FEDERAL REGISTER \ 1934 VOLUME 4 ■ íflYiTEO ^ NUMBER 127 Washington, Saturday, July 1, 1939 The President its functions and personnel (including CONTENTS the Chairman and the members of the Page THE PRESIDENT Board) are hereby transferred to the [Public Resolution No. 20— 76th Congress] Bureau of the Budget in the Executive Reorganization Plan No. I__ _____ 2727 [S. J. Res. 138] Office of the President. The Chairman Reorganization Plan No. I I ______ 2731 Joint R esolution Providing T hat R eorgan­ of the Board shall perform such admin­ RULES, REGULATIONS, ization P lans N umbered I and II Sh all istrative duties as the Director of the Take Effect o n Ju l y 1, 1939 ORDERS Bureau of the Budget shall direct. Resolved by the Senate and House of T itle 8—Aliens and Citizensh ip: Representatives of the United States of Section 3. Central Statistical Commit­ America in Congress assembled, That the tee Abolished and Functions Trans­ Immigration and Naturalization Service: provisions of reorganization plan numbered —The Central Statistical Commit­ I, submitted to the Congress on April 25, ferred. tee is hereby abolished, and its functions Ports of entry for aliens: 1939, and the provisions of reorganization Roseau, Minn______________ plan numbered n, submitted to the Con­ are transferred to the Director of the 2733 gress on May 9, 1939, shall take effect on July Bureau of the Budget to be administered Sandusky, Ohio, John G. 1, 1939, notwithstanding the provisions of Hinde Airport_________ 2733 the Reorganization Act of 1939. by him under the direction and supervi­ T itle 26— Internal R evenue: Sec. 2. Nothing in such plans or this joint sion of the President. The Director of resolution shall be construed as having the the Bureau of the Budget shall promptly Bureau of Internal Revenue: effect of continuing any agency or function wind up any outstanding affairs of the Army contracts for aircraft, beyond the time when it would have ter­ Central Statistical Committee. excess profits on______ _ 2733 minated without regard to such plans or United States Processing Tax this joint resolution or of continuing any Section 4. National Resources Plan­ Board of Review: function beyond the time when the agency ning Board.— (a) The functions of the in which it was vested would have terminated Rules of Practice, corrections- 2740 without regard to such plans or this joint National Resources Committee, estab­ T itle 30—M ineral R esources: resolution. lished by Executive Order No. 7065 of National Bituminous Coal Com­ W m . B. B ankhead June 7, 1935, and its personnel (except Speaker of the House of Representatives. mission: the members of the Committee) and all Jno N G arner Distributors who physically of the functions of the Federal Employ­ Vice President of the United States and handle coal over docks, President of the Senate. ment Stabilization Office in the Depart­ report to be submitted___ 2740 Approved, June 7, 1939. ment of Commerce and its personnel are T itle 50—W ildlife: Fr a n k lin D R oosevelt hereby transferred to the Executive Bureau of Fisheries: Office of the President. The functions Alaska walruses and sea lions, transferred by this section are hereby R eorganization P lan N o. 1 taking of________________ consolidated, and they shall be admin­ 2741 Prepared by the President and trans­ istered under the direction and super­ NOTICES mitted to the Senate and the House of vision of the President by the National Representatives in Congress assembled, Resources Planning Board (hereafter Civil Aeronautics Authority: April 25, 1939, pursuant to the provi­ referred to as the Board), which shall Reapplication for pilot, ground sions of the Reorganization Act of 1939, be composed of five members to be ap­ instructor and air carrier approved April 3, 1939 pointed by the President. The Presi­ dispatcher certificates_____ 2744 Department of the Interior: PART 1.----EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE dent shall designate one of the mem­ National Bituminous Coal Com­ PRESIDENT bers of the Board as Chairman and another as Vice Chairman. The Vice mission: S e c t i o n 1. Bureau of the Budget.— Chairman shall act as Chairman in the District Board No. 18, desig­ The Bureau of the Budget and all of its absence of the Chairman or in the event nation of employee mem­ functions and personnel (including the of a vacancy in that office. The mem­ ber of___________________ 2741 Director and Assistant Director) are bers of the Board shall be compensated Southwest Coal Co., approval hereby transferred from the Treasury at the rate of $50 per day for time spent as marketing agency____ 2742 Department to the Executive Office of the in attending and traveling to and from Western Pennsylvania Coal President; and the functions of the meetings, or in otherwise exercising the Corp., modification of Bureau of the Budget shall be adminis­ functions and duties of the Board, plus marketing agency con­ tered by the Director thereof under the the actual cost of transportation: Pro­ tract __________ _________ 2742 direction and supervision of the Presi­ vided, That in no case shall a member West Kentucky Coal Co., or­ dent. be entitled to receive compensation for der relative to complaint S e c t i o n 2. Central Statistical Board.