232 East Aurora, New York January 6, 1969 The Village Engineer.indicated_that'to the best of his knowledge, _he signs ' would be properly attached to the building. Trustee David P. Elmer observed that the proposed,new .sign ordinance allows the placement of signs only on those sidesof a buildingfronting or bordering onVillage street or streets. In this case two sides of the building front on'public parking a_eas. '- •. Trustee:David P._Elmer moved, .seconded by Trustee Walter E; Nicoloff and carried with no negative•votes that the sign petition by the Sherwin- Williams Company _tsit.now exists be rejected because it does not conform " to the prop6sed si'gn-ordinancehlso•that the west side of the building,at 628 Main Street not be considered in any future sign permit application. The Village Clerk p_esented a petition containing 370 signatures, said _etition asking for an actual .referendum:on:the matter-of approving a : • " 1,250,000 bond issue _for-Vi:___age.water_i_rovement,purposes;,#The Village Clerk advised that 20 ineligible names'bad been removed from the petition making the net total 350 signatures. Mayor Cain•explained=the timetable now necessary as a result of the" filing of this petition:; The _eferendum must be held at"the general _ " •_ Village election, March 18, 1969. The Mayor also noted:and explained various probable happenings that could result from the delays mandated by the filing of.the petition." i_. Trustee'Joseph::L<,She_l_caned 'attention to a:1962 water_study report presented by Lozier Engineers, Inc. and gave hisi'opinionthat,the Village Board had wisely deferred action for six years and that a crash program " seems unnecessary at this time. Trustee Robert B. Kelly called•attention to the need for reinforcing the fire flow•facilities of the Village. "Mr. '.Kelly"alsogave his opinion ,.- that if a '_fes"vote is given on March 18, the $1,280,000 cost figure will not be adequate and therefore a new 'resolution at'a higher figure will be necessary. Trustee Raymond A. Smith asked the means by which ,the_]_roposedbonds would be re-paid.-Would:the payments C_ne from increased water rates, from increased .taxatiofforboth? Mr. Smith was advised that a proposed schedule of the %caterrates ,"as suggested"by the _auditors,"would :be available withirf a few days. Trustee .DaviclP. Elmer_gave his _opinion that the purpose,of the proposed plan is toasSure adequate:goodwater for the next ten "orperhaps twenty years, and at the time Lake Erie water would probably be available to help meet the Village requirements. 1 • "!_ The Village Attorney explained the delays and intent of Chapter 962 of the New York State Laws of 1968, giving the County Legislature power to require the County Planning Co.m_issionto review certain city, town and village plot plan and subdivision proposals ." ". After lengthy discussion% by consent, the _Planning Commission wiil be asked to review this legislation before the Village Board makes'.itsposition on this matter known to the Erie County Legislature. The matter will be considered further at the January 20 .Boardmeeting• _. , r . Village 'Engineer James R. O'Connor reported On ithe.'emergencywork being performed at the west end of the Tannery Brook culvert at Main and South Willow Streets. Mr. O'Connor advised that upon advice of Krehbiel, Guay, Rugg & Hall 30 feet of 84 inch corrugated drainage pipe has been installed in order to alleviate the danger of further erosion damage. The installation of another 20 feet is planned. The work will be completed within anothert..... day .or so." "_ , . Mr. Parker Price and Mr. Albert C. Towne, Jr., two of the affected property owners, have signed !easement agreements.. The third owner, Edward Sibble, has given verbal approval with the promise that a signed easement will be submitted later. _ "- ="- -.. " "-,• -'::-" ) Trustee Raymond A. Smith moved, seconded by Trustee Robert B. Kelly and carried with no negative votes that any Village employee, retiring with less than 14 year's _service,<may elect.tO continue membership-in the Blue Cross - Blue Shield program by paying the usual monthly installments. East Aurora, New York January 6, 1969 Trustee Robert B. Kelly moved, Seconded by Trustee Raymond A. Smith and carried with no negative votes that the $2,000 basic life insurance coverage be paid for retirees, Leo Marth and Helen Varley, until labor negotiations are completed and a policy on this matter is formulated. Trustee"Robert B. Kelly moved, secondedby Trustee Raymond A. Smith and carried with no negative votes that an overpayment of.1968=69 Village taxes be refunded to Roland B. Smith ih the amount of $1.29 on Properties 202-570 and 202-176. The Village Clerk read a letter from Robert S. Lesher, chairman of the Town of Aurora Conmtitteeon Needs, asking'for a copy ofevery report that has