www.orphancameras.com r TPENTAXwww.orphancameras.com www.orphancameras.com CONTENTS Setting ASA f ilm speed/memo holder IMPORTANT AIISMC Pentax lensesand Pentax accessories are engineered and produced meticulously to precise Pentax specifications. However, many of the commercially available lensesand accessoriesproduced by other manufacturers are not made to these orecise specifications and therefore. may cause diff iculties with - or actual damage to - a Pentax Meter coupling range camera. Pentax does not assume any responsibility or Iiabil ity for d iff icu lties resulting from the use of lensesand accessoriesmade by other manufacturers with Pentax cameras and photographical p rod u cts. www.orphancameras.com Welcometo our growingPentax family! Sincewe know you'll want to beginusing your new PentaxME SUPER rightaway, we've provided an "ME SUPEROuick Course"on pages2 and 3 which coversthe basicoperating instructions for the "AUTO" mode (the mainoperatingmode}soyoucangetstarted.|fyouwishtofami|iarize yourse|fwithoperatingthecamerainitsothermodes,inc|udingthenew revolutionary"pushbutton" manualmode, be sureto readthe pertinent , sectionsofthemanua|.Wea|sorecommendthatyoureadtheentire manua|Verycarefu||yassoonaspossib|e,sothatyouwi||underStandthe full capabilitiesof your cameraand insureyears of trouble-freeoperation, :. BASIC OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSwww.orphancameras.com "Your ME SUPER Ouick Course" 1. lnsert the two Alkaline 2. Load the f ilm with the 3. Set the ASA f ilm speed. batteries. (See page 7) exposure mode dial set at "125X" (Seepage 9) and advance to the first exposure. (See page 8) 4. Set the lensaperture. 5. Set the exposure mode dial 6. Set the exposure compen- (Seepage 13) to "AUTO." (See page 10) sation dial to 1X. (See page 1B) www.orphancameras.com indications, change the f-stop t until a GREEN LED appears 0Ylt m00 (See pages 16-171. lf a YELLOW 1000 500 tt0 LED glows (i.e., those between r25t GREENLED 60 "30" "4S" 30 and on the view- l5 Go aheadand shoot I f inder scale),you can O use a a 2 I wider lens aoerture where ls 4S a GREEN LED appears (see ut08 7. Look through the view- page 17}, or @ shoot at the f inder, f ocus and compose the YELLOW LED, but steady picture. (Seepage 14) the camera with a tripod, etc., RED "OVEFI" 8. Activate the camera's meter (see page 31 ) or O switch to oT"UNDER" LED by pressing the shutter button flash photography. (see pages Changethe lensf-stop. until one of the LED dots 28-291 beside the shutter speed scale With auto exposures,the f ully in the viewf inder glows. lf automatic metering system of a GREEN LED glows (i.e.. your new Pentax ME SUPER tt those between "2000" and selectsexactly the right t shutter )Yn YELLOW LED tuo i "60" on the scale),take the speed for the lighting conditions 000 500 a wider 250 $use aperture picture by pressing the shutter in your picture. To operate the l25I 60 if possibte,or button all the way '0 down. lf camera in other modes refer to t5 8l @use a tripod, etc., or a RED LED glows at either the section that covers those ,l the OVER or UNDER po Ints. i @useaflashunit ii rroH o3 www.orphancameras.com O Neck strap ring (o Snutter-cocked ind icator (E f ilm rewind knob/Back O Exposure counter O Manual shutter-speed cover release (D €) Self-timer lever control buttons Lens release lever (D O Shutter release button @ Hotshoe Lens alignment node O Exposure mode index O Auto f lash contact @ Focusing ring. button @ Exposure compensation dial (D Distance scale @ Exposure mode indications (D aSa f ilm speed index @ Depth-of-f ield scale O Rapid wind lever (E f ilm rewind crank O Aperture/D istance index 4. www.orphancameras.com @ Aperture ring @ Battery cham ber @ f ilm take-up spool @ x-synch socket @ Winder/T ripod receptacle @ Back cover (D V iewf inder eyepiece @ f ilm guide rail @ Back cover release lug (D r itm advance/rewind @ r ilm rail @ rilm pressure plate ind icator @ Sfrutter blades O rinder cap @ C uide pin channel @ f ilm rewind button @ winder contact terminal @ r ilm transport coupler @ r ilm chamber @ Sprockets o5 www.orphancameras.comLENSMOUNTING 1. Remove the rear lens and body mount covers. 2. Match the red dot 6 on the camera body with the red dot @ on the lens. Insert the lens into the body and turn it clockwise until the lens locks with a click. 3. In the darl<,when the red dots are dif f icu lt to see, align the raised white node @ on the lens barrel with the lens releaselever O by touch. Then turn and lock as above. 4. To detach, hold the camera lf you have to put the lens with your left hand. Depress down without the rear lens the lens releaselever O while cap, place it only f ront-element- turning the lens counter- down, never f ront-element-up. clockwise with your right hand. When changing lensesoutdoors with f ilm in the camera, avoid direct sunlight. 