENT OR SLANDEROUS REMARKS OR WHO BECOMES BOISTEROUS WHILE ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL SHALL BE BARRED FROM THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS BY THE PRESIDING OFFICER. NO CLAPPING, APPLAUDING, HECKLING OR VERBAL OUTBURSTS IN SUPPORT OR OPPOSITION TO A SPEAKER OR HIS OR HER REMARKS SHALL BE PERMITTED. NO SIGNS OR PLACE CARDS SHALL BE ALLOWED IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS. PERSONS EXITING THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS SHALL DO SO QUIETLY. THE USE OF CELL PHONES IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS IS NOT PERMITTED. RINGERS MUST BE SET TO SILENT MODE TO AVOID DISRUPTION OF PROCEEDINGS. PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 286.0105, THE TOWN HEREBY ADVISES THE PUBLIC THAT: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THIS BOARD WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT ITS MEETING OR HEARING, HE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR THAT PURPOSE, AFFECTED PERSONS MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD SHALL INCLUDE THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. THIS NOTICE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE CONSENT BY THE TOWN FOR THE INTRODUCTION OR ADMISSION OF OTHER INADMISSIBLE OR IRRELEVANT EVIDENCE, NOR DOES IT AUTHORIZE CHALLENGES OR APPEALS NOT OTHERWISE ALLOWED BY LAW. IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE TO ATTEND THIS MEETING AND PARTICIPATE, PLEASE CALL THE TOWN MANAGER AT 305- 932-0744 EXT 224 AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. RESIDENTS AND MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOMED AND INVITED TO ATTEND. Page 4 of 4 (Special Town Council Meeting Agenda – 5/26/20) TOWN OF GOLDEN BEACH One Golden Beach Drive Golden Beach, FL 33160 ___________________________________________________________________ M E M O R A N D U M ___________________________________________________________________ Date: May 26, 2020 To: Honorable Mayor Glenn Singer & Town Council Members From: Alexander Diaz, Town Manager Subject: Protocols in Place As We Enter Into Our “New Normal” As we begin adjusting to our new normal I wanted to take a moment to go through the three-pronged approach the Town has taken to address the safety and well-being of both the staff and the residents and visitors of Golden Beach. This approach consists of: Staff & Town Hall Safety; Building Department New Rules and Procedures; and Resident New Protocols and Safety Measures. Staff & Town Hall Safety Measures: • Protective glass partitions have been installed in the reception area and in the building department. This provides a clear separation barrier, similar to those found in banks and (now) in grocery stores, between the public and our employees • Staff has been issued and is required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when outside or in areas with the public • Staff has been instructed to continue to practice good hygiene with hand washing and hand sanitizing • Staff temperatures are taken daily, upon arriving at work • No more than one employee is permitted in the kitchen area at any given time • Town Hall is open by appointment only – walk-ins are discouraged, however if you must come to Town Hall without first making an appointment, you will be asked to wait outside, distancing yourself from others, until such time as invited in by a staff member. For our employees’ safety and for the safety of the general public at large we strongly recommend that all residents and visitors make an appointment. • Proper signage has been placed at the entrance to Town Hall to notify all patrons that a face covering is required and reminding everyone to maintain social distancing Page 1 of 4 MEMO from TM – New Normal • The entrance to Town Hall has marked out spaces on the floor with painter’s tape to ensure patrons are spaced at least 6 feet apart • Hand sanitizers have been provided and placed throughout Town Hall, Public Works and the Police Department • All offices and common areas are being deep cleaned daily with disinfectant • Employees who are feeling symptoms of COVID 19 or have had a direct exposure will not be permitted to return to work until they receive clearance from a medical doctor, or a negative test result • A limited number of testing kits are available for employees and residents who are high risk The Building Department created a COVID 19 Action plan that was disseminated to all construction projects and contractors by email on what would be expected from each site prior to opening on May 11, 2020. Those properties not in compliance would not be permitted to open. Building Department Measures: • Each Construction Site submitted an operational action plan for approval by the Town. These plans contained the required implementation of handwashing stations containing soap and water, additional sanitizing stations ( 60% alcohol based) for use by the workers, all workers are required to wear masks, additional Masks for anyone entering the site, temperature logs of the workers, and other criteria, in order to maintain a safe working environment and to protect our community. • Each site was given the opportunity to implement these plans on May 6, 7, and 8th of this month. • The Town appointed two COVID Compliance inspectors who were out driving the Town daily, checking on the progress of each site and submitting written status reports for each property and when in compliance was given an approval status. • Properties that received an approval of their action plan in place and an approved site inspection were permitted to resume work on the next Monday, May 11th. • Inspectors are out canvasing all construction projects in Town, Monday through Saturday making sure that all construction sites are in compliance with their plans and are following the Town’s guidelines in COVID 19 Action plan implemented by the department. • Anyone found on the property not to be in compliance, i.e.; not wearing masks, no washing station will be given a warning on the first infraction. Anyone found to have a second infraction would receive a $500.00 fine, and if a third infraction is found at the property the site will be closed for 5 days.
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