Vanson Green Lake River Goat Creek T11-0N R5-0E T11-0N R6-0E Green River T11-0N R4-0E 31 36 31 T11-0N R7-0E 36 36 Crystal Creek 36 Benham Creek Mountain Goat Hunt Area Quartz Creek Falls Creek 5-6 - Mount Margaret Backcountry Green Red Spring Creek River 6 2019 - 2020 2019- 1 6 HuntingSea son 1 1 Deadmans Lake Administrative Boundaries Deer Area Boundary Landmarks (Based on the Legal Descriptions) Tradedollar Creek DeeArea r Bou ndary StartingPoint jg a sdescribe inthe d T10-0N R5-0E ( Leg aDescription l Creek Miners Interse ctionofSeg m e nts a sdescribe inthe d XY Leg aDescription l Fourmile Creek Green US Forest Tradedollar Lake River Service Shultz Creek T10-0N R4-0E US Forest Island 2612 Rd Public Land Survey System Other Major Public Service Lake (Township and Range) Land Ownership boundary Ferrous Creek Townsh ipLine FederalFore - stService SectionLine StateDN - R Big Creek T10-0N Political Boundaries Venus R7-0E Cou ntyLine Lake Elk Lake T10-0N R6-0E Little Creek Iron Creek Panhandle Lake Obscurity Shovel Lake Lake Hanaford US Forest Service Roads Lake Trail 230 and 211 US Forest Junction to Minnie Peak Service StateRou te Trail 211 Boot Lake Strawberry Hydrography Wakepish LocalRoa d Fawn Grizzly Lake Lake Minnie Peak to US Creek (Unimprov eto dPav e d) Forest Service property Creek Annu aRive l or r Coldwater Creek Grizzly Strea m boundary corner Lake Utilities Ghost Lake IntermittentStre a m Fork Toutle Pipe line North LakeWide , Rive or r, River US Forest Ocea n Service 26 Rd Twelvemile Creek US Forest Service Trail 1 36 Hemlock 31 Creek 36 Miles Maratta Creek 31 36 0 1 2 Bear Creek Saint Cabin Creek Æ504 Helens · Lake US Forest Service Meta 227 Trail Lake 1 6 1 6 South 1 Coldwater Creek Clearwater Creek ·Æ504 US Forest Service 99 Rd Sou rcesofInforma tion– Hunt Units T9-0N R5-0E WA Depa rtme ntofFish and Wildlife Wildlife ; Prog ram(2019) Spirit Lake Land Owne rsh ip WA Depa rtme ntofNa turalResou rces;Resou rceMa ppingSection (2019) Political and Surve Bou y ndaries WA Depa rtme ntofNa turalResou rces;Land Surve Section y (2014) Transportation and Utilities Wa sh ing ton State Depa rtme ntofNa turalResou rces(2011) T9-0N R4-0E WA Depa rtme ntofTransportation (2017) North Fork Toutle River T9-0N R6-0E USGe olog ical Surve Na y; tionaMa l ppingDivision (1989) City Limits WA Depa rtme ntofTransportation (2011) Castle Creek Hydrog raph y Bean Creek WA Depa rtme ntofFish and Wildlife Fish , Prog ram(2019) Delorm e Pub lish ingCom paWa ny; sh ing tonAtlas and Gazettee (2006) r DISCLAIMER South Fork Castle Creek Duetothe dyna mna ic tureofdata and the ne eto dre on ly ou tside Studebaker Creek sou rcesofinform a tionthe Wa sh ing tonDepa rtme ntofFish and Wildlife cannotaccept re sponsibilityfor errors or om issionsinthe data and informa tioncontaine in dthis product. The reare no warranties tha t a ccom pa nythe ma psand inform a tioncontaine in dthis product. For leg adefinitions l ofhu ntingre g u lations,se a sons,and bou ndaries,the u sesh r oure ld feto rCha ptersof220-415-130the T9-0N R7-0E Wa sh ing tonAdministrative Code (http://www.leg .wa.gov ./wac/) Smith Creek Glacier Creek Glacier Ma pPub lish eMa d rch2019 USGS The Na tionaMap: l Na tionaBou l ndariesDatase Na t, tionaElev l a tionDatase Geog t, raphNa ic m e sInform a tionSystem Na , tionaHydrog l raphDatase y Na t, tionaLand l Cov eDatab r a seNa , tionaStru l cture sDatase and t, Na tiona l TransportationDatase Censu U.S. t; sBure TIGER/Line a u- HERE ; Roa Data. d Data Refre shSou e2017., July, d rces:Esri, Garmin, USGS, NPS .
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