Precinct Report

Precinct Report

Precinct Report — Unofficial Knox County, Tennessee — Presidential and State General Election — November 04, 2008 Page 1 of 188 11/05/2008 10:43 PM Total Number of Voters : 188,910 of 0 = 0.00% Precincts Reporting 94 of 94 = 100.00% Party Candidate Absentee Early Election Total Precinct 06 (Ballots Cast: 1,080) PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Vote For 1 Electors for BARACK OBAMA for President and 21 67.74% 492 74.66% 274 72.30% 787 73.62% JOE BIDEN for Vice President Electors for JOHN McCAIN for President and 10 32.26% 161 24.43% 92 24.27% 263 24.60% SARAH PALIN for Vice President Electors for CHUCK BALDWIN for President 0 0.00% 1 0.15% 1 0.26% 2 0.19% and DARRELL CASTLE for Vice President Electors for BOB BARR for President and 0 0.00% 3 0.46% 4 1.06% 7 0.65% WAYNE ROOT for Vice President Electors for CHARLES JAY for President and 0 0.00% 2 0.30% 1 0.26% 3 0.28% THOMAS L. KNAPP for Vice President Electors for CYNTHIA McKINNEY for President 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 3 0.79% 3 0.28% and ROSA CLEMENTE for Vice President Electors for BRIAN MOORE for President and 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.26% 1 0.09% STEWART ALEXANDER for Vice President Electors for RALPH NADER for President and 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 3 0.79% 3 0.28% MATT GONZALEZ for Vice President Cast Votes: 31 100.00% 659 99.40% 379 98.19% 1,069 98.98% UNITED STATES SENATE, Vote For 1 Robert D. Tuke 15 57.69% 346 56.08% 186 55.86% 547 56.05% Lamar Alexander 11 42.31% 249 40.36% 129 38.74% 389 39.86% Edward L. Buck 0 0.00% 7 1.13% 5 1.50% 12 1.23% Christopher G. Fenner 0 0.00% 1 0.16% 1 0.30% 2 0.20% David Gatchell 0 0.00% 3 0.49% 3 0.90% 6 0.61% Ed Lawhorn 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Daniel Towers Lewis 0 0.00% 1 0.16% 6 1.80% 7 0.72% Chris Lugo 0 0.00% 10 1.62% 3 0.90% 13 1.33% Cast Votes: 26 83.87% 617 93.06% 333 86.27% 976 90.37% UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2ND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT, Vote For 1 Bob Scott 14 50.00% 327 53.96% 186 56.53% 527 54.72% John J. Duncan, Jr. 14 50.00% 279 46.04% 143 43.47% 436 45.28% Cast Votes: 28 90.32% 606 91.40% 329 85.23% 963 89.17% TENNESSEE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 15TH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT, Vote For 1 Joe Armstrong 17 65.38% 454 75.42% 246 75.00% 717 75.00% Rachel L. Ray 9 34.62% 148 24.58% 82 25.00% 239 25.00% Cast Votes: 26 83.87% 602 90.80% 328 84.97% 956 88.52% COUNTY CHARTER AMENDMENT QUESTION 1, Vote For 1 FOR 19 79.17% 400 78.43% 194 63.82% 613 73.15% AGAINST 5 20.83% 110 21.57% 110 36.18% 225 26.85% Cast Votes: 24 77.42% 510 76.92% 304 78.76% 838 77.59% COUNTY CHARTER AMENDMENT QUESTION 2, Vote For 1 FOR 17 70.83% 382 74.46% 189 62.17% 588 69.92% AGAINST 7 29.17% 131 25.54% 115 37.83% 253 30.08% Cast Votes: 24 77.42% 513 77.38% 304 78.76% 841 77.87% Precinct Report — Unofficial Knox County, Tennessee — Presidential and State General Election — November 04, 2008 Page 2 of 188 11/05/2008 10:43 PM Total Number of Voters : 188,910 of 0 = 0.00% Precincts Reporting 94 of 94 = 100.00% Party Candidate Absentee Early Election Total Precinct 06 (Ballots Cast: 1,080) COUNTY CHARTER AMENDMENT QUESTION 3, Vote For 1 FOR 16 76.19% 340 63.91% 166 53.04% 522 60.28% AGAINST 5 23.81% 192 36.09% 147 46.96% 344 39.72% Cast Votes: 21 67.74% 532 80.24% 313 81.09% 866 80.19% COUNTY CHARTER AMENDMENT QUESTION 4, Vote For 1 FOR 7 33.33% 237 43.89% 128 40.76% 372 42.51% AGAINST 14 66.67% 303 56.11% 186 59.24% 503 57.49% Cast Votes: 21 67.74% 540 81.45% 314 81.35% 875 81.02% CRIMINAL AND FOURTH CIRCUIT COURT CLERK, Vote For 1 Kathy Bryant 19 67.86% 422 73.52% 230 73.48% 671 73.33% Joy Rader McCroskey 9 32.14% 152 26.48% 83 26.52% 244 26.67% Cast Votes: 28 90.32% 574 86.58% 313 81.09% 915 84.72% Precinct Report — Unofficial Knox County, Tennessee — Presidential and State General Election — November 04, 2008 Page 3 of 188 11/05/2008 10:43 PM Total Number of Voters : 188,910 of 0 = 0.00% Precincts Reporting 94 of 94 = 100.00% Party Candidate Absentee Early Election Total Precinct 09 (Ballots Cast: 603) PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Vote For 1 Electors for BARACK OBAMA for President and 16 94.12% 268 90.24% 246 88.49% 530 89.53% JOE