PRODUCTION SCIENTIFIQUE ANNEE 2018 I- Faculté des Sciences Exactes : -1- Publications : a- Publications Internationales N° Auteurs Titre Journal 01 AIT MOKHTAR Condition based International Journal of Pressure Vessels and El Hassene opportunistic preventive Piping, CHATEAUNEUF Alaa maintenance policy for https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pi LAGGOUNE Radouane utility systems with both i/S0308016118300887 2018 economic and structural dependencies− application to a gas supply network. 02 Rabta B. and Aïssani D ., Perturbation Bound for Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 228, n°5, Markov Chains with General Springer Verlag – Kluwer, N.Y., February 2018, State Space. pp. 510 - 521. DOI: 1072-3374/18/2285-0510. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10958- 017-3640-9 03 Larbi A., Bouallouche – ., Improving cache International Journal Wireless Personal Medjkoune L., Aissani D effectiveness based on Communications, Vol. 98, Isuue 3, Springer Ed., cooperative cache February 2018, pp. 2497 – 2519.. management in MANETs, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11277- 017-4984-7 04 Atmani M., Aïssani D. , Towards Bandwidh and International Journal ―Computing‖, Springer Ed., and Hadjadj – Aoul Y. Energy Optimization in IEEE Vol. 100, Issue 6, 2018, pp. 597 - 620. 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-017-0583- Networks, 4https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s0060 7-017-0583-4 05 Benhamida N., ., Simulation Evaluation of a International Journal EVOS (Evolving Systems), Bouallouche-Medjkoune Relative Frequency Metric Vol. 9, Issue 3, Springer Ed., September 2018, L, and Aïssani D for Web Cache Replacement pp. 245 - 254. doi:10.1007/s12530-017-9194-8 Policies, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12530 -017-9194-8 06 Sayad L., Bouallouche- ., A Simulated Annealing International Journal Internet Technology Medjkoune L. and Algorithm for Dynamic Mesh Letters, Wiley Ed., Vol. 1, Issue 5, October Aïssani D Routers Placement in a 2018, Doi: 10.1002/itl2.35. Wireless Mesh Network with Mobile Clients. 07 Djabali Y., Rabta B. and ., Approximating Service-time International Journal of Mathematics and Aïssani D distributions by phase-type Operation Research), Inderscience Enterprise distributions in single-server Ed., Vol. 12, n° 4, 2018, pp. 507 – 531.http://www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jc queues: a strong stability ode=IJMOR#issue approach. IJMOR 08 Soufit M., Ouazine S . ; Taylor series expansion Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, and Abbas K approach for pistemic John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Vol. 41, Issue 18, pp. uncertainty propagation in 9164 - 9175. queueing‐inventory models; doi: 10.1002/mma.5120 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/ mma.5120 09 Bousba N., Rebai M., ., A Novel MILP model for International Journal of Electronics and Bouallouche-Medjkoune timely message delivery in Communications) AEÜ,Elsevier Ed., n° 95, L., Aïssani D. and real – time WSNs. IJEC 2018, pp. 88 – 96. Khoukhi L https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aeue.2018.08.006 10 M. Boualem, A. Bareche, , Approximate Controllability International Journal of Management Science M. Cherfaoui of Stochastic Bounds of and Engineering Management (TMSE). Stationary Distribution of an 10.1080/17509653.2018.1488634. Taylor & Francis Publishing M/G/1 Queue with Repeated 2018. https://doi.org/10.1080/17509653.2018.14 Attempts and Two-Phase 88634 Service. 11 Outamazirt A., Escheikh Performance Analysis of the (International Journal of Critical Computer- M., Aïssani D., Barkaoui M/G/c/c+rQueueing System Based Systems), Vol. 8, n° ¾, Inderscience K. and Lekadir O., for Cloud Computing Data Publisher, 2018, pp. 234 – Centers, IJCCBS 257.http://www.inderscience.com/ 12 Amad M.,Aïssani Pancake graphs for lookup International Journal Web Intelligence, Vol. 16, D.,Meddahi A., Merabet acceleration and optimization ISO Press Ed., 2018, pp. 221 – 232. DOI: A. And Sekhriou N in P2P networks. 10.3233/WEB- 180390.. 13 Benouaret Z. and Aïssani ., Stability Bound of Ruin (International Journal of Physical and D Probability in a Reduced Mathematical Sciences), Waset Ed., Vol. 12 n° Two-Dimensional Risk 5, 2018, pp. 81 – 84. Model.IJPMS 14 K. MEZIANI, F. Monopoly pricing in an Submitted for Stochastic Analysis and Rahmoune, and M.S. M/M/1 unreliable queue with Applications Journal, November 2018 Radjef strategic customers. 15 A. Bounceur, S. Djemai, A classification approach for Journal of Electronic Testing, Vol. 34 (3), pp. B. Brahmi, M. O. Bibi an accurate analog/ RF BIST 321-335, 2018. and R. Euler. Evaluation Based on the Process Parameters. – 16 Bibi M. O., Ikheneche N. A hybrid direction algorithm Int. J. Mathematics in Operations Research. and Bentobache M. for solving a convex Accepted paper, 2018 quadratic problem. - 17 Khimoum Noureddine Primal-Dual Method for Paper under review in the international Journal and Bibi Mohand Solving a Linear-Quadratic "Optimization Letters", septembre 2018. Ouamer. Multi-input Optimal Control Problem. - 18 Yazid, M., & Ksentini A Modeling and Performance A-MPDU Aggregation Vs Spatial Multiplexing. Analysis of the main MAC IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology and PHY Features of the (IEEE), 67(11), 10243-10257. 