NOVEMBER “Ocean-grabbing” a danger to world’s fisheries: UN November 1, 2012 No comments As per a UN expert on right to food, ‘Ocean-grabbing’ is as serious a threat as ‘ and-grabbing’! "hat is “Ocean-grabbing$% An aggressive industrial fishing by foreign fleets. &o' and to 'hom is it threatening% Ocean grabbing is mainly concerned with the interest of smaller fishermen, local communities and sustainable fishing. t is a threat to food security in develo!ing nations "#cessive and aggressive fishing threatens the fish ecosystem and ma$es this !ractice unsustainable. t de!letes the fishing zones at a faster rate. "hat is # and-grabbing$% &and grabbing is the contentious issue of large'scale land acquisitions: the buying or leasing of large !ieces of land in develo!ing countries, by domestic and transnational com!anies, governments, and individuals. *ountries such as *hina and +audi Arabia have bought u! agricultural land in !oorer countries such as "thio!ia and ,hana. "hat is #'ater-grabbing$% -ater grabbing involves the diversion of water resources and watersheds by domestic and transnational com!anies, governments, and individuals, which de!rives local communities who de!end on the water and ecosystems for their livelihoods. .he ability to ta$e over water is usually associated with !rocesses of commoditization and !rivatization of water that transform water from a !ublic good to a !rivate commodity, with access often controlled by ability to !ay. "hat are the suggestions (ade b) UN to contain “Ocean grabbing$% *reate e#clusive artisanal fishing zones for small'scale fishers and clam! down on incursions by industrial fleets +u!!ort small'scale fishers/ coo!eratives and hel! them rise u! the value chain 0ut co'management schemes in !lace to manage fishing resources locally 1efrain from undertaking large'scale develo!ment !ro2ects, e.g. sand extraction, that adversely a3ect the livelihoods of small'scale fishers 4a$e fisheries and small'scale fishers an integral !art of national right to food strategies. Negative Impact of Nutrients On Coastal Ecosystems October 29, 2012 No comments +alt 4arshes along the 6.+. "astern seaboard and other highly develo!ed coastlines have witnessed deterioration of sa t marsh. .he disintegration has accelerated in recent decades, with some losses caused by sea'level rise and develo!ment. As !er recent studies, nutrients li$e nitrogen and phosphorus originating from se!tic systems, sewerage, and soil fertilizers on land flow with rainwater down to the coastal ocean is responsible for this disintegration. "hat is the importance of *a t Marshes% +alt marshes form critical interface b7w the land and sea. .hey !rovide habitat for fish, birds, and shellfish8 !rotect coastal cities from storms; and they ta$e nutrients out of the water coming from u!land areas, which !rotects coastal bays from over'!ollution. &osses of healthy salt marsh have accelerated in recent decades, with some losses caused by sea'level rise and develo!ment. Scientists oppose TECs recommendations of 10–year ban on field trials of GM crops October 29, 2012 No comments +cientists have o!!osed the recommendations made by the +echnica Expert,ommittee -+E,. a!!ointed by the +u!reme *ourt of ndia which has recommended a moratorium of 10 years on all field trials of transgenic food cro!s and field trials of transgenics in those cro!s for which ndia is a centre of origin or diversity. "h) this opposition% As !er scientists o!!osing the suggestion, ban on the field trials and commercialization of transgenic cro!s could harm ndian farmers the most as they need to elevate !roduction of food grains to meet the demands of increasing !o!ulation with reduced availability of fertile land. As !er them, ."* has e#ceeded its mandate and made many swee!ing recommendations on diverse issues without bearing in mind the scientific rigor of the methods used in ndia which are similar to those in the most advanced countries. +cientists are of the o!inion that interventions using ,4 technology will !lay a significant role in !roviding the necessary means to enable farmers to !roduce more using fewer resources. Italian court convicts scientists who were not able to give earthquake warning October 26, 2012 No comments An talian court sentenced si# scientists and a government o:cial 9'year im!risonment on the charges of manslaughter. .he scientists were accused of not being able to give ade(uate warning of an earth(ua$e that killed more than ;00 !eo!le in /’A0ui a in 1223. All the convicts who were member of Nationa ,ommission for the 4orecast and 5re6ention of Ma7or Ris8s, were accused of negligence and mal!ractice in assessing the danger and informing the city about the risks. "hat is the case% .he scientists on Nationa ,ommission for the 4orecast and 5re6ention of Ma7or Ris8s were accused of giving <incom!lete, im!recise