. ...-.+r--.,' ^ :-*.+1-iq6-.-- THREEG.A.A. ICK LEADER.S,{TCRD; li'*iYF Llromrn I CLUBS REVIVED :rriHt: ,l.erlt occrtrred itr tlr( Cotlrrl)- Ho:irit:Ll' rMuSTMEET '' I C.oo-, of llr. Sirrron L) Riordau, l)romin' i, ^ irii."ito.l., at thc age o{ about 80 yeaFs' I ln his yottrrg'days thc tleceaserl\ras l)ronll- IN SOUTH ii.ntiiica with rhe G -\''\', i:-r'l-r' r,' l AGArN tN6 "."tiuu itlt Lhe Old Dromin hurling and . lootbatl was associatedlvlth sucll ';,;;;;i;";i.teatus. itt rvlriclt lre i'rit.it ,t the late Thonias Latnltiott' I-IMERICK \lajor larrv / kiliiiiiro.t ,' itnt". Uirra.c' sourH 6,r been Rochc, norv in fingianrl, ryl]o in reccllt r€mrnts- 'TTIIREE G.A.A. clubs have cenies crcdit. hinl with having brought "the I revived in South Limerick ni.ii i.L of lrurl(ys to l)ronin." atrrl !tlrtr l'ro' a?t.er a lapse of some Years' ono l2 r)lonlhs ago ne tfffienrcr niinent Caels. Ul) 1o about flfteen a -^T;"*i3.A.after a lapse of Years' rnaintained Jris interest in the C.A.'\" being Ctrrb itt the Dromin- Ggure at all tixtgres in South, I-rm' rvell.knorvu Atkrtacca Parish, near Kilmallock, crick and surrounding towns, to whlcll llE al- of I 5FM!-FINAL IIis advanc.tl age. it;;l-";; iuui"ea after a IaPSe rvavs cvclcrl desl'ite at the meettng TliE--A-bott NAl'I()\.rL llot'EvElt 15 vears, and .-ar; ,THE tti. nronth of ))ec.' 1913, shordy aftei v/hich it was*i"'u;;;s decided * to revrvg-*e'e trre South Limerick football thi-ioination of the Irish.Volunteers in Dub- 6iii[" ui" ofrc"is, I I I senri-final at Kilmallock on Iin, the first lneeting was held of local aup- e-ii,itea' e"esident,-Rev. J. -she-e}y' I iSunday between Ballylanders and thc lare -Mr' iiuit.ii rlre new movcment in C.C." Dromin; Chairman, -n4r. Y.m' il)romin-Athlacca. ended in a Ll;rii"i,l^"'."t l,ot." l)rot:rin and a branch of IVIr.-Jonnl draw, and taking everyching into "t for:red tliere of which Mullins; Vice-Chairman' 'eccount tle orl:nisatiou was T?easurer' Mr, J-. J'i this can bc regarded as a ii" U..ii". a member. From that tine onrvard Dwyer; - ilitting (writes o'g"riei: SecretarY, Mr' J o h;t l'esuilt our Kilmal- he sar clc.cly associatcrlrvith lhe \-olunlecrs 'I" lock correspondent). The finai year-i tlrat follou'crl -fr.io.an,Lvnch. Committee: Messrs. Sin,' h'cin and in tl:* scores were: Dromin-Athlacca. 1 lris"",1 hon tvi: \isiled hy tttrnv o-t tllc l'romrn(rlr Patrick LYnch, T' LYqgh' lirnest lllvlthe, later and Patrick Mc-l goal and one point; Ballylanders, iri"n in botlt'^otements. Fatii"ti Murphy points, llinister fcr l-oc.,l G?vernnent, often stayed four Carthv. I THE there on hi-. occasioral olganising visits to decided to a-ffili1tg ai PLAI. days "Sean It was During the course of the hour, East I.inrr;ic!:, as dirl in later ilrnior hurling team in the Lrmc-l liorcle," S.atr Stack, no\\'of the I)epattnlent They h-ope to. both sides rnissed rrany opportu- ni Lo""t Oovernnlcnt,:tnd other organisers of iick-Champio-nships. nities of scoring and, in addition, have the services of. some rormerl the Natioral l'Iovement as rvell as 1nen "o11 each side was awarded a lrenalty ihe run." iioiiorving the claring and historic Bruree senior hurlers. in the first half and both were train raid rl linocklong,-Cr.pt' tlro of the Volunteers missed. Dromin-Athlacca, particu- u-Jun,led !n the nid, Ned O'llrien and jautcs oI Grll,ally. s)rcn larly, frittered awav many chan- thi late Scinlrrr. ces of scoring in the first quarter they \rer3 convalescingfroln tlleir wounds ancl returned on the run to South l,imerick, imne' when they had much the better of tliatelv lrcfore their escal'e lo Atnerica rvas thg play. Ballylanders then took rrraneed. fortnd a safe reiuge rvith him and up the running and had two his f;milv. Because of his t'ell-knol'n national points, and thev led b1' this mar- activitie-;-during the Anglo-IrisF \Var his cot- gin at the interval, Dromin fail- tase ryas raided numbers of tirnes by tlre ing to score in this moiety. Ciorvn Forces, rvho on ons occasion fired :rt his t?sr* Shortly after the resumption son. Terernialr O'Riordrn, norv also tleceased, Dromin-Athlacca into sou, Thoma-s shot the ivhile-the:- searcherl for another -l' lead when Potter had a good goal, O'Riordan, Mountmellick. Anothct sotr, Scau 'f. Kilmallock, later Jlri;ade O (". but Ballylanders levelled when O'Rin.,l"u, [}romin- John (Bap) Davern, who played a Brigade, l. R..