, ._ ::IN :: WALKER January 3, 1964 _FILE 3 The Honorable Waggoner Carr Attorney General, State'of Texas Austin, Texas Sir: Attached is our Complete file on the General Edwin A. Walker Case . 1 think the report . , .re self-explanatory . I assure you this case will remain active in our files and you will be informed of any further developments in the case . Sincerely your ., J, g. Curry Chief of Police Att11 . COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 2001-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT NO . 2001 ji==ry '3, 1964 Dew=Mr 3, 153 I:r . J- E- Lump 00 op 24" .) Chief of Police Wit. A . 'alkov Lubject : Gancral, Edwin A, aalkgr 1156 1~uz-Mary by Firearm= Arz Qifcnze & 11 4V!56 Sir : Purzuant, to your inztr,"ctdors of Deccuber 24, 1963t a complete file of t!je jrxcatjZ,"-oa1 of Cffenze # F 48156 has been compiled . louvill tird 5 eagles of this report attached . It should be noted !~xhibit H is include:? only in the 'I file as this is a tape of a conversation explained in attachment P9 . Respectfully, o. Aejones Captain of Police Forgery Bureau CAJ -nw n Adly, COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 2001-Continued LWWMS COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 2001-Continued Dcce°her -11, 1963 Pa s 2 - Ga;ioral ~dwin A. ',;,xLker Stated 14-3 .' ;r . J, Z. Cu -y that raft a VOlUntR for General 1,*alker . Lr . lh :fr had boon enraZod to a --zr v.,as on?lo,,c,1 Chief of ?olica at 41,223 Clak Lawn Avcziuc. found that Duff had b~=. borrudLn,7 r.on.oy from L-n o r.,athar. iXtor this was Subject: General Luxin "L- 'Valker F.roa=.3 im-mm. checked writt tech unbazsy in ituuston by regarding Er . Duff Loing an . unnee m Groat Echain ..rr. cm;ld o~rtniln, no, c,,nfira.:tion and the cngagwuent brsk~m . at~ach~:-,:-,t 5) sir: toct~vc J . B. Torey crnt~c*~'Z'd Gcno-al ',,,'aLker was sestud at h].3 dczk at a,o,Irox! ..aLcly 9:0 0, P.=. window of I-~ ,6- -1741 on ,.pril 12, 19b3. j.^ rill 10,63, ,ten a s fired --'irouZh the z%urrey gave aod-.tional mo and coat i.-,uud on su:,h t.~:o r.-all to the left of Goncral Yao ;s 11 . (See att~~011-ont j~W -'alter . Lieut.,;;-;t ~. :- . - - ~ " -~= . d A" lutley at UU Gal: The bullet "s recovered end rolCLSO:. to ?atiGiiBroomeestvc , , of arctic.-, Lam vl .o ;::dit ..%t:, n, on r.*aczwcm D"Iff, the Crimu Scene jcaxz h ogl .he La 1-s Police gape-rtL=t . ','/,:/32 . -19 ::Tn , ._-' .: 2L,1 , Lr . ::if W u w A fw o c :a to on 4, from his room and ink on-an ,4,V14, o.8 .,s ;ton th,, shot 15 7- Join,:- --L in -oc~ .'blr, 195? and was dis- ZsLed as a VdWe=. Ws aLtZIC11 =t 1) c3z--c .. ke ca:-: to L.03 Gullfc"4n in -L V I aa- .-icd vranc&s 1'srnard, SiJS "d 1 F. n.Slc~va .:'ads a fouow"p v"~s anrullcd after three wadx -in--- - :tcr th3 orj.,,inal re~orreceived' . i-'r . ZU :f hLd r.A a 2,~ Lr Job since arriving in ballms . - a L--_-Zle53 aS- Ci"te of Gon.oral by the grey / `55, 3506 1-L*,.deu-,;eod, Lk6-7741 . (:;oo -.r . Duff v-s arrested, ( phot,Qg-anined ;,-nd fit'.¢erpri:.tud and ix,vostiqation . (doe attach:sents 7, C 3 t;. .1 . Tol11.r,,,r cad F. flees cor~t inuoe, the invosti- Vzo-en QAl it IM "d cans 'fto the conclusion t%at the --r . Bill Keeatar, I city, W"', : : 'a .,rte, il7ant firm the, snot from, the alley directly north Cliff were 'U5-1,587 of Gc4eral i;&Ikerlz ho=o. Lr . Surrey v.a ra.-intervieved, r. they C;%'.)loyad atorno . Locany of ih in a "8i1.§. Lwff" . -1 --iva ;. C. chx,,bors contacted Fair: Colef-an, 4338 -Newton n vuD, vect of ki11ing- Uy ', ;cth Lr . -L--' -- i:,~ J.-Vastj,--torS -1 11, 1963, and "btaia,--d im1for%,atiml thm sLrpe0t3 in church as so the inv --,-- - t-,- s coat=,4ctad this b4n ; "a of several cars that on the parking lot to ;alkerls house. !do dofi;ilto inforxation . :r . - -~ff rapcxtid their act- nz to Special .'.dent tli~ :-n adjacent 6moral `- t.~o locall Office . '.1-- irivesti~,:~tora furnished a was -tzinad. (See chat,--ant 4) of their conversation with "-,r. iJuff.Say( attachment 9 -::3 :, -:, :refs c;-.hibit 1i.) active ccntactad 4,.