. JHD:A.NK DEPARTMENT OF COI'IffiRCE Letter 1-6 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS Circular WASHINGTON LC»513 (Replaces Letter Circular 4-7^) Revised to Feb. B, 1932»'' SOURCES OF RADIO' INFORIiSATION Contents 1 . Periodicals 2. Books , U. S.G-overnment radio publications „ Publications' of . the- International Bureau of tiie Telecommunication Union, Berne, Switzerland. Radio laws and regulations 6 , Safety rules. 1. Periodicals , The following is a partial list of periodicals largely devoted to radio. They are monthly, except where otherwise stated. A num- ber of electrical and general magazines also publish considerable radio information, A classified list of the articles of radio engineering inter- est appearing in periodicals is published each month in the Bri- tish magazine listed below, t/ireless Engineer. A short abstract • • of each article is given. Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, 33^* West 4-2nd St,, New York, N.Y. (Technical),, Bell System Technical Journal. Published by American Telephone and Telegraph Co., 195 Bro.adway, New York, N.Y, (Technical) ( Quarterly) Q,ST, Published by Am.erlcan Radio Relay League, West .Hartford, Conn ( Technical) All-Wave Radio. Manson Publishing Corp., l 6 E. ^ 3! St., New York, ( N.Y. 'Semi-t eohnical ) . o . * , LC513 2/g/3S 2 Electronics. McGraw--Hill Publishing Co., Inc., 33O W. ^2nd St., Ne^’'' York, N. Y. (Technical). Communications. Bryant Davis Bublishing Co,, 19 E, 4-7th St,, . Mew York, N,Y. ( TecJnnical ) RCA Review. RCA Institutes Technical Press, 75 Varick St., New York, N.Y, (Technical) RMA Engineer, Engineering Division, Radio Manufacturers Associa- tion, 1317 National Press Bldg,, Washington, D. C. (Technical), Radio News and Short-Wave Radio. ^6l Eighth Ave,, New York, N.Y, (Semi-tecbnical) Radio. 7^6 c Beverly Blvd„, Los Angeles, Calif, (Technical). Short Wave and Television. Popular Book Corp,, 99-TCl Hudson St., New York, N.Y. ( Semi-tecnnical) Radiocraft. Radiocraft Publications, Inc,, 99 Hudson St., New York, N.Y, ( Semii-teciinical ) , Radio Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. (Technical). Digest, 7^60 , General Radio Experim.ent er . Published by' Genera.l Radio Co., 30 State St., Cambridge, Mass. .(Trade,., technical). Radio RetSiiling, Published by McGraw-Hill , Publ i shing Co,, Inc., 330 W, ^2nd St,, New York, N.Y. (Trade), Radio Today. Cald^^ell-Clement s Inc., 4S0 Lexinerton Ave., New York, N.Y. (Trade), Wireless Engineer. Published by Iliffe & Sons, Ltd., Dorset House, Stamiford St,, London, S.E.l, England. (Technical). Marconi Review, Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co,, Lt.d.., ' Electra House, Victoria Embankment, London, England. (Technical). Wireless World. Dorset House, Stamford St., London, S,E. 1, England. ( Semii-technical) (Weekly). Elektrische Nacnrichten-Technik. Published by V/eidm.annschen Buchhandlung, Berlin S.W. 6 S, Germany, (Technical; in Germ.an) . Hochf requenztechnik und Elektroakiustik ( also called Jahrbuch der Drahtlosen Te.legraphie und -Tel ephonle) , Published by- M'. Krayn,-' Genthiner Strasse 39, Berlin WIO, Germany. ( Technical ; in German) , '^ '}^^ LC513 — 1 ^ 1 3 . LlOnde Electrique, Pul^lished by E, Chiron,. 