Smoke Signals Vol. XXV, No. 2 Sequoia High School Alumni Association Winter 2011 including the alumni of San Carlos High School 5th Annual Picnic – Another Big Success ATTENTION REUNION COMMITTEES & ALUMNI AT LARGE! Mark your Calendars for the 6th (August 18, 2012) and 7th (August 17, 2013) Annual Picnics e are pleased to announce that this year’s an- it). The Golden Grads in attendance (class of 1961) nual picnic was another big success as approx- were recognized. 50-year commemorative pins were W imately 400 guests enjoyed a delicious barbe- available to honor their milestone year. cue lunch on a picture-perfect morning and afternoon Sequoia notables in attendance were former math on our beautiful campus. While the temperature was teacher, Robert Kirchgatter (1957–1986); former mild this year, canopies covering several tables in di- football coach and member of the Sports Hall of Fame rect sunlight ensured all-around comfort. as a coach, Joe Marvin (1955–1964); and former Handcrafted purple and white table decorations math teachers John Kreutzman and John Brey. adorned the tables. A varied menu catered by former A big thank you goes out to the committee that Sequoian, Jeremy Sowers, of Emergency Barbecue put this wonderful event together. Committee mem- and Catering of San Carlos, included tri-tip, chicken bers were Rosemary Alvarez, Pat Bernard, John and pulled pork with salads, sides and desert, pro- Castro, Jack Conklin, Rosemary Fischer, Carolyn viding guests with a choice of everything offered or Livengood, Sally Newman, Nancy Oliver, Elena only what they preferred. As we learn and make cor- Reynick, Julie Salas, Marian Wydo and committee rections each year such as providing the canopies to chairman Ken Rolandelli. protect guests from the sun, the serving of food was We ask that classes planning reunions and class- also streamlined, mate get-togethers to please consider incorporating Alumni Association founder, Dr. Jeff Filippi, did your event into this one. All the work is done for you. an outstanding job as Master of Ceremonies. Annu- All you need to do is to buy tickets and attend. Equal- al favorite, the Sequoia High School cheerleaders, ly as important is that you would be supporting the dazzled and engaged the crowd with their rousing Alumni Association by contributing to this vital fund- cheers. Instructional Vice Principal, Lisa Gleaton, raising event so we may continue to communicate greeted the guests and expressed appreciation for with you and continue to benefit Sequoia High School alumni interest and support. She then conducted an with grants, scholarships and support of various high extensive tour of the campus in the morning, as did school programs, projects and activities. San Carlos grad and recently retired Sequoia Union This is an opportunity to reconnect with your high High School District employee, Larry Trice, in the af- school. It is also a coming-together of the Sequoia ternoon. community as witnessed by those participating. There The Alumni Association honored three very special are alumni, the Sequoia Boosters, the Sequoia Foun- individuals as this year’s Purple Patriot Award winners, dation, The PTSA (Parents, Teachers, Students, As- Dr. Terri Bittner, math department volunteer; Rich sociation), Sequoia District and Sequoia High School Eva, alumni volunteer; and the International Broth- administrators and teachers on hand for this event. erhood of Electrical Workers, Local 617, donor The annual theme of the picnic is “Celebrate Se- of the Bob Andersen Baseball Field scoreboard, for quoia! Remember the past, look to the future”, our their outstanding service providing significant benefit intent being to honor and perpetuate Sequoia’s rich to Sequoia High School. (Note: please see detailed ar- and proud heritage while at the same time supporting ticle elsewhere in this newsletter regarding the Purple Sequoia today and into the future. Patriot Award and what our honorees did to deserve We hope to see you at next year’s picnic. Page 2 Smoke Signals Winter 2011 President’s Message BOB ANDERSEN FIELD FUND CONCLUSION AND OUTCOME PLUS INSPIRATION GROVE GROUNDBREAKING – DECEMBER 5, 2011 • RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY – MARCH 20, 2012 THANK YOU ED NORDNESS, BILL ROYER, IRWIN HAYDOCK, DEE AND RICH EVA The yearlong Bob Andersen Field fund drive has any teacher, coach, mentor, family member or friend, reached its conclusion. There is some residual income could also be honored for their inspiration and lasting and expenses trickling in so a final accounting will be re- influence on the donor’s life. ported in the next edition of Smoke Signals. I am happy Inspiration Grove is an ongoing project so commem- to report that gross proceeds to date are $32,040 and orating Bob Andersen or anyone else with a brick, tree