been submitted by Lozier Engineers, Inc. on the subject of Village water. Trt/steeRobert B. Kelly moved, seconded by Trustee Walter E. Nicoloff, and carried with no negative votes thaf Mr. Lesher's letter be received and filed and Mr. Lesher be advised that the making available of this material is the prerogative of the Joint Town-Village liaison con_nittee. A letter was received and read from Attorney Robert J. Schutrum, representing the In_nanuelLutheran Church. The letter asked for the co- operation of the Village to demolish the building on the property at 27 Pine Street, if said property is purchased by the Church. The Church in turn would lease the land to the Village for public parking. Trustee Raymond A. Smith moved, seconded by Trustee Robert B. Kelly and carried with no negative votes that if the Church removes the existing building at its own expense, the Village will back fill, grade and pave the area in return for a standard parking lot lease. The matter of the unpaid water arrearage for Water District #7 in the Town of Aurora was discussed., Village Attorney Walter W. Howitt was authorized to obtain a settlement agreement from the Town of Aurora and Water District #7 and report the results by January 13, 1969. ., • Trustee Joseph L. Shed moved, seconded'by Trustee Robert B. Kelly and carried with no negative votes that Robert H. Hewitt be given permanent civil-service appointment.as Disposal Plant,Dperator, Mr. Hewitt being _ eligible from the list resulting from Examination #40-738.- Village Engineer O'Connor advised the Board that the cost of materials used andto be used in 'connection with the emergency repaits to the channel of Tannery Brook, near<_4ainStreet and South Willow Street, willbein excess of his Original estimate of $2,500.:: . '* d After a discussion, it was moved by Trustee Joseph L. Shed, seconded by Trustee David P. Elmer and carried with no negative votes that this Board approve the purchase of materials and labor required in connection withthe said Tannery B_ook emergency.repair without submitting the same to competitive bidding all in accordance with the findings and resolution adopted December.30, 1968. : , Village Attorney Howitt reported that the deeds for Fisher-Price Toys, Inc. land sale, the Carini Property purchase and the Kreiger Property pur- chase have been duly.filed in the Erie County Ha_l of Records. [ : .The Police, Fire Dispatcher and Dog .control reports for .the month of December were received and discussed. The reports were ordered to be filed. Trustee David P. Elmer moved, seconded by Trustee Walter E_ Nicoloff and carried with no negative votes that_the Fire.District #i•contract and the contract with the Town of Aurora for police desk, lock-up, radio and courtroom facilities be approved and Mayor J._Forrest Cain be authorized to sign same. Trustee Robert,B; Kelly moved; seconded by Trustee _Raymond Smith and carried with no "negativevotes that the vouchers as audited by the Mayor and Trustees;be paid, as follows: vouchers_No. 710 to No. 771, in the am6_it of _33,485.75, General Fund;_vouchers No. 159 to No. 167, in the. amount of $3,845.19, Water Fund. •• Trustee Robert B. Kelly moved, seconded by Trustee Walter "E. Nicoloff and carried with no negative votes "that this meeting adjourn at 11:05 P;M. _enry/y. bnerwDOd, k / 234 East Aurora, New York -: January .13,1969 Minutes of the recessed public hearing of December 16, 1968 of the Board of Trustees of the Village of East Aurora, held in the Board Room of the Village Hall, corner of Main and paine Streets, East Aurora, New York, reconvened at 8:00 o'clock P.M., Monday, January 13, 1969. There were present:.Messrs. 3. Forrest:Cain, _yor, presiding;-Robert B. Kelly, Raymond A. Smith, Joseph L. Shed, James W. Ford, ,DavidP. Elmer and Walter E. Nicoloff, Trustees comprising a quorum of the Board; a&so Walter W. Howitt, Village Attorney; James R. O'Connor, Village Engineer and Henry A. Sherwood, Village Clerk. At 8:00 o'clock P.M. Mayor J. Forrest Cain reconvened the hearing to rezone a portion of Riley Street from "_' to "RC" to allow the construction of two office buildings on the site. The Village Clerk read a letter received from the Planning Comission advising that a special meeting of said conmission would be held January 16 to give consideration to the rezoning petition of Professional Parks, Inc. A comnunication from the Erie County Department of Planning indicated no d_jection to the rezoning. After brief discussion, the Trustees agreed to consider the petition of Professional Parks_ Inc. at the regular Board meeting, _anuary 20 when the recommendation Of the Planning Commission would be available. .Mayor_ain declared the hearing closed at 8:25 P.M. The Board thereupon entered /n executive work session.
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