North Carolina State Library Raleigh ‘(She CASWELL NEWS The Caswell Training School - Kinston, North Carolina 5Yo £ess Precious No Less Precious is the child Who speaks in a halting voice Who walks with a slower tread. Whose hand must always rest in yours Whose eyes your eyes must be. No Less Precious is the child Who will always look to you for sustenance Who will always trust your guiding hand. Whose greatest need is an encouraging smile Whose constant supplication is for loving care. No Less Precious is the child For in the sight of God it matters not That his mind is slow and his body bent. It matters only that he loves and is loved. Pearl L. Adkins, Caswell Training School JANUARY, 1957 Volume XXII Number I £ 57?e | Caswell HACews 1 s^c^i^s^o^o^G^o^o^o^o^iss^o^e^o^e^o^assessBOJiel Vol. XXII - No. 1 KINSTON, N. C. - JANUARY, 1957 $1.00 per year Published quarterly for the benefit of Caswell To the Junior Training School and for the information of the Woman s Clubs citizens of North Carolina. As one travels about the campus of Caswell Training School and visits the various buildings, one sees evidence everywhere F. E. Kratter, M.B., D.P.M., Acting Superintendent of the generosity,’ the kindness, the interest and the Mr. S. H. Stroud, Business Manager thoughtfulness of the numerous Junior Mike Lee, M. D., Woman’s Clubs of North Medical Director Carolina. From every section and corner of North Carolina have come gifts in the form of money, equipment and Pearl L. Adkins personal presents for the individ- ual Associate Editor Elizabeth M. Brown pupil or patient. Playground equipment, the flagpole and flag, the portable Associate Editor Mrs. Jean M. Hurt bowling alley the orthopedic walker, draperies, lamps in various Sports Editor Waylon L. Bissette buildings, pictures, hymnals, choir robes, the gen- Circulating Manager Sarah E. Claytor erous contribution which made the purchase of Secretary the Mrs. Mary E. Collins organ possible, the tape recorder, record play- er and Treasurer ...1 Mary Lee Utley records and magazines are only part of what these active and energetic Clubs have done The greatest and most beneficial gift was the filming of A MESSAGE “THE CASWELL STORY”. This, we say, is the most beneficial because it is reaching out At the turning of the old year into the new I into the highways and byways of North Carolina, should like to take this opportunity to say how telling the realistic story of Caswell and portray- proud I am of the achievements of all the depart- ing what can and is being done for the defective ments of Caswell Training School, which, I am child. During the past year, the Junior Woman’s confident, will be continued into the year 1957. Clubs have contributed $4,544.56 in cash, some of Our accomplishments and problems were shared which was used in purchasing part of the above and equally borne by all members of the staff items. However, there is no way in estimating in who gave of their best at all time in their duties money the numerous other gifts including and toys, J responsibilities. Every visitor to Caswell has candy, clothing and been individual gifts which have’ greatly impressed by the friendliness, clan- been given to the pupils and patients. J liness and beauty The per- of our campus. The recently sonal interest, time and energy renovated given by the wom- color schemes in the ! school building en can also never be measured by any monetary and in the boys’ and girls’ colonies have been means. There are around 100 individuals at Cas- ! particularly singled out for their cheerfulness and well for whom Christmas gifts must be planned. stimulation on our children and staff alike. Dur- For \ many of these pupils and patients, Christmas ' ing the past year members of our professional was made an extra merry and happy one; in staff and fact, employees have expressed ' many a good it was considered the best Christmas Caswell has idea which is now being benefited and enjoyed ever experienced. In this issue of CASWELL NEWS by j our pupils. Through their * devotion to duty we want to pay tribute to and express our and willingness deepest to cooperate, they, themselves, gratitude to the North Carolina Junior Woman’s 1 have risen in stature, gained confidence and risen Clubs. The greatest tribute that can be paid to in self-expression. I should like to admit quite these | Clubs comes from the hearts of the pupils frankly that all of you have been a great source and patients. Though they do not have the med- of strength and assistance to me in my daily ium dut- through which to express their personal ap- ies coupled with a cordiality which has been preciation, and their gratitude is tacitly expressed ’ still is most heart-warming and sincerely apprec- through the enjoyment, the pleasure iated. and the