UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS LOWELL Personnel Form #6 COMPREHENSIVE PROFESSIONAL VITAE DATE: May 1, 2013 NAME: Brunette, Maria Julia Department(s): Work Environment ColleGe(s) or Service Unit(s): ColleGe of Health Sciences Rank or Title Field: Associate Professor Faculty website: http://www.uml.edu/SHE/WE/faculty/brunette-maria.aspx A. EDUCATION AND ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS A.1. Education (specify deGree institutions, dates, honors, major fields of study, etc.) 2002 Ph.D. University of Wisconsin – Madison Industrial and Systems EnGineerinG (Area: Human Factors EnGineerinG) Dissertation: WorkinG Conditions in Peru: A Survey Study of Workers’ Perceptions in an Industrially DevelopinG Country Thesis Advisor: Dr. Michael Smith 1999 MSc. University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus Industrial EnGineerinG (Area: Cellular ManufacturinG Systems) Thesis: A Capacity-Driven ClusterinG AlGorithm for Family Formation Thesis Advisor: Dr. Gursel A. Suer 1992 BSc. University of Lima (Perú) Industrial EnGineerinG Thesis: A Feasibility Study to Develop and Implement a ManufacturinG Plant of Garlic (Allium sativum), CaiGua (Cyclanthera pedata) & Hercampuri Gentianella Alborocea) Gelatine Caps Advisor: Professor Benjamin Jarufe A.2. Academic Experience (lenGth of time at each institution, rank(s) held, etc.) Department of Work University of Massachusetts 2010-present Associate Professor Environment Lowell (MA, USA) Industrial Engineering Universidad de Lima 2011-12 VisitinG Faculty Department (Lima, Perú) Department of Work Environment World Health OrGanization 2010- Director Collaborative Center, (WHO) USA-269 1 Department of Work University of Massachusetts 2003-2010 Assistant Professor Environment Lowell (MA, USA) Center for Innovation in VirGinia Polytechnic Institute External Affiliated 2008-present Construction Safety & and State University faculty Health Research (VirGinia Tech) Center for Sustainable University of Massachusetts 2003-present Affiliated faculty EnerGy Lowell (MA, USA) Center for Women & University of Massachusetts- 2003-2009 Affiliated faculty Work Lowell (MA, USA) Center for Quality and Graduate Research University of Wisconsin 2002 Productivity Assistant Madison (WI, USA) Improvement (CQPI) Graduate TeachinG Industrial and Systems University of Wisconsin 2001-02 Assistant EnGineerinG Department Madison (WI, USA) Socio-Technical Systems Graduate Research Laboratory, Industrial and University of Wisconsin 2001 Assistant Systems EnGineerinG Madison (WI, USA) Dept. 2001 Research Assistant Research Institute for United Nations (Geneva, Social Development Switzerland) (UNRISD) 1999-2001 Graduate Project Office of Quality University of Wisconsin Assistant Improvement Madison (WI, USA) 1997-98 Graduate Research Research and University of Puerto Rico – Assistant Development Center Mayagüez (Puerto Rico, USA) 1996-97 Graduate TeachinG Industrial EnGineerinG University of Puerto Rico – Assistant Department Mayagüez (Puerto Rico, USA) 1993-94 Lecturer Industrial EnGineerinG University of Lima (Lima, Department PERU) 1992-93 UnderGraduate Industrial Production University of Lima (Lima, Research Assistant Research and PERU) Development Center B. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES B.1. Professional Association Participation (state nature of participation: paper read, panel discussant, office holder, etc.) American Public Health Association (APHA) Affiliate member, 2013- 2 Institute of ErGonomics and Human Factors, UK Student member, 2000-2002 Membership in process, rejoining as an Associate member Human Factors & ErGonomics Society (HFES), USA; 2001-present Renewal application in process American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); 2008-2011 Renewal application in process B.2. Professional Honors and Awards Conference Travel Grant from The National Science Foundation (NSF) to attend the ADVANCE-ENG Coast to Coast Summit for Underrepresented Minority (URM) Women EnGineerinG and Science Faculty, North Carolina State University, RaleiGh, NC; June 2011 Conference Travel Grant from The National Science Foundation (NSF) to attend the Committee on Equal Opportunities on Science & EnGineerinG (CEOSE) Symposium on Women of Color in Science, TechnoloGy, EnGineerinG and Mathematics (STEM); WashinGton DC, October 2009 Travel Grant from National Safety Council (NSC) to attend First Hispanic Safety and Health ConGress, San DieGo, CA; November 2006 Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award. University of Massachusetts-Lowell, Department of Work Environment; 2005 Travel Grant from National Safety Council (NSC) to attend World Safety ConGress, Orlando, FL; September 2005 Dissertation Travel Grant from the Department of Industrial EnGineerinG, University of Wisconsin-Madison; 2002 Antoinette Derjani Outstanding Graduate Student Scholarship for