and contradictory" information on the danger a few days before earth(ua$e. .hey were accused of negligence in evaluating the tremors that !receded /’A0ui a earth(ua$e. As !er scientific o!inion given by !rosecutors, the do%ens of lower level tremors seen months before the (ua$e were typical of the kind of !reliminary seismic activity seen before ma2or earth(ua$es. =owever, >efense lawyers said earth(ua$es could not be forecasted and even if they could, nothing could be done to !revent them. NTCA to build a national data base for tigers October 25, 2012 No comments .he Nationa +iger ,onser6ation Authorit) -N+,A. will establish a national data base for tigers, and each one of the big cats will have a uni(ue identification number and code. .he initiatives of !roviding 6 > will aid in better bio'monitoring of tigers. OB9E,+:VE; 0roviding 6 > will enhance monitoring and also give the e#act estimate of the tiger !o!ulation in the country. *amera tra! will be used to !hotogra!h the tigers from both sides to avoid variation in stri!es and a 6 > allotted to each of them. E-eye Project in Corbett National Park October 25, 2012 No comments E-E)e 5ro7ect; A !ilot surveillance !ro2ect being !iloted in ,orbett Nationa 5ark in which live e ectronic sur6ei ance is done with the hel! of cameras with video recording facility mounted on towers. The project will help in tracking the movement of animals, human interference and checking poaching. .hese cameras will generate alerts to the control room in the !ar$ and the N.*A o:ce located at >elhi, as the tigers cross the boundary. .hese cameras ca!ture thermal and normal image of body mass regardless of forest density and severe weather conditions and therefore, can monitor the area during night or day. Expert committee suggests 10-year moratorium on GM food crop field trials October 25, 2012 No comments .he ?'member, .echnical "#!ert *ommittee a!!ointed on the directions of+u!reme *ourt, has recommended a 10'year moratorium on field trials of all<enetica ) Modi=ed -<M. food cro!s. .he !anel, in its interim re!ort, suggested that the field trials should not be done till an inde!endent committee of e#!erts and sta$eholders e#amines and assesses the !otential hazard of herbicide tolerant cro!s and their suitability to ndia. "hat is the concern of en6iron(enta ists% .he environmentalists are concerned about the !otential damage ,4 cro!s can cause to human health, to livestock and to biodiversity and the li$elihood of field trials to contaminate regular cro!s. Alternatives to Endosulfan available October 23, 2012 No comments .he 5ersistent Organic 5o utants -5O5. Re6ie' ,ommittee to the*toc8ho ( ,on6ention on 0ersistent Organic 0ollutants a!!roved the assessment of 100 chemical alternatives to insecticide and acaricideEndosu fan. .he committee also suggested its non' chemical alternatives. "hich of the appro6ed a ternati6es are used in :ndia% Among the a!!roved alternatives which are used in ndia, some are)' 4alathion Aldicarb *arbofuran *abaryl @i!ronil 4ethyl !arathion 0yrethrin Vulture population rises in India November 15, 2012 No comments As !er a recent re!ort by the Aombay Natural =istory +ociety(A=N+C ra!id decline in the number of critically endangered ndian vultures has sto!!ed. ndia/s vulture !o!ulation has risen for the first time in last 20 years, after a shar! decline in their numbers by more than 55%. Eulture numbers decreased in ndia from F crore in the early /G0s to less than 1 lakh in 2011. "h) Vu ture numbers 'ere fast dec ining in :ndia% >ic ofenac, a !ainkilling drug administered to cattle, is the main cause of mass extinction of vultures. Eultures, which have a digestive system robust enough to even digestdisease' causing !athogens found in rotting meat of dead, do not ha6e a critica en?)(e that brea8s do'n dic ofenac and die of rena fai ure after eating carcasses of cattle administered the drug. Eultures feeding on cattle either die from acute kidney failure within a few days or lose their ability to re!roduce. ‘>ic ofenac’ is a pain8i ing drug administered to catt e! :nternationa Union for ,onser6ation of Nature -:U,N. has !ut vultures on its list of Hcritically endangered/ s!ecies. .he three most common species of vultures and there a!!rox. numbers in the ndia are) 1. &ong'billed vulture B,yps indicus), also $nown as the ndian vulture BFF,000C 2. -hite'backed vulture B,yps africanus) B11,000C ;. +lender'billed vulture B,y!s tenuirostrisC B1,000C No resolution achieved during Antarctic Ocean sanctuary talks at CCAMLR November 4, 2012 No comments No resolution could be reached during the tal$s at the ,ommission for the ,onser6ation of Antarctic Marine /i6ing Resources -,,AM/R., at &obart inAustra ia! .he commission is made u! of 2F countries and the "uro!ean 6nion.
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