Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1997 Daily Egyptian 1997 2-27-1997 The Daily Egyptian, February 27, 1997 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1997 Volume 82, Issue 105 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1997 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1997 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Glyph: Book drop: Big Muddy highlights Students donate books altcrnatiw iilms. in commcmoraticn of liberation. imid~ fkll;C 3 \',,I. S:. N,,. 10'i, 16 (';l):L'' h11p://www.dailycgyp1ian.c(>m More students vote in priinary STATISTICS: SIUC llowe\'er, 1.347 people in thal precinct were rcgbtcrcd 10 vote in campus doubles votes Tuesdav \ election. and 189 of them voted.· from 1995 decrion. Vinl,;rcn. ,~ho abo is Undcrgr.1duate S1mlcnt Government vice president. -.iid JENNIFER CAMDEN he and hi, campaign workers regbtcn:d llE t\,unc~ E1111,11, 550 people to rnte in 1he primary. and student organizations h:1ve regi,1ered An incrc:L-;c in s1ullcn1 \'Oler registra­ alx,ut 1.IXXJ more so far this school year. tion and the pre.scnce of Mudent candi­ Vingren. who received 473 votes in ll:aes vying for Carh<mdale Cily Council the prim;lf)' for the two-year scat. said he seals contrihuled to 1he heavy turnout in attributes the difference hctwcen rntcr Tuesday's municipal primary. an Sil •r regbtration and \'Oler turnout 10 apathy. professor says. "We thought we had a syslcm in On Tuesday. 2.701 \'Illes were ea,t in place to get 650 mtcs coming from s1u­ Carbondale. up from 1.211 in the dcnts," said Vingren. a junior in poli1ical Fehruary 1995 primary. \Cience and finance from Carbondale. O.hin Ervin. an ,Lo;.,ocialc profe ...,or Mandis. a !\Ceond-year graduate Mu­ of political science who Mudii:s munici­ denl in workforce educa1ion and tech­ pal government. -.iid sludent candidales nology from Murphysboro. rccei\'cd 296 unques- mies in the four-year tenn race . .~~• "· Cit~ !!'.'~a~I~ Kelly. :1 sophomore in philosophy fri.~ : c"otin_cil respon­ fmm Carbond:1le, n.'Ccivcll 422 rntes in ~·~l,:~· -~·~ Elccltons ~ih1c for his bid for :1 four-year 1enn. lie wa, 177 votes hchinll Lam ---------- hringing Briggs. SIUC a,sociate profe,,or of ,1rt ,1udcn1s to thc polls. and desicn. who made the cul and will I le said ,tullent camlillales • pmpo-al, he a c:mdidale in April. IO lower the har-enlry age and organi1e a John B111!\lick and incumhent John city llallowecn l'elchrarion were :nnong Av:r S111AUSS/I ).,,ly EL1r11.m Yow arc candid:lles for lhe two-ye;1r scat lhe reason, ,1uden1' \'oled in greater in the general election. LAW AND ORDER: Retired U.S. Sen. Poul Simon, a professor in jour· numhcrs. Other winnel".\ in the primary for two nalism and political science, lri'!s to keep some order in his new office os he "I think ,1udcnt-. perrei\'e lhe) ha\'e four-year tenm were Eden Thome. a intere,1s at '1;1ke in municipa. govem- switches offices from the Communications Building lo the Forestry Building. Liquor Ad,·i,ory Board memhcr. .md 111.:111. in lcnns of variou, orllin:mces that incumhcnts Maggi,! Flanagan :md Loyd mav affect lhem," he -.1i1l. Sumner. Studen1 c.imlidatc, .\lil-e .\landi,. Flanagan ,aiu ,he hope, ,1udent Simon settles into ro11tine David Vingren and Pat Kelly di,' nol in1ere,1 in lhe ,gener.11 elcelion will all\'ance to the general elct:1ion on April march the in1crcM in the primary. JUST ANOTHER DAY: ·me new office b a 1hrt-c•nk1111 ,uilc co11- I. !hough ,1mle111 rnter regi,tr.1tion i, "I would hope lhey·re more into 1he 1ainin\! Simon\ l'uhlic l'olicv ln,tiluh:. an higher lhan it wa, two years ago. pmee,, :md the ultimate goal~. r.uher Former se11ator says he speaks ,,Ilic.:" for hi, ,t·m:lary :nu! his pel".\onal for e,ample. 558 people in Pn.·-dncl 1han -.1ying. ·we didn't gel our candi­ ,,flkc. 111 three reporters a day. .:!.,. Bna-h Towers. were reci,tcretl lo date in. so wc·rc nm going Ill play :my­ Simor!', inner oftice contain, hook-. mrc in the 191)5 primary. :~1d the of morc,"' she -.1id. 'That\ not the w:l\' lo TAMEKA L. HICKS ,helve, for hundred, of h<k1k,. (,ome of them ,·01ed. get \\hal you want." • 1"111 b ,11•11-,o.; H11,•n11: which he has wrillen) .uul a ,lc,k that is neat­ ly organi,ell for a man wilh ,o mudt going Wl11h: han):!illl,! picrun:, of Ele:1nor on at one time.:111ere abo i, ample ,1x11.