l HIGH TIDE c c 0 LOW TIDE 3-8-70 - 3-8-70 5 9 at 0512 o 0 at 1118 6 0 at 1730 -.tOURGlJ.\SS o 1 at 2336 J .... ''.-' "\.~.!,r... ~ ... ..... '" All The News That FltS We Prlnt KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS Saturday, March 7, 1970 I MIchigan's GOP Leadersh,p Space Goals for 70's Include Mars Landings PromIses Lenore Romney KEY BISCAYNE, FLA (UPI) -- PreSIdent NIxon commItted the Unlted States Support In Senate BId today to a decade of "bold but balanced" exploratIon of space WhICh would lnclude two unmanned "grand tours" of all the planets In the solar system LANSING"MICH (UPI) -- Mlchlgan's In the late 1970's Republlcan leadershlp, carefully fol­ The new space goals Included two unmanned landlngs on Mars for the flrst lowlng a scrlpt prepared by Gov Wll- close-up look at the surface of that planet 11am G Mllilken, today promlsed Lenore The PreSIdent left open the pOSSIbIlIty of landlng an Amerlcan on Mars Romney ltS support for the party's U S ln the 1980's Senate nomlnatl0n Cam Ranh Bay Air Base Nlxon also called for a ShIft In The more than 300 party leaders from emphasls ln the space program to throughout Mlchlgan took less than 10 HIt by Cong Rockets make use of space technology to lm­ mlnutes to glve the wlfe of Mlchlgan's prove the qualIty of 11fe on Earth former Governor thelr support on a 278- SAIGON (UPI) -- Vlet Cong gunners He sald space platforms would be 2S vote Only two weeks carller the flred fIve rockets Into the U S developed to help ln the flght same Republlcans fal1ed on three separ­ alr base at Cam Ranh Bay today but agaInst pollutIon of the Earth. ate ballots to come up wlth the 75 per­ milItary sources saId the predawn The cost of the new space adven­ cent agreement the ground rules dlC­ raId caused neIther damage nor cas­ tures, accordlng to NASA Director tated was needed to settle on a cand­ ualtles Flve Amerlcans were wound­ Thomas Palne, wl11 range over the Hlate ed ln the loss of three more hell­ decade from $3 5 - $5 blillon a Today's vote, however, was a roll copters to Communlst snlpers year. For the comlng year the Pres­ call vote rather than a secret ballot In ground fIghtlng, troops of ldent has requested $3 3 bIllIon for and Ml1llken, who had been neutral South Korea's TIger Dlvlsl0n, one space, down 12 percent from thIS durIng the meetlng two weeks ago, had of the toughest unlts flghtlng on year tWIsted the necessary arms Slnce then the Ailled SIde, reported kIlllng The PreSIdent saId the new goals to Insure the easy Wln for Mrs Romney 330 North Vletnamese and Vlet Cong wl11 build on the successes of the Mlll1ken had sald hlS stance as In a 23-day operatIon 285 mIles past party leader would be "on the 11ne" ln northeast of SaIgon near QUI Nhon "By no means," he saId In a state­ support of the 61-year-old grandmoth­ CIty The campalgn cost 17 South ment Issued from hlS Key BIscayne er Korean dead and 34 wounded resort home, "should we allow our Sources reportIng the rocket at­ space program to stagnate. But, Mrll,ons on East Coast tack on Cam Ranh Bay, one of the WIth the entlre future and the entIre most secure bases In VIet Nam, sald unlverse before us, we should not Exp nence DaytIme Dark the mlssI1es were 107mm models of the try to do everythlng at once " Of Total Solar Ecl,pse type supplIed CommunIst forces by The Moon landlng mlSSlons durlng the SOVlet Unl0n They have a range the next two years wl11 Include one UPI -- The Sun blInked for North of about four mIles but are not ln WhlCh Astronauts wl1l take along Amerlcan EarthlIngs today, and mIl­ partIcularly accurate a Rover vehlcle, allowlng them to lIons on the east coast experIenced Three AmerIcans were lnJured ln travel 20 - 25 mlles from thelr the spooky daytIme dark of a total the loss of a helIcopter about 60 landlng craft on the surface of the solar eclIpse mlles southwest of SaIgon near Ben Moon Moon exploratl0n wlll be The racIng shadow of the Moon pen­ Tre In the Mekong Delta, and two suspended for one year at the end cIled an 8S-mlle-wlde path up the pop­ more were wounded when the thIrd of 1972 ulous eastern U S seaboard from alrcraft was downed In red clay hIll FlorIda to ~aryland lIke a gatherIng country near Hue about 370 mIles black tropIcal storm to the oohs and northeast of SaIgon Thant Summons MIdeast aahs of once-ln-a-llfetlme watchers In WashIngton, DC, about 100 Peace Envoy to New York young women and men gathered In con­ centrIC CIrcles, holdIng hands and MIDEAST (UPI) -- UnIted Natlons hummIng Eastern chants They snake­ Secretary General Thant today sum­ danced theIr way through a crowd of moned hlS speclal Mlddle East peace several thousand eclIpse-gazers gath­ envoy, Gunnar JarrIng, from Moscow ered at the base of the WashIngton to U N Headquarters ln the wake of Monument, and theIr long-haIred lead­ an Israell commando rald lnto Leb­ er led them through IndIan prayers anon In Whlch a Lebanese so Idler was ThIS was the fIrst total eclIpse of reported kll1ed comparable magnItude and duratIon An offlclal U N statement re­ SInce 1878 and the last untIl 2024 ported that Jarrlng, now at hlS post Hundreds of SCIentIsts made the most as Swedlsh Ambassador to the Sovlet of It at scores of SItes, sendIng up Unlon, wlll return to New York on rocket probes and Jet planes In a Tuesday to "resume hlS consultatIon myrIad of tests wlth the Secretary General, the rep­ A hoverIng U S satellIte took PIC­ resentatlves of the lnterested par­ tures of the shadow as It swept at tles and others concerned" l.n the 1500 mph from the South PaCIfIC, Mex­ Ml.ddle East CrlSl.S ICO'S Isthmus of Tehuantepec, up the The surprlse summonl.ng of Jarrlng, southeast U S coastllne and across who had futl.lely trl.ed early to Nantucket Island, Mass , Nova ScotIa fl.nd a basl.s for a Ml.deast settle­ and Newfoundland ment, came amld helghtenl.ng concern UPI Space WrIter Edward DeLong, over growlng tenSlon between Lebanon flYlng WIth a team of SCIentlsts and Israel over Arab guerrIlla ac­ aboard an AIr Force Jet 36,800 feet tlVl.tl.eS above the Gulf of MeXICO, sald the In BeIrut today, ml.litary spokes­ Moon's shadow approachIng from the GOVERNOR BENCHED GC\ LOllI" B Nunn of Kentucky men sal.d Israel troops kl.lled one southwest bore down "lIke a bIg blue \\ 01 ks ..it hl~ desk III FI ankfort WIth hIS left leg propped on a Lebanonese soldler, wounded a C1V­ funnel " ~tool He hloke hh ankle willIe playmg b'l"ketb'lll WIth hl~ l.lian and kldnaped two cl.vllians. tecn'lge ,>on Steve -----------------_________,_I_lliIJIJII~1I c c Page 2 HOURGLASS Saturday, Mar(h 7, 1~70 Flow r Servle Offered Church Bull tin SpeCIal ServIces IS offerIng LATTER DAY SAINTS a flower orderIng serVIce through Services are held in the Fine FlorIsts' InternatIonal Delivery. Arts Building. Priesthood meeting Surprise that special someone at is at 8·3D am Sunday School and home for Easter and order some Sacrament meeting are at 9 45 am. Met Global's A vlatlon Manager flowers now Order blanks are avaIlable In the SpeCIal ServIces EPISCOPAL SrRVICES Global AVIatIon Manager Alan Campbell learn­ OffIce and at the HourGlass OffIce Fvenlng prayer wl1l be conducted ed to fly In PIper Cubs That was In 1939. PrIces range from $7 50 on up at 6 pm In the Island Memorla1 Three years later, he JOIned the then Army Chapel on Sunday evenIng Alr Corps as an aVIatIon cadet All Interested Island resldents Alan has the dlstlnctlon of havlng receIved are InVIted to attend hlS "wlngs" through one of two RAF flIght CATHOLIC schools operated In the UnIted States durIng Mass of the Sunday IS offered World War II Saturday afternoon at 5:15, Sunday He flew C54's throughout the war, on at 7 and 9 15 am In the Island Mem­ several asslgnments afterwards and then for orIal Chapel and at 11 20 am on a year and a half at KMR before being promoted ROl-Namur Partlclpatlon in the to hlS present posItIon Saturday afternoon Mass fulf1lls the Sunday obllgatlon Nursery facliltles are avaIlable at the Island Day Nursery on Sun­ day dunn)! the 9 15 Mass Dally Mass IS at 4 4S pm In the Blessed Sac..rdment Chapel, Tuesday through FrlddY (except FIrst Fr1- day IS at 5 pm) Rabies Inoculations Sunday COnfe&SlOnS 15 mlnutes before A Rables InoculatIon Program weekday Mas&es and Saturday from WIll be held Sunday, March 8th, 4 30 - 5 pm and from 7 30 - 8 30 pm at the Central PolIce StatIon CCD cldsses for grades 7 - 12 on All dog and cat owners are remInd­ Monda) ev€Dlng at 7 pm at George ed that Annual RabIes InoculatIons Seltz SchJol Classes for grades are requIred for all anImals on 1-6 Saturday rrlornlngs at 9 am at the KwaJaleln Atoll Inoculations George Se~tz ~Lhool Second grade and reglstratlon for all anImals classes ate dL'oted to preparation over three months of age, and for :lrst COrnMU~lOn those reqUIrIng theIr annual Inoc­ Nursery school for 4 and 5 year ulatIon can be obtaIned between olds Sur day mornl'g durIng 9 15 the hours of 10 30 am and 1 30 pm Mass at the CommunIty Center ThlS Sunday, Narch 8th WIll be EVANGELISTIC HOUR In a conversatlon wlth the HourGlass today, for CATS ONLY the followlng Sun­ An lnformal worshlp serVlce 1S Alan thought a moment then commented, "My day, March 15th wlll be for DOGS In the Memorlal Chapel each Sunday best tour was when I was statloned at Nouas­ ONLY nlght beglnnlug at 7 pm.
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