Colby College Digital Commons @ Colby The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) Waterville Materials 5-18-1883 The Waterville Mail (Vol. 36, No. 49): May 18, 1883 Maxham & Wing Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Agriculture Commons, American Popular Culture Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Maxham & Wing, "The Waterville Mail (Vol. 36, No. 49): May 18, 1883" (1883). The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine). 1029. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Waterville Materials at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. K ^3 ^attrbilU |^aU. EPU. MAX»A» tj DAN'Ii B. WINO S. S. PAIMER, ■ DiTona Axb rnorBiBrnna. Surseon Dentist. OrriOB — OTCi AMen Bro<,’ Jewelrf Biore'' StLVKIt OnF.TS AND " Tnl! B0T4 ’! at dorpgii.—Wata^llle ThrtwOngino,^. 4»-well known all over New England fo* jUpI am uoir preptrad tB Ktfnhilittr Tvnw Nu rnovB OxiDX Oai, which I thAll its vlctorlei at tournamonUir its etfleienojT Oft hftxd for thoM who wUb for this auDsthetlo at flTes, its hospitality and cqttTUsy> )U ,R«I h.TlBi U.lh ««Cd. ^ good oondiict on nil occasions—had a TffttcrrlUftt Jao* supper at lintel Smith, last Saturday eve- ' .fli fl** lArinWfAlW^WPffp. fi VOL.JXXVj, A- nIng, where bountiful provision had l>een yi^aterVille, Maine................Friday, •May 18* NO, 49. made for the entertalninmt of all—aot* ' mOMW"‘MIO €0«N8EtL0R ■ K ilA I Ivu nioinborti, a.x-mumliers, apd invited, M ;ii‘i ;ittigp‘'3E2iJAi.‘"W'j,’ IT Liliboy i>.us n smnlt .tiinnery, it sbinglo about 180,000 lbs. U Mtiino wool. This guests. About fifty were present,.i^d WA'tRftmijE. aMine. ROOM papers mill nntl a^riit mill, liw gi'iiuls ulKtut company have a quick salo for thbir after tho good things provided hy Ijand* ^Criminal Defences a Specially, P 10,000 bushels of t'bru ycorl}’, anil MttVs gonda aaU art boW bnlilnit on thuir 6r> about 1,000,000, einplnying tun hands, ders. TllSa rilill is owned by Boston lord Smith had Iteon disposed at, tho I.'Jenor Decov aliens S. Blidsdelj pwins niyolher grist mill wl)eie eapitsli.als. NMhanlol Walker 1, i’re i- company was called lo order by Fore­ ^atUBfSN PGSTEB,' AXD AFTER THE RAIN. \w. grlndd > pnrly nboiU 6,0f)0 btishE;^ of ttb fit nnd lanigi, Iro-idiircr. R. K. man J. I’l Hill, who opened (Ue after Corn. C,0ob ul wliefit and Iho mimo Ulp^itUrUdhe nj^ent At tho mill, siipi>er procedings by reading the follow- , I bennl a Rong on tho moarlftnd brown, tity ol ford. Ik' ihloniis u.a ihAt xHnli4 A'Mlic^t*Ef1:«tAnco Uel(»r this luilL Conk, Coufi'SfeTFof W‘fj4w, Window Shades. tng noloi irom two invilcil guests, lor* • i.iu > iiJ ■gilijjii liiJi I'' it iui / The Latest Designs of iho Loiuliiig When the diijrft grew fair and bmg{ \ whon^ is a 8uocl;^8tnl u*op in lUii* socl.Vm HowiOl and While, h:ivn a new tiitll Methitiight no voice in the noiny town and iTiul Its cuUivaiin'n If^carly inoicns- wiierc they qru coDimenoing to imitiu- mer foremen ol the Cirnrpnny i WATERVILLE. Manui'ACIurers. Could Ring CO hweet a ibiiptf Wiiidc^w ShadcM was but a herd boy, all alone— ing. II. A. UtiUSou iV| six factiiru slushttC and roll cloths lor ooltiMi E. Q. Mkadf.ii. Esq., Alone on the nhnwery plain, men in the'litaiiufitcliirJ’ol llglit and | milD, nml will employ ten hands. They Dear .Sir.—‘Card reoolvod. Would .-'.JL A SOULEj ... 1 ji'i* in all Styles and Citlonnss miule to order, Who Rang wibli a tone, f , heavy earriages, and ere now luakiug a use Maiup wool entirely and will coin ** The Bunahtne fuilowa the rain.'* bo vary glad to lie with you, but oan TeacfajeiTHofi ISdLusio. and put up in the very licst manner. 'ot ol loiirleeii of llie latter to order. [siinieSOO ibs. piT day. The membirs not. Remember mo.lo "tile lioys,” Como and sen the finest line ever offered My thuughts turn back to that April dey The Wiiisl(rtv.JVeking Oo|upniiy -har^ bllhe titan ary ail practh-al ntamifaeinr. especially the "olil boys,” wao “run DeaiuB^Jiirtlielatt JfniioaluJnetitu- for salo in Wnterville. Aft 1 pace th« oib]( j \| a large,rge eii'.iiiing'raeiotyeiiniiing-l'aeiory liere,'vvlierohere, wdiero were jets and' will’.................................. pn.bahly enlarge in' llie In­ with llie machine ” in the fillies, and ments. Will lune Pianos in a thorongh To-dfly we offer the new 1883 OJL But the brown,brown idoorItea far away put up liV't year 200,000 cans of sweet tlire. tJoqk A Jepson, on