*rs . Knecht, DoLoacho, j . B. Toney was5332 -339 on April 12, 1963 . hriecit- who emiloyad by WIlUan ~xn DOT Y" given a polygraph owdmMn by Atective acriz-! -:cuter listed a "Bill Duff" as a pc3siblo suspect. She F. D. on Ju^n 12, 1963 a:jd t1jo o,--izrtor does rot, believe thU hr . Cuff MA "y of the identity of assail" who fired at 3on_ral ~' . 1. :,.r . (Dea attachmunt, 10 and 11) . 2001-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. COMMISSION EXHIBIT No . 2001-Continued We 3 - Genoral. OVA A. "Ever 194ERAL OFFENSE REPORT 3ancral '..alker rcaelv,,A, a trcat by a to~Z dlstaaco telephone prior to 805 mm. on Dwanbar W, 01 00 call w" N" 401an, Louisiana. This z.3 Ziven to :ipcciul r.Lant Carl Underhill of the local F31 -ffice . Special AZent Sob 2arrott of ', f"ca notified t'his Lopertnnnnt on i;eze:-.bcr 30, 1)63,, *- lon~3 d-43t,4nce call on Decenbar 20, 1963 was made by uv raid Vincent, *,hita nale of Kaplan, Louisiana. The Fclana-' -~zLrlct; Attorney at tiew urle=8 declin~d to authorice a ccmUaint being filed oil Vincent. ("a at'-&c?=eaLr 12 and it . The bullet recovered in General h0:10 on April 10, 1953, :i'3 raleasrA to 3pecial 1. 70"L L&rliweU Odom of the local F.B .I . on bacs:..ber 2, to be for-u-,rdW to the F.B.I . Laboratory in 1963 -.t, . -he laboratory =ado cozvp".:,Ison tcst3 with this bullet .b et 9g. he .. zittt'13 -b fti . -e .k dn-Ir.(; - =1 :;W == In tee; ',sashin-ton ;p b-d v-t -un:oa and wit,-, -rl-, ::m lik e , fixe cr-c!:er tLlwtn ab.svo I- h^,d. I I and the bullet fra.Zmunt3 recovered in cc=ection the 3;l.". to vall :: "h4 1'~t of hr - . -0 r4tti'z. _wit aszazsination of ?resiecat Kon-nedy . It v-s also con:;.-red with -.,I ',_ ball2t in tk~- -xt xv-m l7io7 .- : r T,., teat bullets fired from the rifle recovered in the a3-, a2zi-mtion ,r! ~Low on -. .t ~ i. -r u. ro- s%- t- :o,j .u r=-e tta - inveati&ation. A " -A V a:: +n WA -L Wnt mn Now nm to 1m = ~nw ; = up I C -.11 -hit in t%- ors bot'-INa 62-'= .-,.I .11;t by alt~'=- 2 1 - pd cee, of d as. zt't- -rt,v I= ' - 1 - There vcro, not &affiziant to reach a pooil_4vp conclusion several similarities were pros-nt.(Sea attachrout 14) a . m - L"'3 1" ~- 1~ J-,-.- . 1 77 -:10'. , Q MM 1- * L ~--i- I-t 'Fcrro,;t ;orrolls, AZant in charge of the :localLocal Secret <a t:. vi-, - cl- miet colmm1"- 153a -1 '"mice Fild Office, fcn:amlod to this Lapartmelt Of DoconbLrwhich26, Q - ."An 0 tw b. 11)63 an cx=%pt of = -intcrviwa with !.r3. karina 0awald in uc~l~: 'i. vv r t.'j 'S-Wzm'- . ;L- ,-In as stated :or hWma s :4a Reeves uewald, returned home as the -t. tL- .~-t;' let ed -'m t:+e zr nervous. lie le MMY & A r W or 5) 11ID-4 licht m -Uc a W" onn, - as finallyr;17,"t 0: 10, 1963 very !"a an- was wetromely tcld her that he had shot Gerarz;l '.,'alkar with his rifle. ^r0."" th into ic A; ...&c .1m0 c'-' . -1 aped ."'7 f'- tim let. (~C - To excm)t also =ontions a note thnt was left on a dresser with z: v1" far use in c4ge of his arrest . -This "By 1-0. on C. loth T. b 110t euc~' =,4 ,d W !,. :.,t a a a past office key liar to Thl. - t. 0.t . 0. z:. ~'U' , =-,-. le. note was wtitten duri.Tk tha :alkorr pisodo and hf.d nothing to do st'to . %.'. h~ ,J- 2 mm . ttLn- in a with President Kenrmdy'3 ('ibis note is in hands a federal agency) (ilea attzolz.ent. a 15 .) t and Aithotr,,h difirdto absolute proof has no'. been obtained, there is a strong Arch:bility that the shat fired at +_,ncral Walker at 9-00 p.m. on April 1-0, 11)63 ties fired b~ :..)a !;.arvey Quwald . ------IqT hI ez'3cctfudly' a"ADNG BUREAU CAJ:nw COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 2001-Continued COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 2001-Continued CITY of DALLAS CLI ."aa111EFARTMENT SUPPLE6101TAf(1 OELE"SE REPORT -. ., ..SG:e55 '01-CE DEPARTMENT SUPPLEL1EV217 ~11JE CITY OF DALLAS .* . "~n .a,..~-.~ ..* .".c ...*eu "" ... .c .w.~ .o. Oi CEPORT ~ a D ax~e :xFalDU 4-10-63+ f-10-63 wal-er,cGeneral ~Edwin A. ...* .. .. ..* .~ ... .- . .. ...11....,~ . .,~ .. .- -471D145 after the '_tectives Van Clonvo h YcFlroy arrived at 4011 Turtle Creek shortly reported . The ...pl. stated that be wan sitting at him dank is the Coat-tad the complainant on this data, Through Interviews with the employees, who doiaChimw inc.tax return when the incident occurred . Officer.
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