\., a1r'i at tlrat la :-iiast Linterict< cca great gamc rtintc the Comtnandant of tlte Ianloui l it Ual' for them shot over tns ite" Bn., rvas captured nnd sentellcerllo lenal bar. Drornin again took the lead 'i'. lart in rhc liallvlrnrlers ivith a point and almost on time, i i::-'.jl:t: -ll:.., rrdr r dr,!r d(LaL^. Ballylanders levelled. F'eature of I receitte decitlerl medals I So-. time ago wlien the Govertrrnent the g'ame in the second moiety for military service during the At. tLn enjoyable Ito issu" nredali .. - function at the wa5 ths fine goalkeeping of .Iohn \\'ar,-unsolicited the late n'Ir. -sirnon O'Rior- Pc.opl€s lAnglo-Irish Ha[. Iirlma]rock, last Sun_ Sheahan in toe Dromin goal. Time diri' recei"erl :n Militarv- trIedal {or and Ballylanders Forces and Iris Cay, the nembtrs ol again when were his serr.iccs with the l.R.A' the lJromin_ pressing hard he punched clear. assistance to the fightin-q men during the r\tlllacca tean that won the South , It w-as not a classic game of Anglo-Irish War ancl the Civil War. Lrmerjck Fourb,rll the arose, le rvas one of rrrle o[ ,9ja, *".i football, but there was plentv of fiIhen Emergency presented tlre 6rst to ioin and was by far tlre oldrst lvith the lnedals {or ttlo iexcitement, with Dro;rin's rnernberof rlie L.S.F., Bruff Area. c irampionship strength matched against Bally- THE FUNERAL :landers' better finish. 'Ihe trIr. \\'illiam .Ilullins, remains lvere removed from Croom to . Chairman uJ I After 13 minutes Davern pointed I)rornin Church, where Requicrn lla.s was lire lJromin-Athlacca clu.b, introduc,.el from a free for BallyJanders, and celebrated by the Very Rev. S. O'Dea. l.P ' i{er'. Sheehy. C.C., president jO'Connor pointed for them in the internent took place J. oI Dromin. aftcr which the tite Club, i17th minute. fn the 26th minute, at the lamily burial ground in Dromin Ceme' who made thc prrseritations ru rDromil saved a penalty at the ex- the individual membirs and con. pense !it?;'"r morlrnerswcre : l\Tessrs.Thomas .1. of a 50 which was cleared gratulated the team on bringing the and just before the interval, iin'p;^'ar. Cl'nioraan, Mountmellick,Morrntmellick. :nd S-eanSean . .1'.1'. O'Riordarr. Kilmallock (sons): M rs Josclhine title to Drornin, alter a long-ntinber rDromin were awarded a penalty O'l{iordan, Kilmallmk (daughter'in'larv); -}Ir. 01 years. 'rvhicn was driven wide. 'lhomas Athlacca. hrolher: Ilrs' i SCOR.ES TTIVELLED. O'Riordan, Rev. Culhane, C.C., Kilmallock, Jiridcet O'-\:eill. Limerick, si.ter: f I r. Huglt J. Six minutes after the resump- vice-chairman I O'\eill. I,imerick, brother-in-larv; llrs. Nor: oI the Souilr Limerick Jtion, Fo,tter put Dromin-Athlacca O'l{iorden. Athlacca,, sisler-itr-lrrr': Jlessrs. G.A.A. Board also spoke and corr- jahead w-ith a. good goal; and in and Tlrornas 0'l(iordan, Kil- .liarnonrt. Toltn 't'. gtatulated Dromin-Athlacca Ithe 15th nr,inute Davern levelled rnailock: iirs. J. llonovan' nliss(c Anl)e on th,:ir j (Kilmillock)' sllccess. ,ths scoring with r point for Bally- 'IIessre.,an(l rtlrlcen O'lliordan ,landers. In the 20th minute, 1\Iichael and i'atrick O'Nei11 (I,irner- lVIr. Nloran, Mr. (Lrl1ericl.), John D. Cotter Neville pointed for Dromin, and a i.ll.), ald \'Iiss Kitty O'Neill and Mr. D. ur'.tid"hil,lretr: xIrs.'O'I)onoghtte, IvIr. C Leonard also spoke. minutp before the end Daverrr il'[]onoclruc. l\Irs. [[. O'Donoii]rue. I\Ir. l). As each member o{ tl-re team went l_evelled the scoring for Ballylan- l ()'Dono{lrue (Athlacca), Mr' ]as. artd Mrs. on the stag6 and received hi5 medal ders. i C)'Donoglue (Cloqhcr), 1\:lessrs.Bl,rnes Bro- Best for Dromin were Sheeha.n, i 'f. he was much applauded, thers. -VIr. T. Donovan, relativei. Cotter. Mullane. Potter and Mc- Offici:tinc clirgv rvere: Very Rev. Stel'hen Those rvho received medals were : Carthy, rvhile Casev. Clery broth- o'Dea. Rev. IIl. Kennedy' P.P.. Dromin, and J. Canty (Captain). J. Sheehair, D. ers, Davern brothers and Buckley C.C.. co. played proportions, Cotter, D. Leonard, M. Riordan, lr{. well for Ballylanders. The funeral rvas of very large Mr. J. Hil], I(i1frush. refereed. rei)resentative of all classcs over a vide -area, l\,Iullane, E. O'Shea. P. Lynch, \1. .t.. fine tribute to the memory ol the TIIE TEAIVIS. nr',l a Potter, M. McLarthy, J, Daly, R. deceased. The attendance inclur'led Senator t'rll, The teams vere: 'l'adhq Crowley, Ballylanclers: Mr' I.iam P.
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