• "Th~ South's lkst "By th~ Students, Coll~g~ N~wspapn" ling-tum t For the Students', Z-771 Wuhinaton and Lee University Semi-Weekly VOL XLII LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1938 NUMBER 21 ~ro~h .Production , g~!n~:~l Williamsburg's Golden Era Cr1m1nal At Large 1 v 1 t · Opens Wednesday su~c... fu~E:~ime:tr:Is Theme For Fancy Dress Last Year To Be Murder Play To Run Three --------------------------------------------------------------------· Vaughan Beale To Lead Re_pea_ted ~13' Qub Plans Nights; Promiles To Be Philharmonic Society Sponsors Taylor Selects Popular Success Dance Set Jn.,estigation Dr. Snavely To Speak To Informal Dance v aughan Beale. president of Assembly At Tapping the student body, announced to- Virginia Symphony Orchestra Tennant Directs Thriller; day that thHxecutlve committee Ceremony On Dec. 1Oth Early Virginia ock Stewart and Mary w1ll conduct an investigation of The annual Omicron DeltaKap- Dr. Laird WaUer Will Conduct Programs For Adults J the invitations and tree tickets Maulsby To Star which are Sf'nt out for Washlng- pa chapel. scheduled t or Decem- -- And Children In High School Auditorium, De- Setting for Ball ber 14. will once again be volun- That much souaht after and ton and Lee dances. tary, President Fielden Woodward Collegians To Play For cember 5; Program Includes Graham's Work f The prealdent said the lnvestl- Will Celebrate Return lon1 expected arch-ftend, "Crlml- gatlon was not prompted to ex- announced today. This chapel 1a University Dance For The Lexlnct.on Philharmonic so- ances. The names of W-L fraterni- 0 nal at Large." will be apprehended t held every year for the purpoee Spotswood Expedition by the Troubadours under the di- POse anybody but rather 0 cut prlmarlly ot tapping the new First Time clety will sponsor the ftrst of a se- tles who buy patron tickets will rectlon of Tom Tennant, president down on the number of lnvita- pledges to the honorary society. -- rles of symphony concerts ln the appear as sponsors on the sym- In 1716 of the players' club, and Jock ttons and free tickets as much Last year tbe chapel was made Ticket Drive Among Fra· Lexington high school auditorium phony program. -- rt M M ulab J es aa posalble so that the students voluntary tor the ftrst tlme, and on December 5. Both season tlcketa and tickets c____ f D T B In .;;M;CUC 0 0 StewaFaulkner • andary Dolly a Buryks,, amstars who pay tor the dance will not the experiment was so successful •-m·.:-~· ~ To .ueD-gm· The Virglnja Symphony orches- for the single concert will be &vall- ance e in the Troubadours' production of suffer crowding or be over-run that the Washington and Lee This Week tra., under the leadership of Dr. able for purchaae at the door the Governor's uPalace" tb1s famous play of murder and by a greater number of tree cus- chapter of thls national honorary Laird Waller. will play. night of the ftrst concert. Ballr sudden death by Edlar Wallaoe, tomHeers: .. id the comln"' Fancy society decided once agaln not to Bucky Stoops, prealdent of the The sYmPhony orchestra, a part Although the matter of dress 1s oom tor three nights, Wednesday, - .. ask tor a compulsory chapel. "13" club, announced today that of the federal music project of the optional to those attending, the Amid the grandeur o! the Gold Thursday and Friday of th1a week. Dreaa set Is annuallyi tee ,_ a problemi t As 1n previous yea.rs, pledges tha t organtzati on will be t he works Progress Administration, sponsors of the concert announct - en Age of Colonial Wllliamsbw-g According to those who have and the comm t tte .., toanx th ous be ot will be "tap""d" for memberlhi""" sponsors ot a uni versity danee to will play tor a children's concert ed today that they wou 1drd pre er Wasblnaton• and Lee university -"t----..... the rebea--•- of tbe clean up the ma r e s .... ~ .,.. be at 2:15 in the afternoon and an for them to wear forma1 ess. will th.is year celebrate its atUlual wa u.:oDC\1 •- f the - tud ts b th in the very impressive tradition he1 d in Doremus ID'D1Il8lium on .... _ past weeks, and eapeclally thoee Interests o s... ,_ en Y e that has become traditional with Dec e mber 10. Cbarley Stelnho ft evening concert at S:on" . The pro- The PfOIIUDlS for wu: two con- Fancy Drw Ball 10 a setUna... de -ste_.ftn and toda", .,,_._,__ , time of that. set UJ.U> year. d .. ,_ tbe ,,..... ll gram will include Russian, French. certa as follows : to represent the spacious Of ~-- • ......., ~ "........... Omicron Delta Kappa. As an lm- an ...., Sou m Co...,..ana wi a.re .,..