.......... THE TUFTS DAILYVol XXVI, Number 34 Where You Read It First Monday, March 15,1993 SPRING BREAK A WAITS!! Storm of the century closes down campus by CHRISTI BEEBE to collatetheir information.Build- Daily Editorial Board ings and Grounds said that they As hurricane-strength winds, hadnot had time to fully assess the blinding snow, and showers ofhail damage the storm had done, and pelted the campus beginning in the police department would not comment on the existenceof storm- News Commentary related accidents. Chaudri Iqbal, a Buildings and the mid-hours of Saturday after- Grounds employee, said that most noon and continuing late into the employees in the department had night, many students elected to been called Saturday night and remain inside,waiting forthe worst told to arrive for workat 7 a.m. to of the storm to hit, as weather begin clearing the walkways and forecasters had promised. roads around campus. Students Though Massachusetts never were also on hand, he said, receiv- saw the mammoth culmination to ing $8 per hour to shovel snow. the storm that had been predicted Iqbal lamented that the ice had for yesterday afternoon, most ar- made it difficult to clear surfaces, eas in the Bay state received at saying that shoveling in the cold least 13 inches of snow and wind weather was laborious “because gusts reached as high as 8 1 miles it’s all frozen.” per hour near the shore. While While the “storm of the cen- Tufts retained full electric power Daily file photo tury” immobilized the entire east- throughout the storm, over 3,600 ern seaboard, forcing airports and One week, baby!! Then you can leave behind your earmuffs, and say goodbye to wind, snow and ice electric customers in Southern businesses to close, causing the Massachusetts and Cape Cod re- evacuations of many who lived mained without power yesterday. near coastal areas, and dumping Anti-Semitic vandalism appears Governor William Weld yester- snow as far south as northern day reported no deaths in Massa- Florida, Tufts students also found chusetts resulting from the storm, their weekend activities restricted in Haskell for the second time though the national count totaled as the campus shut down in prepa- at least 15. ration for the storm. by CAROLINE SCHAEFER suite. It really ruined my day,” dential Life also held a discussion John Fisher, the director of By Saturday afternoon, the Daily Editorial Board said Tuchman, who was the first to for Haskell’s residents addressing Tufts Emergency Medical Ser- storm hadcaused both the Wessell Several residents living in discover the graffiti at approxi- the question “What does a swas- vices, said that TEMS stepped up and Lu&in libraries to close, as Haskell Hall awoke Friday morn- mately 6 a.m. tika mean to you?’. The dialogue its staff in anticipation ofthe storm, well as the shutdowns of the ing to find the second appearance This is the second incidence of was led by Baker, Assistant Direc- beginning preparations Friday. JumboNet computer system, the of anti-Semitic graffiti scrawled anti-Semiticvandalism in Haskell tor of Tufts Hillel Rabbi Sharon “Instead of two people, we had Campus Center, Hotung Cafe, on the mirrbr of a men’s bath- this year. In the middle of last Cohen, and Heather Wishik, di- five [on patrol],” Fisher said, add- Jumbo Scoops and After Hours. room, according third floor resi- semester, residents of an all-fe- rector of Tufts Gay, Lesbian and ing that two people were assigned While the Campus Center, Hotung dents of the dormitory. male suite on the third floor found Bisexual Resource Center. The the explicit duty of uphill patrol, Cafe, Jumbo Scoops, and After Resident Sascha Tuchman their doors vandalized by swasti- meeting, which was optional for and two downhill. “Only one in- Hours reopened at their normal A’96 said that the anti-Semitic kas and sexist and anti-Semitic all residents, drew approximately jury was reported to TEMS,” he opening times Sunday morning, message waswrittenwitha“s1ime- messages such as “Jew bitch,” 25 students, Reitman said. said, “and it was storm-related.” the libraries remained closed until type substance” on the mirror of according to Associate Dean of The responseto last weekend’s Although the Tufts police were Sundayafternoon. Hazardous driv- the men’s suite bathroom. He Students Bruce Reitman. vandalism is more serious, how- patrolling the streets and Build- ing conditions and the possibility added that while there had been Inresponse to the first incident, ever. Baker posted fluorescent ings and Grounds employees of power outages also contributed other damage done to the suite, the Area Director of Downhill Resi- yellow fliers around Haskell on worked to remove the snow and to the cancellation of many previ- only discriminatory message was dential Life Amy Baker sent a Sunday, announcing a mandatory ice, neither the police department ously scheduled activities. found in the bathroom. letter to all of the