— more than thirty days’ service in two alleging violation________ 2742 The Central Statistical Board and all of consecutive months. (Continued on next page) 2727 2728 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July 1, 1939 Sec. 6. Federal Employment Stabiliza­ Security Board and its functions, and the tion Office Abolished.—The Federal Em­ Civilian Conservation Corps and its func­ ployment Stabilization Office is hereby tions, are hereby consolidated under one FEDERALIpREGISTER abolished, and the Secretary of Com­ agency to be known as the Federal Secu­ merce shall promptly wind up its affairs. rity Agency, with a Federal Security Ad­ Sec. 7. Transfer of Records and Prop­ ministrator at the head thereof. The erty.—All records and property (includ­ Federal Security Administrator shall be ing office equipment) of the several appointed by the President, by and with Published by the Division of the Federal agencies transferred, or the functions of the advice and consent of the Senate, Register, The National Archives, pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal which are transferred, by this Part are and shall receive a salary at the rate of Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 hereby transferred to the Executive $12,000 per annum. He shall have gen­ Stat. L. 500), under regulations prescribed Office of the President for use in the eral direction and supervision over the by the Administrative Committee, with the approval of the President. administration of the agencies and administration Of the several agencies The Administrative Committee consists of functions transferred by this Part. consolidated into the Federal Security the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer Sec. 8. Transfer of Funds.— So much Agency by this section and shall be re­ of the Department of Justice designated by the Attorney General, and the Public Printer of the unexpended balances of appro­ sponsible for the coordination of their or Acting Public Printer. priations, allocations, or other funds functions and activities. The daily issue of the Federal R egister available (including those available for (b) The Federal Security Administra­ will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free tor shall appoint an Assistant Federal of postage, for $1 per month or $10 per year; the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940) for single copies 10 cents each; payable in ad­ the use* of any agency in the exercise of Security Administrator, who shall re­ vance. Remit by money order payable to any functions transferred by this Part, ceive a salary at the rate of $9,000 per Superintendent of Documents, Government or for the use of the head of any depart­ annum, and he may also appoint such Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Correspondence concerning the publica­ ment or agency in the exercise of any other personnel and make such expendi­ tion of the Federal R egister should be ad­ functions so transferred, as the Director tures as may be necessary. dressed to the Director, Division of the of the Bureau of the Budget shall deter­ (c) The Assistant Administrator shall Federal Register, The National Archives, act as Administrator during the absence Washington, D. C. mine, shall be transferred to the Execu­ tive Office of the President for use in or disability of the Administrator or in connection with the exercise of functions the event of a vacancy in that office and transferred by this Part. In determin­ shall perform such other duties as the CONTENTS— Continued ing the amount to be transferred the Administrator shall direct. Director of the Bureau of the Budget (d) The several agencies and func­ Department of Labor: may include an amount to provide for tions consolidated by this section into Wage and Hour Division: Pa§e the liquidation of obligations incurred the Federal Security Agency shall carry Apparel industry, hearing on against such appropriations, allocations, with them their personnel. review of findings relative or other funds prior to the transfer: Section 202. Social Security Board.— to employment of learn­ Provided, That the use of the unex­ The Social Security Board and its func­ ers ______________________ 2743 pended balances of appropriations, allo­ tions shall be administered as a part of the Federal Security Agency under the Federal Trade Commission: cations, or other funds transferred by Gould, Benjamin, trading as this section shall be subject to the provi­ direction and supervision of the Federal Security Administrator. The Chairman Piccadilly Hosiery Mills, sions of section 4 (d) (3) and section 9 of the Social Security Board shall per­ etc., order apointing ex­ of the Reorganization Act of 1939.
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