-•~ned at .__..YA-e". pro........,..·-•-~ to be one of iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii POrtant POrtion of the ceremonJes, t u rnisb the m us1 c f or the occasion. Gennan. Sp:ulish, and American Children's Concert '-n and maanlficant• "palace" of Gov the b..''"g"•t """' bits in Trou................,... - .. - the students and faculty attendlnlf M embe rs of t he c1 u b stressed the compositions by well known com- Nutcracker Suite ... Tachalltowsa.z em or Alexander SpotswoOd lat.e in •-tory. a--~~ -ft a '"-e __ .. ca- • t t th t th'- will be -..... un1 posers. The Guardian Ange1 ...... Pierne the year 1716 . h..., DUDO..,... .... "'""' M t l ExfJ t this assembly wlll be privileged to ac a .., a •--e...-r - Soldi pable cast, new and more at ........... a"""1 .- a e.¥1 , hear an address from one of verslty a ftair , and i a in no way a Professor F. Sidney Walls an- March of the Lead ers •'-•• The announcement of the Vir ing settings than ever before, and America's mo s t distinguished private dance. The ftoor commit- nounced yesterday that season Italian Caprice .... T achalltowoa..T g1n1a theme was unexpec~edly re the d.lrectlon of Capable Tom Ten- ~ te t th t ....... t bod ill t tickets may be obtained in the cor- Evening Concert vealed >--tn .. by CecU 'laylor, pres- s OA k H e.¥0 scholars and educators, Dr. Guy e 0 e S U'"'" Y W UDC· arn1 al Be U ....,._, nant, the play bas been planned 0 ~~;.w '~~;. Everett Snavely. tJon throughout the course of the rldor of Washington hall from Roman C v Overture. ~ ident of Lhe set, who wd Ulat he Primarily tor the Students. for P ve.. '-w and ..._ _,,,.. r rul- of 9:20 to 12 o'<"lock dally during this Symphony in E Plat .......M . was partlculariy pleased tha.t ru: enjoyment • Y:JJ da Formerly president of Bl-•-w. e •.uua. w"' .......... .... ts ill be ood f Ad""" All their and Pl AUU&.. --~...- . I'~ urs ry ham Southern colleg~ tor a period cond uc t a t a W••"''"'"'*"'-""-.... n and Lee week. The ticke w g or _ .o; etTO ranaemen.... ts had been made pos J oe._ Stewart. 1,.,.... a veteran h ~ d will all either three afternoon or three Andante sible to Jive the "sout.h's outstand "' ..._ extendlna over seventeen years, ance prev · rt st d ts "•i tto Tr1 amo.... the Troubadours' ranks, .. stoop added that to ...... time evening pe ormanoes. u en · .- nue ; 0 , _ .. coUeae SOCIAl event" a. seLling ... .. ...d ed ,.. 1n t Dr. Snavely now ho'.. ft the """itlon · s r .......... e to h F1n 1 All u .. 0 f 8c0 t1a d Yard Mrs. ~ r .-oraan. em en ....., , _ who do not wlsh pure ase a sea- a e: ellO of nation-wide inLerest and im plays the rotole T n ho 18 authority on family relationships of executive secretary of the Aa- the Collegians haitvedwlabedbtotplady son ticket at the reduced rate ot Emperor Waltz .......... Strauss portance. chief lnapec r anner, w and peraonal adjustments, will ar- sociatlon of American Coller.... the 1or some univers Y anoe, u ba ts t th Inte-•--• t 801 f the "" h f h bee d thla $1.65 must pay 75 cen e. e ,UUINNon Tayior w1ll himself t.ake t.he part cmaoslledtbruupotaln ft-od DlY::e~:. :r1mea rive in Lexington Wednesday eve- group which gives the o1Dcial ranlt- ence ort n enied op- door for a single admi&sion. carol tor Strlnaa ........ Graham of Governor Spotswood in the au nina, to belln a series of lectures ing to colleges and universities all portunlcy. This year their orches· ti k ta 1so 1 J ta <t Rlapana) Stoessel of h1a long career. 'lb1a part 1a • over the country. Prominent in tra 1s said to be much better than Patron c e are a on sa e. o rom . pqeantry while h1s daLe will aL- probably one of the beet for h1a and c:Uacuaslons on social problems lt baa been m the previous years entltllng the holder to a reserved La Media Noche t.end the ball as lus fiancee, Anne talents that stewart bas yet been lperta.inlnlecture will to takecollege place men. Thursday The ftrst publithe cNRA ute. 1\dmlnistratloht has been nactive 1n h1a1n of its existence. Stoops said that seat at th.n>e evening perform- Italian Caprice .... Tacbaltowsky Butler Bryan, or wesUlllllSter, pven, and accordlnl to oblervers. mornlnl at a voluntary assembly state of Alabama., and bas been in- he welcomed thla chance to pre- whlle other leaders will represent be r ets the most out of hll char- in Lee chapel. Her subJect will be: terested in backing proPOsals for sent to the students ot Washlnr - Buddy Foltz Picks Judge Crabites t.be aentJemen and friends or the acterlzatlon.
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