2018 802.11ac Standard: 19 A. Bareche, M. Sensitivity of the Stability Cherfaoui Bound for Ruin Probabilities https://doi.org/10.1007/s11009-018-9675-7 to Claim Distributions, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 20 F. Zidani, F. " Estimation of Neighbors Computers and Electrical Engineering, No. 71. Semchedine, M. Ayaida, Position privacy scheme with pp.359–371, 2018 an Adaptive Beaconing https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2018.07.0 approach for location privacy 40 in VANETs", 21 BOUSSOUFA- Geographic routing protocols A survey.Vehicular Communications, 2018. LAHLAH, Souaad, for Vehicular Ad hoc SEMCHEDINE, Fouzi, NETworks (VANETs): et BOUALLOUCHE- MEDJKOUNE, Louiza 22 BOUSSOUFA- a proactive-optimal-path International Journal of High Performance LAHLAH, Souaad, selection with coordinator Computing and Networking, 2018, vol. 11, no 2, SEMCHEDINE, Fouzi, agents assisted routing for p. 129-144. BOUALLOUCHE- vehicular ad hoc networks. MEDJKOUNE, Louiza, et al. PSCAR: 23 Issaadi B., Abbas K. and ., A Weak Perturbation International Journal RAIRO – Operations Aïssani D Theory for Approximations of Research, Vol. 52, n° 4, EDP Sciences Ed., Invariant Measures in M/G/1 October – December 2018, pp. 1411 - 1428. Model. DOI: 10.1051/ro/2018027. https://www.rairo- ro.org/component/article?access=doi&doi=10.10 51/ro/2018027 24 Yasmina Ziane, Nabil ., Birnbaum–Saunders power- Computational Statistics Volume Zougab, Smail Adjabi exponential kernel density 33, Issue 1, pp 299–318 estimation and Bayes local https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00180- bandwidth selection for 017-0712-8 nonnegative heavy tailed data., 25 Lynda Harfouche, Smail Benedikt Funke., Statistical Methods & Applications 2018., Adjabi, Nabil Zougab Multiplicative bias correction Volume 27., N° 2.,PP 253-276., Éditeur Springer for discrete kernels., Berlin Heidelberg https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10 260-017-0395-x 26 Nawal Belaid, Smail Bayesian adaptive bandwidth Journal Communications in Statistics - Theory Adjabi, Célestin C selector for multivariate and Methods ., Volume 47, 2018 - Issue 12 Kokonendji, Nabil discrete kernel estimator., https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2017.1346807 Zougab 27 Nora Saadi.,Smail Adjabi The selection of the number Statistical Papers 2018, Volume ., Ali Gannoun., of terms in an orthogonal 59, Issue 1, pp 127–152. series cumulative function https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s0036 estimator., 2-016-0756-9 28 Lamia Djerroud, Tristan A multivariate non- Revue Communications in Statistics-Simulation Senga Kiessé, Smail parametric kernel estimator and Computation 2018 ., Volume 47., Numéro Adjabi for global sensitivity 6., PP 1606-1622., Éditeur Taylor & Francis. analysis., https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2017.1309430 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03 610918.2017.1309430 29 N Zougab, L Harfouche, Multivariate generalized Journal Communications in Statistics - Theory Y Ziane, S Adjabi Birnbaum—Saunders kernel and Methods Volume 47, 2018 - Issue 18., density estimators., https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2017.1377252 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03 610926.2017.1377252 30 Bounouni, M., & Hybrid Acknowledgment In Computational Intelligence and Its Bouallouche-Medjkoune Punishment Scheme Based Applications: 6th IFIP TC 5 International on Dempster-Shafer Theory Conference, CIIA 2018, Oran, Algeria, May 8- for MANET.. 10, 2018, Proceedings 6 (pp. 436-447). Springer International Publishing 31 Bounouni, M., & Adaptive credit-based In Programming and Systems (ISPS), 2018 Bouallouche-Medjkoune, stimulation scheme for International Symposium on (pp. 1-5). IEEE. L dealing with smart selfish nodes in mobile ad hoc network. 32 Bounouni, M., & Acknowledgment-based The Journal of Supercomputing, 1-26 Bouallouche-Medjkoune, punishment and stimulation 2018 L scheme for mobile ad hoc network. 33 Bounouni, M., Acknowledgment-based In The Third International Symposium on Bouallouche-Medjkoune, Approach for Coping with Informatics and its Applications (ISIA'2018). L., Choulak, E., & Node Misbehavior in Mobile Chiker, M. Ad hoc Network. 34 Arezki Kheloufi On some boundary value Georgian Mathematical Journal, 2018; problems for the heat 25(3):427-439. equation in a non-regular http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/gmj type of a prism of RN+1 35 F. Boulkouane,
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