THE AGITATOR; WELLSBORO, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1944. .'iiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiimiiiiiiminrti Wartime drivers find Srudebaker WASHINGTON NEW BOOKS AT MORE WOMEN the ideal economy car NEWSLETTER GREENJJBRARY WORKERS .^9&SE5^^fc>. From Congressman Wil Brief Review Of Out- Man Power Shortage In MONEY •DEPENDABLE transportation meant son D. Gillette. standing Books Writ- Tioga County Is Ser- A-' more than ever these days to busv —^^^^^^™ y ten By The Librarian. wartime driven. i Important developments on the ious. ,food front suggest a temporary Here's what a big-city physician, name increase in the available supplies General — Report of the Com- The Tioga Labor Management on request, recently said: "In my general maning General of the AAF, Ar- of beef and pork and a cut in Committee of the War Manpow- USING A CHECKING ACCOUNT practice, I can always count on my Stude- point value has been made. Meat nold; Trout, Bergman. baker these war days for reli- Romances — In the Name of er Commission meeting at the of- supplies are to be eight per cent fice of William J. Ordway at Elk- able, low-cost performance." larger than for February, but late I Love, Corliss; Sunrise, Duffleld; That doctor is one of many spring will bring additional cur-j Mountain Lodge, Eden; Peter's land discussed the shortage of hard-working civilians who are tailments. Crop prospects, ac.. , Wife, England; Dirigo Point, Fos- male workers throughout Tioga ;'| ter; Silver Crescent, Heath; Wait county, which affects every s getting exceptional tire, gas and cording to the Department o including ag- Whether you are sending money out-of- maintenance economy from riculture, are less favorable now their Studebaker Champions, than at this time during the last Flies Out, Hurst; Last Lover, Mil- town or paying local bills, you will find a three years, with the outlook four ler; ;It's Time to Say Goodbye, Of the fire largest industrial Commanders and Presidents. Moore; Portrait of Love, Nichols; employers it is estimated that nt In fact, today, after well over two years J er cent below last year and checking account a real time saver. twelve per cent below 1942. Angel in the Rain, Quentin. least 100 farmers who have tak- of war, hundreds of thousands of essential Western Stories — Silvertip's en industrial employment in ad motorists from coast to coast are still en- Rationing Notes.—Another ra- For those who only use a check occasion* tion stamp, to be later designat- Chase, Brand; Aces Wild at Gold- dition to their farm work, will joyi«g dependable transportation at low ed, will become valid on May 1 en Eagle, Gregory; No Range is return to agriculture on a full- ally, we suggest the use of our Bank Checks. cost, thanks to the quality of Studebaker for the purchase of one pair of Free, Halleran; Oklahoma Lawtim. e basis on or before the firs...„t. craftsmanship and the advanced princi- shoes. The current shoe stamp, I Holt; Horsetheif Pass, Snow; of April. Many farmers have al- The cost is low—only 10c up to $100 and ples of Studebaker engineering. eirplane stamp 1 in Ration Book Trouble on Funeral Range, Tomp- ready returned to their farming f 3, will remain good indefinitely. Kins; Prairie Pinto, Westland. operations. I/10th of l /c above that amount—and they Validity of stamp 18 in Book 1 Mysteries—Dead to the World, Selective Service withdrawals ends April :!0. On automobiles Baker & Bolton; Lady of Night, from industry can now be com- can be sent any place in the United States. HAWK'S GARAGE Wellsboro, Pa. ih» monthly quota of used 1942 Barry; He Wouldn's Kill Patience puted with some degree of accur- cars has been removed. Any elig- Dickson; Delicate Ape, Hughes; acy and most industries will ex- a ible buyer who finds such a car Deadline at Dawn, Irish;'Opening •perienc e on—e o—f th—e- —-—•••.=heaviest• with-«.....-,! ~« for sale can obtain a certificate Door, Reilly; Home, Swet Homi- "rawals ot workers since the be-13 for its purchase from his district cide, Rice; Plain Case of Mudred,!