the other shle C. A. lIEARICKi^OM. Frtftn tho tread of weary fcet. won laurels ot which 1 was prouder than manner. STOVE' for inspection and sale. Yet ever the f-ong ringH clear and loud, eorn and 2.300 bg,1ivlH ol .n|qilcs., ThR of ibo ifNiiim make all wool, om any I liavo won since. That pitober Is WATERVILLE, ME. Next Door Nonli of Post Office. Over and over again, product the pieseiit season will he hi iloying from four to seven liands. C. A ..u - carefully treusurcdi Addnu »t PcrolvRl’t Book Store. This Stove posseses all the special Above the din of the rcstlcaa crowd— cieaseil iiboiit one I'euith, an.) 100,000 I’riesi h.ui ii grist mill in this loeallty, •T. II. DKL’3t.viosa. *’ The Hutihbinc Lillowa the rain " cans are alrefuly iiiadu up.^, U. L. Ltuyiup-U whero he grinds-lylHTut -lOW bushels. o(' points of superiority for which it AcousTa, May 12, 1883. DRESS MAKlJSra. Qod knowH it U hard to fret and strive iiAliei.«Mperiiiiemlet||t?J O'l <i.i. Corn and grain ^-lirly. FRED H. FALES, D. D.S. has been made famous, and which To all oij^ these, large nnd tlounsliiug Janie* I*. Hill, Forem.iii of Water* -'-‘For the gold that atam ia spent| villq Engine Co. No. 3. has earned for it the term of MISS EDNA £■ SPRINSFIELDWnterrill It seems sum'etimon tiiat tbu sinnera thrive, iiuluMrles a new one1C liastin been The senivira at Colliy, Univovsity a,r« Rcsncctfully informs the IndL. While saints are Icseountentl iKl.led in whieli tlio ja-ople of the town halting liuiwcen two opinions—iv concert My Dear Friend .—I -received a card > that she huM just returned from Bostoi ■wllli Bill ho knows, t<K>, that the oloiida will part fnom some good friend in Wafervlllo to trtke A laiiilalile prii!e.» Vie_ nujn woolen lor^'..imneiicCnieiit or a'drama.- The and Best. And-------------- the hidden--------- -------- path„ grow........ ,'iniuplaiD; , , • by ” n«iipi»er wltll i«y good old Cuuqiitny at Latest Spring Fashions, Ilia angels Vug to the doftbting heart, \ mill owned by llie<}i)sea® Wd liitJ'lisif vlibioeem iuiiDFalion whieli /• “ iVs the rain ^ Hotel Smith this evening, 1 vtidi 1 Callioi send. for. our unique '’and and offers her services to all who wlllfdvnr he*' * The sunshine follov paiiy is iimoiig ifle WT-st-foiisti otiPd nlM Wottt.kflK pitasiiig to a l.irge miinber of •'il *" i-lte c.iiiniry, anil is iiu.v being juj;, .IhejjUmcuLs fluillfeuf lUuJrmuUyatiut the could go, but am iiouussarily detained by, with nork, with coufldence that she can give ast a |irior engagement. Remember me hand8on>e.<iatalogufc isfsctlon. OUK TABIiZ:. tiTslietl wlili ieii' seni*''dy ih;\el7ijiiery nun majority of the town people,. Thu mil- OrriOK iM M1..LIKBN Block. Slic is prepared to do kindly to iny old friends and tp, alljllw - HarFer’s litAGAZiNE ^r'JtUieiB lias room for three itroio wliicb will bo sio .seeuml f-.r ijlass day and graduating WATERVILLE.M E. ,€J/«A]gL, . i put in at soniu lutiire lime. TIIS mlil l.s Olover’s ban.l iiii.l o'reliestra pre.vent members of the .CtnnpaiiyJ 4 ,i We also (jalJiyqur atjieDtionito our olirit tlilHk of the gdod times''1 hfive nad immense stock of in the latest city stylos, or in any style desired- an unusually varied number, pn^fusely and will require the Ikliof pf 15Q hands, and of Aniinrii. Tho Juniors have engng.-d 1 MAtN-ST —Rooms over Carpenter's Music Store. beautifully illustrateJ. The frobtivpieco, il- will bo fVllf.y riinnihg abont-Jmio 1st'. Oiimmer’s ('.rchcstni'of I’orHan.l' lor iii ruiiiiliig nitli Hie maeliinti nml with Blumentbul’i* new building. lubtrating’ ’* Fauatua,”—a poem by 8. 8. Co- The iiis’do diineiisions of llie in lin build­ " presenl.'lioii (lay.” Tiio usual poem all iny nssocialioiis vvjth llicf dear'old * FBEDl C, -Tflim, M. D. nunt—is from|4 di-aw'ihg by4A. A. Abbey. The ing are 15-Hcetiii leiigih liy 51-in widlli. will lie iini tied Hus year, Iml willi ex Coiiipiiny. Many of ihum have gone to WATERVILLE. t)thcrcontents are oh foilous: the •-Ollier side.’’ May yniir meeting Pl! Lambeth I'aluoc—" Yc Arohbiahop’a Inne," It is five slorie.s Idgh and lias a large Oov. l.c.iig as orator, mor,) than the eii.s- (Ids evening bo a liappy one, scd,niy PP( Aifb by/ Zadel BiU'iiea QuBtofsoii, with 10 iliusira- bell tower with water resevoir for fire loiii.iry large atleiidsnee on the evening The Iffew Patent tions; The Folding, u poem, Annie Fields; The pnr|io8us.
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