BIDEN for Vice President Electors for JOHN McCAIN for President and 1 5.88% 23 7.74% 28 10.07% 52 8.78% SARAH PALIN for Vice President Electors for CHUCK BALDWIN for President 0 0.00% 1 0.34% 0 0.00% 1 0.17% and DARRELL CASTLE for Vice President Electors for BOB BARR for President and 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% WAYNE ROOT for Vice President Electors for CHARLES JAY for President and 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% THOMAS L. KNAPP for Vice President Electors for CYNTHIA McKINNEY for President 0 0.00% 2 0.67% 1 0.36% 3 0.51% and ROSA CLEMENTE for Vice President Electors for BRIAN MOORE for President and 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% STEWART ALEXANDER for Vice President Electors for RALPH NADER for President and 0 0.00% 3 1.01% 3 1.08% 6 1.01% MATT GONZALEZ for Vice President Cast Votes: 17 100.00% 297 98.02% 278 98.23% 592 98.18% UNITED STATES SENATE, Vote For 1 Robert D. Tuke 11 84.62% 157 65.42% 148 61.41% 316 63.97% Lamar Alexander 2 15.38% 75 31.25% 80 33.20% 157 31.78% Edward L. Buck 0 0.00% 3 1.25% 7 2.90% 10 2.02% Christopher G. Fenner 0 0.00% 1 0.42% 2 0.83% 3 0.61% David Gatchell 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.41% 1 0.20% Ed Lawhorn 0 0.00% 2 0.83% 0 0.00% 2 0.40% Daniel Towers Lewis 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 0.83% 2 0.40% Chris Lugo 0 0.00% 2 0.83% 1 0.41% 3 0.61% Cast Votes: 13 76.47% 240 79.21% 241 85.16% 494 81.92% UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2ND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT, Vote For 1 Bob Scott 5 50.00% 162 64.80% 144 59.50% 311 61.95% John J. Duncan, Jr. 5 50.00% 88 35.20% 98 40.50% 191 38.05% Cast Votes: 10 58.82% 250 82.51% 242 85.51% 502 83.25% TENNESSEE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 15TH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT, Vote For 1 Joe Armstrong 11 91.67% 238 91.19% 219 88.66% 468 90.00% Rachel L. Ray 1 8.33% 23 8.81% 28 11.34% 52 10.00% Cast Votes: 12 70.59% 261 86.14% 247 87.28% 520 86.24% COUNTY CHARTER AMENDMENT QUESTION 1, Vote For 1 FOR 6 54.55% 128 61.54% 128 59.53% 262 60.37% AGAINST 5 45.45% 80 38.46% 87 40.47% 172 39.63% Cast Votes: 11 64.71% 208 68.65% 215 75.97% 434 71.97% COUNTY CHARTER AMENDMENT QUESTION 2, Vote For 1 FOR 9 81.82% 118 57.28% 125 59.24% 252 58.88% AGAINST 2 18.18% 88 42.72% 86 40.76% 176 41.12% Cast Votes: 11 64.71% 206 67.99% 211 74.56% 428 70.98% Precinct Report — Unofficial Knox County, Tennessee — Presidential and State General Election — November 04, 2008 Page 4 of 188 11/05/2008 10:43 PM Total Number of Voters : 188,910 of 0 = 0.00% Precincts Reporting 94 of 94 = 100.00% Party Candidate Absentee Early Election Total Precinct 09 (Ballots Cast: 603) COUNTY CHARTER AMENDMENT QUESTION 3, Vote For 1 FOR 5 55.56% 98 45.16% 117 52.70% 220 49.11% AGAINST 4 44.44% 119 54.84% 105 47.30% 228 50.89% Cast Votes: 9 52.94% 217 71.62% 222 78.45% 448 74.30% COUNTY CHARTER AMENDMENT QUESTION 4, Vote For 1 FOR 4 40.00% 57 25.91% 72 32.58% 133 29.49% AGAINST 6 60.00% 163 74.09% 149 67.42% 318 70.51% Cast Votes: 10 58.82% 220 72.61% 221 78.09% 451 74.79% CRIMINAL AND FOURTH CIRCUIT COURT CLERK, Vote For 1 Kathy Bryant 13 100.00% 202 87.07% 210 87.50% 425 87.63% Joy Rader McCroskey 0 0.00% 30 12.93% 30 12.50% 60 12.37% Cast Votes: 13 76.47% 232 76.57% 240 84.81% 485 80.43% Precinct Report — Unofficial Knox County, Tennessee — Presidential and State General Election — November 04, 2008 Page 5 of 188 11/05/2008 10:43 PM Total Number of Voters : 188,910 of 0 = 0.00% Precincts Reporting 94 of 94 = 100.00% Party Candidate Absentee Early Election Total Precinct 10N (Ballots Cast: 2,086) PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Vote For 1 Electors for BARACK OBAMA for President and 62 67.39% 832 69.45% 402 51.87% 1,296 62.76% JOE BIDEN for Vice President Electors for JOHN McCAIN for President and 30 32.61% 342 28.55% 348 44.90% 720 34.87% SARAH PALIN for Vice President Electors for CHUCK BALDWIN for President 0 0.00% 2 0.17% 4 0.52% 6 0.29% and DARRELL CASTLE for Vice President Electors for BOB BARR for President and 0 0.00% 7 0.58% 9 1.16% 16 0.77% WAYNE ROOT for Vice President Electors for CHARLES JAY for President and 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% THOMAS L.

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