Journal of Structural Geology 22 (2000) 349±371 www.elsevier.nl/locate/jstrugeo Stress and ¯uid control on de collement within competent limestone Antonio Teixell a,*, David W. Durney b, Maria-Luisa Arboleya a aDepartament de Geologia, Universitat AutoÁnoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain bDepartment of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia Received 5 October 1998; accepted 23 September 1999 Abstract The Larra thrust of the Pyrenees is a bedding-parallel de collement located within a competent limestone unit. It forms the ¯oor of a thrust system of hectometric-scale imbrications developed beneath a synorogenic basin. The fault rock at the de collement is a dense stack of mainly bedding-parallel calcite veins with variable internal deformation by twinning and recrystallization. Veins developed as extension fractures parallel to a horizontal maximum compressive stress, cemented by cavity-type crystals. Conditions during vein formation are interpreted in terms of a compressional model where crack-arrays develop at applied stresses approaching the shear strength of the rock and at ¯uid pressures equal to or less than the overburden pressure. The cracks developed in response to high dierential stress, which was channelled in the strong limestone, and high ¯uid pressure in or below the thrust plane. Ductile deformation, although conspicuous, cannot account for the kilometric displacement of the thrust, which was mostly accommodated by slip on water sills constituted by open cracks. A model of cyclic dierential brittle contraction, stress reorientation, slip and ductile relaxation at a rheological step in the limestone is proposed as a mechanism for episodic de collement movement. The model accounts for the peculiar microstructural character of the fault zone, for alternating sequences of bedding-parallel shortening (leading to crack dilation) and bedding-parallel shear (leading to de collement slip) and for hanging wall imbrication consequent upon de collement slip. # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction stones. In these cases, there is an obvious lithologic reason for reduced strength, and yield can be either In external thrust systems of orogenic belts, the brittle (e.g. in overpressured shales), ductile (in salt rheology of lithic units exerts a primary control on the and other evaporitic rocks), or a combination of both structural characteristics of the system, i.e. thrust ramp (Hubbert and Rubey, 1959; Davis and Engelder, 1985, attitude and spacing, and especially the location of etc.). Nevertheless, rare examples of de collement over- de collement levels (Woodward and Rutherford, 1989, thrusts developed within competent units, in preference and references therein). Bedding de collements in upper to apparently weaker layers nearby, have been crustal strati®ed rocks are usually found in lithologi- reported (Pierce, 1957; Burch®el et al., 1982; Coleman cally weak units, or near the interface of these and and Lopez, 1986; Woodward and Rutherford, 1989). more competent layers (e.g. Buxtorf, 1916; Rich, 1934; In such examples, in the absence of an obvious litholo- Rodgers, 1949; Ramsay and Huber, 1987, p. 518). gic cause, it is assumed that strong units had concen- Classic representatives include easily deformed evapor- trated stress, and high ¯uid pressures are generically ites or water-releasing rocks, such as shales or silt- invoked, but explanations of how and why the de colle- ment formed there are lacking. These `strong' de colle- ments stand as one of the major problems in thrust * Corresponding author. tectonics. E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Teixell). In this work we describe a de collement thrust, called 0191-8141/00/$ - see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0191-8141(99)00159-5 350 A. Teixell et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 22 (2000) 349±371 Fig. 1. Tectonic map of the Pyrenees showing location of the study area (Fig. 5) in the south-vergent belt of the orogen. Lr: Larra thrust; La: Lakora thrust; Ga: Gavarnie thrust. the Larra thrust, which occurs within a competent thrust zone is characterized by a dense stack of mainly limestone unit of the southern Pyrenees. Rheological bedding-parallel calcite veins, which exhibit moderate weakness and water-generating capacity of the host ductile deformation and recrystallization features. We rock were not primary causes for detachment. The ®rst describe the detailed structural characteristics of Fig. 2. Regional cross-section of the west-central Pyrenees (location in Fig. 1) showing the structural setting of the Larra thrust study area (after Teixell, 1992). Stereoplot represents bedding surfaces (S0) in Cretaceous rocks of the Axial Zone cover and de®nes the hanging wall anticline of the Gavarnie thrust. (Lower hemisphere, equal-area projection in this and other diagrams.) A. Teixell et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 22 (2000) 349±371 351 the de collement fault zone and associated ramps and the microstructure of the fault rock. Guided by these observations, mechanical considerations lead to a new concept for fault localization and movement in rheolo- gically strong units where localized weakening is induced by stress and ¯uid channelling. Fluctuating cycles of ¯uid-assisted yield and stress reorientation determined the de collement evolution. 