4-0 rue de Seine, .Paris, France. (Tqohnical; in French). 2 , Books Herewith are listed a few of the many books published on the various phases of radio. Under each_ subject the books are in chronological order. As a matter of convenience, the prices of some of these books are given, but the Bureau can not be res- ponsible for .the accuracy of this information. The sources of Government publications on radio are described in Section below, • 3 ^ Radio Principles Signaling through space without wires. Sir Oliver Lodge., 1S9^» Electrician Publishing Go., London, England. Electric .v/aves. H, Hertz. translation by D. E. 19c6. English Jones, MacMillan & Co., 60 - ^th Avenue, New York, N.Y. Principles of wirqless telegraphy. G. W. •Pierce. 191O. McGraw- Hill Book Co., Inc., 33O West 42nd St., New York, 'N.Y. Principles underlying radio comimunicatlon . 2nd edition. 1922. Signal Corps Radio Commiunication Pamphlet No. 4c. Obtainable from the Supeript endent of Docum.ents, Government Printing Office . Washington, , D. G. |1.00, , Radis telephony for amateurs,. S. Ballantine, 1922, David McKay Go,, philadelphiaj Pa. The' radio m.anual, 0, E. Dunlap, Jr. 1924-. Houghton-Mif flin Co., Cambridge, Mass. Practical radio, Mo3^er & Wostrel. I926. McGraw-Hill Book, Co., Inc 330 W. 4-2nd, St., New York, N.Y. Fundamentals of radio. J. L. Thomas. 1927» D* Wan Nostrand Co., 250 Fourth Ave., New York, N.Y. $1.50. Robison’s mianual of radio telegraphy and telephony. 1927. United States Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md. $4-. 00. Propa.gation of wireless waves. P. Pedersen.^ 1927* Vimmelskaf tet _ Copenhagen, Denmiark. , LC513 2/g/3^ 4. Radio engineering' nrlnclples. La.uer 5; Brown... 2nd edition. 1927« T. 42nd St., New York, McG-raw-Hlll Book Go.,inc,. , 33® N.Y, $3*50* Principles of modern radio receiving. L. G-. Hector. 1927. Burton Publishing Co., Bigelow Bldg,, Buffalo, N.Y. The outline of radio, J. V. L. Hogan. '1923. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, Mass. ” Wireless principles gnd -practice, L. S. Pa.lmer. 192-S. Longmans, G-reen d Co., Ne”^ York, N.Y. The radio manual. G. B. Sterling. 1929. D. Hpn Nostrand 'Go. 25(5 Fourth Ave., New York, N.Y. $6.00. I . C . S. Handbook for radio operators. 1929. International Corres- pondence Schools,' Scranton, Pa. Elem.ents of radio communication. J, H. Itorecroft, 1929. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., -440 Fourth Ave., New- York, N.Y. $3*C'0. Radlotelegraphy and telephony. Duncan and Drew. 1929. John Wiley & Sons, Inc,, 44o Fourth Avenue, New York, N.Y. $7.5'2. ' ' Foundations* of radio. R, 'L. Duncan. 1931. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 44c Fourth Ave. New York, N.Y. , 12.50. Experlmiental radio engineering. J. H. Morecroft. 1931. John ’Viley & Sons, Inc., 44o Fourth Ave., New Yqrk,_ N.Y.^ .:|3.B0. The radio- handbook. J. A. Moyer and J. F, Wostrel. 19'31 • Jo-hn Wiley & Sons*, Inc., 44o Fourth Ave.*, New York, N.Y. 0 . 53 5, Radio elementary principles. E. S, Burns. 1932. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York, N.Y. '$2.00. Elementary principles of wireless telegraphy. R, D. Bangay. Re- vised by 0. F. Brown, 1933. llil^’e Sons, Ltd., Dorset House, Stamhord St., London, S.E.l, England. Price 10s. bd. Principles of radio com,m.unication J. H. Morecroft. , 1934. 