6o www.orphancameras.com Do not throw dead batteries into a fire as they may explode. f ZUtjl will commenceto lickeron and l00l 500 off . This indicatesthat batteries ?50 shouldbe replacedshortly. Sattery EO (NOTE: 30 Check the LEDs outsidethe tt - I Range "2OOO" "45" battery check 4 - ,I2 rangeIi.e., "OVER" ,,UNDER" _ ''EF" ANd"M"] 4S normallyf licker in certain Two Alkaline batteries are o Check To check the batteries, modes and should be disregarded packed separately. Be sure to set the exposuremode dial to as low battery indication.) insert them into the battery eitherthe "AUTO" or "M" DEAD BATTERIES: lf batteries chamber before operating (Manual)mode settingsand fail to light entirelyon depress- the camera. lightly pressthe shutterbutton ing the shutter button in the o Insertion Open the battery to activatethe metering switch. "AUTO" or "M" modes,they chamber cover with a coin. NORMAL BATTERIES: lf are either dead or inserted lnsert the two batteries into batteriesare f ully active,one of improperly. lf deacl,replace the chamber as shown above, the LED shutter speeddots both with new ones each with the plus mark (+) (i.e.,those between "2OOO" (NOTE: In emergencies,the facing down. Then, replace the and "4S") will glow continuously cameramay also be operated cover and tighten f irmly. in the viewfinder on depressing without batteries- seepage 11). the shutterbutton. WEAK BATTERIES:When batteriesare low, the "2000" - "45" LED shutter speeddots FILM LOADING AND WINDING www.orphancameras.com Avoid direct light when loadingyour f ilm otherwise inordinately long tt:; exposures will result, delaying film advance. Also, the same problem will occur if you use ir the "M" setting, unless a faster shutter speed is usec. 2. Open the camera back by pulling up on the f ilm rewind 1. Before loading and winding the film, set the exposure mode dial knob. to "125X." Leave it at this setting until after the film has been wound 3. Place the f ilm cartridge in to the f irst exposure. the f ilm chamber, and push NOTE: You can also advance the f ilm to the first exposure with the down the rewind knob. lnsert exposure mode dial set to "AUTO" or "M" (Manual), but for the f ilm leader between any of convenience sake we recommend setting it to "125X." lf you use the white pins surrounding the "AUTO," remove the lens cap and point the camera toward the light; film take-up spool. 4. Advance the f ilm by alternately advancing the rapid- wind lever and depressing the shutter button until both top and bottom sprockets engage the f ilm perforations @ . Close the back by pressing it f irmly. SETTINGwww.orphancameras.comASA FILM SPEEDiMEMOHOLDER 5. Advance the rapid-wind The ASA film speedrating of leverand conf irm that the f ilm all 35mm f ilms is givenin the rewind knob @ turns counter- data sheetpacked with each clockwise, indicating that the roll of f ilm. The higherthe ASA f ilm is properly loaded and is number,the more sensitivethe moving f rom the cartridge to f ilm is to light.To set the index, the take-up spool (if the f ilm is lift up the ASA dial 6 and being properly advanced, the turn it until the ASA number film advance indicator 6 will of your f ilm is oppositethe flicker). Trip the shutter and orangeindex mark. advancethe film alternately ASA Film SpeedRange until the exposure counter '1250 turns to "1 indicating that 1000 640 500 320 250 160 125 80 50 40 25 16 ," .i lcl lol l.l l.lol l.l.lo picture the f irst is ready to be 1600 800 400 200 10() 64 32 20 12 taken. Reset the shutter dial to ,,AUTO.'' As a reminderof the type of f ilm in your camera,tear off the top of f ilm box and insert it into the Memo Holderon the back cover of the camera. www.orphancameras.comTHE EXPOSUREMODE DIAL Becausethe cameraselects the shutter speedin the "AUTO" exposure mode and pushbuttons are usedto set the shutter speed in the "M" (Manual)mode, the shutterspeed dial hasbeen eliminated on your ME SUPER. In its placeis the exposuremode dial,whereby you simpty choosethe desiredmode of exposurebefore shooting. In additionto the four exposuremodes, the dial alsofeatures a shutter- button lock setting. To set the dial: Pressdown on the small white button on top of the dial with your thumb or forefinger and rotatethe dial until the white button alignswith the desiredmode setting. "AUTO": Your might consider"AUTO" the normal exposuremode and the othersas auxiliary modes for specialshooting situations. When the exposuremode dial is set to "AUTO," you merely preselect the lensaperture; the camerasets the shutter speedautomatically, freeingyou to concentrateon framingand composition.Keep the dial at this setting to take advantageof shooting opportunities when they arise.lt's alsoan excellentmode for allowingnovices to operate your camera.(See "SHOOTING ON AUTO," page15, for operating instru ct ions) 10o www.orphancameras.com "M" (Manual): This is the M E SUPER'srevolutionary new "push- button" manualexposure setting.
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