CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E903 social support family, immigration, health, RECOGNIZING ETHAN STOCKDALE PERSONAL EXPLANATION housing, legal, emergency shelter, child care, FOR ACHIEVING THE RANK OF education, employment, cultural, citizenship EAGLE SCOUT and youth services. She also said that, this HON. NANCY L. JOHNSON gathering of the finest women and men in OF CONNECTICUT our community allows us the opportunity to HON. SAM GRAVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES recognize the outstanding services and ac- Friday, May 19, 2006 complishments of outstanding members of OF MISSOURI Mrs. JOHNSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speak- our community. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES They deserve our best wishes and con- er, on rollcall No. 172 I was unavoidably de- gratulations. In addition to Dr. Mason, other Friday, May 19, 2006 tained. Had I been present, I would have awardees include: Club El Pacifico, Inc., Ms. voted ‘‘aye.’’ Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause Petrona Pet Honeywell, Ms. Gloria A. Spen- f cer Morgan, The Rev. Frank Elcock and Mr. to recognize Ethan Stockdale, a very special William Ben Townsend. young man who has exemplified the finest PAYING TRIBUTE TO JAMES f qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- KELLY ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- IN RECOGNITION OF THE 45TH AN- ica, Troop 98, and in earning the most pres- HON. JON C. PORTER NIVERSARY OF THE PEACE tigious award of Eagle Scout. OF NEVADA CORPS Ethan has been very active with his troop, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES participating in many scout activities. Over the Friday, May 19, 2006 HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ many years Ethan has been involved with OF CALIFORNIA scouting, he has not only earned numerous Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- honor the life of James Kelly, who died Satur- ily, peers, and community. day, May 12, 2006. Friday, May 19, 2006 James served the city of North Las Vegas Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. Mr. Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in for decades in a number of different capac- Speaker, I rise today to extend my sincere commending Ethan Stockdale for his accom- ities. He was a Justice of the Peace for 24 congratulations to the men and women of the plishments with the Boy Scouts of America years, a former city council member, past Peace Corps, which celebrates its 45th Anni- and for his efforts put forth in achieving the President of the North Las Vegas Chamber of versary this year. highest distinction of Eagle Scout. Commerce, and a past President of the Ne- Since its creation in 1961, over 180,000 vada Judges Association. James lived in North men and women—including several of our col- f Las Vegas since 1959 and was very commu- leagues in Congress—have served in the TRIBUTE TO RON ZIMMERMAN nity-minded. He quietly led a life of public Peace Corps. service. These Peace Corps Volunteers have made Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor the life of a difference in a very concrete and personal HON. MIKE PENCE James Kelly. His long and distinguished way. Over the last 45 years, these dedicated OF INDIANA record of public service is admirable and volunteers—through their talent, hard work, should serve as an example to us all. He will and dedication—have shown people in 138 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be greatly missed by the city of North Las countries the very best face of America. Friday, May 19, 2006 Vegas. From agriculture to business development to f HIV/AIDS prevention, the Peace Corps is a Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to vital, vibrant organization that promotes mutual pay tribute to the life of Ron Zimmerman of RECOGNIZING CHARLES K. LIGHT trust, cooperation, and understanding between Connersville, Indiana. He died this week in Af- II FOR ACHIEVING THE RANK OF Americans and the countries in which they ghanistan when a suicide bomber hit his vehi- EAGLE SCOUT serve. cle while he was working as contractor on a And course, I can’t stand up here and talk U.S. State Department police training project. HON. SAM GRAVES about the Peace Corps without noting that the Ron was working in Herat, Afghanistan, OF MISSOURI Director of the Peace Corps, Mr. Gaddi near the border with Iran and Turkmenistan. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Vasquez, is a long-time resident of Orange Among other things, he was training local po- Friday, May 19, 2006 lice forces in methods of combating the illicit County, California. I want to express my Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause drug trade of opium poppies. He was in a con- thanks to him and to all Peace Corps partici- to recognize Charles K. Light II, a very special voy going to work to continue these training pants, for their hard work, their sacrifice, and young man who has exemplified the finest efforts when the vehicle he was traveling in their spirit. qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- was attacked by a suicide car bomber. He had f ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- been in Afghanistan since early April of this ica, Troop 397, and in earning the most pres- PAYING TRIBUTE TO CORPORAL year. SHAWN T. LASSWELL, JR. tigious award of Eagle Scout. Ron graduated from Connersville High Charles has been very active with his troop, School. Before going overseas, Ron served in participating in many scout activities. Over the HON. JON C. PORTER the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department, vol- many years Charles has been involved with OF NEVADA unteered as a local firefighter, and most re- scouting, he has not only earned numerous IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cently worked as a police officer in Brookville, merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- Friday, May 19, 2006 Indiana. He left the police force in December ily, peers, and community. Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to 2004 to become a contractor. Prior to going to Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in honor Corporal Shawn T. Lasswell Jr. who Afghanistan, he had worked for 1 year as a commending Charles K. Light II for his accom- died on April 23, 2006 while in support of Op- contractor training police forces in Kosovo. plishments with the Boy Scouts of America eration Iraqi Freedom and defending America. Ron’s courage and selfless dedication to and for his efforts put forth in achieving the Corporal Lasswell, who was assigned to C others are shown through his willingness to highest distinction of Eagle Scout. Troop, 7th Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, travel to dangerous areas of the world in an f effort to help those areas become safer and 4th Infantry Division, died in Taji, Iraq when an STRONG WOMEN STAND TALL improvised explosive device detonated near more secure. His wife Marla stated, ‘‘He was his military vehicle. Lasswell, who grew up in the type of person that felt like he had to do HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO Alton, Illinois was laid to rest in Arlington Na- what he had to do. He was a very giving per- OF WEST VIRGINIA tional Cemetery. son.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor the life of I offer my deepest condolences to his wife, Corporal Shawn T. Lasswell Jr. Corporal Marla; his two daughters, Mel Walker and Friday, May 19, 2006 Lasswell made the ultimate sacrifice for his Cheyenne Zimmerman, his son, Matt Walker, Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, the week of country while fighting the War on Terror and and all other family and friends who loved and May 14 thru 20, 2006 is designated by the De- defending democracy and freedom. admired this fine man. partment of Health and Human Services as VerDate Mar 15 2010 17:18 Jun 23, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\ERIC\E19MY6.REC E19MY6 gechino on DSK3YST671PROD with REMARKS E904 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2006 National Women’s Health Week, an effort to And they are using the media—which our We cannot have this debate at the expense raise awareness about women can take to im- Constitution protects—to do so. of the safety of immigrants in our commu- prove their health. Several years ago, I founded the Congres- nities. One disease that disproportionately affects sional Sex and Violence in the Media Caucus I understand that not everyone in Congress women is osteoporosis. Often called a ‘‘silent because I was disturbed by the messages our agrees with a more inclusive vision of the disease’’ because bone loss occurs without children were receiving. American family. symptoms, bones become fragile and are As co-chair of this caucus, I have led the ef- But regardless of your position on immigra- more likely to break with age. fort to help parents protect their kids from tion and border policy, I call on you to join me Osteoporosis is a major public health threat harmful and inappropriate content such as in condemning all the extremists who are hi- for millions of Americans. Ten million individ- graphic sex and violence. jacking this debate for their hateful agendas. uals are estimated to already have the dis- Now we must be on the lookout for racist f ease and almost 34 million are at risk of de- content in the media. veloping osteoporosis. Eighty percent of those On March 29, 2006, a New Jersey radio talk PAYING TRIBUTE TO FIRST affected by osteoporosis are women.
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