UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE? ADAM MARKEL,OF NEW YORK,N. Y.,ASSIGNOR TO TIIE POTTIER & STYMUS COMPANY,OF SAME PTACE. COMBiNED BED AND SOFA. 8PECIFICATION formingpart of Letters Patent No.607,183,dated July12, 1898. ApplicationfledJuly16,1897,8erial No,644805,(No madelo To azz zphon? ?772ay Co72ce772: prOper SOfa-bed frame byside bars withouta Beit Knownthat I,ADAM MARKEL,acitizen bottom orotherwise and the properaction of 0f the United States,residing at New York, the COnStruction SeCured; but the box Bis gounty of New York,and State of New York, preferably provided,as this forms a conven 55 haVe inVented Certain new and useful Im ient and eficient receptacle forthebedcloth provementsina Combined BedandSofa,fully ingWhen the Constructionisin use as a sofa, described and represented in the following Orit may be used as a Convenient packing SpeGifiCatiOnandtheaCCOmpanyingdrawings, receptacle for Other artioles. forming a part Of the Same. Mounted to slide upon the Supports 10, The Object Of the present invention is to formed by the tOp edges of the box Bin the prOVide an imprOVed Combined Sofa and bed construction shown,or otherwise suitably ConstruCtion,and especially to provide such formed On orseoured tothe end framesAA', a COnstruction that Shall SeCuregreatercom iS the CuShiOn C,Which forms the Seat-Gush fortand convenienceand presenta betterap iOn Of the Sofa,this Cushion Consisting of the pearanCe than SuCh COnStruétiOns heretOfore frame ll,Of WOOd Or Similar material,upon in use and atthe Sametime be Simple,Strong, WhiChare mOunted the Springs 12,shown as and durable and readily changed forits dif Of the Coil form GOmmon in Seat-cushions. ferent uses, - - Overthese Springsistheflexible covera,sup As a ful Understanding 0f the invention porting the upholstery-filling D and flexible Can best begiven bya detailed desoription of COVer c,the covers a and c being formed of a Construction embOdying the Same,further ClOth 0ranySuitable Similarmaterial and be preliminary desCription Will be omitted and ing brOught doYn Over the Springs12andse Such a detailed desCription nowgivenin Con Cured tOthe bottom Side bars of the frame11. nection With the accompanying drawings, The end bars of the frame 11 extend to the 75 25 forming a part of this Specificationandshow tOp0f the Cushionattheinneredge,asshown, ingallthefeature8 Of theinvention emb0died fora purpose presentlyto be described. The intheirpreferredforin,andthefeaturesform inner edge of the oushionis provided with a ing the invention Wil then be specifically Spring-metal rod ,Secured to the springsand pointed Out in the Glaims. - SuppOrtingthe upholsteryatitSextreme edge, In the drawings,Figurelis a frontview of SO as to form a Stifened Spring edge on the the COnStruction in use asa SOfa with the back Cushion at this Side fora purpose presently and Seat Cushions partlyin Section to Show tO be deSCribed, the COnStruCtion. Fig.2 is a Central CrOSS The end frames A A are provided with Section of the Same. Fig.3is an end View of Slots 1,entered by lugs 2,projecting out 35 thegonstruction inuse as a bedwithoneend Wardly fr0m the Opp0site ends Of the CuSh Of the frame broken aWay tO.Show the Cush iOn-frame11,these lugs acting t0guide the iOn-mattress and b0lster. Fig,4 is an en SlidingcushiOnDrOperlyandseCureitsSmooth larged detail CrOSS-Section of a portion of the and easy mOVement,and the ends of the Slots COnStruptioninuseasa SOfa. Tig.5isa simi 1C0acting With the lugs 2 to form stops for larSeCtiOn Of the COnStructioninuseasa bed. the CuShion C and seCure its proper position Fig.6 is a detail longitudinal Section onthe in adjustment Of the COnstrüction for use line 6 of Fig.4. either as a Sofa or bed. Of Course a single ReferringtOSaid drawings,AA'arethe op barmayform both lugs2instead of their be pOSite end frames,forming the arm-rests of ing Separate,as shOWn. Preferably one end 95 45 the sofa and the head and foot boards of the of each slot Will be cut through to the side bed and in Which the,parts are mounted, edge of the frame for the insertion of the these end frames SuppOrting and being Con CUShiOn C,and then a block inserted in the nected by Side frames constructed to form a slot to close the latterand form the stop for box B,rigidlysecuredto the endframesand the cushion Othersuitable means may be Ioo 5o forming a tie therefor. The end frames A usedforguiding the Cushionandsecuringits A may be tied together,80 as to form the ?rOper p0sition,but the Construction ShoWh 2 - 607,182 ispreferable. Suitable rollersarepreferably A'is preferably slotted transversely to the used to seCure the easy and Smooth move sofa-bed,and intheseslots move bolster-Sup ment of the Seat and back Cushions On the porting bars 21,two bars in each end frame supports10,Tollersa on the Seat cushion and being used,80 that these may be draYn Qut support for this purpose Deing Shown in the at opposite sides of the bed,as Shownin Fig. drawings. 