·e !Or l<tk>,c,eh and Nebun ~lamlcla on rhc wall his typcwriler. and there is a window thal Precinct voles cost/rcgiste~ed votes. cast/ reg isle red 111 new otfo.:c. profc"or l':tul Si11111n ,ay, he allows him lu hre;1k awav from hi, work 10 22 4 out of 414 41outof825 remain, e111tm,ia,1ic aboul hi, le:u:hing gate out inln Tt10111p,on \\'ood,. (N.,....man Ceoler) rarecr ;t, ht• ,culc, into hi, fiN ,cmc,rcr al "II\ much nicer and ha, more ,pace." 23 5 out of 558 189 out of 1,347 SIUC. Simnn ,aid. '1l1i, one even ha, a window," (Bn.,,h Toweo) ·n,c fonncr U.S. ,cnaror rcecnrlv moved Joe Foore. de;m of lhe College of Ma.._, 0 24 18 out of 320 37 out of 489 from hi, h:rnporary office in lhe Communi,miuns and Media ,\r1,, s;1ill (Evergreen Terr=,) Communication, Building h> a new. pemta­ 28 out of 504 137 oul of 1,028 ncnl and ,paciou, office in the For..-,try I~- son Point) Buil<ling. ,u: ROUTINE, f'r\{,E 7 29, 16 out of 639 38 out of 1, 139 (Grand Avenue) SOURCE: Joelson County (1.,-l By S.,,on R;d,, Do•o/ fgypN,n Union, administration chose negotiators propmal for .\larch ncgo1i:1tion, hargaining wble. sor in history: Morteza Gus Bode TAKING SIDES: Faculty wi1h the University. s:1ys Jim "These individual, will he Daneshdoost. an a.._~ocia1e professor union picks eight for Sulliv:111. faculty union president. empowered to bargain with in electrical engineering; Ronna TI1e :1dministration also h:L, cl10- Uni\·ersily rcpre\Cnlath·es lo mt-cl a Dillon. a professor in educ:1tional team, three substitutes. \Cn a negoli:1ting team and soon will 1en1:11i,e :1greemen1 :md uhimalely psychology arid spt.'Cial i:ducalion: Gussays: he meeling 10 di\Cuss its pmi1ion. an pre-en! th,11 tenta1ivc contr.ict to the John Magncy. an a~sistant professor They ~ave · .• WrLLII\M HATFIELD administr.11i,e nego1i:11or -.1id. general memhcrship for mtifiea­ in l<.'Chnical and rc"iun.·e manage­ therr . n.,11.v Et.1nuN Rm ,11n 11 q Sullivan -.1id the union's exccu- tion," he said. ment: Bary Malik. a pmfes,or in wrestling 7 1ive council la,t week cl10\C eight lie said focullv union team physics; Jim Clark. IE,\/NEA log·leoms ' The focuhy union·~ newly elm­ people and lhree ,uh,1i1u1e, for ils mcmhcrs arc Denni, AnlleNlll, an picked out. } sen negolialing !cam is gathering f:11:ulty hargaining learn. ,,hid1 will a,sociah: pmfc,sor in crime mill jus­ faculty concerns to draft a conlract rcprc\Cnt all faculty members al 1hc tice; Kay Carr. :111 a"ociale profes- NEWS TODAY • Southcm lrinois Metolsmilhs • Holl Gome Room. Conlocl Melisse ct Cbing Receplion for Art Alley Mc1ofs d.53· 1265 or Kath ct 453· 1267. Calendar • 71h Annual Block Afk:.-S Counci Exhibition. Feb. 27, 5 lo 7 p.m., ioodcnhip Conference, "Culture, Student C:."'ntcr 2nd Roar. Conlod ~ Sludcnt Environmental C.entcr • History, ond Sddor1'lip: Tho Essence CC4)icctd.53·5513. '1he Failure of Qi:timism: Ha.., Optimistic Estimoles led lo CAW.OAA POLICY o! Empowcnnent; fob. 7J lo Mord, Rain and some thunderstorms. • Geology Oub weekly mooing, Feb. Dogroclotion in our Notional Fo,w; Th<JnJlinc-fn< 2, Student Ccnict: Conlod Darius cl High: 52 Ca.knJ...ritfffl1i1rwu 'ZJ, 5 p.m., Porlciruon 101 F. Conlod Fcl:i. 'ZJ, 7 p.m., Interfaith Center. 453·62&.t 453·2534 lo rcgiw-. low: 45 ruHtulklf'IJ.i,...brfott or Rich cl (618) 596-6459. Conlocl Soon ct 549·7387. the n-mr. The itnn mustinchJc.timr,J..rr-, • Saluld Voll.llteer Cotps • Volun!c-..'" • Joponeso, Video Oub will~•A • Newmon Oub • Catholic rf.1tt,.Jmiui,,ncot.t lo ins!rudor ncodod o-.w end childrm Taxing W0t00.n." with English subtitles, Chorismc1ic Preyer Meeting, l:>'<X'f FRIDAY: anJ •rnnw." of th~ tvmt with "Folbw Mc lo Slor)lond; Foo. .1nJ lhc- n~fflC' anJ Foo. 27, 5 lo 7 p.m., Foner 1125. lhundcy, 7:301o 9 p.m., Nc-,,,man rhonf. I0lo Cloudy and warm. ,,ft~('("r'M'"•ut-minin,: 271oMord, 27, 10:300.rn., Contoct Poul ct 5d9-0760. Catholic Sfudenl Center. Conlocl Tom High: 57 the- itm,. ltrm, •h1,ulJ LIFE Community Cenlcr. Conlod Soro ot.549·42"6. t,r Jdi,Tttd ,,r nuilN t,> cl5d9-d222. • SAM gcnerol meeting, Feb. 27, 5 low: 50 ,h< 1>.,1, E1m•i.an p.m., Poglioi"s. Contoct Mcfoni-3 cl • ACW O.:ba1e: The Christion Right v. N.r.1on11om, • Non-Trocfitionol Student Services 549·61'..5?. The Corulilution, Foo.
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