2. Regional tectonic setting The Pyrenees is a Cenozoic orogenic belt that formed at the collisional boundary between the Iberian and European plates. It is dominated by fold-and- thrust structures, which involve both a Hercynian (Paleozoic) basement and Mesozoic±Cenozoic cover strata (Fig. 1). Thrust faults form ramps in basement rocks, that turn into bedding de collements at the base Fig. 3. Simpli®ed stratigraphic column of the Upper Cretaceous of of the cover, usually in a Triassic gypsum±shale unit the northern Axial Zone, showing position of the Larra de collement (Keuper facies) (Se guret, 1972). The Larra thrust is thrust. one of the higher thrusts in the south-vergent belt of the west-central Pyrenees. It aects Upper Cretaceous to Eocene rocks over a N±S distance of more than extension of the Eocene synorogenic basin. Preliminary 20 km in a topographically high part of the Pyrenean illite `crystallinity' investigations by J. Bastida (Univ. chain, from the northern Axial Zone to the Sierras de ValeÁ ncia) in marls directly above the limestone Interiores range (Figs. 1 and 2) (Teixell, 1990, 1996). (seven measurements using a grain size fraction < For most of its extent, the Larra thrust is a bedding 2 mm yield Kubler index values (D2y ) ranging from de collement within basal Upper Cretaceous limestone 0.19 to 0.268. This is indicative of peak metamorphic that forms the western cover of the Axial Zone base- conditions in the uppermost anchizone to the lower ment massif. Triassic rocks, the common de collement epizone (0prehnite±pumpellyite to greenschist tran- level in the Pyrenees, are absent in this area; Upper sition). It should be noted that this estimate (about Cretaceous strata rest with angular unconformity 3008C) is higher than that calculated from depth of directly on Devonian and Carboniferous rocks. At its burial r2008C). Present exposure of the Larra thrust northern, trailing edge, the Larra thrust branches from is due to the fact that, subsequent to thrusting, the the Lakora thrust, one of the major Pyrenean base- region was folded and uplifted by the Axial Zone anti- ment-involved faults (Fig. 2). To the south, it climbs formal culmination, related to the deeper-seated to younger Cretaceous shales in the Sierras Interiores Gavarnie basement-involved thrust (Fig. 2). The culmi- area (Labaume et al., 1985) (Fig. 2). The leading edge, nation has a westerly plunge of 118, causing termin- which was probably blind, is located in Eocene synoro- ation of the Axial Zone Paleozoic outcrops in the genic ¯ysch of the Jaca basin (Fig. 1). For its entire vicinity of the study area. High-angle normal faults length, the Larra thrust forms the ¯oor of a system of formed in the antiform crest, in association with this hectometric-(100 m) scale imbrications which show a late deformation, and their accompanying minor struc- cumulative displacement of ca. 5 km (Teixell, 1992). tures overprint the Larra thrust mesostructural devel- Regional transport direction in the southern Pyrenees opment. Based on the relationships with syntectonic is to the SSW, approximately N200 (Se guret, 1972), sediments in the Jaca basin, the Gavarnie deformation but local departures from this direction, notably to the can be ascribed to the Late Eocene±Early Oligocene SW, were found in the course of this study. (Teixell, 1992). Syntectonic sediments indicate that the Larra thrust The Larra thrust and overlying imbrications are formed during the Middle Eocene as a footwall splay analysed at various localities on the northern limb of of the older Lakora thrust (Teixell, 1992, 1996). the Axial Zone antiform, a mountainous area, ca. Reconstruction of the eroded material overlying these 2000 m above s.l., where vigorous relief and sparse structures indicates that, during thrusting, the vegetation provide excellent exposure. It is in this area Cretaceous limestone was buried under some 6±7 km where the de collement is located in the competent of overburden (Fig. 2) corresponding to the thin lead- Cretaceous limestone, constituting the objective of the ing edge of the Lakora thrust sheet and the northern study. 352 A. Teixell et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 22 (2000) 349±371 Fig. 4. Photomicrographs of limestone protoliths of the Larra thrust. (a) Bioclastic grainstone pertaining to the massive limestone below the thrust zone (lithotectonic unit A), with echinoderm ossicles (e) and micritized carbonate components (peloids and foraminifera, f). Plane-polar- ized light (PPL). (b) Fine-grained silty/sandy grainstone±packstone of the bedded limestone above the thrust zone (lithotectonic unit B), with rounded grains of quartz (white). PPL. Cleavage in both samples is vertical, (a) has a grain-alignment fabric (type 1 of Durney and Kisch, 1994) and the rock in (b) usually shows rough and spaced cleavages.
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