expenses to date are $5,037.62. Net proceeds to date or bench can still be done (please see article elsewhere are therefore $27,002.38. Not included in these figures in this publication). The only difference is that net pro- is the donation by the I. B. E. W. (International Brother- ceeds will now be used for a broader purpose, primar- hood of Electrical Workers) Local 617 of the new base- ily, if not solely, in support of Sequoia High School stu- ball scoreboard denoting Bob Andersen Field valued at dents and teachers. $8,000 and the scoreboard installation in the amount The groundbreaking for Inspiration Grove will of $3,060. So taking the scoreboard and scoreboard take place on Monday, December 5 at 3:00 PM. installation into consideration, the fundraising drive has Anyone who is interested in attending is welcome to grossed a total value to date of $40,040 with expenses do so including District Administration, Sequoia High to date totaling $8,097.62. Net proceeds in dollars re- School staff and students, alumni, members of the main $27,002.38. community, and in particular, Bob Andersen’s family The baseball field was officially named and dedi- and those closely associated with Bob. The same holds cated, “Bob Andersen Field” on August 21, 2010 at true for the ribbon cutting ceremony being held the Alumni Association’s fourth annual picnic. Bob on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 3:00 PM. The rib- Andersen is a member of the Sequoia Sports Hall of bon cutting ceremony will precede the Sequoia varsity Fame, both as an athlete, graduating in 1941, and as baseball game against South San Francisco at 4:00 a coach. He is also a member of the San Jose State PM. I have every confidence that Bob will be looking and San Mateo County Sports Hall of Fame. He was down and rooting for his beloved Sequoia Cherokees. one of the most versatile coaches in Sequoia history I would be terribly remiss in not thanking and recog- with tenure at Sequoia between 1950 and 1980. His nizing some very special people who made the naming first love was baseball, coaching that sport from 1951 of Bob Andersen Field possible. The project to have the through 1964, posting a number of league champion- baseball field named after Bob Andersen began over ships. Sadly, as reported in the last edition of Smoke five years ago under the direction of the Alumni Asso- Signals, Bob passed in March of 2010. ciation Athletic Review Committee chair, Ed Nordness The aforementioned fund drive accompanied the (class of 1951). A subcommittee headed by Bill Royer field naming project with the net proceeds slated to (class of 1938) carried the ball and worked tirelessly benefit athletics at Sequoia by helping economically to have the field named. The project stalled as a re- disadvantaged Sequoia athletes, providing uniforms sult of a new policy adopted by the Sequoia Union High and attendance at sport camps for years to come. This School District regarding the naming of facilities as well seemed most appropriate, considering Bob’s heart for as other roadblocks, so we had resigned ourselves to kids. just having a plaque in Bob’s honor. There were two avenues for making contributions. Then, just over two years ago, along came Dr. Irwin One was to make an outright donation. The other was Haydock (class of 1956). It was Irwin’s perseverance to purchase a brick with an inscription, a tree with a that pushed it over the line to get the baseball field plaque or an engraved stone bench for placement in named, Bob Andersen Field. A prevailing factor was the the newly named “Inspiration Grove”, a stand of Red- interpretation that a field was not a facility. Compelling, woods outside the Business wing of Sequoia and in however, was Irwin’s passion for wanting to recognize close proximity to the baseball field. In addition to Bob a man who had such a positive influence on his life and Andersen being honored, should a donor so choose, Continued on next page Winter 2011 Smoke Signals Page 3 President’s Message LIBRARY NEWS.... Continued from previous page Sequoia Authors the life of so very many others and his ability to vocalize “Foothill Town,” by Violet Palmer (former English his passion. Bob Andersen’s impact on the lives of his teacher). Miss Palmer was a teacher at Sequoia in the students went far beyond coaching. Sadly, as we lost 1940s, 50s, and 60s who died in 1983. One of her Bob Andersen this past year, we lost Irwin Haydock as heirs was a former student, Barbara Bikle-Wolf, who well. Irwin knew his time was short and he wanted to now lives in Florida. get this done. Shortly before he died he sent an inquiry Barbara suggested that reading the introduction, regarding the dedication of Inspiration Grove. He cer- which she wrote, explains the book.
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