Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library inijfiili . .11* .f-r ■ s& y' L fc :- : -‘ Ï .:% ■ •'■'»■ - ■ • ■' •-■'■ ■ '',i, ' ■’ • i.-. Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Montréal 1976 Games of the Official Report VolumeI XXI Olympiad Results Montréal 1976 Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Foreword ®Copyright COJO 76, Ottawa 1 978 All rights reserved To celebrate the Games of the XXI For who can ever forget the pert Printed and bound in Canada Olympiad, Canada, Québec, Montréal, gymnast, Nadia Comaneci, and her Legal Deposit and COJO put together an enterprise ofseven perfect scores? Or those out­ Quebec National Library unprecedented proportions. W ith the standing performers on the track and 2nd Quarter, 1 978 support of the entire Canadian nation, field: Alberto Juantorena, Bruce thousands of ordinary men and women Jenner, and Tatiana Kazankina? Or joined forces to score a resounding Kornelia Ender and John Naber in the triumph with this the greatest festival swimming pool? Or Klaus Dibiasi on of sport in the world. the diving board? Or that personable In addition, what must also not be weightlifter, Vasily Alexeev? forgotten is the undying effort For them and for everyone else who expended by those other men and participated. Volume III of the Official women — tfie athletes — who strove to Report is more than just a parade of hit their utmost to guarantee the Montréal performances. On the contrary, it is a Games the success they deserved. complete results summary dedicated In point of fact, no less than 6,1 89 to them . athletesand 2,661 additional team And the contents of this volume members brought life into the magnifi­ would not have been possible without cent Olympic surroundings by the the outstanding devotion to duty of the simple force of their exploits. And these hundreds of international officials to very exploits were the product of phys­ whom we hereby express our undying ical mastery coupled with pure gratitude for their priceless contribution strength and powerful concentration to this part of the report. crowned with elegance. And we hope that the emotions And when, after a hard-won vic­ of those who witnessed the Games will tory, the champion raises his arm in a be fired once more upon pouring over salute on the podium, he does it not in the statistics, the photography, the defiance but to share with the crowd a names, and the numerous record- burden that is simply too heavy for him breaking performances of the Games to bear alonel What usually follows is of the XXI Olympiad. that the public immediately takes the name of the conquering hero for its own and etches it in its memory forever. Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Table of Contents 3 Foreword 7 National Olympic committees 19 Competition schedule 20 Competition sites 22 Athletics 8 0 Rowing 1 1 8 Basketball 144 Boxing 164 Canoeing 186 Cycling 202 Fencing 272 Football 292 Gymnastics 328 Weightlifting 344 Handball 366 Hockey 3 8 8 Judo 412 Wrestling 458 Swimming 516 Modern pentathlon 546 Equestrian sports 564 Shooting 584 Archery 596 Volleyball 622 Yachting 662 International Officials 669 Inscriptions 697 Personnel, Official Report Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Comités nationaux National Olympic olympiques Committees AFG Afghanistan Afghanistan JAM Jamaïque Jamaica AHO Antilles Netherlands Antilles JOR Jordanie Jordan néerlandaises JPN Japon Japan ALB Albanie Albania KEN Kenya Kenya ALG Algérie Algeria KHM République Khmer Khmer Republic AND Andorre Andorra KOR Corée Korea ANT Antigua Antigua KUW Koweït Kuwait ARG Argentine Argentina LBA Libye Libya ARS Arabie Saoudite Saudi Arabia LBR Libéria Liberia AUS Australie Australia LES Lesotho Lesotho AUT Autriche Austria LIB Liban Lebanon BAH Bahamas Bahamas LIE Liechtenstein Liechtenstein BAR Barbade Barbados LUX Luxembourg Luxembourg BEL Belgique Belgium MAD Madagascar Madagascar BER Bermudes Bermuda MAL Malaysia Malaysia BIR Birmanie Burma MAR Maroc Morocco BIZ Bélize Belize MAWMalawi Malawi BOL Bolivie Bolivia MEX Mexique Mexico BRA Brésil Brazil MGL Mongolie Mongolia BUL Bulgarie Bulgaria MLI M ali Mali CAP République Central Africa Republic MLT Malte Malta Centrafricaine MON Monaco Monaco CAN Canada Canada MRI île Maurice Mauritius CAY îles Caïmans Cayman Islands NCA Nicaragua Nicaragua CGC République People's Republic of NEP Népal Nepal populaire du Congo Congo NGR Nigéria Nigeria CHA Tchad Chad NGY Papouasie- Papua-New Guinea CHI Chili Chile Nouvelle-Guinée CIV Côte-d'Ivoire Yvory Coast NIG Niger Niger CMR Cameroun Cameroon NOR Norvège Norway COL Colombie Colombia NZL Nouvelle-Zélande New Zealand CRC Costa Rica Costa Rica PAK Pakistan Pakistan CUB Cuba Cuba PAN Panama Panama DAH Dahomey Dahomey PAR Paraguay Paraguay □ EN Danemark Denmark PER Pérou Peru DOM République Dominican Republic PHI Philippines Philippines Dominicaine POL Pologne Poland ECU Équateur Ecuador POR Portugal Portugal EGY République arabe Arabic Republic of PRK R.D.P. Corée D.P.R. Korea d'Égypte Egypt PUR Porto Rico Puerto Rico ESP Espagne Spain ROC République de Chine Republic of China ETH Ethiopie