. I # A lso : ON TO STAT ^ Getting on ■ ■ V: i* ■ How Idaho's IN TRACK (■ vyjl visual artist!stV Kimberly seal a l s H Teachers leae a r n eir trip to IVleridii ■ ■ a j / W to connect! c t w i t l i i^ itb w infjirizes.''■! ' T f w a r e s . l i K B P 'n § f f SPORTS, C l m & Latino stuc: u d e n t s . Good Morning LOW! 31 ^ THURSDAY ^ Feliniaty21,2008I PBiiijtiouaj.DMUtecs C j ' im( WSP 7 5 c e n t s — — H a g k V a H ^ ^ P a r e n t s$ oi f c h i l d A)/vho died fr(r o m b u m ss c h a r g e d !w i t h m a ni s l a u g h t e rr CyCasiidy Friedman burned Tuesdajia y . T h e ... You needd loI just say yes,” TImflfrNews writer . _______ _mansloughter charj n Stepan Kntran, 31, listeni to hishll arges arose 3 County Public ^ 9 B fl after their daugliter 1 1 attomqr Marilyn Paul, left, dur-:r- ter Jasmine ifl D e fe n d e r Mailarilyn Paul whis- A court interpreterer and S. Gorbenko, 2, diet a ro u n d H p c re d to Kui tim e 2 log hli court appearance public defender sliulhuffled 6 a.m. Wednesday ly at a Salt I ' tlie ju d g e askisked whether he ■ Wedntiday at the Twin Falls between Inna Gorbenkonko, 28, Ixike Clly bum ccr w ith H u n d e rsto o dI the|)roceedlng.ll H County Courthouse, Kutran andid and her Russinn-spcalleaking third-degree bum s ns covering H K utran g asjtsped e v e n before boyfriend, Stepan Kut 9 hit {Irtirieod Inna Gorbenko, 28, K u tran , 05 p e rc e n t o f h e r b o 1 the inierprer e te r lo 31, as boiii were chaiharged The mlsdc « werecharsedwHhonecountofof sdemeanor ■ translate ; D istric t W ed n e sd ay w lili o n e5 countcc stemmed from leav l e InvoluDtaiy manslaughter and saving th e ir Coiteoko• • Ktrtnn M agistrnie Ilolit w an I S m j’se r’s of involuntary manslauglughter 12-month old U one miidemeanor count of Injunury Id so n order ofaSltll()0 ,H0() b o n d for and one misdemeincanor Emmanuel Gorbcnenko, who was at school luduri rin g th e fire.- e a c h defcndai H i to a child after their daughter coum of injury to ciiild. Id. su ffered sm o k e In hihalation a in hns been placcddin lr state cus- (;orbcnk«> arrived the M Jatinlne S. Gorbenko, 2, died The coupic left their < ;lr chll- the fire. A thirdi i c h ild o f tody.I H Wednetdiy morning. (Ircn inside a h o m:e e thati Gorbenko'!;, a daugi Jghter who Tc.s... You neetleed to .say y es P leo se see CHARGES.CH Pago A3 | B 9 H M a g i c VM j e y ) S n R ] Head T T 1 G H 1T E N S nIS Bai <|dairiesvworking on ■ i m mration i g r a refom iI TM Byiared s. Hopkinsns Timcs-Ncws w ritertor_______________________ liOISI: — i>resid!sidemial candidates aren'l tin.-ie only o n e s w ith inuiiigrniiiinin u on tiie luirui, Tlie Idalio Dainair>’nien‘s Association says it'st's form in g a h u slnle e si s s coalitidii lo a d d re s s Ilk'Kai.ai iin in lg n ilio n . OfHt)fncials suid the coalition williil educate people: andan push for siaiilc inimigra- Ilonpolic7 onthe.h e nalional level, " Im n iig ra lio n1 reformrt is imiiorlaiit lo theu: e co n o m y o f Id alho h o and ihe (Inited Suites." ^aidid IDA lixeculive DDir irec to r Hoi) N a e re iio u t. "Ou nr r goal is lo protectct thet borders bui alsi) to pro-o- mole responsiliielie iimnigrationi reform." n e.stiinatcde 12 n iillio n IIIi'khI;al ininiigranis in theth e Uniiud Slates, A 2 l)l)li studydy hy lhe non-partiartisan i’ew Hispanic CeiiiOtlOr round ihere were•re betw een 20,DOO a n d itri.liOll1)1) illegal ininiigraiitsIlls in Idaho. Please a s e se c IMMIGRATION, Pai’o A3fiS H “The coaiitiiition is trying lo lielpI H our Congre:ressional delegation H and devekelop a system that H worlcs. It’s; importantir to every H industry!yin our country." H j | — R)cp. e p Raul Labrador, R-Eagicc rour-year>oId Stetun tMtson adj ladjutU hll u a t beKfor'tJis bt|i r{defii home after Suian Roulei helpspt himh Wednetday afternoon el theeHead I Start buIldlnelnlHnrallt.t. Federal fiindiding cuts likely, y, program consiisiders contract:tin g o u t b u s inlg g Feds CO:ould delist; By Andrea Gates Marshall, Southh Ccniral Head kids’cducaiication, Nallalional Head Start Associalioi Tlme»New» wrltor__________________ Start director. M ead SlatStart's funtling