. *7 973710 01/01/84 CR6 WILMINOTON PUBLIC ClBRARy WILMINGTON MA 01887 mtm Glefahaburrj - Wilmington I COTVHIGHT 1M2 Wh IMGTON XWS CO . INC 27TH YEAR, NO. 1 AII. moms RESIUVIO WILMINGTON, MASS., JANUARY 6, 1982 PUB. NO 635 340 6582346 28 PAGES Redevelopment authority, Two arrested in drug raid developer discuss Wilmington police conducted of hashish and cocaine, two police, and a state police officer were properly licensed, but that-a Jewel Drive problems their fourth drug raid in two handguns, a rifle and a shotgun, was wounded. Other raids have police chief has the discretion, if months Monday afternoon, and some drug paraphernalia. taken place on Parker Street and not the obligation, to refuse to The Wilmington Redevelop- track of the Woburn Loop, which arresting two persons and con- Wilmington Police Chief Bobby on Pinewood Road. In each of issue or to revoke a firearms ment Authority (WRA) Tuesday leads to a ditch which is 1427 feet fiscating a small amount of Stewart said that the drug sales those two raids, three persons identifcation card (FID) for night agreed with Mike Inleglia, long and eventually dumps into marijuana, hashish, cocaine and allegedly involved in the case were arrested and approximately anyone who he believes to be unfit Rhode Island developer, that the the Aberjona River. That ditch some firearms... were half ounces. He said that the one pound of marijuana was to carry a weapon. This would thing to do is to "push" the had to be cleared. Integlia felt The raid was at 3 Cottage St., in suspects were believed to be seized. include anyone arrested or development of the Jewel Drive that it would best be done by hand the home of the Fantasia family. supplying many youths in the lake Stewart said that the guns convicted op any charges in- property in South Wilmington. because of the small amount of Police arrested Mark Fantasia, area, as well as on Shawsheen seized in the Cottage Street raid volving marijuana. Integlia was present to discuss his fill to be removed, one small 22, and his brother Albert, 20, on Avenue. difficulties, both in Rhode Island truckload, for the entire distance. charges of possession of a Class D The search warrant for the raid and in Wilmington. The work had to be done in a way drug with intent to distribute, was secured on information A court hearing in Rhode Island that was' "environmentally possession of hashish, and developed by Officers Mike on January 4 put the Marteg sound." possession of a Class B drug and Celata and Robert Spencer. Corporation into receivership The ditch crosses land drug paraphernalia. The raid was the fourth since because of a dispute with a Rhode belonging to the Olin Corporation, Confiscated in the raid were November 5, when five pounds of Island council. That corporation, among others. That meant three approximately two and a half pure cocaine was seized in a raid Integlia said, had nothing to do different lawyers working on the ounces of marijuana, not the two at 10 Wilton Drive. In that rajd, with the development of Jewel problems. Papers would go back pounds reported elsewhere. Also the suspect began shooting at Drive in Wilmington. to one, and then to another. In- confiscated were small amounts The Marteg Realty Company teglia has never gotten to the which is a'partnership of which place where he could start work Integlia is the principal owner is on the ditch. the firm which is doing business When the property was started with the Wilmington one of fne firms, Hardwick School budget has Redevelopment Authority. There Chemicals, got its electric power are no restrictions on the Realty by a set of electric poles which Company, the WRA was told. were set up alongside the old 5.2% increase There are three lots of land that railroad track. This was supposed Integlia wants to be able to nil. to be a "temporary" connection, The Wilmington School Com- negotiated raises, as well as Lot 8A is the property oniMjnich but Integlia described the mittee last Wednesday night got transportation fees and utilities the Vydel Building has beanfliult, engineering as having been for a its first official look at the will represent the largest part of a building which Integlia, at one "permanent" connection. proposed fiscal 1983 school budget the budget increases, according time called a "million dollar" He was, he said, considering an figures. to Sager. building. He is unable to transfer application to further extend the Dr. Carol Sager told the The total budget request as it ownership of the Vydel building power lines down to Vydel, on a committee that after reviewing currently stands is for $8,103,678, for several reasons having to do temporary or possibly permanent the recommendations of various a 5.2 percent increase over the with the construction of the basis. The idea was to get power directors and principals for 1962 figures. Sager said that second part of Jewel Drive. to the building There were dif- departmental funds, as well as despite the fact that under Prop Were the way clear to sell to ficulties. keeping in mind the limitations of 2W the budget is only supposed to Vydel who is described as The cost would be in the neigh- Proposition 24, she has decided increase 2.5 per cent, as it now "anxious" to get the property, borhood of $10,000. That he felt, to request a budget that would stands she will still request the Integlia could turn over a sum of would be foolish for a month or level - fund non - salary items 96 l million budget. She added, money to the WRA, which would two of use of a temporary line. He such as books and supplies. This "In this time of inflation, that is a solve some of the problems of that would like the pole lines to be would help to keep the total reasonable increase." board. The difficulties, which permanent, because they would budget increase down, she ex- This figure, according to were discussed at length, also serve only two companies, ' plained, adding that 1963 would be Business Manager Jerry Missal is stop him from consumating the Hardwick and Vydel. He didn't a tough year in terms of supplies still lower than the fiscal 1961 sale of two other lots of land. believe the planning board would Teachers' salaries including school budget of 68.637,830. Lot 10A is to be sold to Altron, a ever agree to such an idea. company with a large building on In talking of the paving of the Jewel Drive. Lot 9, at the end of underground wiring, Integlia had Recall petition law Jewel Drive, is to be sold to a firm quite a bit to say. Arrested Officers Larry Redding and Mike CelaU escort Mark Fan- which has cash in hand, waiting to A year ago last July the then tasia oat of his house after his arrest. buy, according to Integlia. town manager, and members of signed by Governor When all three lots have been every board involved had a sold the WRA will receive $165,000 meeting with Integlia ufXhe town by Debbi Michals at changing the town charter. he said. The WRA could use that hall, to try to get a quick solution According to Representative The town tried again at the money to clear up difficulties to the problems of Jewel Drive. James Miceli, Governor King- April town meeting, and this time which are apparent in the first Underground wiring, a relocation recently signed Wilmington's the petition appeared on the part of Jewel Drive, constructed a part of Jewel Drive, and an recall petition into law subjective warrant in its proper form. The several years ago. extension of Jewel Drive were the to approval by the town on the article as approved by the town The sales, according to In- problems. At that time the ballot in April. authorized Miceli to bring the teglia, can be accomplished "10 estimate was in the neighborhood Miceli said that the bill was town's recall petition before the days" after the release of a of $60,000. Integlia told the group signed exactly as it had originally legislature for approval. covenant which is held by the that he would be a bidder, and been worded when the April 25, Miceli exlained that the bill was Wilmington Planning Board. even if the cost was a few 1861 town meeting voted to have first approved by the Committee The three companies will not thousand over $60,000 he would him submit it to the legislature. on Election Laws, and then consumate the sale with Integlia build,' just to get the road done. He explained that Senator Buell preceded to the House. Once the until. the covenant has,, been Nothing has been done. It is now attempted to change the per- House reviewed it and approved released. Their attorneys, he 19 months later. centage of voters' signatures on a it, the bill went on to the Senate. said, say that there would be no The plans which' had been petition from 10 percent, as the The Senate approved the bill as guarantee that the road would drawn and submitted by the town town had approved it, to 15 per- amended by Senator Buell, but ever be built in such a case. engineer added other features, cent He later withdrew his later approved the original bill The roadway is supposed* to desirable, but not a part of the amendment, Miceli said. when the senator withdrew his have, by .
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