Ethiopia ROM Roumanie Romania PU îles Fidji Fiji SAL El Salvador El Salvador FIN Finlande Finland SEN Sénégal Senegal FRA France France SIN Singapour Singapore GAB Gabon Gabon SLE Sierra Leone Sierra Leone GAM Gambie Gambia SMR Saint-Marin San Marino GBR Grande-Bretagne Great Britain SOM Somalie Somalia GDR République German Democratic SRI Sri Lanka Sri Lanka démocratique Republic SUD Soudan Sudan allemande SUI Suisse Switzerland GER République fédérale Germany SUR Surinam Surinam d'Allemagne SWESuède Sweden GHA Ghana Ghana SWZ Swaziland Swaziland GRE Grèce Greece SYR Syrie Syria GUA Guatemala Guatemala TAN Tanzanie Tanzania GUI Guinée Guinea TCH Tchécoslovaquie Czechoslovakia GUY Guyane Guyana THA Thaïlande Thailand HAI Haïti Haiti TOG Togo Togo HKG Hong-Kong Hong Kong TRI Trinité et Tobago Trinidad and Tobago MOL Pays-Bas Netherlands TUN Tunisie Tunisia MON Honduras Honduras TUR Turquie Turkey HUN Hongrie Hungary ■ UGA Ouganda Uganda INA Indonésie Indonesia URSURSS USSR IND Inde India URU Uruguay Uruguay IRL Irlande Ireland USA États-Unis United States IRN Iran Iran VEN Venezuela Venezuela IRQ Irak Iraq VNM Viêt-Nam Viet Nam ISL Islande Iceland VOL Haute-Volta Upper Volta ISR Israël Israel YUG Yougoslavie Yugoslavia ISV îles Vierges V irgin Islands ZAI Zaïre Zaire ITA Italie Italy ZAM Zambie Zambia Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library De précieux apports pour la Montréal's skyline was physionomie de Montréal: forever altered by the les installations sportives du soaring structures of the Parc olym pique et les magnificent sports facilities pyramides du village des and the athletes' village athlètes érigées pour les (foreground) created for the Jeux de 1976. 1 976 Olympic Games. Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Sa Majesté Élisabeth II vient Moments after Her Majesty de proclamer l'ouverture Queen Elizabeth II has offi­ officielle des Jeux de Mont­ cially opened the Montréal réal. Le drapeau aux cinq Games to celebrate the XXI anneaux entrelacés est Olympiad of the modern hissé, au Stade olympique, era, the Olym pic flag begins sous les regards d'une foule its triumphant ascent into enthousiaste, composée de history before a wildly 90 000 personnes, athlètes cheering crowd of 90,000 et spectateurs, sans compter athletes and spectators in l'assistance innombrable de Olympic Stadium together la télévision. with millions of television viewers round the world. 10 Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Calendrier Competition des compétitions Schedule 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 Cérémonie Opening d'ouverture ceremony Athlétisme Athletics Aviron Rowing Basketball Basketba I Boxing Canoe Canoeing Cyclisme Cycling Escrime Fencing Football Football Gymnastique Gymnastics Flaltérophilie Weightlifting Flandball Fiandball Flockey Flockey Wrestling Natation Swim m ing Pentathlon Modern moderne Pentathlon Sports Equestrian équestres Sports Shooting Tir a I arc Archery Volleyball Volleyball Yachting Yachting Ceremonie Closing de clôture ceremony Source : Bibliothèque du CIO / IOC Library Lieux de compétition Competition sites "stZ?^~TD 1 Stade olympique Olympic Stadium Mirabel s .. w W f 6 Bassin olympique, Olym pic Basin, île Notre-Dame Notre Dame Island 8 Centre Étienne-Desmarteau Étienne Desmarteau Centre Route No 640 m 11 Forum Forum 4 Arena Maurice-Richard Maurice Richard Arena m 1 1 Forum Forum Rivière-des-Mille-îles 6 Bassin olympique, Olym pic Basin, B île Notre-Dame Notre Dame Island S i S t B 3 Vélodrome olympique Olympic Velodrome 14 Circuit Fairview Fairview Circuit m 15 Circuit Mont-Royal M ount Royal Circuit 12 Stade d'hiver Winter Stadium, 19 de l’Université de Montréal University of Montréal Route No 440 1 Stade olympique Olympic Stadium 19 Stade de Sherbrooke Sherbrooke Stadium a Stade Varsity, Toronto Varsity Stadium, Toronto Lavai 22 23 Parc Lansdowne, Ottawa Lansdowne Park, Ottawa 11 Forum Forum Route Transcanadienne Rivière-des-Prairies a Route No 20 sa 9 Arena Saint-Michel St. Michel Arena Dorval 7 Centre Claude-Robillard Claude Robillard Centre 11 Forum Forum Boulevard Métropolitain a 20 Palais des sports de Sherbrooke Sherbrooke Sports Palace 21 PEPS,Université Laval,Québec PEPS,Laval University,Québec M ontréal T ll^fclIIS illîïliï^ Molson Stadium, McGill \ _ Quebec 13 Stade Molson de l'Université a McGill University Fleuve Saint-Laurent 3 Vélodrome olympique Olym pic Velodrome St. Lawrence River Sherbrooke m 4 Arena Maurice-Richard Maurice Richard Arena Joliette 5 Centre Pierre-Charbonneau Pierre Charbonneau Centre Metro a Rivière des Outaouais 2 Piscine olym pique O lym pic Pool 'XMontréal Sherbrooke Claude Robillard Centre Ottawa River a 7 Centre Claude-Robillard romont 1 Stade olympique Olympic Stadium 2 Piscine olym pique Olym pic Pool Ottawa Acadie m 12 Stade d'hiver Winter Stadium, ■ Canada de l'Université de Montréal University of Montréal Etats-Unis 16 Stand de tir olympique, Olympic Shooting Range, United States L'Acadie L'Acadie o f Am erica 17 Centre équestre olympique, Olympic Equestrian Centre, Bromont Bromont ' m m m Fleuve Saint-Laurent.
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