Detecting and Studying High-Energy Collider Neutrinos with FASER --FASER흂-- The FASER Collaboration Coordinators: Akitaka Ariga (Bern), Tomoko Ariga (Kyushu), Felix Kling (SLAC) arXiv:1908.02310 1 FASER휈 • “Collider neutrinos” have never been directly detected, but we can detect ~20,000 of them in LHC Run-3 at FASER휈 and at TeV energies. • Cross-section measurements at currently unconstraint energy ranges for three flavors. Studying heavy quark production channels. • We have been thinking about possible neutrino measurements, which were discussed in the LOI response to the LHCC reviews, and also explicitly in the TP. • The design of the trench that will be dug in early 2020 already includes an area for the FASER휈 detector to be on the LOS. 흂풆 흂흁 흂흉 2 FASER layout ≡ high energy neutrino beamline charged particles (P<7 TeV) forward jets FASER휈 neutrino, dark photon LHC magnets p-p collision at IP 100 m of rock of ATLAS 480 m Interaction Decay Charged particle Hadron stop target=7 TeV p volume sweeping Detector 280 휆푛푡 Neutrino beam size Expected # of interactions in Run 3 (2021-2023) with 7+7 TeV, 150 fb-1, detector mass 1.2 ton, on-axis # of CC Mean interacting interactions energy 휈푒 + 휈푒 1296 827 GeV 휈휇 + 휈휇 20439 631 GeV 휈휏 + 휈휏 21 965 GeV 3 Reminder – these studies were included in the FASER TP In situ background measurements TI18 • Emulsion detectors were installed in two sites in 2018 TI12 • Charged particle flux, angle, momenta were measured (only for on-axis) Angular distribution with from IP different energy cutoff from LHC beamline TI18 Flux all Flux in main peak [fb/cm2] [fb/cm2] TI18 data 2.6 ± 0.7 × 104 1.2 ± 0.4 × 104 TI12 TI12 data ퟑ. ퟎ ± ퟎ. ퟑ × ퟏퟎퟒ ퟏ. ퟗ ± ퟎ. ퟐ × ퟏퟎퟒ FLUKA MC ퟐ. ퟎ × ퟏퟎퟒ 4 FASER휈 detector design Detection efficiency (charged multiplicity>=5) • Emulsion detector with tungsten target • Decades of experiences as neutrino detector (based on GENIE) • Sensitivity to heavy flavor particles, 휈휏, 푐ℎ푎푟푚, 푏푒푎푢푡푦 • Tungsten is chosen due to short 푋0 and low radioactivity 1.2 tons 25 cm x 25 cm x 1.3 m 285 푋0 10 휆푛푡 Tau decay detection efficiency =75% (휏 → 1 prong) Mean flight charm beauty length ≃ 30 mm heavy quark production channels • Replace every 15-50 fb-1 to maintain track density low • Challenges: Logistics to transport and replace the 1-ton- 5 scale detector every technical stops (3 times/year). Pilot neutrino detector in 2018 30 kg detector, exposed to data of 12.5 fb-1 at TI18 A few tens of neutrino interactions are expected Vertex search: Tracks emerging from a point 15 kg with lead Reconstructed tracks in 2 mm x 2 were searched for. Several vertex candidates mm x 10 emulsion films 15 kg with tungsten have been found so far. ≃ 3 × 105 tracks/cm2 line of sight mostly muons and associated electrons This proves that the detector works in the LHC TI18 environment We are learning a lot from this pilot run sample. Track reconstruction algorithm, data processing scheme. Synergy with the DsTau experiment (NA65), as both share similar track density. Background to neutrino events are carefully being estimated. We are aiming to report the first detection of neutrinos from the LHC. 6 FASER휈 + FASER, hybrid detector design • Combining FASER and FASER spectrometer information understudy • An additional tracking station to be installed at the front of the FASER decay volume • To allow accurate matching of tracks from emulsion vertices to the spectrometer • Baseline, the ATLAS SCT as other FASER tracking stations. (To be installed in 21/22 YETS) • Would allow: • To distinguish 휈휇 and 휈휇 from charge measurement of lepton Wider physics cases • To improve neutrino energy reconstruction by momentum measurement of outgoing particles in the FASER spectrometer • To reduce backgrounds (e.g. by using event time from spectrometer to see if charged particle entering FASER for that event) 7 Targets in Run 3 (2021-2022) Expected yields in Run 3 (2021-2023), • Firm establishment of “collider neutrino” measurements open a 14 TeV, 150 fb−1, 1.2 tons. new domain of physics programs in the LHC # of CC Mean • Tau neutrino detection interactions interacting • Charged current cross section measurements energy • Three flavors in an energy range where cross sections are unconstrained 휈푒 + 휈푒 1296 827 GeV • Additional physics studies • Measurement of charm production channels, search for beauty production 휈휇 + 휈휇 20439 631 GeV channels in 휈휇 and 휈푒 CC • Intrinsic charm and “prompt neutrino” study 휈휏 + 휈휏 21 965 GeV • Sterile neutrino oscillations • More detailed uncertainties on 휈 production / interaction / detector response / energy reconstruction are being studied. ↓ Projected precision of FASER흂 measurement 휈 푙− 휈푒 휈휇 휈휏 d 푐 휈 푙+ u 푏 8 Resources, cost and funding • Resources • Funding and contribution • We have sufficient personnel with expertise