F lig hI t ; gam e e r e s t i n g ___________ __ _______ ' A T w iIn n F alls teen aia:S(]iiad : V a c c o u n t s ■kclears'tiith'ehutdle j s u p ; ; r m o r e m o n e y , o f s o l o0 flightI ^ 3 1 7 I g - n. f M - ~ reconfusion— -E l -------------- 3 S / ~ “ZZ-—/ / ^ N T w i n F a l l s ,, I d a h o 5Sunday,Sl Decemb 7 7 t h y e a r , N o . 3 ^ Wtber12,1982 50^ ^ en d4n siig h t ^ O f th1 e llam<e du<teks By IR A R. ALLEN JOUJouming. It must pass a “conttintlnulng rcsolu* be flllbiIbustered by senators fifrom gas- W hen Conik)ngres3 retu rn s Monday, thele Senate talning the fundsnds would be bounccd to a Joint UnUed Press Internationalnal tiorIon" lo provide the Interimrim funding for producinIn g states. will vote on 1limiting the filibuster agailainst the __confprence comn>mmlttee.-There Is-no indication govgovernment agencies thal wouldwo expire at EachI ofo t h o ^ o r a ny o ther billIwassubiccl w. gasoline:ax tax and the House will beginL vwork on House members,jrs. who voted to kill the MX. will . WASHINGTON-Thee MMX m issile, a filibus- micnldnighlDec. 17 without action.Ion. not onlyy to a filibuster in the Sen;tenale bul to thecontlnulnlulng resolution. change their mintnlnds. field both houses will face is. a ter against President HerEleagan’s gasoline lax With^ one week left and a1 possiblep( Senate extraneoijous “Christmas tree” amamendments The defem’ense apptc^rlalions bill wllhh Ith e MX One m ine flelc prlalions Committee rccommen- hike and “Christmas treitre e ” am endm ents lo lllbuster against the hlgh-prlipriority gasoline that woi'ould give stocking-stufferse rs to such funds, whiclilich Is the third of the three‘ ’ "must" House Appropria e congressional salaries from the m u st'p a ss spending legisli[islalion could keep the )IU lo be followed by Senate debdebate on the MX special. Interest groups as sto<stockholders, bills on BakJaker’s list,' was in limbo. A B aker «latlon lo raise co; }.662 to as much os $77,000 and lame-duclc Congress at woiwork intothe holidays, nisslle, there was little timetje Ileft-for either doctors,1, beer distributors, the shshipping In- aide saidI itit was likely to come upIP In th e 4-year-old 560.6(2 s lo th e sam e $18,000 a y e a r In . The question congress:cssional lead ers pon* louse lo consider the continuingjlng resolution by duslryarand th e National Football LetLeague. coming weeveek, bul It had not been cdecide l^niil senators lo tax o r to speaking feess aias for House members. The h<Hirlg}nal-deadllne:------------------------------------------- Bakcriirproposedextendinglhrtea back atter this comingng wieck and. If the • in between filibusters. ~ — nmifforsenatorahnTwas^iftediMl-year^——^ -------------1 - leg islativ e logjam contlnu<inues, w hich Item s will Reagan proposed the S-cent-a-l-a-gallon gas tax govemmment shutdown to pec. 2 Also pendingig bbefore the House Is a resolu- die on the vine. ncrease lo pay for renovationsins <of th e n e o n ’s Congresss s lim e lo adopt w hat willI certainlycc be Senate A ppropriations Comimmlltee tlon to die Envirnvlronmental Protection Agency 1 M ark Hatfield, R-Ore., an op After a week of Ihre^ireatening colleagues, ^^8*lighways and mass -transitIt isystemST The a longerr andi controversial fundingg resolution.r Chairman M opponent Director Anne[)e Gorsuch with contempt of ' Senate Republican {eaderIer Howard Baker said rogram would create more thath an 300.000 Jobs. e Speaker T hom as O ’NeilJ,II, ishocked at ^ X, said he thought the conim llnuing Congress lor relvrefusing submit documents on p a m s l o 800.(TO I, normally the last action for the first time FridaIday there was. lltUe >emocrals are pushing progra ^ estio n , responded by prop<ODOslnB Con- resol“ Hon. r n before toxic waste cleaneanups. to bs bul face the icnt, would t)e com pleted befc chance the 97th Congresjress could leave next dditional public works Jobs idopl a Jan. l funding dcadlliS C quU on 3'* ““ ™“ " ' Jfore the The House also3Jso will continue debate on a bill rcspcct of a Reagan veto. ill. Dec. 17 as planned whenlen Reagan asked the P™ Dec. 17 aiand re tu rn the week after ChChristmas. •lelonse bill, to nKpiire greater1 percentages- of lawmakers to return aftafter the election, to Complicatingo the gasoline: talax bill was an “Nothlhlng is m ore im portant to members Should theth e Senate approve th e $9888 imillion American-madeide |parts In imported cars. If the dispose of appropriationsis bills.b . expxpected move to attach an amendment than theheir families at this lime10 of year.” in