outlook foritr b e in g m o re th a n S‘)(H) niiilioi The federally' fundedfi agency — though,h uncertainu — is start- shoiion, because of prior fundinI wokess today South Central Hendid Start has 10 centcrs witw ith w aitin g list-s Ing to lo o)kllgluer. k 11 cuisus and new unfuniled regula authorities arc tighteninging their throughout nine nc Magic Valley l-ederal.1 fundsfi totaling SI.79 tionnns, according lo a presJ is s States preparere to assume behs umid funding, con:oncerns counties, it coui)uld lose about million funneledfun tiirough the releilease from die association. bom from separate budgedgel rec- S5]9,130tliisyear ar alone, accord- state, calledcn Teiiiporary “1“1 d o n ’l k n o w exactly vvlml tliith e I ommcndatlons by the pre: management;It; nearly 800 in Idaho ^resident ing to informationo n fro m its fuscal A ssista n c:e e forf N eedy T am ilies, elTeiFeet w ill be," .said M arshall.I. ""I ° and the governor. agent at the Colleyilegc of Southern will be dineliminated from Mead don'in'l w juit to say th e sky Is ralliiiilin g By Matt Christensenn Tlie agency Is looking at ways Idaho, Start in Idal:daho if the Ix'gislature ... WeV k n o w th e re will h e soinie n v TlmofrNows wrltortr_____________ to rcducc costs, such as con* As a federally’ fundedfi poverty supports recommendations impipact. Tills will lie a reareal trac tln g o u t b u sin g a n dJ cuttingci prevention progra jram, Mead Start from the governorgov and the state's chailailengingycar." TlieU.S. rish amiiml Wildlifi'.Sen’ice is expect- out vehicles driven to homomes for gives low-lncome I ic k id s ages 3 to 5 D e p a rtmlent e n t o f lle a ltii a n d I-ourl-c older cars ii'.ed hy I leaiead ed to announce thithis morning it will Dltlcially fom ily visits, stmcturcd preschi chool education Welfare, Stanart staff to visit children an(md remove Uocky Motuountaln gray wolves I'lDm llu- ■ "Ihinsportatlon is so) ee: x p e n - w ith h e a lth a n d n t nutrition servic- Presideni:nt Hush’s funding rec- parcirents at their luinies haviave federal endaiigereilreil .species list, sive and there’s no newV moneyn es, along with hi home visits to omiiiendatiilation was also crltl- Theagencyhasscssdicdulcila coming down," saidJ M a ry b r in g p a re n ts s into their ci/ed earlierH er th is m o n th by th e Pie.’le ase s e e HEAD START, Page A4 1(1 a.m. press confonference to WOlt make the annoulounceniunt. said Hd Hangs, theth federal dellSting wolf recovery coortllirtlinalor. After decades1 oor tali'iiil To rcnil Idaho'si Navy missi IT protections, the KDvcnii.iaugo "i™' siie hits wayy w a r d s p y satelliteonfi a irst attempt' ^ says there are enoU)lOliRli wolves " 0 "C lo give managemenlent authnri- *>t'p://fis- ]r tents posed wha'hat Bush admlnlstra- ' ty hack lo the statesites — w hich ►landgame,- Toxic fuel tank tion officials d( deemed a potemial N a v y mmissile hits satelliteS plan lo curb soaroaring wolf idaHo.gcv/cm 1 health hazardI to hum ans If It Innd- A missllo1 iQunchodla from a Navy chip populations throurough con- s/wiidlifc/woi probably destrcI0Y 6Q cdJntact. ............................ BlnickatJy,dying U.S. spy satollllo on trolled hunts. ves/state/dra In a statemenicnt announcing that > . • Wodnosda'iay, tho Pontogon said, Wolves were firstrst listed for It-Plan/wolJ. ByRob^Bimu the Navy missileUc struck the satellite, ^ . ' ' ■ , Thermoiloaphere federal proleciionnil hi 1S67. PODplon.pdl. AMoclated Pfe»» writer ' J _________ the Pentagon sjsaid, 'Confirmation 1 Alfcanhi1 heal up lo 2,732 dinjroos The governmentnt reiniro- that the fuel ta: Pohrofihciholt whon Iho sun Is ocilvo tank has been frag- duced wolves to ththe e W eslem R ockies in 19!)r) WASHINGTON— ANavyavy mlsslie mcnted should I Id be available within and 1996 as part of a Clinton administniiion soaring 130 miles above the Pacific 24 hours." It ma made no mention of plan lo bring the speciesspt back from the brink, smashed a dying and potpotentially early indlcatlor Ions, but a defense B H I T h e rec o v ery goalonl for Idalw w as :?00 w olves dcadlylI.S.
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