Academic Achievement in Human Factors EnGineerinG, First Recipient, Department of Industrial EnGineerinG, University of Wisconsin-Madison; 2002 Vilas Travel Fellowship from University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Student Council; 2002 Conference Travel Grant from University of Wisconsin-Madison Industrial EnGineerinG Department to attend United Nations Conference Geneva 2000: The Next Step for Social Development; 2000 3 Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) Women in Science & EnGineerinG (WISE) Leadership and Travel Award from the National Science Foundation; 2000 B.3. Non-TeachinG Activities (ConsultinG and Other Professionally Related Work) National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH), Division of Applied Research & TechnoloGy (DART); 2008-present. Examples of reviews completed: • TraininG and Guidance for Hotel Management and Housekeepers, Spring 2013 • Reviewer of Internal Grant Proposals, "Introduction to usinG the computer for Spanish- speakinG workers", January 2013 • Reviewer of Soluciones Sencillas (Simple Solutions: ErGonomics for Construction Workers), NIOSH Pub. No. 2007-122), research protocols and translations. UCLA Labor Occupational Safety and Health ProGram, since 2008 Provided General Guidelines on development of culturally and linGuistically appropriate safety & health materials for Spanish-speakinG workers World Health OrGanization, Geneva, Switzerland; since 2007 Member of network of experts in psychosocial hazards and work-related stress in developinG countries National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Office of Health Communications; since 2007 Reviewer of educational and technical safety & health materials for Spanish-speakinG workers, reviewer of web-based materials tarGeted to the Hispanic community in the US National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH), Office of Health Communication and Global Communication; 2009-2011 Member of Mexican Border Collaboration “Research Translation for ImmiGrant Workers: CreatinG Replicable Models’ B.3.1 Peer Reviewer for Academic Journals • Applied Ergonomics, since 2009 • The Open Occupational Health & Safety Journal, since 2009 • International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, since 2009 • Human Factors & ErGonomics in ManufacturinG, since 2009 • Journal of AGricultural Safety and Health, since 2008 • Injury Prevention, since 2007 • Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine- JOEM, since 2007 4 B.3.2 Panel Reviewer for FundinG AGencies • National Science Foundation (NSF) o ADVANCE Partnerships in Adaptation, Implementation and Dissemination (PAID) proGram, 2009, 2010 o Historically Black ColleGes and Universities UnderGraduate ProGram (HBCU-UP) Education Research Projects, Panel Co-Chair, since 2008 o Research on Gender in Science and EnGineerinG proGram, 2007 & 2009 o Diversity & Outreach ProGram, 2008 • National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health, NORA Practice and Surveillance, USA; 2007 • Work Safe British Columbia, Canada; since 2004 C. RESEARCH C.1. Grants & Contracts C.1.2 Received External Grants National EnGineerinG University (Universidad Nacional de InGenieria, UNI; Lima-Peru) to Brunette, MJ and Liu, B. : Mobile Health in Peru (2013-2014) Role: Co-Principal InvestiGator Project website: http://www.cs.uml.edu/~bliu/mHealth/ This interdisciplinary research project intends to demonstrate how technoloGy applications could be used to improve maternal and child health of vulnerable populations in the Andean reGion in Peru, specifically in Huancavelica-one of the poorest areas in the country. An academic partnership of 3 institutions, UMASS Lowell, National University of EnGineerinG (Lima, Peru) and National University of Huancavelica (Huancavelica, Peru) has been established early SprinG 2013. In order to ensure populations can and will use new mobile technoloGies, this pilot will investiGate social and cultural barriers to technoloGy adoption broadly, and to the health devices and applications specifically. ThrouGhout the phases of the project the researchers would incorporate a human factors enGineerinG approach – focusinG on the individual capabilities and limitations toGether with a culturally relevant approach to technoloGy design. A Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) approach will be the main mechanism to complete first this pilot study. The main Goal is to propose and seek fundinG for a larGer community intervention study in rural villages in Huancavelica. National Institute of Health (NIH) to Fernandez, M.: A Prevention ProGram to Reduce Injury Disparities AmonG Latino Day Laborers (2013-2015). Dr. Maria EuGenia Fernandez, Associate Professor of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences, The University of Texas Health Sciences School of Public
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