MX prodix)duclion money Reagan wanants, the legislation gets•Is Ilo th e Senate a filibuster Is Whatever else Congresxess does before ad- freereezing the price of natural gasgas, which would O’Neill toldU reporters. ’ $231 billionon defense appropriations blbill con- threatened. — » • Reeicgan uises s►peed h I to lolibby ffor miissile B y DONALD A. DAVIS signaling he wantsmts to “compromise,” Reagaijan appeared to United Press Intematlonoimal bedolngjustthatlat In a series of statements onon the MX since ..... ...............T hursday. ______ WASHLNGTON-Presi•esident Reagan wariiedWItu u rd a y a “I agree wllhh nmy scientrfrc^and mliltaiy'y’cd^filhal ~ H H ....... .congresslonaLdecisIon.a{uagalnst .building the MXC missiler the closely space<iccd-basing-plan-we-proposc4 sed-will -work," - would "weaken our abilityIlty to deter war." Reagan said In his flve-mlnutc radio broadca; . "There's no doubt thtthat we need ll,” Reaganlan said. Bul.hesald,"W"We’re prepared to review thl^matterwlth j^B Cfuitouing his effort lo build public support forfi the the Congress in1 ththe new year; The basing rtodefsrt hbt'an • Embattled MX programm sscheduled for a Senate votevo this Issue. T h ere’s pleiplenty of time to decide onI tthat. What we ■ »;, ------ comlngweek...................- -------------- need now is a cleailear, posllive vote on the miss!ssllc itself, lo g o In his weekly radioQ aaddress to the nation, Reagan forward on producduction of the missile." ........ Blrcl'HSIPfOTSSH contlnued'to try to separaa ra le the need for th e m lssilisile from rw»nn>v n r ^ aI sccre^.Lar^.Speakes.8alise. ald.Rcagan.will _____ = = tl» e ruToro\erl)l8 "derisepje^"TjaSlng^fih. ---------J.^ 'continue to”“ p ii^ ^ " ' 'f o r 'th c dense pack methithod. “ We want The House voted 245-17C-176 T uesday again st spendir- the m issile producduced, we want the dense padick. If Congress m illion to produce the mism issile, m ainly b ecause of di wants lodebateil.»il. th at’s fine." __________ — faction“ wltU-:lhe presldejId en U s-p ro p o ^ .to -b u ry - thi ■ D ense pack Is d e s ig n ^ to protcci 0.2}.S. retaliatory which Reagan named “lh<‘the P eacekeeper.” In a dens PJ, a capability. II call:;alls for basing 100 MX miss:sslles In closely cluster. Reagan wants the Senate lo restore the m on spaced sllos inn WyomingV on the theory tlthal radiation, $231 billion defense approproprialionsblll. t e s . and debris from the first ex{ixplodlng Soviet ' “Without the Pcacekeckeeper, we weaken our abiihiiiiv In fireball and g ; w arh ead wouldi destroyd. later-arriving Russsslan warheads ^ ■ ■ 2 deter war and we mayly lose a valuable opportui 1 from course, leaving MX: 1intact. Critics achieve a treaty lo rcduceice nuclear weapons on bothh Js 1?.! ” o r tl‘vert them fr T d - ^ d — chargfr th e p la nvwon’t-work; w( ------------------------ ------- safdTiieaganr^pcoklng"ig“ from~the-Camp“ Davrd; The White HOU![ouse Indicated Friday It mlglight agree to a Pf-’fl presidential retreat. “WiUiVlth It, we m ake p ro g re s s ... proposal by Senjkms. E rnest Holllngs. D-S.Ci.e.. and Mark " pathstop^ce." A lthough a W hite HoiHouse aide said Reagann Is: not <•See REAGAN oo Page A2 m Oppositiotm stiffens \ MX pplan pr(robably/w on’t^ I ! By CHARLES W. CORDDDDRY I TheBalUmoreSun A n alysis ; W A SH IN G T O N -D enssnse pack basing for the MXK _________■ missile.saldGcn. JohnW.IW. Vessey. Jr.. "Is a very dlfd ifficu lt ' scheme to understand—a- a very difficult one toexpla •____ Ihft£hlefsJic.aa!.iml!l^5upi»iSJiieircsiacnU i-------^ A il th ^ x p la ln ln g th FrReagmradmlnlsti^IoncouIi R i >ulddo implementationion of the decision he has madi I . had failed to eradicate congressionalcor doubts by theG Understandln{ling that the nation's lop fivea rmilitary men w eekend, and It was conceneeded at bolh ends of were divided ononl the MX basing Issue goesI f<far toward Pennsylvania Avenue thallhat dense pack was in real trouble.In explaining howIW manyr of the normal backerers of defense O ne W hIteHouse sourcere franklyfl conceded: Denseipack pi pro^amsln^nCongress.can be either oppos©sed or skeptical. h ^ w on’t fly. • , In short, theb'ie b’aslhg sd fe m e —nol'the'mUi!ssiliflt«ir=ls— iflB V essey. chairm an of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, whotM)......................In trouble w lthh oconservatives and moderateitesofboth supports the plan, had to aacknowledge to the Senatete Armed- parties, as well2ll ai s W ith the usual suspects} IiIn Congress.
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