residents of meeting which all of the dormi- nor Buildings and Grounds would Film Series did not show Bob “There was Vaseline-like slime Haskell notifying them of the oc- comment on their efforts over the on my door and on the door to the currence of the vandalism. Resi- see GRAFITT1, page weekend, both citing lack of time see STORM, page 9 Shuttle to run Friday Faculty discuss President’s plan - A by JOHN WAGLEY said Rosenblum, adding that “the by STEPHEN ARBUTHNOT encourage capital formation and Economics Lecturer Rajaram Daily Editorial Board investment, to stimulate growth, Daily Editorial Board buses will come with two driv- Krishnan said, “The middle class To facilitate travel from Tufts ers.” Now that republicans and and to reduce the budget deficit.” in this country is doing wonder- He cited as a top priority the to Logan Airport,the Spring Break “I spoke to the Voce11 bus com- democrats, political pundits and fully well,” though he conceded it Shuttle will be carrying students pany and I tentatively reserved ordinary citizens have had time to need to repair the nation’s infra- may be worse off than it was ten to the airport Friday. The project, two full school buses for Friday. give their opinions on President structure. But he said he felt the years ago. initiated by Tufts Community We’re generally going to run the Clinton’s economic plan, profes- emphasis should be on “repairing He added, “There is a notion Union Senator Scott Rosenblum, buses from the Campus Center sors here at Tufts have also begun and modernizing bridges, roads we have to pamper the middle is the spring version of last fall’s every hour on the hour ...the bus to express their views on the latest and transit systems,” rather than class so that every bill doesn’t go Turkey Shuttle. company suggested to me 30 to 35 developments from Washington. the high technology proposals so up.” Referringto the general resis- “The Turkey Shuttle was atrial students per bus with luggage,” While most of the interviewed often heard during the presidential tance to the proposed broad-based run and we learned a little from Rosenblum said. faculty avoided commenting on campaign. energy tax, Krishnan citedthe fact “His attention to the infrastruc- that to hopefully make the Spring Though organizers have set no the specifics of the Clinton plan, that a gallon of gasoline costs less Break Shuttle more useful to stu- price for the Shuttle, Rosenblum they all had views on the political ture is appropriate if it doesn’t get than a gallon of milk. aspects of the proposals. diverted to low productivity infra- dents,” Rosenblum said. “The hopes that students will donate Krishnan said, “If you look at minor problems that we did expe- money to a specific charity in lieu “His stimulus package is too structure,” added Fortune. white middle class America in rience involved reservations and of the bus fare. small to have a major impact eco- Citing high college loan de- filling up the buses ...Othemise, “All passengers on the Shuttle nomically, but psychologically it fault rates, Fortune said the “na- see CLINTON, page 8 the Turkey Shuttle went great, but will be asked to donate a dollar, plays an important role,” said Po- tional service program has poten- there was a lot of panicking be- and I’m strongly in support 01 litical ScienceLecturer John Jenke. tially constructive benefits, but it forehand.” giving the money to a local char- Jenke continued, “His attempts is unfortunate that access is after Inside As Rosenblum oversaw the ity,” Rosenblum said. to invest in education are laudable, college.” He suggested that if na- tional service were done before Features ......................... P. 3 undertaking, he received advice Students can reserve specific but again you aren’t going to see The Architecturd Society has made from Senator Matt Stein, chair of times for their departure through improvements for years.” entering college, it would be more a comeback, and the Ex College opens the Special Projects Committee. the Senate office between 9 a.m. Clinton has proposed a $3 1bil- of an investment by the partici- up the classroom. Stein, who drove a van during the and5p.m. MondaythroughThus lion stimulus package, consisting pants. Turkey Shuttle, said it “went day. According to Rosenblum of half new spending and half tax Continuing to comment on A& E ............................. P.5 phenomenally.. .no problems with once students begin to make reser. incentives. He has also proposed Clinton’s educational proposals, Ethan Frome tries to make the jump logistics,traffic, luggage, or sched- vations, “that’s when [we’ll] de- increased spending in Head Start Fortune said Clinton’s “concern From printto film, andanew bookhelps de.” Originally, it was planned cide when the buses will begin to as well as a college loan program on education is appropriate, but it us out with those nasty beer bottles.
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