
PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Annual Reporr Ministry of Provincial Secretary and Government Services JANUARY I TO 0ECE ~1 8ER 31 1978 Outt"\ Pt1nt« fot Btitlih Col111&nbb e VKtOtb. 1m VICTORIA, 0 .C., JANUARY I, 1979 To 11is H onour 1he lieu1cna111aGover11or of 1/Je Province of Brltish Colrunbia. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HOSOUR: I have 1hc honour, sir, 10 submi1 hcrc,.i1h the report of the Ministry of Provin- cial Sccre1ary and Government Scl'\iCCS, (or minis1ry programs under the jurisdic- 1ion of 1he Deputy Provincial Sccrc1ary, for the 1978 calendar year. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your n1ost obedient servant, HUGH A. CURTIS Minister i'lw 35q.111 13~1.:2 "''"' '"'~c.3 VICTORIA, BRITISH COLU~161A, J1\ NUARY I, 1979 1'/Je Honourable flugh Cllrlis~ Provincial Secretary and Minister o/ Govern111e111 Services. S1R: I have the honour 10 submit 1he Annual Reporl !or the programs o( the Ministry ol Provincial Secretary and Government Services for which the Deputy Provincial Secretary and Deputy Minister ol Government Services is responsible, for the year ended December 31, 1978. GERALD H . CROSS Deputy Provincial Secretary and Deputy Minister of Gover11111en1 Services TABLE OF CONTENTS ,.... Statutes Administered by the Ministry-·-···-·····----·-···-···---·······.. 6 Introduction ····--·-- . ···-·-·············-···-··············-··-······-····-··. 7 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Personnel Services Branch......................................................................... 9 Provincial Telephone Enquiry Centre ..... ·····················-···········--····--···10 B.C. Special Events Fund_··-·-····· ····-··--······ ·····------I 0 Visits and Functions ------ •... ··--------- I 0 Indian Advisory Branch·--·--·--·-······--·-----··--······_ 11 Scholarships----···· ··················-·······-····················-············-··-··· 12 Government House ...........................................•..........................•............. 12 Bri tish Columbia House .......... ·-·····················-··-········..................... 12 GOVERNMENT SERVICES Lotteries Fund Account ··-·--·····--·----··--··• ·-·----·- 17 Elections Branch ······---············----·--· ····-·····- 17 Legislative Library ····-·-······-····-·························--···············-18 Queen's Pri nter...... ··-··················................ ....... ........•...................... 22 Postal Branch .......... ···············-·········-·························.. •................. 22 Central Microfilm Bureau·---···-·-······-······-·-····-····......•.....•.•.....•..•.. 23 Robson Square Media Centre__ •.• ·······-··----·-·-···-·--··-26 Cut.TUR£, HERITAGE, AND RECREATION Provincial Museum ··········-·········_ ···-·················-................ 29 Library Services Branch ...... ·-··-·····································-··..................... 42 Cultural Services Branch ·········-···········-····················-······ .................. 44 Provincial Archives ·····-············-·········-···-··-········-··-·-······-··· 45 Heritage Conservation Branch_____ ···----- ··--·-·- 48 Recreation and Fitness Branch_. 54 BOARDS /\ND COMMISSIONS Superannuation Branch ............... ...... ...................... ...•...... ............... 61 Public Service Adjudicntion Board ..... ........................ .. ....................... 64 s \ STATUTES ADMINISTERED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY BY THE MINISTRY OF PROVINCIAL SECRETARY & GOVERNMENT SERVICES Agent-General Act. British Columbia Buildings Corporation Act. Briti>h Columbia Centennial ·71 Celebration Act. British Columbia Day Act. British Columbia Tartan Act. Canada-British Columbia Pension Agreement Act. Canadian Confoderation Centennial Cclebrntion Act. Captain Cook Bi-Centennial Cclcbrntion Act. College Pension Act. Constitution Act. Daylight Saving Act. Demise of the Crown Act. Dogwood. Rhododendron, and Trillium Protection Act. Douglos Day Observance Act. Floral Emblem Act. Heritage Conservation Act. Indian Advison· Act. Legislative Assembly Privileges Act. Legislative Library Act. Legislative Procedure and Practice Inquiry Act. Lotteries Act. Members of the Legislative A.