in • Grants from JSPS and the Mitsubishi foundation neutrino physics / emulsion detector technology have been approved to support partially the • Experience and software tools from former FASER neutrino program. In addition, the Japan DONuT, OPERA and recent DsTau(NA65) emulsion group promised to provide part of the 흂 (FASER has similar condition to DsTau) emulsion gel (half of the total). • Fast emulsion scanning systems and raw data • With the already secured funding and processing machines are available. A dedicated contribution, we can prepare 0.6-ton server will be added. Data storage (1PB) would be needed. tungsten/emulsion detector for the whole Run3 (2021-2023, 7 replacements). • Cost • We are seeking for additional funding • Detailed cost estimate in the backup slides • An ERC proposal under review (step1 passed) • Total 595 kCHF for the 1.2-ton tungsten/emulsion detector (7 replacements of • Contacting the Heising-Simons Foundation and the emulsion films) Simons Foundation • Additional 173 kCHF for extra set of tungsten • Other JSPS / SNF grant applications plates (for fast installation / removal of detector), 120 kCHF for interface detector 9 Complementarity with XSEN XSEN info from https://agenda.infn.it/event/19732/contributions/98006/attachments/65435/79655/XSEN_assembleaBo_20190717.pdf FASERν XSEN Location of detector Centered on LOS Displaced from LOS Space Space on LOS is limited by size of trench and the No digging of trench in TI18. FASER main detector. Less space limitation off axis. Target material Tungsten Lead Other Possibility to couple with the FASER spectrometer FASERν XSEN 10 Detector position • FASERν: On-axis • Maximize neutrino interaction rate in all flavors • Minimize muon background, which has a strong position dependence. More muon rate off axis. Muon flux measurement in 2018 by FASER was performed only at the on-axis position • XSEN: Off-axis • Decrease total number of interactions for all flavors (enhance tau neutrino fraction) • Predicted muon background is higher (about x10 at 50 cm) FASER Expected number of neutrino CC interactions Muon background XSEN B2 (estimated with our flux estimation) XSEN B1 FASERν XSEN B1+B2 FLUKA muon (1.2 ton) (assuming 3 tons) flux estimate by STI group 휈푒 1300 1200 휈휇 21500 14000 휈휏 22 34 Hole of muon flux on-axis 11 Tungsten Lead Target material - density 19.30 g/cm3 - density 11.35 g/cm3 - 휆int 9.9 cm - 휆int 17.6 cm - X0 3.5 mm - X0 5.6 mm FASERν: Tungsten • High density → higher interaction rate, keeping the detector small and the emulsion cost low • Shorter X0 → higher performance in • the EM shower reconstruction, keeping shower tracks in small radius • the momentum measurement by multiple Coulomb scattering • Low radioactivity • Relatively expensive, but still not the most expensive component XSEN: Lead • Lower density • Longer X0 • Higher radioactivity • XSEN can re-use the OPERA lead plates for free 12 Summary • FASER휈: High energy frontier of man-made neutrinos at 1 TeV scale from the LHC, which would open new domain of physics research • Detailed flux simulation, detector design, physics cases were reported in arXiv:1908.02310 • A 1.2-ton neutrino detector in Run 3 (2021-2023) can collect ∼20,000 휈휇, 1000 휈푒 and 20 휈휏 CC interactions • Emulsion-based detector to study different flavors (휈푒, 휈휇, 휈휏, charm and beauty). • An in-situ measurement of background proved that emulsion detector can work at the actual environment. • The 30 kg pilot neutrino detector accumulated 12.5 fb-1 of data in 2018. Hoping to report a first detection of neutrinos from the LHC in this year. • Investigating possibility of combining FASER휈 with FASER spectrometer, would require an additional tracking station that could be installed in 21/22 YETS • Funding available for 1/2 of proposed emulsion detector for full Run-3, actively pursuing additional funds (also for additional tracking station). • Positive review of physics case by the LHCC would likely help funding. 13 To do list • Mechanical design of FASERν detector support (including being able to raise detector from trench floor to be aligned with crossing angle) • Discussion with CERN transport on installation / removal of detector (needs to be fast/reliable/safe for LHC) (any specific tooling needed) • Discussion with CERN Radio Protection group to understand any RP issues with removal/installation • Support from Physics Beyond Colliders for above studies • Plan to present details at TREX meeting in September and then to the LMC 14 Backup 15 Motivation for high energy neutrinos Muon neutrino cross-sections (PDG) • Neutrino-quark scattering are basic tools to study interactions between leptons and quarks, QE, Res DIS especially in DIS 휈 − 푁 휈 − 푞 • Flavor physics with high energy
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