May I express my deepfelt thanks to all the various departments for having been a con- stant inspiration bring to me, as well as to the doctors, my message to a close, I would like to ex- nurses, office staff and attendants who have been press my appreciation and respect to Dr. James greatly instrumental in our success and progress Murdoch, General Superintendent, of the North I am convinced that the year of 1957 will see Cas- Carolina Hospitals Board of Control, who has been well Training School a wonderful become one of the most out- friend and adviser to Caswell at all standing and respected schools in the United times. States, for our philosophy is one of progressive Frederick E. Kratter, leadership and our aim M.B., D.P.M. is to do still better. As I Acting Superintendent PAGE 2 1. Attending from Caswell were Gareth D. Thorn, Daniel Wise, William J. Waters and Jack Howard. STAFF NEWS . Mr. Thorne appeared on a panel on “Mobilizing for Vocational and Com- Dr. F. E. Kratter, acting superintendent, ac- Community Resources Mentally Retarded.” companied by his wife and Miss Pearl L. Adkins, munity Adjustment of the Director of Social Service attended the southeast- Dr. Frederick E. Kratter, Mrs. May Stroud and ern regional conference of the American Public Mrs. Jean M. Hurt visited Butner State Hospital Welfare Association in conjunction with the an- the first part of December. nual North Carolina Public Welfare Institute Mrs. Barbara Howard, Director of Occupational which was held in Asheville October 3, 4, 5. Therepy visited State College to confer with a Dr. Fulghum, Dr. Robert Whitener, and Dr. member of the Art department on ceramics. James Lamm were the three resident psychia- The North Carolina State Employees Associa- trists during the last quarter. tion met in the recreational building in October. Mr. John B. Umstead, Chairman of the Hospi- Mr. M. H. Byrum and Mr. Clifton Beckwith from tal Boards of Control, and Dr. James W. Murdoch, Raleigh were the guest speakers. General Superintendent, have been frequent visi- Caswell employees had a Halloween party in tors on the campus. Mr. Roy M. Purser, general the recreation building. Families of all employees business manager, has also made several trips to were invited to attend. Caswell. Mr. Charles O. Willis, principal of the academic All of the Caswell academic teachers, William school at Lynchburg, Virginia State Training J. Waters, principal, Mrs. Owens, librarian, Mr. School for Mental Deficiency and Mrs. Caress W. Wise, director of Vocational Training attended Morgan, Chaplain of the same institution visited the S. E. district meeting of the N. C. E. A. at the campus. East Carolina College in October. Dr. J. H. Harris, Dr. Faith Ogden, psychiatrists Caswell continued its 4 day orientation pro- from Chapel Hill and Miss Bernice Crumpacker, gram for the medical students from Chapel Hill. psychiatric social worker from Butner interviewed In October Miss Pearl Adkins, Director of Soc- members of the staff relative to a survey con- ial Service, and Miss Margaret Lane, Assistant cerning emotionally disturbed children. Director attended the workshop of the North Car- Robert Mines, psychologist at Dix Hill, a teach- olina Conference for Social Work in Raleigh. er and 2 nurses were at Caswell. Also Dr. Harry The medical department has recently acquired R. Chamberlin and Sidney Chipman from Chapel the services of Mrs. Hattie Lou (Frank) Shackle- Hill School of Medicine spent some time at the ford who is a native of Lenoir County. She was school. educated at Wheat Swamp High School and her The sophomore class of Chinquapin High nurse’s training was taken at Lenoir Memorial School made a tour of the institution. Hospital where she served in relief and private the Wilkesboro, Fremont, Rocky duty nursing. Members of Mount, Oxford, and Winston-Salem Junior Wom- In Raleigh during November Mr. S. H. Stroud an’s Clubs visited Caswell the first week of De- joint meeting of the business managers attended a cember. of all the state institutions. They met with the Director of the Division of Purchase and Contract Dr. Ignace Goldberg of New York City, educa- relative to procedure and methods of purchasing tional consultant for the National Association of meats for various institutions. Mr. Stroud also Retarded Children, Inc. spent a day at Caswell. attended the State Dairy Institutional Breeding He is making a tour of all private and state insti- and Testing program at State College. tutions and public schools that train the mentally retarded. It was his opinion that the training Mr. Waylon Bissette, recreation director, at- at Caswell rank among the highest in tended the North Carolina Recreation Association facilities the country.
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