-cmbly Supcrnnnuation Act. Mineral Emblem Act. Ministerial Inquiries Act. Ministry of the Provincial Secretary and Trnvcl Industry Act. Ministry of Recreation and Conscr\l:ltion Act. Municipal Superannuation Act. Pacific National Exhibition Incorporation Act. Parliamentary Association Conference< Act. Provincial Coat of Arm< Act. Provincial Elections Act. Pro"1incial ~1uscunl Act. Public Documents Disposal Act. Public Inquiries Act. Public Libraries Act. Public Officials and EmplO)CC< Disclosure Act. Public Printing Act. Public Service Act. Public Service Benefit Plans Act. Public Service Labour Relations Act. Public Services Medical Plan Act. Public Service Su1>erannuation Acl. Revenue Surplus Appropriation Act, 1969. Scssional Allowances Reduction Act, 1961 (and 1972) . Scssional Reports Suspension Act. Special Assistance in the Cost of Education Act. Teachers' Pension Act. 6 Provincial Secretary and Government Services INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION-1978 ANNUAL REPORT This ministry"s scope or acti,·itics expanded considerably in 1978. On Decem- ber 4, under a reorganization O! gO\'Crnmcnt, a number O! programs were tr.inS• !crrcd to us, and the ministry name was changed to reflect an expanded role. The Ministry or Provincial Secretory and Government Scr\'iccs was given responsibility !or the Government Employees Relntions Bureau, the cultural services branch, the recreation ond fitness branch, the library ser\'iecs branch, and the heritage conser- vmion branch. The Minister also became re~ponsible !or the British Columbia Building' Corporation. As n result, our intportant role in providing adrninistr:uivc and support service$ to the Cabinet, Legislature, and 10 other n1inistric~ hns been cornplc1ncntcd 'vith a nc\v and direct involverncnt '"ith the general public. \Ve continue to be respon- sible !or the administration or Government House and British Columbia House (London), the provincial museum and archives. the legislative library, the elections 00iCC, and (Ot agCnCiCS \Vhich 3SSiSt in thC :tdrniniStf3li011 Of the provincial go\·Crn- ment. The wide range of responsibilities assigned to this ministry in 1978 provided a continuing challenge for the public servant< "ho administer them. It is a plea,ure to repon that thi< challenge was met with dedication and enthusiasm. This report, "hich summarizes the worl. of over 900 employees of this minis- try, reflect< the range or activities being carried out by them on bchal! of the govern- ment. G. H. CROSS Otp111y Provitrcial Secre/ar)' and Oep111y Minister, Govcr11111e111 Serrices 7 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION ArrEAl.S There were 44 appeals initiated in 1978, under a munbcr or Acts, the majority, 32, under the Motor Carrier Act. Three appeals were und~r the Private Investiga- tors' Licensing Act, three under the Water A ct, one under the Greater Campbell Rivtr Water District Acr, and one under the /1ritis/1 Columbia flydro and Power Authority Act. P ETITIONS OF RtGllT The Crown Proceedings Act, which c3me into cfTcct August I. 1974, elimin- ated the need to obtain a fiat before initi3ting proceedings against the crown. Still. petitions of right arc being initiated under the old Crown Proced111e Act in cases "here the cause for the petitions occurred before the new Act came into force. In 1978. four petitions of right were initiated. 0RDEllS IN COUNCIL The trend in recent years to'''ard a reduction in the numbers of orders in council continued in 1978. Jn all, 3,276 orders were passed by the Licutenant- Govcrnor in Council as compared with 3,920 in the previous calendar year. The popular rcsum6 of orders in council was prepared 51 times through the year, for distribution to approximately 1,200 individuals and organizations. Some 750 or these are sent to people who have specifically requested the resume, while the rc1naindcr \vent to M LA's, the nC\\'$ n1cdia in British Co1u1nbia and govcrnn1cnt onicials on the CORE mailing list used for the distribution or information. In addition. a summary of explanatory notes of Dills passed at the third session of the thirty-first legislative assembly was prepared and distributed in January. 1979. GREAT StlAL The Great Seal of the province was used 830 times in 1978. compared "ith 847 times in the previous year. The most frequent use (636) was, as usual, on Crown grants under the Land Act. The seal was also use 86 times on leucrs patent, 29 times under the Provincial Court Act, 3nd 73 times on proclamations. PERSONNEL SERVICES ORANCH 'fhe p:~st year \vitnessed considerable activity \Yithin the personnel scr\liccs branch. Rccruitrncnt activity \vas heavy as lhc 1ninistr)' attcrnptcd to fHl alt vacancies. J1l;.lll)' Of \Vhich \VCtC the result Of gOVCflllllClll restraint in previous years. 111is. coupled \vith increased delegation of rccruitn1cnt, poised a serious challenge 10 1hc branch. In June. the personnel branch 010\'Cd to new omce space at 503 GO\'Crnment Street. The youth employment program provided funding for employment of approxi- n>ately I 00 students during the summer months. 9 10 BRITISl-I COllJMBIA A n1ajor govcrnrncnt reorganization late in the year had a significant effect on the n1inistry. Cultural services, library services, heritage conservation, and recrea- tion and fitness branches were added to the ministry from the former ministry o! recreation and conservation. The govcrn111cnt cn1ploycc relations bureau 'vas added from the ministry of finance. The
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