3d edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 44o Fourth Avenue, New York, N.Y. .$7.50. Radio engineering handbook. K. Henney. 2d edition. 1935- McGraw-Hill Book Co._, Inc., 330 W. 42nd St,, New York, N.Y, $5 • 00 LG513 — 2/g/3g. 5 . The book of oracticol ro.dio. John Scott-Tag'g'art . 1935. Wireless and Television Review, Cobbs Court, Broadway, London, E.G.4-, England., • Practical radio communication. A. 'R. Nilson and J. L. Horning. 1935 . McGraw-Hill Book Co«, 33^ ^'^nd St., New York, N.Y, $5.00. • • - Phenomena in high-frequency systems. A. Hund. 1935. McGraw-Hill Book 'Co., 330 W. 42nd St;, New York, N.Y. ?^6.00. The fundamentals of radio. R. R, Ramsey. 2nd edition. 1935* • Bloomington, Ind, I 3 . 5 O. Principles of. radio ene’ineerine:, R. S. Glasgovu 1935. I'lcGraw^Hill Book Co., 330 W. 42nd St., -New York, N.y'. 34;C0.- Foundations of wireless, A.L.M. Sowerby . I 936 . Iliffe & Sons Ltd., London. 4s, 6d. Wireless telegraphy Notes for students. 1935- Pitman Pub- •lishing Corp,, 2 W, 45th St., New- York, N.Y. S2.25. Radio receiving and television tubes. J. A. Moyer and J. F. Wostrel. 1935 . 31 edition. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 33 O W. 42nd St., Nev/ York, N.Y. (I^R.OO- ... Communication and electronics (Electrical Engineer's Handbook). H. Pender and' K. Mcllwaine. 1935. Jo'hn Wiley & Sons, 44o Fourth Ave., New York, N.Y. ^5.0G-. Radio physics course. A. A. Gherardi. 2nd edition, 1935. Radio Technical Publishing- Co., 45 Astor Place, New York, N.Y. '|4,00. Comm-unica tion engineering. W. L. Everett. 2nd edition. 1937. McGraw-Hill Book Go., Inc., 33 O West 42nd St., New York, N.Y. J|5.00. ' Radio engineerine:. F. E. Terraa.n. 2nd edition. 1937. McGraw-- Hill Book Co.^Inc., 33O W. 42nd St., New York, N.Y. ^5.50. Experimental radio. 4th ed. 1937. R. R. Ramsey. Bloomington, Ind. ^ 2 . 75 . Principles of radio. Keith Kenney. 3d edition. 193^» John Wiley & Sons, Inc,, 44o Fo'urth Ave., New York, N.Y. f|3.50. LCR13 — 2/g/3g. 6 Hlrh F re quencies Lee o.ides electriqaes courtes (short electric waves). R. Mesny. 1927 . Les Presses Unlversi taires de France, 40 Boulevard Saint Michelj Paris, France, Short waves. G. R. Leutz and R, B, G-ahle, 1930* Inc., Altoona, Pa. il3*00* Below 10 meters.' 1932..’ National ' Go Malden, Mass. The manual of s'hort wave radio, 2 volumes. 1932- National Go., Malden, Mass. each pamp'nle't, Hochfrequenztec'hnik in der Luftfahrt (High-frequency technique in , aircraft). H. Fasshender. I 932 . 'J. Soringer, Unter den ' ’ Linden, Berlin'NWy, G-efmany. bo R M. Hof' to build and operate short wave receivers. 1933’ Published by Short Wave Graft, 96-9^ Park Place, New York, N.Y. The radio amateur's ha,ndbook. A. F. Collins and G. C. B. Rowe. 7th edition. I 933 .’ Thomas Y, Crowell Co., 393 " Ave,, New York, N.Y, Short wave radio handbook.’ C. E. Denton. Radio 'and Technical Publishing Co., Astor Place, New York, N.E. l93^* |1.00. Kruse's radiophone guide. 2d edition. 193^* S. Kruse. Published’by R. S. Kruse, huilford. Conn, World short-wave radiophone transmitters. Biay IS, 1933* Bureau of Foreign and' Domiest ic Commerce, Dept) of Commerce, • Was'hington, ' ‘D.C. 2Pj’.
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