3,to support the bolsteróat the head of the The back-CushiOn DCOnsistS Of the Cushion bed,whichis shown in dotted lines in that frame 15,generallysimilar to the frame11 of figure,or the bars 21 may be pushedint0the 75 the seat-eushion C, having its end bars ex end frames out of sight and Out Of the Yay tending to the top of the Cushionat theinner when the construction isto be used aSa SOfa, or lower edge,so that these end bars may be stop-pins 8,carried bythe bars,and slotS9in hinged together by hinges 3,and thus the the end frames limiting their mOVement tO Gushion D may be SWungon the hinges 3 from secure their proper position When drawn Out. its approximately vertical or Sofa position These barsare shown as provided with tas into horizOntal Orthe bed position,in which sels22 for drawingthem Out,and the endS Of 1atter position it rests and slides upon the the bars21 will be suitablyupholsteredinthe Supports 10, heretofore referred to. The mannershown or otherwise to COverthe endS frame 15 Supports the COil-Springs 16,upon of the barsandseCurethedesired Ornamental whichis the Cover d,upholstery-filling e,and appearance of the Sofa. upholstery-cover f This cushion D also is The use of the Construction will be under providedwith aspring-metal rod latitsinner stood from the drawings,in connection with Orlower edge,as previouslydesCribedin Con a brief Statement. As shOYn in Figs,1,2, nectionwiththeseat-Cushion C,SOastostifen and 4,the Construction is adjustedforuse aS theextremeinneredgeof the Cushion. These a sofa,the seat-Cushion C being pOSitiOned 25 two spring edges Secure a positive support with its outer edge at the edge of the Seat for the adjacent edges of the Seat and back frame and the back-cushion Din an approxi Cushions,which form the Center of the mat mately verticalposition andsupportedatthe tress when the COnStruction is used as a bed. proper angle bythe bar17,held to the eush 95 Thetwo CushionsareSoupholsteredastoform ion bythe catch4. When the Construction a Dractically COntintIOus level Cushion-mat isto be used as a bed,the CatCh4 is draWn tress when the two cushions are horizontal, back bythe thumb-piece 19 against theten and Over both Of the CuShions C Disextended sion of spring6 and released from the CatCh a single Cover 9,Of plush, leather,or other plate 5,and the bar 17is then dropped from ICO, Suitable material,SO that When the COnStruC the position shown in Figs.2 and 4 to that 35 tion is adjusted for use as a bed,as shown shown in Fig.3. The cushion D is then in Figs. 3 and 5,a Single Continuous Surface turned down into horizontal position andthe of the level double mattressisformed bythis two Cushions moved alOng On the SuppOrt8 10 COV61°? transversely to the frame until stOpped by Initsverticalposition the cushion Dissup the forward stops 2 coming in Contact with ported by a bar 17,whichispivoteduponthe the front end of the slots1,as ShoYn in Fig. rear Side edge Of the b0x B,SO astobeSYung 3,when thetwo cushions are in proper p0si up to Support the back-cushion Vertically or tion for use Of the COnStruCtiOn as a bed,the Swung down Out Of the Way to permit the Seat and back Cushions projecting equaly Cushion to be lowered into horizontal posi from opposite sides of the frame. BaTS21 at 45 tion,this Dar 17 being provided on its top One end of the bed are then draWn Out into edge with Dins 7,entering holes in the Cush the position shown in Fig,3 andthe bolster ? ion-frame,to aid in holdingthelatterand Se placed over the end frame and these bars. Curingits proper position. A Catch is pref When the seat-cushion C is pushed Overinto II5 erably used to hold the Gushion Dand bar17 the position Shown in Fig,3,free access to together,SO as to assure the retention of the the open top of the box Bisgiven by tilting proper position of the parts When the back up the back-cushion D. cushion is raised. Asshown,thiscatch Con It will be seen that this eOnstruction pro sists of a Siding plate 18,mounted Onthebar Vides a very Simple,eficient,and durable 17 by a Slot-and-screw Connection and Carry sofa-bed,whichis comfortable and handsome 55 inga catch4,Whichenters a notChin the Gush inappearanceas a Sofaandformsafull-Yidth ion-frame Of CuShion D and engages a CatCh and comfortable bed when adjusted for SuCh plate 5thereOn,a Spring 6 normally holding Ul8?? the CatChin positiontolockthepartstogether The formation of theadjacent edges of the I25 and the plate 18being providedwitha thumb Seatand back Cushionswith the Tods Orsimi piece or knob 19,projecting outside the bar lar ContintIOus spring-edge SupportS forming 17for use in drawing the plate 18 back to re the 8quare edges of the Cushions is impor lease the CatCh.
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