*'""»>* of tne war. If produc- 5 ration board. March tire and Thayer. i»»«" schedules are to be main- 5 week-end. Cole; Seaman First Class, Ribcrt tube quotas were increased slight- Other Fiction—Now I Lay Mel*8'"6*1 witno«t interruption a ~ HAMMOND Miss Daisy Hymes, who has Cole, Jr., and family; Eeaman Er- ly for passenger cars and trucks, Down To (Sleep, Bemelmans; Duel much 5Tefter use «>' women must nest Cook, Yoeman First Class but reduced for tractors and farm in the i5un, Busch; A Bell for Ad-1 e ma<r. by a11 industrial employ- spent the winter in Wellsboro, ers Wlthln the A fellowship supper was held with Mrs. Mildred Ackley and Algy Johnson and wife; Pvt. Ar- [equipment. A general system uno, Hersey; Seed of the Pruitan, | thur Confer, John Confer, Mrs.i change to tichten up the gasoline Kaup; Dragonwyck, Seton; Again Th"" e Labo* ' r Management Com- n the churcn aihex Wednesday Misses Jennie and Ida Hammond,, vening. About 20 attended and Margaret Sanford, Sammy Con- i lationing system will include the in October, Van Ness. mittee recommends that all in- expects to return home this week. fer, George Confer, Mrs. George serial numbering of all B, C, E Repor, n-i>ui ti, o\jif thuiee Commandin^ommanaing dustria••"«-•"»l• employercmj«ujre«»s reexaminreexamine njoyed the song service and talk Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carpenter and R coupons. their y our pastor, Rev. Robert Weck- Haley, Mrs. Leona Adriams and General of the AAF to the Secrt- 1 Job openings to determine and son, of Elmira, visited Mr. son, Mr. and Mrs. George Cole The Army and Navy have an- tary of War — This book is in wnat J°bs could be successfully Carpenter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. fend family and Mr. and Mrs. Os- nounced a special qualifying test pamplet form, but should provel rer^orrne(l by women. Nothing The Ladies' Aid met for an all- Wm. Carpenter Sunday. on March 13 for civilian young1 ess tnan tne ay meeting in the annex Thurs- car Simonds and family. of absorbing interest to those who' ' maximum possible Pvt Earl Shellman of Fort men who v.ish to enter the spe- have relatives in the Air Force, use of women can maintain essen- ay. The afternoon was spent in Meade, Md., spent Sunday with cialized college training programs tial war orking on a quilt.. The next Compared with the Massachu- or to others following the course Production in Tioga his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert setts colonists of 170 years ago I of the services. Tests -will be cf the war. Some of the chapter i (lountv- I" some instances it will leeting will be held April 13 at be Shellman. who staged the Boston Tea Par- , held in most colleges, hiuh schools Iheadlines are: Befoie Pearl Har-| necessary to ask men to he home of Mrs. Robert Wilston. 3 6 to Tioga County Savings Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole, Sr., ty over a total of taxes amount- I and preparatory schools. Pref- bor;1fuilding an Air Force; Com- f" ".* heavier types of work Missf Marion Carleton of Elmi- entertained the following service ing to $2,700, the taxpayers of erence for Army or Navy may bp leavin , visited her parents, Mr. and bat Operations, (1) The Pacificc,, «r the jobs that women can men and relatives at dinner Shn- this generation are a patient and made. The Army is expanding' (2) The Mediterranian, (3) The "««essfully perform open to new and Trust Co. Irs. George Carleton over the day: Seaman First Class, Bruce complacent lot. i this seivice for boys under eigh- womcn w 1 Air Offensive over Europe; The ••"••—" ™««i«*i»°rkers. Thmee situatiosituationn WELLSBORO, PA. teen years of age, althouRh the Men. It is a report that increases !""=t be .satisfactorily adjusted if I need for combat troops recently our admiration and respect for lndustrv IS to meet minimum war Buy U. S. Defense Savings Bonds. necessitated the curtailment of the Air Force. I "reduction schedules. "The more ( the service for those beyond Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep,' "?™en. ** work> the so°™r we eighteen years of age. by Bemelmans— Bemelmans first ' Win> i British-American discussions to novel tells the story of how a 70-1 .T"e Labor Management Com- be h-jld in London during this year-old South American general mMee includes Ralph J. Shimon- sky> Will month.-^in which Undersecretary' forsakes his village in Biarritz at' 'ani J. Ordway, managr- TOPS 91,000 ia Theatre In four years, 87 ma. of State Stettinius will take part,! the approach of war and pro-'?Jent members! Ravmond Coates, will consider world trade, accoid-j Howard tinees have been held, attended ceeds, by way of Casablanca and Parsons, labor member.?. Money contributed to the milk by more than 22,000 persons, in? to a recent ^ateinent of the New York, to his ancestral haci- A. Powers, manager of Big Farm Auction President at his press conference. | fund of the Parent-Teacher As- mostly school children. Half 'the en()a in Ecuador. In his retinue *he Wellsboro Office of the War jociation, as a result of benefit The projected talks will also in-! are a a ^'proower Commission, is non- proceeds from each matinee haa On the Lookout Road, 8 miles southwest of Wellsboro on the cook. ^d Indian, a fabul- movie matinees passed the $1,000 been turned in to the funfl.
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